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Starting Chemo April 2016



  • anniekaja11
    anniekaja11 Member Posts: 116

    Thanks Numb - turned the corner today, I only needed 1 nap at work :). Going to get my WBC shot and my blood draw just took it out of me and my 2 pm client didn't show, so I got to lay down. Had a 99 degree fever, but my blood counts were good. MO ordered a 3rd shot on Fridays now so that should help. What an ordeal. Having that crazy appetite thing now...more tired out I think that last round but symptoms are better. Hope you had fun with your friend!

    Hi everyone - I'll catch up more later -


  • Numb
    Numb Member Posts: 307

    CJSHARMA -   It seems weird that if you get radiation that this could cause cancer when radiation is the very treatment they give you to prevent it coming back.  I panicked when I was told I was triple negative and felt I should get a bmx but then my Surgeron advised me that a lumpectomy and radiation is just as effective as a mastectomy and that there is no guarantee that even if you have no breasts that breast cancer won't come back.  I know of a woman in Ireland who had a bmx and has had a recurrence of breast cancer ten times since.  She is such a warrior and is only 41.   Having a breast removed is a big operation in comparison to a lumpectomy and if the results are the same then why go for the bigger option.  I just wish I never had breasts in the first place a this stage.Shocked

  • Numb
    Numb Member Posts: 307

    ANNIE -   That's great that you have turned the corner.  I am probably feeling better now than I did the last time at this stage of the game.  Last time I was in hospital at this stage.  So hope you improve from now on too.

  • Gracietoo
    Gracietoo Member Posts: 35

    Morning all.

    Hope that everyone is doing well. I haven't been as active on this forum of late - been posing on the Facebook group as it's just a wee bit handier for me anyway. So, for those of you not on FB, I had round 3 of 4 dense dose AC treatments yesterday and so far, so good. Just so happy to be getting through this. The 6 weeks since I started have passed so quickly and I feel very lucky to have escaped with so few SE. I pray to God that this continues. According to my ONC Nurse yesterday, she's very hopeful that I should get through the 12 weeks of Taxol which follows on from my AC treatments very well. In her experience, patients tend to do better in general, and I will be on much less medication/ nausea drugs. I wont need the Lonquex shots either. Of course, everyone is different but Im hopeful it will be very manageable for me.

    On the subject of Mastectomy v Lumpectomy I have had a lumpectomy and my decision was based solely on the advice of my breast surgeon who I trust implicitly. He is renowned in his field and I have had great confidence in him from day 1. He put me totally at ease and his optimism empowered me for the journey ahead. I'm told that my prognosis is excellent and that my chemo is a preventative measure given my age. I think we can really overthink things and worry ourselves sick with doubt over these decisions but it pays to remember that every diagnosis is different and our treatments are tailored to our specific needs. We have to believe that we are in very good hands. I think I would go crazy with worry otherwise. Research is brilliant but I think too much "Dr Google" can drive us insane.

    CJ - wishing you all the best for today - YOUR LAST AC TREATMENT!! So excited for you and hoping that this one goes better than ever for you x

    To everyone else, keep going! Time is moving fast and we are all progressing so well. Everyday that passes is a step closer to putting this cancer crap behind us. Im so proud of all of us :)

    Gracie x

  • Gracietoo
    Gracietoo Member Posts: 35

    So nice to read all about you and getting to know u ladies a bit better

    I'll play, too.

    Name - Gráinne ( This is the Gaelic version of the name Grace. I was named after my Grandmother who was called Grace. My pet name at home was Gracietoo - hence my user name)

    Age - 45

    What chemo cycle are you on: 3rd of 4 AC cycles done.Will start 12 rounds of Taxol when this is completed

    Do you have children: No

    Location: Just north of Dublin, Ireland

    Hardest thing for you so far: Hair loss - though not so freaked out anymore. Getting used to it. I also miss my job and routine. Cant wait to get back.

    Hats or Wig: Scarves, scarves and more scarves. Maybe a hat or two thrown in the mix.HATE MY WIG!

    Current hair status: Ugh. Bald as a baby!

    This was taken last week when it was all still a bit daunting - Check out the grumpy face!


    Favorite quote/advice/song: Always loved the song I can see clearly by Johnny Nash. It means even more now.

  • Numb
    Numb Member Posts: 307

    GRACIETOO - Great to hear you had round 3 and are doing well.  My, the time is certainly flying by.  My rounds are every 3 weeks so not going that quickly for me.  However, I don't think I would be ready for a round every 2 weeks.  Love your photo, bald suits you.  I haven't actually quite lost all of my hair yet, but I would look better if :I did because what remains is unsightly looking but still I don't have the courage to shave it off. 

