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Starting Chemo in February 2016?



  • imani76
    imani76 Member Posts: 44

    Hello Asher....yes every 3 weeks. Im cleaning and doing grocery shopping to prepare to be in my bed for the weekend.

  • HausFrauMi
    HausFrauMi Member Posts: 113

    My house is starting to look a bit hoarderish with freezer foods and pantry items that are easy for the hubby and kids to cook! And restocked my paper plate collection this weekend. Most of the time I feel good but don't want to jinx it or be unprepared! And I probably went overboard buying Lysol wipes....

    Had my look good feel good class this morning and enjoyed the free make up swag! Plus they had free wigs and head coverings. I tried on a wig but it was too much hair. I don't do bangs and I do not have pouf/height to my natural hair so it looks weird too me. Then I started getting hot/itchy after a few minutes. I'm fine with my head wraps and bald at home if it's warm enough. I need to shave the remaining buzz.

    Glad to see everyone is hanging in there! Too many posts and people since I was last on! It's amazing how many different types of breast cancer we all have and how we all have such different experiences with chemo SE's. Just goes to show that it is even harder for others or outsiders to try to "help" us and offer advice! I know people mean well but I basically nipped all that in the bud with my public FaceBook post.

    I have noticed after my 2nd AC tx that I can feel pretty good and then a week later crazy intense headache! 1st AC I thought maybe it was the cold I was fighting but it happened again this weekend and I only have my normal allergies. I bit my lip so can't blame that mouth sore on the chemo. :( and the balsamic vinegar in the olive oil dipping sauce I made the other night sorta burned my tongue.

    Oh Spring Forward Monday I hate you!!

    Hugs to everyone

  • Myraknits
    Myraknits Member Posts: 191

    4 hours ago MLP3 wrote:

    Myra- you should have said "thanks for asking. This itch is really annoying." While holding up the Vagisil;)

    I just about peed myself. <3

  • Mama3M
    Mama3M Member Posts: 19

    Hello ladies....I hope you are all so fine....thank you for caring and for the positive vibes.Hug

    Scotbird....I wanted to update you with my status after dose 2 of FEC...I had some episodes of rapid heart rate and hypotension (I'm a hypertensive patient and also have patoxysmal atrial fibrillation). My doctor told me to cancel the additional antihypertensive medication that I had to start after the surgery. They told me also I have to keep myself well hydrated. My blood pressure now started to return to normal number.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    Imani you are completely gorgeous, the braids are great.

    Fran you have had such a bad time. Do keep going, it's totally rubbish that we have to do this, but it will be worth it when we look back in 3 or 4 months, feeling strong and knowing we did it.

    I had to go to Asda (like Wal Mart) late last night to get some provisions (husband away on business for couple of days) and I went out in Day-glo lime green Crocs, yoga pants and I didn't even brush my hair, or wear anything on my head. looked and felt completely insane - I think it's the steroids, they really seem to affect me. Then I decided to dance around in the aisles and at that point my 16 year old daughter had to tell me it was time to leave. Thank goodness she came with me or I probably would have been asked to leave by security

    Think I will stay in bed tomorrow.


  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    That's great news Mama3M, so happy that you have found a way through. My new mantra is to seek professional advice for the slightest little thing immediately. You never know what it could escalate into so best to check everything.

    Keeping well hydrated seems to be a really important thing but Myra, as a result my bladder is so constantly full that I actually do sometimes need to pee when I laugh which makes reading this thread quite difficult. From now on I'm going to make sure I have emptied it before starting to read here!!!!


  • LovesToFly
    LovesToFly Member Posts: 705

    gorgeous Imani!

    I am often bald in public, it took a while to get used to but I am now and physically it is comfortable, at first I felt like everybody was looking at me, but I don't notice it as much anymore. Sometimes when women look at me I imagine that they are feeling sorry for me, and wishing they weren't me, and that makes me sad but whatever. Sometimes kids ask me why I am bald, usually I just make a joke about being tired of washing my hair! One time when I was wearing a wig I scratched my head, and a woman started yelling at me for scratching my head close to her. I was so upset, nobody has ever been as rude to me when I'm bald!

  • Nolagirl1126
    Nolagirl1126 Member Posts: 178

    LTF - WHAT?!?! A lady yelled at you for scratching your head? How ridiculous! I think I would have laughed in her face, then see what she would have said!

    Myra, MLP, Asher- I think we all need a shirt that says "Yes, I have cancer"...on the front and back! That may help curb the absurd looks.

