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Anyone starting chemo August 2016?



  • seq24
    seq24 Member Posts: 451

    Karey--Thanks! Do you think just replacing a filling or doing a crown will delay chemo? I don't think either thing will be considered invasive and will not involve any bleeding? My dentist does crowns in one step. He has a machine that makes the crown while he is getting the tooth ready and then he puts the crown on. No need to go back. I really don't want chemo delayed. I just want to get it over with!!

  • kechla
    kechla Member Posts: 181

    Dara, I did radiation prior to chemo. The first few weeks aren't so bad. It mostly just a hassle going every day. Once the skin starts to break though it is uncomfortable and I did take a few days off work to keep comfortable. Coconut oil is the best!! Also, stock up on Cami's that do not have a shelf bra and have loose elastic under the arm (if your nodes are getting radiation.) I started using them w no bra once skin started getting sensitive.

    Cold capping is going well. The first 10 minutes of the first 2 caps are the worst. After that it is not too bad. I use a nice warm blanket and heating pads to keep my core warm (I'm icing fingers and toes during taxotere too.). I've lost some hair, mostly sideburns and behind ears and I've probably lost about 20% overall. I think it still looks somewhat imagenormal. Keeping fingers crossed that not much more lost with the next 2 treatments. Here's a pic today. Styling is limited to washing about every 3 days and a wide tooth comb... I'll probably still get a short cut when I'm all done until it thickens back up a bit.

    On a different note. One of my friends has been leaving anonymous surprises on my front porch. These flowers came yesterday. How sweetimage

    Take care and have a great weekend!

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    seq - do talk to your dentist. Maybe they can find a temporary way to fix it that will hold till the Chemo is over and it can be repaired completely.

    Dara -- I am so happy you will be able to see your family as you move toward your last session. It is awesome that it will soon be over for you.

    abjclan - sorry to hear about the mouth sores. Hope it clears up soon.

    I had my last AC session yesterday and every thing seems to be going well so far. Friday is the D day... That is when my WBC usually plummets and I wind up in the hospital... So we'll see what happens.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Kechla, your hair looks great! And what a sweet idea your friend had! There's something about surprises that make the little things that much more special. She/He is a good friend.

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Thank you for the glutamine source idea, Marlene.

    Kechla, looking good and what fun tho get the surprise gifts.

    Seq, I know even a routine dental cleaning can introduce bacteria. Not taking action can create problems as well so I hope your oncologist can recommend an optimal time within your treatment plan so you can take care of this pesky problem. Keep us posted.


  • MFalabella
    MFalabella Member Posts: 105

    HI everyone,

    Sorry I have been absent lately, I just havent been feeling very well and wanted to hide my negative feelings. I am really hating chemo and cancer in general right now, although I know I shouldnt feel that way. Many of you have sent me PM;s checking on me, and for that I am grateful. My biggest issues is that my family is back in AZ, and here it is only my hubby and kids,....I miss my sister and my nieces so much right now. My mom passed away 10 years ago from cancer so I also don't have that support. You guys are all I have and I don't want to always be "poor me" Forgive me. I hope you all are well and that SE are minimal. I would post a pic of my egg head (lost it on day 13 after first infusion) but I don't know how. This is when I buzzed my head prior to my first chemo. Love and light to you all



  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Michelle, I'm so sorry that you've been struggling. If ever there was a time we ought to be able to complain without guilt, this is it. I think the stereotype of the attractive, beaming bald woman in pink and the constant talk about being brave and courageous can make us feel that we've somehow failed if we have a meltdown or battle side effects.

    I know it's not the same, but could setting up video calls with your sister help or perhaps finding a support group so you can vent in a room of people who "get it"? I think the American Cancer Society can also match you with a volunteer who has been through cancer herself. My family is all 1,300 miles away and I especially hate that distance because my mother is 83 years old.


  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Michelle, adorable picture! Chemo does suck! The only thing that keeps me on track is thinking that it's temporary. I was just telling my DH that I even feel like I've gotten totally clumsy since chemo started. After I make dinner it looks like a bomb went off in my kitchen! I seem to drop and spill stuff all over. I know about chemo brain, but chemo hands??? Maybe I should just say I've got chemo body. The most irritating SE I still have is eye twitches, tiny, tiny, twitches that make it hard to read or even look at someone. We miss you on this thread, but understand it's easier to be on the same general time schedule as you. We're all just thankful that you started this thread to begin with!

