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Starting Chemo April 2016



  • Gracietoo
    Gracietoo Member Posts: 35

    Numb - Yes my monthly period has started this morning so I am currently menstruating. My periods have always been very regular and so this one has arrived bang on time. I'd kind of forgotten about it though with all that's been going on this month. . To be honest, I was hoping this chemo would stop them for good! As you say I'm certainly not planning to have children at this stage of my life so would be happy to see them gone. I cant be far off menopause now at 45 so Im not lamenting early onset as a result of my treatment. Reading up on it I see that your ovaries can put up a bit of a fight through early stages of chemo and go into overdrive! Some women experience particularly heavy bleeding which can be detrimental to blood counts. I hope Im not one of them. I wonder do any other forum members have any experience of this?

  • ksusan
    ksusan Member Posts: 461

    Coconut oil is the magic cure-all for many people. It can help incision pain, mouth sores and sore throat, constipation, anal soreness, and vaginal dryness.

  • Numb
    Numb Member Posts: 307

    KSUSAN -  Thanks for that tip, it will be on my list today.ThumbsUp

  • agharta
    agharta Member Posts: 16

    NUMB - Sorry to hear that you are not having a good week. I'll ask my Mo about the mouth spray tomorrow.

    I am ready for round 2 since my WBC is back to normal. I want to get this over as soon as I can so If my MO thinks I'm ok I'll do it. I'm thinking I will be half way of AC treatments tomorrow and this is a good thing. This summer will be difficult, fall a bit easier, winter better but I'll be as good as new - even better next summer. You should think like that too. We are going through a different phase these days but it is passing and it will be over soon. Winking

  • Numb
    Numb Member Posts: 307

    AGHARTA  -  I feel much better today for some reason.  I took the Imodium and this has stopped the diarrhoea and is giving my ass time to recover and so my stomach feels normal.SillyHeart  I don't know where my WBC are at the moment, but I feel ready to try for round 2 tomorrow.  I will be disappointed if I can't have it.  I feel like you do I want to get this over with no delays.  Round 2 is half way through and that is a good thought.  Even though we don't feel good at least the time is flying.

  • Numb
    Numb Member Posts: 307

    What's the regime with the Claritin and getting Neulasta.  I am scheduled to get the Neulasta this time and I want to be prepared.  Do you take the Claritin before you get the shot and after it ?

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    DaughterOfMrsY - sorry your mom is irritable! That has to add pressure to you as well! I wish she would listen to you, but our generation tend to try to avoid doctors (I know I do!). I agree with Numb to keep nagging, especially if the pain endures. She should not be in that kind of pain. Cramping and nausea is common, but it sounds like she's well beyond that. :\ Hugs. Thanks for being an awesome daughter.

    Gracie - sorry you're not sleeping well. That's never fun. I think things are flying, too. I'm going for round THREE today! Wow! I still have 5 to go, but I'm starting to feel as if I'm getting to the top of the chemo mountain. We'll see. Sorry you get to deal with your period on top of all of this! Jeez, that sucks. I thought AC cut the period, too, but I'm hearing of some other gals getting theirs.

    Numb - I understand being sore below is fairly common. I was told to get those wet wipes as they are more gentle and more cleansing and help with those issues. The fun does never end, does it. Ooof. :p

    Round three is today. I also have a training from 5:45AM to 2PM - but I'll listen to part of it. The early time is what happens when your company is HQ'd on the East Coast. :p Then it's going to be a whirlwind. My nephew and hubby are coming to take me to dinner tonight at a really nice place. I'm looking forward to that. The Anna is home and we have lunch with friends on Saturday and breakfast with other friends on Sunday. Somewhere in there, I want to go to Home Depot and pick up some plants and potting soil. I've been meaning to spruce up my yard for a while, and gardening seems soothing.

  • Sheri-CT
    Sheri-CT Member Posts: 40

    Well, my side effects kicked in yesterday. I feel like have the flu. I am so achy and the sight of food makes me sick. I can only tolerate fruit and sweet things. People keep dropping off food, and I really appreciate it, but looking at it is making me sick. My temp is 99.3. Is that okay? And I have a rash under both armpits. Normal?

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    Sheri - I'm sorry. My doctor always tells me to eat what I can through these times, and worry about being ultra healthy later. Temp is okay - I was told over 101. Not sure about the rash - I would ask my doc about that. Yeah, I have a lot of food people dropped off, too, and a friend is coming on Sunday who is a major foodie and will be making me healthy foods. We'll see if I can eat them. :)

  • Numb
    Numb Member Posts: 307

    CJSHARMA -  Best of luck today.  Can't wait to see how round 3 goes for you.

