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January 2017 Surgery Group



  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338

    Aboob, have you ever had an O cyst before? I have not, but a coworker's daughter did and she was very sick and in pain too. I hope you are feeling better very soon, and get it checked! Hugs!!! So the crazy implant flipped back in my sleep Friday night! I am guessing the pocket may be too small. If I had my way, I would have them completely removed and just get small boobs with my own fat, which I don't have a lot of. I don't like the way these things feel, and I don't know how long it should take for them to feel better or if I am just over sensitive. I am going to send my ps an email and see if it can be done. My fiance said he wouldn't care if I was flat, I have always been busty so I can't imagine that, but I could see me as a B cup. I had a reduction in 1993 from a double D to a B. What I didn't know is that with a reduction you are supposed to maintain your weight. I had dieted down to an unrealistic weight for my wedding, and when I put weight back on my boobs grew back!!

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    yay shore girl!!! So pleased it spun around and you don't have to endure 6-12 weeks of tabletop!! I say, if you don't like your implants, now is the time to say so and swap out. We have all likely met our deductibles, so take advantage of that to get exactly what you like!!

    I had big boobs too and had this reduction along with bilât lumpectomies, but I'd be ok going smaller still! I guess you always want what you don't have! But if you don't have much fat, you might not even be able to get an a cup. I have a big belly roll, and even with that, I recall ps saying it wasn't enough to form 2 breasts ( when I was thinking about mastectomy). So ask before you go taking them out!

    I'm back to normal health. I'm guessing I had a combo of ovarian cyst and bad cramps. My fibroids had grown on the 1 month I took tamoxifen, so maybe that contributed too, but jeez - I couldn't move for 2 whole days. I can't imagine being a woman who ruptures one like that every month - ugh. I'm already dreading next month!!

    Here is a little glimpse of paris for you gals:

    imageimageimageThe cheese was so gorgeous, covered in flowers. I ate some for all of you!!!


  • farmdream
    farmdream Member Posts: 74

    Hello my friends Hug

    Tomorrow I go for my exchange surgery! I unfortunately got a 1:30PM surgical time. I have a bit of nerves going into this surgery but so looking forward to the next step

    They are using general anesthesia which made me very sick during my BMX in January, they plan to use a nausea patch to try to reduce the severity....crossing my fingers it helps!

    Hope to be up an around least to say "hi" to all of you.

  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    Shoregirl, wow! I would definitely see about getting some are your own best advocate so keep fighting for yourself if you feel something is wrong. Even if it turns out okay, it will give you peace of mind.

    AB, I'm so sorry to hear! I hope by today you are feeling much better. Didn't you start tamoxifen? I must have missed the part where you stopped taking? Bad side effects?

  • RoseRN1
    RoseRN1 Member Posts: 44

    Beautiful photos annoyingboob!

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338

    Farmdream!! Today is the day!! The nausea patch worked for me, I hope it does for you too!! I was nervous too, more so than with the MX. But no reason to, I woke up with no pain after exchange, and it was just a relief to get it behind me!! You've got this!!

    Aboob, so glad you are feeling better!! And yes, the pics are gorgeous!! On another thread I was told that it sounds like some pocket work needs to be done, also to wear a bra 24/7 and not sleep on my side. I wore a bra 24/7 for about 4 weeks, then had enough of it. My skin got sensitive around the band and edges of the bra, so I stopped sleeping in it. And I started sleeping on my side as soon as I could, its like a security blanket for me lol. No one ever told me not to. Anyway, I haven't told my ps yet about it flipping back. I am trying to gather info on how long I should have discomfort. I will probably take longer to heal due to the huge incisions. They are about 12" long, from IMF all the way under arms to my shoulder blades. Also how long to live with the implants before I decide if I want to downsize. I guess just fat won't work for me, but smaller implants is very appealing.

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    farm dream, good luck with surgery!! I'm sending anti nausea vibes your way!! Checkin when you are feeling up to it. It's really exciting see you ladies go for exchange - three cheers for what is (hopefully) the final surgery!! Xxoo

  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    hello my friends!

    Back from the cruise which was awesome! No great pics tho...ate & drank too much but I honestly don't care. Not even guilty about it! Last Thurs. the gals I work with threw me an "end of chemo" party, which just happened to be the 6-month Anniversary of my diagnosis. so thoughtful...