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    Thanks for the lumpectomy/mastectomy stories. I really should go for the lumpectomy as I'm a perfect use case for it. I'm leaning that way right now, depending on size the mammogram shows. I can always change my mind later. Once they are gone, I can't reverse it. I would do double instead of single though if I do do a MX.

    The radiation thing - I can't prove it, and their is no direct causation, just a marked increase in cancer rates of those who were exposed to the radiation of Three Mile Island. So a decent correlation but correlation is not causation. I'm also worried with radiation of getting to the treatment center every single day for 5.5 weeks. Fortunately, I can go a little closer to my house - my MO would refer me to another center - but it's still a bit of a drive and with traffic here in the Bay Area it's insane. But I'll figure it out.

    Yep last round of AC today. I'm hoping it's easier than round 3. I guess we'll find out. I will soldier through this... I have a 5k on Saturday. I'm walking with some friends. It's really local to me - about 1/2 a mile down the road and supports the community. So I figured it was a great way to celebrate the last round of AC and an even better way to give the SE's the finger. :) I appreciate what the chemo is doing to Lenny the Lump, but I would be happier without all the side effects.

    Gracie - you look great bald - grumpy face and all. :) I love your name.

    Numb - I get that nothing is a sure bet with breast cancer reoccurance, but 10 times? Poor lass!

  • njr426
    njr426 Member Posts: 53

    Good luck today CJ - must feel good to complete this phase. Plus having noticable change in your tumor must be encouragement that it's working. Although now you're back to square one with what the new rounds will bring!

  • Numb
    Numb Member Posts: 307

    CJSHARMA - yes that woman, Emma Hannigan, an Irish Author, has had breast cancer 10 times even though both her breasts were removed in 2006 and her ovaries.  She has the BRCA gene.    The cancer does appear in different parts of her body, but it is still called breast cancer.  This time she has it in her head and neck, but she remains very confident that the prognosis is good and always gets the all clear after chemotherapy.   She is amazing, here she is below:


  • VSB2015
    VSB2015 Member Posts: 20

    Christine7; I had my second CT round last Wednesday. I also get neulasta on-body. My first neulasta caused crushing bone pain but only for 6 hours on day 5, had 2-3 days of nagging bone pain. This time I got benadryl during my infusion and my bone pain was on day 5 again but much more manageable. I think that helped I do take Claritin daily for allergies and neulasta. Headaches were better second round. Nausea worse. Can't wait for round three and see what my new normal will be.

  • VSB2015
    VSB2015 Member Posts: 20

    Bagger; I get on-body Neulasta. The nurse actually injects the Neulasta into the cartridge they put on your arm. It is measured into a syringe prior to that so I assumed it was calibrated to me. I'll have to ask.

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    Huh, round three was pretty bad. I'm finding out that it could have a simple cure - MORE WATER! Because I could not face plain water and I could only drink so much tea. I have some flavoring now, so I think i'll be better this time. And I'll make sure I use the app to get my 100 oz daily.

  • myra104
    myra104 Member Posts: 54

    just wanted to stop in and say hello to all the beautiful baldies in here💋 You are so close to lightening the load! Keep going and I promise it will get better😍 Look, I have hair!!

    Much love and prayers for you🙏

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    Thank you Myra!! I'm looking forward to getting hair back. :) And thanks for stopping in! Always good to hear from people on the other side of the journey.

  • anniekaja11
    anniekaja11 Member Posts: 116

    Hi everyone,

    Well that tremendous appetite for carbs is back...does anyone know what causes this and how to manage? I swear, the only time my body feels good is when I'm eating - today I gave in to a KFC craving that started yesterday - it was yummy but I swear my jeans are getting tight.

    Add to the "Just not fair" list - I have a yeast'd think the Taxotere could figure out how to search and destroy that but noooooo....

    Hope everyone is doing alright.


  • anniekaja11
    anniekaja11 Member Posts: 116

    Gracie - You are beautiful! You are allowed the grumpy face. The photo is very beautiful, potent and moving as all of the photos of women without their hair are. Did you see the one on FB with the hubby shaving his wife's head? Stunning. I love what your BS told you! YES! Thank God for doctor's like this. My story is very similar, my BS is a pioneer of breast conserving surgery and teaches around the country. He really LISTENED to me and my goals and tailored the lumpectomy to what was going on. I had a small tumor, 2.4 cm under my nipple and then a long run of in-situ pre-cancer in a more superficial duct. He also told me, since no lymph involvement, excellent prognosis and that the radiation and the chemo were recurrence prevention but he also told me to DO IT because of the HER2+ factor. This will give me normal life expectancy ratings. Yay. I hear what you are saying about fear fear fear and really, with beginning stages of BC, they have this now. Breast cancer is rated as one of the best cancers to get. I ready that and was floored. Anyways, thanks for your comments.