  • njr426
    njr426 Member Posts: 53

    Gracietoo - the steroids did a number on me too sleep-wise. I would fall asleep but be wide awake in 2 hours and that was it for sleep. I felt like a total zombie for about 3 days. The doctor gave me something to take this round and it has helped - not exactly a full night's sleep but better than it was. I feel almost jealous of those posting about sleeping 7-10 hours! I've been wondering about the period thing also. I finished my last cycle before my first treatment and in a "normal" world I would be due next week. I had my round 2 this week but I feel like I've been having some of my usual PMS symptoms so I guess time will tell.

  • njr426
    njr426 Member Posts: 53

    Sheri-CT Not sure what regimen you're on. I'm on AC now. My when to call paperwork says temp higher than 100.5 so you're okay there I guess but it does mention to call if you have a new skin rash. Maybe it would be best to call and see what they say.

    Good luck today CJ - I feel like you are so far ahead of the rest of us! You have become our unintentional guinea pig in getting to experience everything first.

  • weRwarriors
    weRwarriors Member Posts: 31

    I really enjoy this forum.

    Now that her first infusion is done I guess this too is a waiting game until some of the side effects kick in... Day 2 and she seems ok... Actually really like her normal self and upbeat. I keep reminding her to take it day by day because sometimes things chance.

    It feels like everything is a waiting game lately Snooze

  • Gracietoo
    Gracietoo Member Posts: 35

    Best of luck today CJ. Hope all goes well for you. Wow, round 3 already! You really are flying now! Enjoy the coming weekend. Sounds like alot of fun x

    NJR426 - Must ask the doc about something to help with sleep. Its not too bad for me really though as Im not working and can nap as I need to.

    Sheri CT - Hope things ease up for you soon.

  • Numb
    Numb Member Posts: 307

    ZOZIANA and NWKGOLDFINCH  -  best of luck tomorrow for your first round.

    Can you believe it, we have reached the end of April and so far so good for all of us.  Yes, I agree that CJ Sharma is like a guinea pig for all of us and a great one at that.  Nothing deters her and she seems to be able to help everyone while she is maybe not having a good day herself.  Thanks for all of that Christine and hope your 3rd round is as good as the rest of them.

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    Thanks everyone! I'm hoping round three is like round 2. We'll find out. I don't mind being the guinea pig. Julie has been my voice of reason when I flip out. :) (And yes, I do).

    WeRwarriors - yes, it's a waiting game. The good news is that the second round follows the first pretty much. I think of the first as getting your training wheels and figuring out what works and what doesn't. The second, you're more experienced and know more of what to expect so it tends to be easier. Curious - would you mind telling me how old you are? My daughter is 23 and is coming tomorrow. It might help to talk to her for your sake (not your mom's) as you have fears, too. I'd be happy to arrange that if you're game. She also has a friend whose mom has been through this 4 times (4 different cancers) and is still fighting hard who is helping her. It's a community you never want to join, but once you do, the support is amazing.

    Thanks Numb. It's kind of my nature to help (hence the animal rescue and all of the other things I do). I hate to see anyone upset or hurting.

    So today I'm going to wear my purple wig to chemo. Should cheer up the nurses. :)

  • Zoziana
    Zoziana Member Posts: 102

    NUMB: Thank you for the good wishes! I head to hospital shortly to get my port put it. They say they can use it tomorrow, though it may still be "tender" (I'm assuming it will be but as my veins are already a mess, it is for the best.) Also, NUMB, feel free to update my chemo as you see fit on the top list ,to Taxol and Herceptin (once a week, 12 weeks) , followed by Herceptin (9 addtl months , every three weeks )and AI drugs.

    NWKGOLDFINCH: Good luck to you tomorrow as well! We are lucky we have these ladies who have gone before and can guide us well! :) I'm trying to organize my home meds, reorganize bathroom and makeup area, kitchen cupboard,household things, etc....its what I do when I get stressed!

    Looking forward to being on the other side of chemo #1 by tomorrow night!

  • Positivepower11
    Positivepower11 Member Posts: 81

    CJsharma good luck for this round - hope it goes well.

    Zoziana and NWKGoldfinch - hope first round is fine.

    Daughterof MrsY - I would definitely have your Mom speak to the hospital they will find some solution/ meds this pain does not sound normal.

    Well I had my 2nd round of THP yesterday, went of fine, half way done now through this round of treatment then 4 more AC to go. Did not sleep at all the night before I think the steroids kept me up- big mistake not taking the Adivant the night before am going to make sure that I do so next round. Did take the Adivant after Chemo and slept like a baby. I sucked ice through the Taxotere and iced my finger and toe nails as someone had suggested and now will wait to see if there is it helps after. So far no side effects am going to make sure that I continue my walking and yoga as much as I can. Had neulasta shot today.