    Saw the MO yesterday, I'll be starting Aromasin (one of the Aromatase Inhibitors) as soon as my mail-order pharmacy sends it to me. Stopped reading the BCO board about all the SEs so I'm not as apprehensive as I was before. Seeing my PS next week to set a date for the exchange surgery. It'll be sometime this summer.

    Great to catch up with all of you! Seems like the worst is behind most, if not all of us, thank God!

    Love you all! Liz.

  • Bevmomduck
    Bevmomduck Member Posts: 91

    Agree with pugs, it's good to hear from many of you and know there is progress and lots of it very good. Farmdream, they have so many anesth options that I truly hope this time is the complete opposite of your previous experience. And annoyingdear, so glad you are past your awful pain and hope it never comes your way again! And love, love the pics!

    Shoregirl, you have opened my eyes to new things with your flip flopping te. I will be more attentive to wearing a sports bra until my exchange. I am fully over filled and feeling every bit of the overfill. Sometimes I feel like I'm getting bruised from my own boobs 😐

    But I have a exchange date - JULY 6 - just scheduled! Another grandchild should be born by then I should feel normal by youngest daughter's August wedding!

    Cheers! Because life keeps moving on and we are part of it - alive!


  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338

    Hi Pugs!! Glad you enjoyed your cruise!! I don't blame you for eating and drinking what you wanted and not feeling guilty. You deserve some indulgence!!

    Bevmom, yes Cheers, it is great to be alive!! Just to let you know, it is my permanent implant that flipped. I had exchange April 25. Congrats on your exchange date, less than a month away!! And a new grandbaby, what an exciting summer!

    I posted the following on the exchange city thread, but copied it here so those of you that did not see it there can learn some valuable advice.

    I just received an email from my ps in reply to me telling him it flipped back and asking what we can do to be sure it doesn't happen again. He said avoid side sleeping for the next few weeks, wear a compression or snug sports bra (My Genies are on their way!) to hopefully hold the implants in place over the next 2-4 weeks while the pocket continues to heal. He also said "at this point in your healing, time and patience are very beneficial to your recovery. I am here for you, and I will do what it takes to help care for you fully: downsizing implants is relatively straightforward. Fat grafting is also a reasonable option for contouring of small areas, like the edge of the implant and other subtle asymmetries – plus you get a little lipo and who doesn't want that! It has been a great honor to be part of your care. I think you are a fantastic patient!"

    I love my PS again, lol!! I feel bad I ranted about him, chalk it up to the stress of this whole crazy DX!!

    Blessings, Shoregirl

  • RoseRN1
    RoseRN1 Member Posts: 44

    Liz, I should start Arimidex mid July. Let me know how you make out!

  • Lula73
    Lula73 Member Posts: 705

    shoregirl- if things don't improve with the implants you may be a candidate for a stacked flap reconstruction. The docs that pioneered it are in New Orleans and are usually just referred to as NOLA on this site. Women travel from all over the US and even from Canada and the UK to have their flap reconstruction there. I traveled from central NC and have been very pleased. The docs there hands down have the most experience with natural tissue reconstruction. Less than 2% failure rate and less than 2% infection rate.Feel free to pm me with questions. Their website is:

  • docmama
    docmama Member Posts: 126

    Look ladies, our bungalows just got a whole lot better!

    Tag Friends You'd Take with You to Maldives

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    I would tag everyone!!!

    I peeked at their website - the soneva fushi in the Maldives - only 10-20,000/night!!!! Maybe 100 of us could share 1 villa, lol!! Sure is gorgeous to look at and dream about, though - I'd love to jump down that slide into the ocean!!

    Welcome home pugs mama - glad the cruise was gluttonous!! You sure deserved it!!

  • farmdream
    farmdream Member Posts: 74

    morning - had my exchange surgery on Tuesday, pain was worse than I thought it would be, but he removed a lot of scar tissue. I am not sure that I like my implants but I know it takes time for everything to settle. I like the general size but am afraid they are to wide for my frame. My PS had to make longer incisions to clean up the edges from my BMX so my scars are longer now...I know they will fade over time but kind of hard to start all over again with the healing.

