DIEP Flap Reconstruction 2016
Lilyn, what you described sounds a lot like what I had. I was probably out of surgery 8-9 months and noticed one day that the right side of my abdomen seemed to have a bulge. It didn't seem like a gradual occurrence but may have been. I was due to see my PS so waited till then as I was in absolutely no pain- just a bulge. Sheexamined me and sent me for an extensive ultrasound to rule out a hernia. She explained that sometimes with diep the muscle weakens and the bulge is the result. With my stage 2 on Tuesday- she has tried to tighten the muscle by going in again on right side. No guarantees but I thought it was worth a try as it was very noticeable. I would check with your PS and rule out a hernia which also can happen.
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SLV58-Happy belated Birthday!! How is the fever today?
Lilyn, I would call your PS. Could be nothing, but you really should be seen. The smallest things can change quickly and it'll give you piece of mind. I know my "foopa" (the area below incision, above the vagina) has been, or was sore (just realized it isn't any longer). I had an infection and I think it originated in my abdomen.
Omickijo, doesn't it feel good to look down and see cleavage? O I am so in love with my new boobs and will probably be wearing more tank tops as I never really did before to show my beautiful bumps, decently, discreetly.
Taag? How are you holding up?
Grateful? You doing ok?
Well, I am down to one packing a day!!! Yay!!! So, 4 holes remaining. 2 in abdomen, 1 one each side of each breast. I ended up in the hospital early Monday morning (about 1am), tried to escape from my gurney (after CT they put me in a damn room to wait for transport with a guy whose pump was beep beep beep beep.) I had Dr's and Nurses chasing me lmao I hadn't slept in 24hrs. Been in the 6 hours, and no one at that point had cleaned my burst abscess. I was mad, upset, exhausted, and going to my room!!!
My abdomen is doing awesome!! 2 of the 4 holes have closed within 48 hours!!!!!
Finally on antibiotics (think we should be on them from the go), and my body is responding great. But last week, I had a small puss bubble appear over my 'peeing hole' (images a few pages back). Gook was coming out of the hole for a good week or week and a half prior. I had shown the hole to the Dr. Anyway, I now have a huge hole on my left breast (inside by the armpit) that I have to pack ;(
Working from home, trying to ease back in prior to full time in office days.
Hope all have a good day.
TanyaRocks, I am sorry if sending that picture was inappropriate
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Simplicity, glad to hear that you're down to one packing a day now. Hurrah! I am ok, still changing the dressing on my abdomen once a day but it looks like it is healing, finally. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Lilyn, I am worried about what you said about the bulge in the abdomen because I get it too sometimes after eating and it feels like the muscles there are weakened. Especially if something like the bulge happens months after the surgery - I would hope all would be back to normal by then. I am trying to hold my stomach in so that's a bit of an exercise but not doing any sit ups yet.
Wishing you all speedy healing.
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Omickijo - no heavy lifting. I think 5lbs was the limit, and I wouldn't even lift that. Better safe than sorry.
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Omickijo, could you use a rolling suitcase or something for your books? As long as you don't have stairs to deal with. If you do, have some young students help you out.
With five surgeries last year, I seemed to always be on lifting restrictions. I forced myself to ask for help whenever I was at a grocery. I would simply say, "I had surgery recently and I am not allowed to lift. Would you please put that in my cart for me?" I could usually find someone in the parking lot to put it in my trunk. At home family members unpacked the car!
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I know I have a hard time sleeping on my back without surgery but will I be able to sleep on my side once I have the surgery and how long after surgery are you wearing the binder or spanks?
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Dlia, you can't sleep on your side right after surgery--too painful. I am a side sleeper, and it was quite awhile before I could sleep on my side--4-6 weeks? They remove a piece of rib to access the blood vessels, which makes side sleeping ouchy.
Fortunately, with enough pillows, I got by. After things started healing I was able to prop mysel up a bit so I was cocked to one side.I slowly eased over, spending a little longer each night. I figured the discomfort was minor compared to the need to heal right.
Only your PS can answer how long in a binder or spanxs. Every PS is different. I was thankful that mine hated binders and let me decide if spanx were what I wanted. I didn't. I just wore yoga pants, and that was enough support for me!
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Thanks BigSister
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how soon after Diep flap recon to one breast could one possibly travel? Assuming no major complications, would 7 weeks be enough time before going to Hawaii? How might one expect to feel by that point
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Hi Jensgotthis .After my tram-flap my PS told me to clear my calendar for 12 weeks of major travel just to be safe. I had no set backs or complications. But it takes a lot to get the energy level back and comfort / mobility. I would definitely ask your surgeon.