    CJ - I just love love love your spirit, yes, give the SE the finger and do that 5k! But do drink a ton of water! I'm so happy that you are AC done! Taxol will be a breeze after this.

    Off for tacos...



  • Numb
    Numb Member Posts: 307

    CJSHARMA - thank you so much for admitting that you found round 3 bad.  I found round 2 bad for about 2 days, not too bad for about 3 days after that and now I am better than when I started chemo but I am expecting round 3 to be the worst from what I have read.  So thanks for the tip on drinking more water, that is invaluable.  Best of luck for the next few days and you are so lucky to be finished with the ACs.  That thought alone will get you through the week.

    MYRA -  thanks for the vote of confidence

    ANNIE -  give in to our cravings, this is not a time to deny yourself.  As for the yeast infection, does this effect your vagina?  I have had thrush since I stopped the antibiotics when in hospital last time and even though I took the Diffucan it never went away.  I can put up with it but I would prefer not to have it. 

    At the moment I am feeling great but there is one thing that bothers me and that is that every time I eat something I have a bowel movement and while it is not diarrhoea it is draining me.  I have taken Imodium to try and stop this but I am still going about 4 times a day, along with the stomach pains that go with this.  Ugh !!

  • wellshoot
    wellshoot Member Posts: 21

    Annie- thank you for your post last night. I think you and I have a similar diagnosis and are going through the same treatment and are on the same schedule. I had round 2 and while the physical SE were manageable, I got into a mental funk that I couldn't shake. My mind went to those dark places, all my doctors have been nothing but positive but of course I started to dwell on the negatives. Yesterday was better and I went to work but I read your post before I went to sleep. You are right. This is beatable. I don't know why your words of encouragement carried more weight last night than my experts but they did. So thank you.

    We are all in this together and while it stinks, knowing that this group is here makes it a little easier.

  • bagger
    bagger Member Posts: 36

    Today is #3 infusion of 6 of TCHP. I now have a prescription for Dronabinol for appetite and nausea. I take one before bedtime and sleep better without constipating side-effects. We'll see how it affects nausea next week.

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    Annie - carbs aren't bad. Just make sure you are focusing more on whole grains instead of simple carbs. They are lower on the GI index and will keep you fuller longer. If you need recipes for healthy comfort foods, PM me. I'm queen at collecting recipes. I also have a fabulous one for chicken nuggets and fries - all healthy (you can sub sweet potatoes for regular ones if you feel better). According to my scale (I weigh daily - always have - and I keep track) - I tend to lose about 2-3 pounds when I'm not eating, then when I inhale my food and become a bottomless pit, I gain those 2-3 pounds - no more. So I'm holding steady. I'd like to lose, but I'll wait until after chemo to try that.

    Wellshoot - so glad Annie was able to reach you in your dark place. Sometimes it' just takes hearing someone who has been there and understands more than your doctors. They understand intellectually, while someone like Annie was been there.

    Bagger - good luck today and hopefully things "move along" easily but not TOO easily, if you get what I mean. I picked up something a bit stronger for the round and promptly forgot to take it last night. Ooof. I did take it this morning. I hope I don't have an emergency on the drive to the doctor's to get my nuelasta shot! :p

    Feeling good today. Drank 100 oz of water yesterday and plan to do the same today. DD23 will be home today to hang with me and maybe go see Captain American. We had planned to go today, but the 3:30 PM showing we had planned was interrupted by a 4:00 appt for the shot. And I have a tough time staying awake in the evening. So, we'll see. I also have packet pickup for my 5k tomorrow. I might just feel pretty good for that. :)

  • Twaz
    Twaz Member Posts: 27

    Like Gracietoo, it is easier for me to follow on FB. If anyone else wants in, PM CJSharma. The group is private & hidden for those keeping their diagnosis private!!!

    So, I go the results of my MRI back. 1.1 cm tumor, 2 nodes (one was biopsied as positive). Suspicious area on my other breast- 5mm!!! I had that ultrasound & a biopsy yesterday. So I could be more of a freak show with two cancers. No nodes on that side. As nerve racking as the MRI was, at least I know more now. I'm leaning toward a bmx now. I know there is not much difference in lumpectomy vs mastectomy- but with my dense tissue and possibly two cancers, I will take that 2% difference.

    Re: kids. Mine are 8 & 11. I have been very open with them. One, they are now higher risk. Two, I don't want them to be ashamed of or embarrassed by breasts. I don't want my kids to see them as sex objects. Three, I want them to know what I am going through so they can ask questions.

    The game-

    Name: Tracy

    Age: 43

    Kids: An 8 year old girl & an 11 year old boy.

