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TE/Implant OVER pectoral Can exercise, comfortable &NO RIPPLES!



  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789

    I had pre pectoral TE placed after UMX . Had drains 3 weeks. Almost lied to PS!LOL

  • littleblueflowers
    littleblueflowers Member Posts: 391

    Cali, my BS said the same thing. He also recommended me for an MRI next year, which we hope insurance will approve. Of course, chest wall reoccurrence does happen, so it's important for each of us to ask all the hard questions so we can make an informed choice.

  • Alli
    Alli Member Posts: 34

    Jessiejake- thank you for sharing your experience. Please keep me Updated on your progress. My fat was taken from my abdomen- pretty much all around. I have mild diffuse bruising from my lower back/ flanks to my entire abdomen. Also bruises above and between my implants. The harvest area is very tender to touch still a week later. I loathe the compression garment though it is more comfortable at the donor site with it on but it is just so uncomfortable and hot. My PS has me wearing the surgical compression bra for 2 weeks. Luckily I have accumulated 4 of them with my 3 surgeries so I can at least always have a clean one to wear. They are terribly uncomfortable too. I cannot imagine having fat harvested from my thighs. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of it there but it just seems like it would be terribly painful

    Someone else said that the FG harvest pain was like having done way too many sit ups combined with a sunburn and I think that sums it up well.

    I can't tell if the fat is taking. My upper pole is definitely fuller and seems like I have a bit more sensation there though it is painful to touch. I still have some rippling and discoloration of the rads breast.

    I will definitely never be one that loves my reconstructed breasts. But they are cancer free thank goodness and look decent though smallish in clothes. I would be willing to do FG again. I just don't think I could stand it again in hot weather. I met my maximum out of pocket deductible so my insurance is paying 100%. So I prob should squeeze it in before the new deductible rolls around in October. I do still feel fortunate to have been able to do pre pec and know that the whole process could have been much more painful and more lengthy otherwise.

    Happy weekend to all!

  • macb04
    macb04 Member Posts: 756

    NotVeryBrave, JessieJake is right. Even doing Prepectoral reconstruction can cause an unknown amount of fluid build up after surgery. I think that the more Vitamin C I had post op and starting Bromelain a few days post op as well, seemed to cut down on the length of time for me that I had drainage. I, unfortunately, had lots and lots of surgeries, so I had the chance to see what worked, and what didn't for me. It is a known fact that certain nutritional elements help with the collagen formation of healing. I like the following article of healing after surgery, although I disagree with their idea that 1,000mg of Vitamin C is a high dose. I would go for at least 3,000mg per day, depending on bowel tolerance. That is the idea that you will be able to absorb a much higher oral dose, before getting loose stools when sick, or following a huge stressor like surgery, than you can when well.

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789

    thanks for the article. Makes me think of topical vitamin c beauty products (I saw an ad for one made by Clinique). Wondering if that would be good to aply to incisions etc. If anyone has seen any research on this use of vit. C, LMK

    on the TE front. ...I was a little more active yesterday and my TE was bugging me....pinching from the inside. I palpated the area to realize the expander had rotated . Not the part of the TE that is more rigid us hitting me in a different spot. I assume it's not anything to worry about, and I just have to get used to it.right?

  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    2FUN: my TEs have rotated also. My "rigid" spot used to beat the top & now it's where my nipple used to be. My PS told me not to worry about it...

  • grandma3X
    grandma3X Member Posts: 297
    Alli - I used Dermend on the bruising after FG and saw a significant reduction in bruising almost overnight. The tenderness is still there, though, even 6 weeks after the procedure. I still wear compression. I saw my PS last week and will schedule another FG next fall. I'm afraid most of it didn't take the first time and hope to have better luck next time. Maybe having it done right before the holidays (when I usually put on weight) will work better - I may lose less of it :)
    Have a great weekend everyone!

    (Just found a toad in my kitchen!! I need to have a talk with my dogs about bringing wildlife into the house 😄)
  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789

    thanks pugs. It ticks me off a bit, b/c now it's uncomfortable again. Just in time to go back to work monday! Oh well, nothing major!

  • raven4mi
    raven4mi Member Posts: 215

    Hey, all. I need your help again. I had what I thought was another infection scare a few weeks ago and went in for an IV Vitamin C right away and have been on abx from PS since then. I have no pain or swelling but the breast is VERY, very red - like so dark it's purple in some places. My regular PS is in China on vacation so I saw his partner this past Thursday and he took one look at the breast and said "whoa!" Never a good sign. He ended up taking out 100 ccs of saline to relieve some of the pressure on the skin and has me going in for an ultra-sound of the breast on Monday to rule out a seroma (which, frankly, I don't think this is.) But, oddly enough, I don't think it's an infection either. I'm considering asking him whether I should go see a dermatologist to rule out that this might be an external issue and not internal since I'm already on abx and the skin just keeps getting darker and is now starting to be mildly itchy in one area. He also wants me to go back to see the ID doc but I can't get in there until 5/16. My regular PS did do two cultures of the drainage and both came back negative but his partner said that means nothing since I was already on abx. The PS also mentioned red breast syndrome but, again, his partner kind of pooh-poohed that and said there hasn't been a documented case of alloderm-related RBS in at least two years.