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Have any of you gone to NOLA for your DIEP? Id love to hear about your experience. I have lost faith in my current PS and the second opinion PS says he won't do a DIEP on me, due to my fat round tummy. He is pushing a lat flap, which I DON'T want.
I have requested a consult with NOLA, but i still have concerns about going that far for surgery.
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Simplicity- It's funny that I didn't realized that I did miss my little cleavage that much. I do tend to live in tank tops in the summer. Maybe I didn't miss it that much until summer hit and I had a flat side and was lopsided.
Sellamaris- 5 lbs? Wow that is hardly anything. I was told 10 lbs by my PS after my DEIP. I had my two week post op yesterday and I was told I could go 15 lbs. Just depended on how it felt. I only had my right side done. Maybe that is the difference?
BigSister- I hadn't thought of the rolling bag. That is a good idea as long as we don't get any snow in November or December. Sometimes we do and sometimes we don't see any until January so it could work.
Dlia- I'm 16 days post DIEP and I tried sleeping in our bed last night with a pillow under my knees....it didn't work for me yet but I'm looking forward to when it does. I cannot stand erect yet. I am trying to stand straighter everyday, but I'm not there yet. Once I can stand up straight I think I can sleep in bed on my back. I can lie on my left side because I don't have a flap on that side, but I was told not to sleep on the right side where the flap is yet. Need to keep blood flow there so necrosis is kept to a minimum. As for the binder....My doctor told me to wear it for four weeks. At my appointment yesterday I was told I could switch to spanx for support if I wanted to. The nurse in the hospital told me that wearing the binder helps to keep the incisions flat for better healing. I didn't wear my binder very snug yesterday or over night and this morning in the shower I seemed to have more fluid build up on the upper portion of my left abdomen than I have noticed before. It kind of sloshed around like the seroma I got after my mastectomy in December.
Mustlovepoodles- I was told by a ps here in Boise that he wanted to do a lat flap reconstruction. I asked about the DIEP and he said I was to thin. I researched the lat flap and I decided it wasn't for me so I did more research. No one in Boise does the microsurgery required for DIEP flap so a friend referred me to a PS in Salt Lake City. That is about a 5 hour drive or 1 hour flight from my home. It was worth the traveling. We drove to Salt Lake City and back yesterday for my two week post op. My surgeon that did my lumpectomies and mastectomy did see me (or his nurse did) in order to remove my drains the week after my surgery here in Boise. Also, I should tell you that ride home from Salt Lake 3 days after my surgery when I was released to go home wasn't all that fun, but the pain meds made me nauseous so I didn't take anything for pain. My pain was never that bad (I haven't taken anything for pain since I got home), but the ride wasn't exactly comfortable. I hear that NOLA is one that is worth the trip.
Yesterday they took the surgical tape off all my incisions and took the stitches out of my bellybutton. They were amazed at how well I am healing and said everything looks great. Walking was encouraged as my exercise (no speed walking...lol!). I am not standing all the way straight yet so too much walking isn't happening yet, but it is increasing daily. I do have a little hardness (necrosis) on the outer rim of the inside portion of my new foob. I was told to massage it lightly and it might get better. I was also told that at week four I'm supposed to use silicone tape on all my incisions. They gave me a roll now since I won't be going back for 3 weeks (because I travel my appointments have been adjusted so I don't have to come see them as often). I will probably fly down for that one. I used to be a flight attendant (19 years) and when I left in 2008 I was given flight benefits for the same number of years I had of service. It's not free, but it costs about the same in gas for our truck as I have to pay to fly. It is standby so that could be an issue depending on passenger loads around that time.
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I asked if i could travel when i get to my 2 weeks post surgery and my ps said no it would be too soon for fear of blood clots.
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well,Ihave a lot of experience with stage two....I'll be getting my 3rd stage two in Sept. Long story... But PS didn't lower my scar. She forgot?.... err. Misunderstanding? She is very sweet... And an excellent surgeon....so hard to be angry
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I think I've got a seroma in my abdomen. I had one after my mastectomy so that's what is leading me to this assumption. I will call ps in the morning, but has anyone else had this issue? What do they do for it besides drain it? Will it affect the outcome if I just let my body absorb it? I've looked it up but can't find anything but message boards about it and I'm kind of worried.
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Omickijo, seromas usually get drained because that collection of fluid can invite infection. Do see your doc and get answers from him. Don't buy yourself worry. Your doc can give you the best information on where this might be going.