    Numb - I took Claratin 2 days before infusion and 5 days after and have not had any bone pain the last time and will do so this cycle as well.

    Gracietoo- Im 52 and my periods were regular - I missed the March cycle ( after surgery in Feb) thought they may have ended but started again last week for a shorter cycle and bleeding was less).

    Good luck to all.

  • Numb
    Numb Member Posts: 307

    POSITIVEPOWER11 -  thanks for letting me know about the Claritin.  I will try that.  Glad to hear your second round went well so far. 

  • araven
    araven Member Posts: 10

    Cancerpickedthewrongone - thanks for the post about the sea bands. I have been wondering if there was an alternative to more medications. I once had a patch put on my neck and that seemed great, but not sure they sell those OTC.

    Numb - I do have a very dry mouth most nights while sleeping, but no sore throat. I have to keep a glass of water by the bed and usually need it 3-4 times/night.

    Gracietoo - I am going through my period this week and have used tampons without any issues. I have noticed everything seems like a normal period, maybe with a little more sensitive emotions.

    Yes, coconut oil is amazing! I've been using this toothpaste and it's prevented mouth sores—it's very gentle:

    CJSharma - hope your round 3 went well today!

  • cody_mx
    cody_mx Member Posts: 57

    hello ladies, im just coming out of my round 2 so im a little drowsy, but things went pretty good.

    i have been MIA for a while, turns out when i stopped the steroids the vein where they had put the chemo in got really inflamed, nothing that could not be controlled with ice and antibiotics, but my onc suggested i get a port installed so that happened last wednesday, i also went to see the plastic surgeon for my expanders to be filled, one of the weirdest experiences ever, i feel like one of those borgs in star trek with all this foreign objects inside me!

    and then day 17 hit me really hard on the hair front, i have been loosing what seems to me like a lot of hair, even thou you can't really notice it when you look at me, I just look like someone with thin hair, but the anaesthesia from the port surgery didn't help at all, I hope this does not mean the end of the cold caps experiment.. the woman from the caps company said not to give up, that ill be ok, and i really want to believe her but i feel like my dog in his seasonal sheds! (so Annie let me know how you do please!)

    to all the new people welcome, im sorry its really difficult to comment on each post in this format because when i start to write i have already read so many comments i get mixed up! but in my head i have a reply for each one of you. Good luck to everyone who is going in this week, remember after that were one day closer to the end of this.

    the thing about the caves really made me laugh!! there go my weekend plans!! jaja

    take care everyone

  • 1Uniboob1
    1Uniboob1 Member Posts: 23

    Codymx - i agree, I respond to everything I read - mentally. 

    And the hair standing straight up made me really laugh as well as the baby bird. My hubbie asks what I'm laughing at and its a "gotta be there"'sort of thing. 

    Numb, you asked if I felt nauseous after the antibiotics and no, just the diarrhea we talked about and sadly the sore butt too. 😞That was really interesting re: sore throat. My wbc should be low today and I have a bit of a sore throat. But my most irritating continuous SE is heartburn!!! Doesn't help that all I want to eat is French fries. 

    I got my period after last treatment. It was way lighter. Like almost not there and a different colour. Sorry if tmi, but it was kinda light pink. I can't believe I'm telling y'all that. 

    Anyhow, I love this discussion and the FB group. 

  • Nwkgoldfinch
    Nwkgoldfinch Member Posts: 14

    Thank you all for the warm welcome! I got my port put in today. I can't see it because it's under gauze because they have it all ready for tomorrow morning. I feel a little foolish because I seriously did not even know what they were doing to me. I didn't truly understand it was hardware til my friend called me robo-Liz and I googled it! As ever, I shouldn't have bothered googling -- it just made me feel weirder!

    So it's game time tomorrow. I'll be sure to check in. Thank you all.

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    Cody! So happy to hear from you! I was so worried. Glad all is well, and I sincerely hope the shedding stops. Annie was saying that you can expect to lose up to 30% of your hair even cold capping. Hugs to you!

    Araven - I've been using coconut oil on my scalp, and it's a happy camper. :) So, I'm with you on the coconut oil. Good stuff.

    Uniboob - ooh, french fries... YUM! Unfortunately, I have the feeling that this round will be burgers and fries for cravings. Might revisit the broccoli cheese soup thing, too. Oooh, turkey burgers, fries and broccoli cheese soup! YUM!