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    Michella --- We all have our down times... I cry and don't really know why... Other times I cry and do know why, but it is like our body has betrayed us. Going through all we are all doing is so hard even when it is fairly easy for some... I just have one BFF, my Hubby and Sister-in-Law here. My kid and grandkids are over 12 hours away. My Father, Step-Mom and all of my brothers and sisters are scattered all over the US where I grew up. So I know how hard it is.. I don't seem to have any conversation any more except Cancer and treatments.

    So I talk to my Father on Skype and keep my brothers updated on Facebook. My BFF puts up with me and we do have music to talk about too. We both sing, but she is semi professional.... I really miss going out to karaoke, but can't change the bugs cause I am really having trouble with my WBC.

    I'm halfway through the Chemo now and then I will have radiation to do. With the Hormone Therapy this looks like a 5 year project... at least...

    So don't be afraid to bitch and moan here... It is good to hear of the successes, but so many times we need to air our bad times too with those that understand.

  • seq24
    seq24 Member Posts: 451

    ElizabethAM--have you started Taxol yet? How do you feel on that? Is it as bad as the AC? I have the same regimen as you. I have only done 2 AC. Thought the second was going to kill me this last week. Dreading #3 on Friday. If you've started Taxol, has your hair started growing back. That's what I was told.

  • kechla
    kechla Member Posts: 181

    Michelle, beautiful smile and a great shaped head!! You rock i! Sorry you are feeling down. This ordeal is such a roller coaster ride for all of us. I can imagine it's very hard not to have your support people near you. Does your clinic offer any classes? Art, yoga, etc? Great place to connect with others going through it also. But also feel free to vent here. Take care!

  • makeiki3
    makeiki3 Member Posts: 19

    Hi All,

    I follow your blog even though I "belong" to the September chemo board. Information is power and that is something we definitely offer to each other. Specifically, I wanted to let Tunegrl to know that my MO just got my insurance to approve Perjeta to be added to my chemo cocktail. I've already had my first chemo, but it'll be added from here on out. My tumor was 2 cm which is about the size of a grape or unshelled peanut. Technically Perjeta has just been approved for neo-adjuvant therapies with a clinical trial being conducted currently on adjuvant therapies. I definitely fall into the latter, the adjuvant therapy as I had surgery first. My MO went to bat for me. I'm the one who suggested Perjeta to her because I heard of it on the Sept. chemo board. Didn't even know it existed, but it seems to be a no-brainer. My MO and her whole office as well as my husband and I have been so surprised, overwhelmed, and shocked that my insurance approved it. This is an opening for you and others of us where Perjeta could add to our survivability rates. Best of Luck! And, thanks to all of you for sharing info, supporting others and each other.


  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    seq -- no I have not started Taxol yet, but I will in two weeks. will let all know how it goes

  • karey59
    karey59 Member Posts: 49

    SEG24. Maybe you have some infection in that tooth which caused the filling to fall out? I had something going on in my teeth before chemo and that made it worse by weakening my immune system. I had terrible pain so I knew I needed the extractions. The regular dentist sent me to an oral surgeon so he could get together with timing the surgery with my MO. You need to see your dentist and see what he says. The tooth could have been weakend from the chemo, once they Xray it they can see infection or whats going on. I was really afraid to have the work done while on chemo but MO said as long as I was on an antibiotic it was ok. Let us know what happens.

  • sensitivehrt
    sensitivehrt Member Posts: 310

    Hi all. Catching up. On day 10 of round 3.  A few new SE this round, but nothing to horrible.  My taste buds were off for a bit, and everything tasted like freezer burn and then my throat was sore for a few days.  Still feel run down a lot of the days, and I'm ready to get back to a "normal" life, but aren't we all.  I never completely loss all of my hair....(pic to follow) When it had started to fall out, I shaved it down to a 2 and now, I think it's actually might be growing.  As far as feeling like I need to cover it, I only did in the beginning, because I didn't want other people to feel sorry for me or uncomfortable around me.  I'm now at the screw it point, and think if someone doesn't like it, don't look at me.  I do wear a head buff or hat at times, and the weather is getting cooler, so I'll probably be wearing something more often. Not sure what I'll do once I go to work.  I had fun in Target last night....will post those pics for a good laugh in a bit. 

    Dara-I'm on Taxotere also and haven't had any bone pain.  I've heard it's associated a lot of time with the Neulasta.  So sorry you are having that side effect.

    Cali-sorry you broke out in a rash....has to be scary and painful. Hope you are feeling better.

    Ajbclan-looking forward to rain here in Cali tomorrow. Lets hope the weather people are right.