    I'll be going in again either Monday or Tuesday for another Vit C infusion just in case this is infection-related, but just wondering if any of you have experienced this deep, deep purple-red and what it might have been. Thanks.

  • reneeCA
    reneeCA Member Posts: 18

    Hi raven4,

    I had red breast syndrome 8 weeks after my BMX with direct-to-implants and Alloderm in November last year. Mine was bright red and only on 1 breast at the bottom half - where the Alloderm is. Kind of shocked your doctor would say "no documented case". Quite honestly, no PS even wants to deal with RBS. I had to google and find out abut it myself. The intense redness only lasted 2-3 days but took awhile to calm down. I am going to swap by painful implants for pre-pecs soon and the PS agreed to no use Alloderm since I had the reaction.

    Also, are you taking high doses of Vit. Bs? I think it's niacin that can cause flush - which of course shouldn't be purple - but just trying to think what else it could be.

    I also got a red chest, neck, face from a cortisone shot that I got in my shoulder a few weeks ago.

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789

    raven, I'm sorry you are having problems again. What is RBS? Is it alergy to the aloderm? I'm alergic to monocryl sutures. That caused red/purple, itching, weeping at surgical incision site. Since the sutures dissolve 4 to 5 weeks after they are placed, it made sense I started having problems 4 weeks after surgery. Could there be anything else you are alergic /sensitive to? My dr couldn't figure it out, but the dermatologist was right on it.

  • raven4mi
    raven4mi Member Posts: 215

    reneeCA, thanks so much for your input. The pictures I've been able to find on RBS on-line match what you describe you had - red on the bottom half of the breast. But mine is red over the entire breast with deep red-purple just in one are at around 2:00 which is why I don't think it's RBS. It's so darned frustrating when two doctors in the same practice don't even agree on what "could" be happening, as you can imagine. I'm going to fight like hell to keep this implant and resolve whatever this is because I really do NOT want flap surgery. And, no, I'm not on high doses of Vit. B or niacin.

    2FUN, RBS = red breast syndrome. I haven't ever been allergic/sensitive to anything before but of course there's always a first time for everything. As I mentioned I'm going to ask for a consult with a dermatologist but even if they don't agree I'll probably go on my own. I'm getting really good at self-referrals and finding alternative theories, unfortunately.

  • Alli
    Alli Member Posts: 34

    Raven-so sorry you are dealing with this. You have been through so much already. Do you feel like it could be a circulation issue? Is the skin temperature significantly different than your other breast. Does the skin " blanch" or change color when you press and then release.

    Hope you get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan soon.

  • raven4mi
    raven4mi Member Posts: 215

    Hi, Alli. Thanks for your kind words. No, there is no significant temperature difference which is always kind of surprising to me, since it's such an angry red-purple color - I always expect it to be really hot but it's not. It does blanch significantly when I press on it and release.

  • macb04
    macb04 Member Posts: 756

    Hey raven4mi , damn, I am sorry you are having a problem like that. I wrote about using Tinctures of Essential Oils in combination with Antibiotics. I did that in addition to the High Dose IV Vitamin C. If you look at the post at the start of the thread, you will see research info links there mentioning using them together, which safely achieves greater bacterial killing synergy compared to antibiotics alone. I read this book called Herbal Antibiotics by Stephen Bruhner. I took Oil of Oregano/and or Goldenseal, Pau d' Arco. It has to be either an inflammatory response to an allergen, or an infection. I think it is better to consider possible infection first as you have been doing, and allergy second. Tinctures are really pretty safe, usually better tolerated by most people than antibiotics.

  • raven4mi
    raven4mi Member Posts: 215

    Thanks, macb04. Very interesting article. I wouldn't know where to start on which essential oils to get but I will see what my holistic center has to say when I go there today or tomorrow for my Vitamin C IV. Maybe they'll have some input.

    I'm just back from my u/s and, not shockingly, there were no hidden pockets of fluid anywhere but plenty of inflammation (which is obvious even from the outside, so duh.) The radiologist wanted to make sure I was definitely on abx, so that's not a good sign.

    Wait and see. Wait and see.