  • Khagen
    Khagen Member Posts: 2


    I just finished 4 cycles of chemotherapy. I was so nervous when I started because there are so many possible side effects and everyone seems to have some different experiences. Overall, I tolerated the chemotherapy well. The key for me was staying on top of managing the side effects. I tend to not like to take medication so first round waited to feel bad before taking like the anti-nausea medication. Bad plan! Same with managing GI stuff like constipation etc... next round I started taking medication out of the gate and experienced very few side effects but fatigue(which sucks but not as bad as other stuff). I will say that there is cumulative effect and that by round 4, the fatigue lasted for about a week after infusion. I just began planning for limited commitments and activities for the week after chemo. I wish you good luck with your chemotherapy and I hope it goes well for you. Get support if you need it! I love these forums- provide me with better information than the medical professionals!

  • weRwarriors
    weRwarriors Member Posts: 31

    I'm 28 and Id love to connect with your daughter. I don't really know anyone in this situation.

    Ever since her diagnosis I've heard 1 in 8 women will get breast cancer and yadda yadda but I can't even remember the last time I heard someone in my circle talking about it. I get people may be private about it but I hear how prevalent it is but I don't see it.

    My mom said she felt good today and she had her normal energy almost like nothing was different. We went around to do some errands, checked out a wig shop and went for a walk.

    My mind is always overthinking... "What if she breezes through it and what if that means the chemo isn't working..." Blah, that's my problem I worry and I stress But venting aside, today was a good day and tomorrow will be a new day. I tell my mom and I try to tell myself ... "Day by day, moment by moment, prayer by prayer"

    Tomorrow is her CT and abdo ultrasound. Praying for more good results to give us some peace of mind. She also starts her Neulasta... Praying the Claritin helps soften any possible side effects

    Goodnight everyone

  • Zoziana
    Zoziana Member Posts: 102

    NWKGOLDFINCH: I just got home from getting my port put in too, so they can use it tomorrow as well. It's a little uncomfortable at the moment but I assume that will settle down. And anyway I am glad it is there as once again my veins blew when the IV for the port procedure went in, so I know I will be glad to have it. Good luck to both of us tomorrow!

    We are the last in this month, but definitely not the least...and so lucky to have the benefit of this fantastic group of April chemo ladies! Thanks for all you share.

    ADVICE: Other ladies: Anyone doing a 4-6 hours infusion...? Is it cold in your infusion center? Do you bring cozy slippers and hat? Do you sleep due to the pre-drugs? Watch TV? Work on computer? Read? Are you hungry during it? (Mine goes fro 9-3....assume I will get hungry? Or will I not feel like eating?) I know this is late notice but if anyone can help, that would be great. Also, do you go in your comfy fleece pants (I guess I mean, can I? I hate being uncomfortable...)

  • anniekaja11
    anniekaja11 Member Posts: 116

    Hi all - thinking of everyone, just a quick check in. I'm feeling really good, naturally tired from a busy week at work. I had my WBC shot and blood work today but sore throat is gone (yep, I get them), mouth sore is gone and I feel good - so I am off to Leavenworth, WA for a weekend visit with my daughter who is newly pregnant. Got a great hotel and am so looking forward to the drive over the mountain and alone time with her. YAY! So grateful for the grace of feeling good and being able to go.

    Numb - been thinking of you and your comments about your wig...So I thought it might be good for us to share out tips and stuff. CJ's sharing on this have really helped me.

    Wig tips: I'm doing cold capping so I am hoping to not need it but I did a lot of prep work on getting a back up wig. There are a lot of styles and types on the internet. I went an tried wigs on at a local place to see what worked on my head and would look like my hair. I have a petite head and flat hair. So most of the styles looked ridiculous on me but I did learn what to look for. I spent a lot of time on (be careful NOT to go to by accident, its a knock off place in China.) I dropped $300 and I plan to return it or pay it forward if I don't need it and donate it. Always,I got one ordered and it came in the mail today! I'm so pleased, the hair matches mine almost perfectly (who would have known I'm a "mocha mix") and the lace front is seamless on my forehead. I have to learn how to work on the part etc, but I'm really relieved that it will just look like I got a hair cut.

    Take care everyone,


  • cody_mx
    cody_mx Member Posts: 57

    zoziana, this is only my experience, it is not cold but i was cold capping so they provided blankets, i just wear comfy clothes and take a sweater just in case and also a pair of warm socks. I also take snacks since the dr told me i should eat to avoid heartburn, have breakfast as well, i do sleep after the benadryl goes in and after that i just read a bit and also my husband or mom or a friend is usually there so time passes pretty fast.

    I do have lunch there, we can order from one of the hospital cafeterias.

    I hope this helps and good luck

  • Zoziana
    Zoziana Member Posts: 102

    Cody Mx---Thanks a lot! That's exactly what I needed to know. Very much appreciate it! :)