    Hardest part: The first two weeks because I knew nothing. It was emotionally taxing and scary. When you know people who have lost the battle, your mind goes to dark places.

    Next hardest is the chemo side effects. I'm having trouble controlling the nausea. The headaches are horrid. My vision is even affected. I have an active mind and when my body doesn't work, it is a horrible thing!

    Chemo: I've had 2 rounds of AC. Next one is Tuesday. Yuck.

    Hats or wigs- Bandanas and fun wigs! I bought a bunch of fun colored wigs. I'm trying hard to embarrass my kids!

    Hair stage: GI Jane. Stubble is slowly falling out.

    Quote: My karaoke song has always been I Will Survive. Although it is about a breakup, it is now my pending breakup with cancer!

    My mom had t-shirts done for my battle that say "Wake Up. Kick Butt. Repeat." I teach kickboxing & the pink gloves have new meaning!!!

  • ksusan
    ksusan Member Posts: 461

    Twas, I had cancer in both breasts (high-grade DCIS in one, low-grade DCIS and IDC in the other). I'm glad they caught it!

    Chemo affects fast-growing cells, which includes the intestinal lining. This may account for some of the bowel issues.

  • EMAW
    EMAW Member Posts: 99

    Glutamine for neuropathy - excellent article here:

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    Miriam! I want to thank you for including a valid scientific study. I love reading things like this especially as I'm heading into Taxol and I'm worried about nueropathy. :)

  • Positivepower11
    Positivepower11 Member Posts: 81

    Cj, I am just finishing the second Taxotere, Herceptin Perjeta ( x3) cycle and my third one is on Monday. I researched the neuropathy issue quite a bit and for what it's worth I found that in addition to Glutamine, Vitamin B6 helps and simply icing the hands and feet for the duration of the Tax chemo helped some people. I haven't done the fancy mits and socks, simply putting my toes and fingers on ice bags has helped. Touch wood far i dont have neuropathy.

    On the issue of Lumpectomy vs BMX, I had a lumpectomy as my MO is considered to be an authority on the subject and has written a number of papers on the subject and he said in my case ( 3cm tumor ) a BMX would not make a significant difference.

    Happy Weekend to all the lovely ladies.

  • Positivepower11
    Positivepower11 Member Posts: 81

    Just wanted to share this with all of you . image

  • Katjadvm
    Katjadvm Member Posts: 117

    susanbp: thank you for recommending the anticancer book. It is a powerful tool in my cancer journey now. Fluids are the key to surviving the AC treatments. I add a splash of coconut water to my regular water and it seems to help with my energy, nausea and hydration. Also going to keep getting my iv fluids for several days after the AC. Started having bone pain with this last neulasta shot, so will try the claritin.

    thanks everyone for sharing words of encouragement and chemo survival tips. I too find that I only want carbs after my chemo for a couple of days. Have a wonderful weekend.

  • Numb
    Numb Member Posts: 307

    POSITIVE POWER - I love that analysis, very good.

    KATJADVM -  thanks for emphasizing that fluids are the key to surviving AC.   I was finding my last round a bit tough, facing my next round on Friday and will be bingeing on water from day one.

  • Gracietoo
    Gracietoo Member Posts: 35

    Morning everyone!

    Lovely sunny day here today. Looking forward to some friends coming over this afternoon for a BBQ. Its going to be a nice day.

    Feeling great today - Im also a big believer is drinking plenty of water. Its been a great help.

    Thanks for the positive comments about my egghead ladies! Really enjoying your posts and getting to know you all better.

    Wishing you all a wonderful, healthy and positive weekend x


  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    Thanks for all of the feedback on lumpectomy vs mastectomy. If my mammo comes out like we think it will - with Lenny the limp nicely down is size due to the chemo (he feels a LOT smaller), I'll opt for the lumpectomy, knowing I may need to change that depending on the findings in Lenny. But I will talk about my radiation concerns.

    Numb - I have that issue with pooping every time I eat around days 4-7. It seems everything gets all backed up with the steroids and anti-nausea meds, and corrects itself on those days. It's not fun. I have found that moist wipes help with some of the issues.

    Postive Power - thank you for the tips. I'm not going to purchase fancy mits as my Taxol infusions are 3 hours long. I'll need a lot of mits!! I'm getting gel packs and I'll rotated them in a container with ice packs.

    KAT - I like the idea of adding coconut water. I usually drink some anyway as it's a great source of potassium.

    Gracie - sounds like a wonderful day! Enjoy!!

    I have a 5k this morning. It's local so I'll walk over there (1/2 a mile) and walk back and I'll walk the dogs - so it'll be around 4-5 miles I walk. A friend is joining me and we're wearing rainbow tutus. :) It's a huge event for my little town and it should be a lot of fun.