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BigSister- Thank you
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Good morning ladies. Here is an update, had stage 2 last Tuesday and also had abdominal muscle re- attached with reduction and lift of left. I'm only on about 2 Tylenol extra strength a day, one just to help sleep. I'm sleeping much better for the last two nights but notice I am on my side with a small boob support pillow. I just walked 2.5 miles this morning and feel good. A little tired but I will have a nap. I'm finding the binder gives a lot of support but it's very irritating and I can't wait to not have to wear it. Looking at my new breasts is getting a bit easier and today is the first day wearing a t shirt that I really notice the reduction- probably a cup size, but I'm even on both sides. I'm not quite ready to read my surgical report ( I always need time to process these things) but I'm suspecting my surgeon did not use mesh for my abdomen as I still seem to have a slight bulge- but much improved. She did tell me she was going to try without mesh- I didn't ask why as I have complete faith in her and trust her judgement. I'll update when I read report!
Less harp, you have had 2 stage 2 already? Can I ask how much time in between? I already know one area of fat grafting didn't take and will try once more before accepting.
Omickijo, I would check regarding seroma, you will feel better getting an opinion from your PS then worrying, let us know.
Simplicity how is the healing? Thank you for birthday wish, not till the 25th but I'll take it early!!
Grateful how are things going?
I hope everyone is healing and happy
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Cincinnatimom41 and donnar25, just checking in to see how you're recovering?
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Hi ladies,
I was diagnosed May 4 with invasive ductal cancer in both breasts. After exhaustive testing and multiple biopsies, it was determined that no chemo or radiation would be required, just a bilateral mastectomy. For that, I feel extremely lucky! At that point I investigated my options and have settled on the DIEP Flap reconstruction which will be done at the same time as the mastectomy. Getting everything done at once and having my own tissue is important to me. I'm scheduled for August 3 at St VIncent's Breast Center in Indianapolis, IN. I have a significant amount of confidence in the doctors who will be involved and have talked to a previous patient who just had hers in March. She is thrilled with the results and the care. Part of the reason for my confidence is the level of care that I have received so far. They have been wonderful! I have a navigator who has helped me through this process, making all the appointments and making sure that everything gets done.
With only 2 weeks until my surgery, it feels like there is a lot to do to be prepared. I have taken up meditation and am using the Health Journeys - Preparing for Surgery. This has significantly reduced my stress about the surgery, so I'm hoping the impact on my recovery and discomfort will be the same as research has reported. Meditation is new to me, but I suspect I'll continue with it based on my experience so far.
This forum and others within this discussion board have been instrumental in helping me make the decision. I can't imagine trying to make this huge decision without being able to hear from the people who have or are going through this. The good and the bad help to set my expectations. The sharing of the things that work and don't work post surgery is so helpful. I have a much better idea of how to prepare. I'm the type of person who is doesn't like unknowns, so watching the video of the procedure was very helpful, along with all the pictures and descriptions you have provided. So I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart.
I'm working on my lists and acquisitions. Things to get done before surgery, people to keep up to date, things to take to the hospital, things to have at home when I return. I want to make things as easy as possible for all my caretakers. I'm very fortunate that I have a husband, sister and daughter who plan to provide 24 hour care/support as long as I need it.
I'm normally a very private person, who deals with things internally.. But this has too much, I've been surprised at how much I'm talking about it and the people I have told about it. But it's especially helpful to share with a group who understands because they have gone thru it.
I'm sure I'll have more but do have a few questions.
1) I'm trying to decide whether to use a power recliner or hospital bed when I come home. My sister had major back surgery and feels like the hospital bed will make a huge difference, but most of the posts I've seen refer to recliners. Which one and for how long?
2) Aroma therapy - any specific suggestions on scents of candles or oils?
3) Did anyone use music or guided meditation soon after surgery to help you relax, heal and manage the pain? If so, did you use the headbands with speakers or just ear buds? Any specific suggestions on music or guided meditations?
PS: Dragonfly is the name of our boat that we called home for 18 years.
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Im six weeks out today, boy time has flown by. Feeling very tired, but have had two family funerals this past two weeks and had to travel for one. Feeling emotionaly and physically drained. Other than being tired just notice tightness in my abdomen and chest which will eventually loosen up.
slv58 sounds like you are doing pretty good after your stage two. Happy for you.
dragonflywins- I just used lots of pillows and slept in my own bed. really didn't have any problem with that.
Happy Healing Everyone!
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Hi ladies thanks for your advice about the swelling under abdominal incision. seems to have subsided somewhat I think it is due to muscles and if eating too much...I am going to see my plastic surgeon Friday so will let u know what she says. I guess she will talk about stage 2 not sure I want nipples I guess that is part of stage 2. Hope u are all healing well. Tanya hope surgery went well.
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i had my first stage 2 in Dec... about 11 weeks after my DIEP. Had my2nd stage 2 Jun 13.... have another scheduled Sept 8. (3 months wait in-between)
I woke up without my belly incision lowered.