    I haven't experienced the "looks" yet, b/c I haven't lost my hair (and praying that I don't since I am cold capping) but I did have an acquaintance ask me (after she found out my DX) if I put my cell phone on my boob a lot when talking on it. (Alluding to the reason of why I had cancer) WHAT?!?! Is this a thing? Yes, I'm from the south, but come on! I just started laughing. 😆

    Imani- LOVE your wig! Looks totally natural.

    Frances- are you able to eat/drink yet? Any better since you left the hospital?

    Piper- feeling better since I have rested today. Thank you💕

  • LovesToFly
    LovesToFly Member Posts: 705

    I completely freaked out on someone that asked me if I used antiperspirant! I'm so tired of people implying that it was something about my lifestyle they gave me breast cancer, because even though I certainly didn't have a perfect chemical free lifestyle, I actually had very low risk factors… Lower than most of the people that ask me, and it still happened! I have one friend I actually had to block from Facebook, because he kept pming me about chemotherapy being poison, and all these alternative medications I had to try and all these crazy changes I had to make to my diet, and then getting mad at me when I tried to set gently say "thank you for your concern I'm comfortable with the treatment decisions Im making". People are so rude sometimes!!


  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534

    imani - You look fantastic!

    What is up with the rude people? LTF, I might have ripped off the wig and thrown it at the woman! I'm already a hermit, but this makes me want to stay home even more. Nolagirl, put me down for 1 shirt please.

    On hair - I'm still deluding myself that I will not lose all my hair. This weekend, the shedding started, but I'm not ready for the buzz cut or shave. I'm Asian, and without my long hair, I look like a boy (a friend said I looked like I should be driving a souped-up little Japanese car - yes, he's still alive and a friend). Maybe the tuque didn't help. My children are 16 and 20, so I am well past my teen years. I do have the Look Good Feel Better swag. The time I save not doing my hair will be spent on trying not to poke my eye out with eyeliner.

    Today I went out to pick up some hand-me-down wig cleaning stuff from a friend at work. Instead of meeting in the office, she met me at a coffee shop so I could avoid seeing people at work (I usually work from home). Last time I was there, people kept saying that I looked good, and this was before chemo started. I just didn't have the energy to deal with it. Feeling fragile.

    Hope everyone is feeling better.

  • chambo
    chambo Member Posts: 88

    You all are cracking me up today! So I am going to take it a step further. I want you to imagine a wig "grab pile" ...all of us sitting in a room, pile o'wigs on the floor and you just have to close your eyes, grab one, and toss it on the old noggin and strike a pose!

    Can you imagine how hard we would all be laughing?

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534

    LTF - I don't use antiperspirant or standard cleaners. I hardly wear makeup. I use SLS-free, paraben-free shampoos. For YEARS! Still got cancer. It could have been all the diet sodas I drank in high school over 20 years ago, but I strongly suspect it was that left turn in Albuquerque that gave me cancer.Loopy

  • Nolagirl1126
    Nolagirl1126 Member Posts: 178

    LOL Serenity!! Definitely that left turn in Albuquerque! 😆😆

  • Suzted7
    Suzted7 Member Posts: 38

    To those suspecting it was the regime I was on that caused the cold-capping to not work for me....I was on TC....the one with the most success. That's why I'm pretty stunned it didn't work.

  • LovesToFly
    LovesToFly Member Posts: 705

    I'm sorry Suz that must be so upsetting.

  • ksusan
    ksusan Member Posts: 461

    Sorry, Suz. Disappointing!

    You ladies are rocking the bald and the wigs. Wear big earrings and hold your heads up high! I got only one cancer comment, and it was after I lost my eyebrows, from a woman in an elevator who had also had cancer and was trying to connect with me. Unfortunately, it was a crowded elevator so it was kind of awkward.

  • Piper33
    Piper33 Member Posts: 146

    LTF that is such a beautiful photo and you have such a gorgeous smile.

    I've read every post and following along with everyone. Makes me angry about ignorance in people. They really have no idea when they are rude. No one needs pity, however a little compassion wouldn't go a miss.

    I had a nice early evening phone call from my MO. She asked me many questions and reassured me we will get to the bottom of things Friday and that they are all there for me any time.

    Hope everyone has good restful sleeps and those suffering are getting relief.

    I have a Taxol question. For dose dense and when it's introduced is it weekly or biweekly? I just can't remember. I'm already anxious for next AC next Tuesday.


  • chambo
    chambo Member Posts: 88

    Dang, and I have never been to Albequerque (or even turned left there) and I still got cancer. You mean it wasn't red dye #2? Or, God forbid...BACON?

  • reflect
    reflect Member Posts: 280

    You all are hilarious, vagisil brandishing, aisle dancing, eyeball poking wacko warriors. My new tribe.