    Seq24-My MO said no to dental work, but I needed a deep cleaning.  Hope you are able to get the work you need done.

    Kechla-your hair looks great!!!

    MFablabella-hope you feel better soon.

  • sensitivehrt
    sensitivehrt Member Posts: 310


    Not the best picture, but you can see my fuzz

  • sensitivehrt
    sensitivehrt Member Posts: 310


    For a good laugh. I feel the Dory hat is most fitting, especially with my "chemo brain" latel

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Sensitive, what fun great pictures! I agree, and I think I could use a Dory hat also. :-) Yes, I think the bone pain is primarily due to the Neulasta, but my MO was so adamant and warned so strongly about WBC, that I've gone with the Neulasta each time, especially since I'm out and about so often and have 5 little grandkids. Course they've all been sick so I've not even seen them for the last 3 weeks.

    Makeiki3, welcome, I've done the same thing with the July chemo and rad group when I wasn't sure which way I would be going. It helps to see what others' experiences are just to be prepared.

    Happy Sunday all...

  • seq24
    seq24 Member Posts: 451

    Karey--thank you. I will be calling both doctor's again tomorrow. I don't think I have an infection at all. I think the part of the filling just broke off since it was on a vertical edge of the tooth. I really appreciate your feedback. Just something else to deal with now on top of the zillion dollar cancer bills!!

  • Wonderwoman78
    Wonderwoman78 Member Posts: 6

    Hi ladies,

    I've only posted a couple of times but I'm trying to keep up with you all. Currently working FT as middleschool teacher which takes the vast majority of my time and energy. Sorry to my poor family. I think of you all often though and hope for the best for all of you.

    Those pictures are terrific Sensitive! You have to have fun and laugh during this time. I know I do or I'll lose it!

    VLH, I had great luck finding glutamine on a bogo sale at super supplements and cheaper than GNC.

    DaraB- chemo body sounds about right for me too!

    Seq24, good luck with your tooth. It sure sucks to have anything more to deal with at this time.

    My 4th round of AC was my worst. Worst for aches, mouth sores inside and out, nausea, just generally felt crummy. Even my port decided to join the party and got so angry looking my doc put my on antibiotics. I also got hand foot syndrome which is not fun. One fingertip split like an overripe plum. Yowch!

    Had my first round of Taxol on Friday. Had a slight reaction during the first 15 minute testing of it (just got hot and flushed) but they gave me more Benedryl and a 20 minute rest then slowed my drip and the remaining infusion went without incident. So far, I'm just a bit more tired after the taxol, appetite has been zapped and the hand foot seems worse. We'll see how it goes. 11 more to go!

    Good luck to everyone this week no matter the treatment stage you're on. I hope it's a good week.

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    WonderWoman, I'm sorry to hear about the hand-foot syndrome. Ouch! I'm not familiar with Super Supplements. Since GNC was sued, I figure they'll be on alert to ensure their products contain what's on the label...nothing more or less. Wishful thinking on my part?

    Sensitive, you're a hit! With my Fibro Fog, I already have plenty of Dory moments so adding Chemo Brain to the mix is downright scary. Shocked


  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Evening ladies! I think I am finally feeling human again or close to it. I have finally stopped my itch fest & now I'm just waiting for my swollen eyelid to calm down so I can wear my contacts again.

    Elizabeth .... you made me chuckle thinking of you rushing out the door forgetting any head covering ...yikes my fear.

    ajbclan... I never could view th video even after joining.

    Dara ... So sorry your daughter has had to seek legal action but she has to be your grandsons protector when he is being treated unfairly .

    Tunegrrl...My MO won't even be doing any checks till after my last chemo treatment. I pray there is some change the right direction. look great. I may need to get back to you when I get to the radiation phase. What a pretty surprise from your friend. Can't special friends be a blessing...sometimes it's someone you weren't even close to. My librarian has made me some natural products to try and help me cope with my itch fest. I so appreciated her help.

    MFalabella....sorry I have been in my own misery ...but we are here for each other weather it is to rant to rave about something. Who else can understand how we feel? Your picture is great. are great ...I we have the same do 😎 Do you think we will get any of that rain?

    Wonderwoman.. I am so sorry about that hand-foot syndrome ...that sounds bad ...I am so afraid when I hear about something new in case I'll have it next time...just my fear.

    I went to the wedding my son was in yesterday after a bit of a pity party..I couldn't get my head covering and a nice outfit to work ... So after a good cry t threw something together and will work on some matching things before the moment. I was just so frustrated.