So, since nipples were done stage one....I've just had fat grafting. I am 47 years old, and in decent shape. I am striving for some symmetry. My left breast is still wonky... maybe I am too picky. I look good, just still fighting the hamburger bun look on my left. ...and, as I mentioned, lower the belly scar.
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Hi Katiebird, thanks for asking. Recovery has been pretty good, Wednesday will be 4 weeks and I am getting around slowly, over the weekend I was able to go sit at our swim club for a few hours with my husband and kids, it was nice being away from the house 😃. So far everything has been pretty uneventful as my plastic surgeon likes saying so I'll take it.
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taag4, I'm sorry about the funerals. That's a lot to handle on top of recovery and I'm sure it must affect your appetite. Maybe try eating some protein bars as the body needs protein to repair. I hope you start noticing your strength returning.
Lilyn, you can always get 3D nipple tatoos if you don't want actual protrusions, I've seen some amazing work online. Stage 2 is usually about fixing any asymmetry with fat grating and/ or reduction. Scar revision is also considered. I was excited to get the "pretty" surgery for a change including the cherry on the ice cream!
Lessharp it sounds like you've gone through a lot. I understand the 'hamburger bun' analogy. I was somewhat disappointed with the appearance of my foob- Hamburger bun perfectly explains it, lol. Don't get me wrong, waking up from a mastectomy with a beautiful, warm breast mound was phenomenal and actually brought tears of joy to my eyes. But. When alone, looking at my foob- I do wish there was more protrusion. My PS said that she was more concerned with giving me a nice cleavage (which she did!) and I was warned ahead that I didn't have enough fat to match my natural side. When I went in a week ago for stage 2, she said she would try injecting fat to help with protrusion, but I can see already it didn't work and it does look a little odd having a nipple on the flat part. However, I have a nipple! I don't know why it was so important to me but it was! I really hope it doesn't get absorbed.
Dragonflywins, I was like taag4 and just used lots of pillows in my own bed. This worked out for me as well as I felt more comfsleeping in my bed. I have 2 recliners but never used them. I think if I had to do it again, I would purchase a knee wedge as it wouldn't need the adjusting two pillows needed! I would also suggest an eye mask for the hospital. I had a shared room and it always seemed to be bright. DH had to go buy one for me so I could sleep.
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Hi lesssharp
how do they lower the belly incision?? I didn't even know that was an option
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Thanks Slv58 will try eating more protein. Im pretty good at watching what I eat but could be my body needs more. I sometimes forget just what my body has been through, 9 hours of surgery is a long time. Is that a thing, can your nipple actually get absorbed . I go for my check up with my ps in two weeks I hope he gives me some idea of when he might do stage 2. Still undecided about the nipple thing with only having one foob, Im wondering what that will be like alway having one hard nipple. Wow the things I think about!
Lessharp- can't believe you had your first stage two at 11 weeks. I hope my surgeon doesn't suggest that. Im hoping for more around 16, maybe Im just hoping I get a little more of summer. I also had no idea they could actually lover the belly scar once it is there. The things I am learning on this site are great. At least it prepares me a little more for questions to ask about.
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taag4, I wondered the same thing with one foob so through the last 16 months I kept an eye to how much my natural breast had a headlight on and was surprised to notice quite a bit- even if only on low beams (!lol). My surgeon showed me pics of her nipple reconstruction and I was glad to see that they appeared to be less obvious. From what I've read on these boards, a lot of women find that their reconstructed nipples flatten quite a bit, I felt that I'd prefer to have a little something to match my natural breast and I'm hoping it doesn't flatten too much. I was also pleasantly surprised that my areola was reduced quite a bit (to make the nipple) and now perfectly matches my natural breast- bonus!
As far as stage 2, I'm in Ontario also and I think they like to wait at least 3 months but I waited 16- it's up to you when and if you want stage 2 so don't feel pressured. Enjoy the summer!
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omickijo - I never thought about painting, but now that I look at my walls I probably should have done that too... :-) My surgery is tomorrow, so probably it won't happen. But now I'll be thinking about it. *grin*
Excited, scared, nervous - all of that. Arriving at 6:30, surgery set for 8:30. I'm only doing a unilateral - how long can we anticipate surgery to last? I keep reading so many different times, I'd love to get some input. Never thought to ask my doctor, don't know why.
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NancyHB, I will be in your pocket tomorrow filled with positive energy! My surgery lasted about 8 hours- long for family but a snap for me! I've heard anywhere between 6-9 as average. It's funny how a lot of us get a sort of nesting instinct before surgery. I seemed to have a need to decorate... Our deck outside and then our bathroom! Guess I anticipated spending a lot of time there. I hope you can get some sleep tonight and try and relax, I know it's hard. Just remember how many of us are thrilled with our surgery. Given the choice, I would do it again!
Let us know how your doing when you feel up to it, gentle hugs!