  • Andraxo
    Andraxo Member Posts: 168

    So sorry you're going through all of this raven4mi. Ugh! - After all you've already had to deal with. I hope it clears soon regardless of whether or not it finally declares itself as being one thing or another. Just clear! When I developed an infection on my radiated side after TE placement, my surgeon also took one look and said "whoa" and the expression on his face said it all - his eyes popped for a second! It was more red than usual (my radiated side still looks red a year later) and of course swollen. After exchange from TE to the first set of implants (I've since switched to a smaller set), it was purple for about a month, but not especially swollen. Purple is a bit scary.

    - xo

  • raven4mi
    raven4mi Member Posts: 215

    Saw PS's partner again today for follow-up on u/s from Monday. He didn't tell me anything the tech didn't already say. There's some mild inflammation but for the most part it seems to be mostly a skin inflammation. So I asked if he though I should see a dermatologist and, shockingly, he said no. He thought they would just take one look at it, freak out, and tell me to go back to the PS. Well, whatever - I made an appointment to see a derm on Thursday anyhow. Even if that's actually what happens at least I'll know I saw someone who actually specializes in the skin.

    He extended the rx for my abx through next week until I can see the infectious disease doc on Tuesday. I mentioned my concern about how the heck do we even know I'm even on the correct abx and he said since it's not getting worse then we'll just have to go with it until I see the ID.

    So the good news is that there's no bad news yet - no talk of removing the TE as of yet. More wait and see. Obviously if things get worse he wants me to call but otherwise I'll go back to my regular PS who is back from vacation next Thursday after I see the ID.

  • macb04
    macb04 Member Posts: 756

    Raven4mi, did you get IV Vitamin C today, or do you go tomorrow? I wondered about Reishi and Turkey Tail for you? Turkey Tail is a Mushroom, which is used extensively in Europe and Asian oncology care to help boost White Blood Cell numbers and function. The brand used in a NIH/Bastyr University Seattle study called Host Defense that is grown here in Washington State. I have taken doses used in the cancer studies, which varied between 2 to 6 grams per day, depending on whether I was well and just being routinely preventative, or had a possible infection. Also good in boosting and modulating immune function is Reishi Mushrooms. Reishi is proven to decrease inflammation and help balance immune function. Hope this all goes away soon, that you feel better soon.

    Turkey Tail

  • raven4mi
    raven4mi Member Posts: 215

    Hi, macb. I had a 50 g dose of vitamin C via IV yesterday and I can already see an improvement - the breast is not as red as it was. I was going to try to go in again today but too much work stuff to shuffle and they're closed on Fridays. I go back again on Monday and I'm going to have them up it to 75g. The PS's office also called yesterday and switched me to a different antibiotic but I didn't think to ask why - duh. I have an e-mail out to them this morning to find out. My derm appointment is this morning.

  • raven4mi
    raven4mi Member Posts: 215

    So, got a call from the PS on why he switched the antibiotic. He had spoken to the ID (who, I'm happy to say, is willing to see me now tomorrow instead of mid-next week) and they are now throwing around the idea of MRSA or cellulitis. ~sigh~ The new antibiotic is better suited to either of those infections. Plus, I had been on the other antibiotic for about 4 weeks and it clearly wasn't doing anything.

    So, I'm going to step up my Vitamin C infusions for sure and am going to look into Oil of Oregano.

    I'll let you know what the ID says after my appointment tomorrow.

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789

    hang in there raven!!!hugs!

  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    raven: sending healing thoughts your way

  • raven4mi
    raven4mi Member Posts: 215

    The naughty words are masked, but if you're easily offended by bad language you can skip this post.

    I'm in such tears right now. Visit with ID doctor was crap. First of all, he was an hour late, so that was already annoying. He, of course, wants to have the replacement TE taken out again. I fought him on it, so he said he'd let me try the abx route for a while to see what happens and gave me a 14 day rx for double the dose of abx. I don't know what possessed me because I typically do not even mention homeopathic treatments to the MDs, but I asked him how he felt about me using oil of oregano and high dose Vitamin C and his exact words were "I feel you're going to have a failed outcome, so you can do whatever you want." Now what the F#%$ kind of thing is that to say to an already clearly upset patient??? That put me into tears right in the exam room (and I HATE to cry in front of these bastards) and he rolled over to try and give me a hug and I brushed him aside. He says "It's not your fault." Oh, really, a$$hole? I'm aware of that. How about if the effing PS had done a culture right away when I told him I suspected another infection we wouldn't be shooting in the dark because we don't even really know what kind of infection it is???

    And just to make things even more fun, because he has me on such a high dose of the abx he has to monitor my bloodwork and I had to have some drawn today. I have extremely small veins so blood draws are always a horrible adventure and today was no different - it only took three tries - so now I look like a bruise-colored pin cushion on top of it.

