Pregnancy after treatment for TNBC

hi ladies!
Just over a year ago I was diagnosed with TNBC at age 30. I underwent fertility preservation and had some eggs frozen before starting chemo. I went on to get a pCR from AC, had a mastectomy and then 12 rounds of taxol. I did not have radiation and finished chemo this past June. My periods resumed immediately. I'm now 31 and I'd planned on hopefully falling pregnant with my first child this year, that is before the cancer diagnosis. My doctor said to wait 3 years but I've heard that us TNs maybe don't need to? Has anyone else gone on to have a children post treatment for TNBc
Hi Kat! I was reading through the boards and saw that nobody ever responded to your message, so I thought I'd share my story! I was diagnosed at age 32, 1 year after I had my first child. My doctors told me to wait 2 years to try again. When I got closer to the 2-year mark, I went for some fertility testing to see how my eggs were looking after the chemo. I did not freeze any eggs at the time of my diagnosis because I figured what was meant to be, was meant to be....and I already had a perfect son that I was lucky to have. So at the fertility testing, the doctors told me that I didn't have many eggs that survived the chemo and the ones I had didn't look to be in great shape. They said that I'd definitely need some help from them, and they couldn't even guarantee that being successful. So I figured I was in for a rough few months/years ahead. The plan was to start fertility treatments in November. In October, I told my husband....let's just try this month just to say that we did, on our own. And if it doesn't work, then we'll start the treatments next month. Well...literally days before I was to start treatments, I found out I was pregnant! Nobody could believe it! And as happy as I was to be pregnant, now I started to get worried. I started to wonder, since my eggs didn't look good on the ultrasounds, how would this baby develop? Would I have any issues with the baby or my pregnancy? I had had a double mastectomy with a tram flap surgery- now I started getting freaked out that my stomach wouldn't be strong enough to hold a baby with all of the surgery I'd had two years prior. Months went by and every scan came out perfect, and every checkup successful. 9 months later, I had another beautiful baby boy. He's now 3.5 and still perfect! He's my miracle. Now the only bad thing is that when he was 1, I had a new primary cancer develop (not a recurrence they said). Crazy coincidence that both of my boys were 1 when I was diagnosed, but triple neg doesn't feed on hormones, so it shouldn't have had anything to do with the pregnancy.
What is your status now? Pregnant? Trying? Good luck to you! It can happen!!!
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Hi! I realize your response is over a year old, but as we have similar diagnosis and treatment stories, I thought I would reach out and see if you had an insight for a fellow survivor. 3 years post chemo (TN, Stage 2B, 8 rounds of AC-T, no rads, double mx, zoladex during tx). Just started trying to concieve. There is very little information to be found about my chances and such. Anyway, hope all is well with you!
Oh, and I had a daughter 2 years before DX. Didn't do anything before tx to preserve fertility, but I am young. 29 now, 26 at DX/TX. I would love ANY insight you might have to offer. Be well!
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Punkaninny, thank you for sharing what you are going through. You may want to start a new topic, since indeed, as you mention this one is older. We are routing for you, and wish you success with conceiving!
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This is an old post but i wanted to chime in! TNBC diagnosis at 32... 8 rounds of chemo plus radiation.. started my in vitro journey about a year later... only 8 eggs retrieved due to low egg count. Only 2 embryos were good enough to be fertilized and implanted..and one very beautiful daughter 9 months later. May someone find hope as I found hope on this website 10 years ago.