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338

    OMG, DocMama, MALDIVES!!! GORGEOUS!!! It doesn't even look real it's so beautiful!

    Hi Farm!! Sorry to hear you had more pain hopefully you're feeling better by today. You know what they say, step away from the mirror don't make any judgments right now. It can take up to 6 months before you true aesthetic result is evident. I know what you mean about starting the healing all over again and long incisions. Mine go all the way from beneath my breasts to my shoulder blades which makes bathing suits a challenge. But it is what it is and I am just relieved knowing I got rid of the cancer!

    I am 10 weeks Post Exchange and I'm just now starting to feel comfortable with my implants although not 100%. I'm definitely going to get fat grafting to soften the edges and cushion my skin as my implants are pre pec. My PS does not do nip reconstruction and advises me against it. But I really miss my nips and in a few months I'm going to consult with a another PS who does the surgery.

  • 3bears
    3bears Member Posts: 161

    Shoregirl-- I also can't believe your PS is so calm about this. I'm still waiting on TEs but it makes me worry about all the things that can go wrong with implants. Six weeks seems like a long time to have to wait.

    Sorry I haven't been on here girls. It's been uneventful. I went on the tamoxifen 5 weeks ago. My biggest complaints are night sweats. The nurse thinks it'll get better after three months. We'll see. But, what are you gonna do?

    I finally got my surgery scheduled to have tissue expanders placed on Sept 7th. So I'm just trying to enjoy summer for now . Doing things around the house that I won't be able to do after another surgery.

    Pugsmama is back from her cruise and she started taking AIs just the other day. She's doing well. She's getting her final implant exchange August 3 I believe.

    Shelleybeans just found out her MO wants to remove her ovaries.

    I hope to hear updates from all of you as you check in.


  • farmdream
    farmdream Member Posts: 74

    I had my post-op yesterday with my PS. Overall everything looks good. He may need to do a slight revision to one of the corners he tried to clean up. He did say it could just be one in the office. The one issue I am dealing with is both breasts (not sure what to call them) have redness above the incision line. The skin is very sensitive and feels prickly if I go outside in the heat. He thinks it might be nerve issues...he does not think it is an infection. Hoping it calms down soon!

    I think of you all often and hoping your days are filled with light and sunshine.

  • Bevmomduck
    Bevmomduck Member Posts: 91

    farm- just like you, I think of y'all often and truly want the best for all. 3 bears, thanks for the updates on shellybeans and pugsmama.

    It's summertime! I want to enjoy the mindset it brings. I am awaiting a new grandbaby soon and in 3 weeks looking forward to having my chest baseballs exchanged for something much softer!


  • beachbabyk
    beachbabyk Member Posts: 148

    Lovely Ladies of the summer! I hope that you are all enjoying the sun and able to relax a bit. I'm right there with you Bev! The summer mindset is a glorious one! Here's to hoping that those baseballs get replaced with the perfect soft replacements for the soon-to-arrive baby to sleep and snuggle with Gma.

    3bears - Tamoxifen and the night sweats... I had the same problem and my Dr prescribed Effexor and it helped. I haven't had any other side effects from either of them (I have been on the Effexor for a week and a half). Worth asking about!

    Love to you all! Be well!

  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    BeachBabyK & 3Bears: I went on Effexor after my ovaries came out...definitely helps with the hot flashes! I'm on Aromasin now, it keeps the hot flashes it improves the mood. Better living through chemistry, I say

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    unrelated to BC, but curious if anyone here has had a hysterectomy and kept ovaries? My uterus feels like I'm carrying around a 4-6 month pregnancy, so wondering if I should just take it out.

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    You ladies are always in my thoughts! It appears we are all heading in the right direction with only a few set backs and bumps in the road. Bevmomduck, EXCITING! New grandbaby in just a few weeks then a nice soft set of ta-ta's! 3bears, sorry to hear about the night sweats. That was my biggest fear about the tamoxifen. After months of not being able to sleep (before the cancer diagnosis ) I was finally sleeping so well it was scary. I was afraid I wouldn't here my girl if she got up during the night. I have been on the tamoxifen a little over 3 months and have had only a few things I might consider SE. I have had the odd acne. It reminds me of when I took birth control pills in the 90's and I feel forgetful. Not sure of that's get this while crap journey or if it's the tamoxifen. Annoyingboob - I know that feels miserable! Sending you vibes to deflate soon! PugsMama - I am thankful you had a fabulous cruise! What a way to celebrate the end of chemo! Beachbabyk - I am grateful to you for starting this thread. This thread kept me sane when I felt like I was losing it...emotionally and physically.