    I stopped at GNC on my way home and picked up the oil of oregano - I'm dreading trying it because I hear it's disgusting - but I so want to prove him wrong. Will be going in 2-3 times per week for IV Vitamin C, too.

    Sorry to vent, ladies. Happy Mother's Day week-end to me, eh?

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789

    (((raven)))), have you looked into a person who specializes in integrated medicine? My DD is using one for another problem. And I was referred to one who specializes in cancer. They use western medicine with eastern, supplements etc. Usually you have to pay cash, but it has been invaluable for DD. You may want to look into berberine as an immune support. I don't know much about it, so I will claim no knowledge. Sending you hugs!!!!!!

  • NotVeryBrave
    NotVeryBrave Member Posts: 169

    So ... about how long does this pain last? I had the BMX with silicone implants above the muscle on Tuesday. One drain is still putting out quite a bit, but the other has slowed down. I'm taking Percocet and a muscle relaxant around the clock as well as two antibiotics.

    I feel like everything is so tight - almost like I'm flexing my chest muscles. And the areas where the drains are and at the crease of my armpit are very sore.

    Does anyone remember how many days it took to begin to be a little better?

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789

    if I remember, about 2 or 3 weeks.

  • dcdrogers
    dcdrogers Member Posts: 42

    @NotVeryBrave - I'm feeling pretty good now. Almost no pain ( would rate it about a 1 or 1.5) on a scale of 1 to 10. I had a BMX with Direct-to-Implant over the muscle on May 4th, so about 8 days ago. Had both skin and nipple sparing. I have silicone implants that are either 300cc's or 350cc's. I forgot to confirm the size with the PS during my first follow-up with her this past Monday.

    I had 3 drains placed. 2 on the left side which is where the cancer was and 1 on the right. There is some very slight tenderness where the drains are placed, but only if I accidentally bump them. For the most part they just itch occasionally. So far it looks like 1 of the drains may be coming out next week based on daily output. I'm hoping that at least 2 can come out, but my next follow-up with the PS is on Monday and I'm not sure how much difference one weekend will make in output. I also had 10 lymph nodes removed on the cancer side (side with 2 drains). Not sure what your doctor's put you on for pain, but I was given a nerve block pre-op and also sent home with a PVB nerve block with 2 balls of medicine that lasted 4 days. I was also prescribed for the following meds to help with pain and inflammation.

    • Oxycodone - pain
    • Tylenol as needed (was told by nurse that Tylenol makes Oxy work better)
    • Celebrex - anti-inflammatory; also for pain
    • Diazapam - for muscle spasms
    • Duricef - Antiobiotic
    • Vitamin A - to assist with wound heeling

    I wasn't too sure that the nerve block meds were working until the 4th day when the balls of medicine ran out. On day 5, I had several muscle spasms throughout the day. Maybe my body was adjusting to no longer receiving the PBV meds? Not sure, but day number 5 let me know that while the PBV balls were a pain in the rear to carry around for 4 days they did a GREAT job of masking the pain. I still have to be careful when reaching or pulling as I'm quickly reminded that I recently had surgery. I now mostly just feel tightness, but almost no pain.

    p.s. with the exception of the Vitamin A (10,000 units) all other meds above were given at rather low dosages. The PVB I was sent home with was administered in a dose of 400.

  • dcdrogers
    dcdrogers Member Posts: 42

    Please feel free to add my PS to the list. I think she's done an outstanding job so far. Great bedside manner and any scaring have is under the breast. She also has a great bedside manner and listens.

    Dr. Joanne Lenert - Washington, DC

  • macb04
    macb04 Member Posts: 756

    Hi Raven4mi, I am so sorry the ID guy was an a**hole. Not really surprising that he is backward, hidebound and rather dense. I am glad they are starting to try and cover for MRSA if the antibiotics you were on isn’t having any effect. Still, if things weren't getting worse, I think it is both tactless and PREMATURE IN THE EXTREME to start telling you nothing will work, and you are going to loose your implant. Is he GOD, and the rest of the world hasn’t noticed??? I had remarkable improvement when I had a reddened area and a seroma with the IV VITAMIN C. You should take photos to document the improvements, just so you can show your docs. I would recommend taking high oral doses of Liposomal Vitamin C between IV Vitamin C infusions. Liposomal Vitamin C has much better absorption than regular Ascorbic Acid, and you can get to a much high dose before bowel tolerance causes loose stools. I know Oil of Oregano is strong tasting. I also took Goldenseal and Pau d'Arco, which even without the antibiotics are known to kill Staph and other types of bacteria. In combination with the IV Vitamin C and the antibiotics, the tinctures should be synergistic in their ability to kill bacteria. Try the other thing I sent you the PM about too. We are all pulling for you. Let us know how you are doing.

    Dcdrogers, nice to hear you are recovering well. I added your PS to the list.