    Rest well ladies

  • LisbethS
    LisbethS Member Posts: 88

    Wonderwoman, I have hand-foot too. My finger pads have thick calluses that grow daily. They burn and tingle and I had small blisters but they were under the calluses so they didn't come to the surface thank goodness. Can't imagine having one of my fingers split open, sounds horribly painful. The MO told me to take B6 100, L-Lysine 1000, and put bag balm on them and wear cotton gloves to keep the balm on. Did your doctor give you any tips on how to handle?

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    Sensitive --- Love the fashion show. Those hats are so awesome.

    Caligirl --- I am so glad you are feeling better...

    Wonderwoman & Lisbeth --- So sorry to hear about your hand-foot problems. I have read about it and I hope you find relief soon.

    Good Luck to everyone this week in your treatments.

  • Marlenelin
    Marlenelin Member Posts: 49

    I've had my second dense dose bi weekly taxol, although second was at a reduced rate by 23% because I couldn't handle the severe bone and muscle pain on the first infusion. Second was a bit better. The side effects hit me like clockwork at 3 pm on day 3 and today, Monday, the aching has eased up. I was told to take Motrin nonstop 600 mg every 8 hours with food. Not sure it helped. Two more taxols left then on to radiation. Noticing some neuropathy in my hands, and lost my eyelashes last week so my eyelids are swollen. Also go between constipation and the runs which has created bleeding hemorrhoids so I added magnesium that I take at night to the mix and that seems to help. Also taking Glutamine at the suggestion of a friend. Hoping it will help with neuropathy. Find I am much more tired than I was on AC but since chemo is cumulative and I have had 6 out of 8 treatments I suspect that is why. I am also older than you young ones (65) so the side effects could be hitting me harder. The hardest thing for me is the loneliness. I moved last month 15 minutes away from NJ to PA and my NJ friends seem to feel the extra 15 minute drive is too far to go so I spend most days alone. Hubby still works but takes off to take me to treatments. He is my rock.

    Last night began the start of the Jewish New Year. A happy and healthy new year to come to all those who celebrate.


  • Lifeisntover
    Lifeisntover Member Posts: 6

    My 3rd AC infusion was last week and it went really well, which I was hoping for but not expecting because I struggled with the 2nd one.  I didn't think I could do another infusion.  I think the difference was that I had 3 anti nausea meds - Ativan, Compazine and Zoferan.  Instead of taking all 3 of them at the same time (every 6 hours), I staggered them and rotated each med every three hours.  It does mean waking up at 3am, 6am, etc to take meds, but it really helped me.  I did take the Comp and 1/2 Ativan together.  Taking Claritin the day before and after my Newlasta shot helped, as well as taking Vitamin B complex helped my sore forearms.  Hope that helps.

  • Marlenelin
    Marlenelin Member Posts: 49

    So glad to hear your third AC was much better.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    I am hoping my 4th treatment doesn't go as bad as my 3rd treatment but I can do this. In the moment it's pretty crappie but hopefully we can support each other.

    I am supposed to have my lumpectomy in November then radiation after I heal from that. I see all kinds of other topics on this website and wonder when should I join another for surgery support? Can we stay with this group and check in as we move on? Not sure how it works just so thankful I stumbled on to this group first time I looked it up.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Cali, you and I seem to be in the same predicament! This last one was the worst for me but I'm really trying to stay positive about Monday (and Tuesday for you!) Usually I'm pretty good after the first 7 days, but this time it's been yuck for the first two weeks, and this week I'm fair. I highly recommend the lumpectomy lounge thread! It is also an awesome thread and the women are terrific. I've popped into a few others, but this one and lumpectomy lounge really are my favorites. I was thinking I should look into a rad thread, (I'll be starting in about 4-5 weeks) but quite honestly, lumpectomy lounge and this thread I feel, can address just about anything and I feel like I know you all pretty well. I had my lumpectomy in June and it really was not bad at all. Just stock up on frozen peas lol! They were my friend the first couple of days. Ask any questions, here or on the other site. People are really supportive. At least we can see the end of the chemo tunnel! (Or I should say, I sort of see it as I'm losing my lashes so my eyes water constantly and still twitch nonstop!) Happy countdown to the last chemo!

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Dara ... Thanks I will check out the lumpectomy lounge and stock up in frozen peas. My surgery is scheduled for November 10th if all goes well with my last chemo. I am so happy it's our last but nervous about what may hit this time. My eyelids are finally not as swollen but I have about 10 lashes on each lid 👁

    Nighty night