Dogs, dogs, dogs!
Thank you for your kind comments yet Roo is 12 years old and like most border collies, can be handful.
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lilac, DH had a border collie years ago.....says she was the smartest dog he ever owned.
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Even when I was younger and in better health I couldn’t have had a BC. On the smarts list they are always first, sometimes tied with Australian Shepard. Followed by Poodles and Shetland sheepdogs. My Aussie was too smart. Kris, my 4th poodle isn’t lacking either. Spookie is a whole different story
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My beloved Jackson was so smart that he knew when he heard the sound of our car pulling in the driveway that Daddy was home from work.
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Lilac, love that smile on Roo! Reminded me of my own sweet boy Ocho's smile, so I had to share!
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...and my other, an old man rescue named Miles
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HeartShapedBox - Thanks for sharing the pics of your lovely dogs, Ocho & Miles!
Lilac - Roo sure is a beauty!
Happy Friday, from the Easter Dog!
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that’s adorable. Love it
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Thank you kindly and I tell Roo daily that she is the most beautiful dog in the world! Yes, border collies are bright - highly intelligent yet with that comes the other end of the spectrum, as a high degree of stubbornness which teeters on stupidity.
Heartshaped, adorable Ocho smile and wise, handsome Miles! CeliaC -darling and cracked me up!
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Glad the Easter Dog brought some smiles! Saw it on the FB post of my oldest friend's daughter & I could not resist sharing.
Lilac - By the way, I was once an American living in the UK, in the N.London suburb of Muswell Hill (nearest tube stop was Highgate). Cannot remember if you posted on this topic or the exercise one about people remarking on your "accent." People used to remark about my lovely American (native Ohioan) accent.
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PLEASE.......can we please go to the dog park????
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OMD YES!!! That’s Kris. He just doesn’t understand.
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I feel so bad for Dawson. He just doesn’t understand why I’m “punishing” him.....poor baby! Trying to give him extra love and play.
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Dawson is so cute! CeliaC, then you understand why I have to repeat what I say, as when the accent is clocked, the mind whirls, Oh, this is an American or Canadian and when that question pops, then to the long held opinion of Americans and then placed in the American box. I live in the hinterlands of Kent and at the now closed various gyms I teach, I'm known as 'The American', although to be fair, a few do see me as who I am and not simply nationality. I met my Brit husband in Paris and we lived there for 9 years and have been in the UK since 2005, moving here when our son was 6 years old. Said son is now 21 and finishing up his 3rd and last year (BSc or BA are 3 years not 4 in the UK) of uni, (not in his studio flat near Darby University) in his childhood bedroom -in lockdown! He claims he is getting more education from his professor tutoring him on Zoom than attending face-to-face lectures.
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Yogatyme what a sweet pup!
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I woke up at midnight feeling uncomfortable. My bp was seriously low. Tippy was whining loudly-- objectively speaking, since I am functionally deaf when unaided. I decided to let him out of the kennel to sleep the rest of the night with me. You should have seen his tail wag when he realized that he was going to be allowed into the bedroom the rest of the night!
I have a sleep study coming up this week and adaptive equipment arriving for telephone and doorbell when I am sleeping. Hopefully we can co-sleep at some time in the future, thus cementing the third leg of my warning system. For now, we disturb each other's sleep too much.
And I will begin taking my bp med in the early afternoon instead of bedtime, which will impair my ability to sleep.
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Bruce face timing with dad.....
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Bruce is soooo cute...I love his name too!
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Thanks Jackie!! He’s a sweet, sweet boy until a strange dog comes along.....transforms into a Jack Russell terrorist!!🤣
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Jack Russell was a terrorist? I would've never known! Shih-tzu's are worse! Excellent guard-dog for such a small size. He was in the living room yestermorn when I was taking a shower. Barking his head off, thinking he was scaring off any potential home invader.
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Yogatyme - how cute Bruce is!
Mary - sorry to read about your blood pressure issue. I hope changing the time of day you take your meds won't interrupt your sleep terribly.
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My fitbit told me that I was moving as if awake for 1 1/2 hr last night. I would rather do the sleep study without that med, even if it means minimal sleep for a few nights.
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Bruce is adorable! Mary, I too hope your bp med time change does not disturb your sleep too much. Interested to hear how the sleep study - when started, is going for you. When our dog is totally relaxed her tongue is hanging out - always give me a smile!