    I still have enough hair to pass, but it's going fast. I brought my latest color-coordinated cap to work today in case hunks started coming out. They turned off the heat. (In March. In New England.) So I wore it because I was cold.

    My brother-in-law has been holding back on alternative treatment suggestions for me, but he gives them to my husband. The latest was some Dr. (Merkol? Something like that) who sounded like a true snake oil salesman. Making a pile selling stuff to people with cancer. Seriously high Yuck Factor. Most people I've told up front that while I appreciate complementary treatment ideas, I am not open to alternatives to my plan. And so far that has been respected.

    OK, Imani and Asher...Serenity, you too?...Let's get this party started: Thursday, next round!

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534

    No, bacon is good. Without it, I would never eat brussel sprouts!

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534

    reflect, I'm with you in spirit, but 1 day behind you in reality

  • hanley50
    hanley50 Member Posts: 78

    Piper - My last DD AC is next Wednesday (03/23/16) and then I start DD Taxol on 04/06/16. 1x every 2 weeks for 8 weeks. I see others have it 1x week for 12 weeks.

  • ksusan
    ksusan Member Posts: 461

    Dr Joseph Mercola. Wiki here.

  • hanley50
    hanley50 Member Posts: 78

    Has anyone having neoajuvant chemo asked how soon after you finish is surgery scheduled? Just curios. I have a running list of curious questioins for my doctor but I won't see him until next Wednesday. Wish I could call and ask every single one, but after a while I'm sure he'd stop taking my calls.

  • Nolagirl1126
    Nolagirl1126 Member Posts: 178

    Piper and Hanley- I am Taxol X 12 weekly but not dose dense Taxol. I'm not sure, but I think dose dense is every other week.

    Piper- it sounds like your MO is very compassionate. I hope it is reassuring for you to know that they are attentive to you.

  • Francesj19
    Francesj19 Member Posts: 78

    Good Morning Ladies, lucky for me I work from home. I go to my work emails, then catch up on here. WOW! LTF - looking good ! Piper, I am eating it just all goes right through me so it is what it is I guess. Blood work on Wednesday for treatment #3 on Monday. So I attempted to shave the stubble of my head the other day. GIRLS that is hard to do, I missed a whole lot and I look pretty funny! need to fix that.

    The question on above seriously about where we got this BC is really an interesting one. My friends doctor told her it was because of a deficiency in vitamin D for her. I had not heard of that ??

    Alright ladies - lets try to make this a good day today! sending you all positive vibes!!!

  • MLP3
    MLP3 Member Posts: 470

    looking good Imani!

    I actually had a friend say to me last night "well... Look at where being a vegan got you." I bit my tongue and had a bit of anger inside me. Wtf? I'm 9 months vegan, haven't eaten anything on 4 legs for 30 years, and at 48 I can kick a 30 year olds ass in a spin class... Why did I get BC... WHO KNOWS??!!

  • Piper33
    Piper33 Member Posts: 146

    Stop bragging Liz! Bahahaha! Jk ;) I do understand completely. I teach my daughter "stupid" is a bad word yet lately I have been using it all the time! You are always a strong warrior!!! Xo

    Thanks for the taxol answers ladies.

    Mammogram and ultrasound tomorrow for Thurs or Fri result 🙏🏻

    Blessings all

  • Myraknits
    Myraknits Member Posts: 191

    Maryann, I'm done with TCHP neoadjuvant on May 25 and surgery will be sometime in June. I asked if I could take a break in between to travel and see family and my SO said yes.

    Rant of the day... Do the sponsored link ads below articles really need to show toenail fungus and bad celebrity plastic surgery? I'm nauseous enough.

    Speaking of nauseous... Bad idea yesterday... I got the bright idea that maybe a Taco Bell Quesedilla would taste good. Don't do it. I'm so desperate for something to taste good at this point I'm willing to eat almost anything. I haven't had meat in 40 yrs and I almost convinced DH to get me some rotisserie chicken. Cooler heads prevailed after the Taco Bell debacle

  • MLP3
    MLP3 Member Posts: 470

    Myra- funny you mention cravings. I haven't had anything on 4 legs for 30 years, and I've been vegan for 10 months. With this last chemo, I've haven't been able to tolerate or want my usual plant protein foods and my body has been CRAVING eggs and a good, plain chicken cutlet. Guess what...? I had scrambled eggs Sunday, no milk and a chicken cutlet last night!!! Omg... I have to admit it was heaven on earth. It was so hard for me, but I had to listen to my body. I'll stay dairy free but definitely adding eggs and an occasional piece of organic chicken.

    I figure I'm sacrificing enough, lost my hair... At least let me eat something that tastes good!!