Dogs, dogs, dogs!
It’s hard. Sooooo hard to know when. Looking back, I’ve realized I was selfish, wanting to keep them forever. Knowing there was nothing I could do. There finally came the day, I knew. They were ready, and I couldn’t stand seeing them as they were.
But I’ll do it again with Spookie and Kris, because it’s so hard.
Hugs, I hope you have some more quality time with him.
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micm- my heart hurts for you. It is never an easy decision for a pet owner. Tag did let you know he wasn't quite ready today. We've all been through it and it's always heartbreaking.
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Micmel if he is fine then today is not the day, nor the near future and he could surprise you. If there's another stroke, it might not be for months and months, and all those months could be happy days where your little one is just fine and enjoying life. So I think let him have all the extra days his strength will allow him.
Sending prayers and warm thoughts that he still has much more ahead of him.
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Very well said PebblesV. I hope Tag wags his tail for many more breakfasts and surprises everyone!
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Micmel ..So sorry you are going through this ..we all know how you feel yourself will just know when it's time ..hugs
Jo your pic !!!
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Micmel, your story about Tag reminds me so much of what happened to my Chloe, our beloved Yorkie, who passed at 15 1/2, and used to be my avatar on BCO.
Anyway, she began developing some odd behaviors, including going around in circles when on a walk. She also starting bumping into walls, as if she couldn't see them. Vets were hoping it was something that might pass, but unfortunately she had a brain tumor and was deemed terminal. The vet determined that she was in no pain, and she never seemed to be. We were advised to put her down, but I couldn't do it, as long as she was not suffering.
She went downhill pretty fast, losing control of her bladder. I put her in diapers, which she had trouble getting used to, but finally did. I wasn't working then, so I spent most of my time with her. But one night we went out to dinner, and came home with some leftovers I knew she would love.(It was becoming increasingly difficult to get her to eat, and she was losing weight at an alarming rate. I was getting desperate to get food down her.)
So I put her on my lap, and indeed she did love the treats, gobbling them down. Then suddenly she started shaking, and had a massive seizure. At that point she passed in my arms. We rushed her to our vet, who confirmed the worst. Although my husband and I were grief stricken and devastated by her loss, I've always been grateful that she left on her own terms, and in the arms of her mommy.
Mine was not a choice everyone can or should make. The bottom line was whether she was suffering, but during this terrible journey she always seemed peaceful and content, so I kept letting her stay.
It took us a couple of years until we were ready to adopt another pet. We adore little Pansy. She has helped us heal and is a blessing in so many ways. But I'll never forget Chloe. Her picture is still my phone screen saver.
RIP my precious baby Chloe.
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pup mom~ 💜💜 gosh. MY heart is full of love. Tag is laying in the sun enjoying the heat. Snoring. I’m going to keep him as long as I am able... thank you for sharing your story.
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Wasn’t ready when we lost our kitty Charcoal, not sure I’ll be ready for when it’s time for Jackson to go. He’s eleven now and I pray he’s here for a few more years.
It’s never easy when it comes to our furbabies.
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I am starting to realize this with my fur baby. She is 13 and I just had to make an appointment with the Vet. Her left eye keeps getting inflamed/swollen. She does like to rub her face in the carpet though. The Vet wants to want to look at it more closely. She is also running into things more and more. I know the day will come but its hurts to even think about it.
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Pupmom thanks for sharing your story, What a beautiful little one Chloe was! And Micmel so glad Tag is having a good snore. That made me grin ear to ear this morning. Each day with our fur babies is precious that is for sure!
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I’ve been out most of the day running errands. Picked up a squeaky toy for Spookie. Really needed to potty when I got home, so put bag with toy on coffee table. She got on table, got toy out of bag, was running around house, squeaking like crazy. Like she Never gets new toys.
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spookiesmom- how dare you take care of your potty needs before your baby. Obviously she was not going to wait for her squeaky toy.
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Yeah I know. But haven’t been able to teach her how to use a mop.
Bad, mean mommie.
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Smart little doggo
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beautiful 60 degree weather and clear skies. I wanted to relax on my lounge chair in front of the fire pit. Ted had a different idea.
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I won a tote bag at work yesterday and one of my colleagues suggested it was big enough to sneak Dobby into chemo with me today. We tested it just for fun. Dobby was not amused.
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Dobby does not look happy. Cute.
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not happy but adorable. I love that name so much !
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My Grand puppy growing up on me!! His head is bigger than a basketball!! Chief is a doll baby!
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Chief is such a cutie! And LOL Dobby in the bag. Domino loves bags. I’m going to have to dig up a pic.
Ted has the right idea according to Domino and Tucker.
How is Tag doing? Hoping he’s well.
We have FRESHLY GROOMED PUP PUPS in the household currently so I must share the adorable pics.
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omg 💕💕💕loving the fresh puppers. Mine need baths also. Lookin fine!!!
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Oh how cute!! Wanna bury my face in that clean fur & give 💋.
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Da belly Kisses!!!whos Da Baby?
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pebbles- fantastic pics. I was missing Domino. Micmel- what breed is Chief? The doggy pictures always make me smile.
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Saint Bernard! Here is my Grand puppy! I adore him ! Long live the Chief!
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My little Buddy was just diagnosed with autoimmune hemolytic anemia and Clostridium enterotoxin. We're treating the Clostridium first, but treatment is very hard on him - he's lost 1/3 of his weight in one month. I just cancelled a trip to NO to stay with him. He's my little boy. I have spent the last year de-stressing my life and now my heart feels like it is breaking.
Anyway... please send positive thoughts our way. I am certainly sending them to you and yours who need them!
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Murfy, he’s adorable! Pets are such and important parts of our families. Sending him (and you) healing thoughts.
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Murfy- sending positive energy and thoughts in your direction. As pet owners we've all been through this and it never gets any easier. Our pets are our family.
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Definitely good thoughts coming your way. 💋💋
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Murfy, your little buddy is soooo cute. Sending prayers and hugs