    I turned 52 on Thursday. I was a bit of anews emotional mess. Thankful for another year but still a bit of a wreck from the past 6 months. DH went above and beyond this birthday and my card made me cry. I really scared the hell out of him. Our pool is almost finished. The deck is all that's left. I got in on Sunday with the kids. It's very hard to lift a 116 pound kid to toss in a pool. My girl can't climb the ladder that we are using the deck will make it a breeze to toss her in. That will happen after the propane tank is moved and buried on Tuesday. When we got in last Sunday the water was only 75 degrees and it put my lymphedema in over drive. I feel a little stupid for not thinking about the cold water causing as much damage as hot water...duh! My surgery boob is HUGE! My forearm is rather swollen and I have a golf ball size waders of fluid in my arm pit. The swelling under my shoulder blade looks nice in a tight top to...NOT! I am wearing a compression sleeve at night now and there is talk of a compression sleeve for my trunk to. I said like Spanx??? I might enjoy that one if it smoothes thing out!

    Holding you all close and missing you to! I wish we could all get together and celebrate the stromg women that we are!♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

    Much love . Teresa

    PS baby Charlee is doing great! She up to 12.6 pounds. She is showing no signs of damage from the cord being wrapped around her neck. She will have a PT evaluation next week. If she needs it early intervention is the key! She is a very happy baby and wants to to talk already.

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459


  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    Thank you AB! I love it! I even see it as the right side being bigger!

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    Thank you AB! I love it! I even see it as the right side being bigger!


  • 3bears
    3bears Member Posts: 161

    Shoregirl and Farmdream-- thanks for sharing your exchange implant stories with us. It's good to hear how we are all moving forward and getting closer to the final picture.

    Annoyingboob --- You stopped Tamoxifen? Are you going to go back on it? I'm doing ok on it. Night sweats and hot flashes but the nightsweats actually do seem to be improving a bit. I'm not drenched like I was a couple weeks ago. Ugh! Thanks for the beautiful pics of Paris!

    Beverly-- how are your implants? Do you like them? Are they comfortable? Right size?

    I'll have to ask you girls advice when it comes time to choose implants. I get my TEs on Sept 7 finally. Do I choose the size or just let my PS choose? He says he chooses. I'm also feeling like after being flat so long, I may not want as big of breasts as I always thought I wanted. Lol!


  • docmama
    docmama Member Posts: 126

    I know my diagnosis has forever changed me in so many ways (all of you ladies here are a blessing, for sure!), but mostly it has made me braver than I have ever been in my life. A year ago today, I would have let what happened this morning with Amazon go after the 3rd representative said no. I have a fighting spirit now, and will never give up!!

    I ordered a Treadmill desk for my husband for Father's Day (the kids all chipped in, I paid the difference) and when I went on Amazon this morning to post a positive review I noticed the price had dropped $48. This is the chat convo I had with Amazon this morning ( it begins after I'd been transferred twice to different representatives):

    Mohammed Saber: Hello, my name is Mohammed Saber. Please give me a moment to review the previous correspondence.
    I completely understand your concern regard this
    As our prices do changes instantly where we are unable to help you with the price difference
    Me: I don't understand. Your company should honor the price difference, especially if it occurred within the week. Other retailers will do the same and refund the difference if it goes on sale. Why shouldn't Amazon do the same? I have been a prime member for over 10 years
    Mohammed Saber: We work hard to find the best prices out there and make sure our prices are as low or lower – changing our prices instantly if we find a lower offer somewhere else. Therefore, we don't offer price adjustments.
    To read more about our pricing, please visit our Help pages: full link)
    Me: I ordered this product from Amazon, and the price change occurred on Amazon. This does not make any sense to me at all! I'd like to speak with a superior please
    Mohammed Saber: If you would like to I can transfer this chat to our leadership team
    Me: yes please
    Mohammed Saber: However, I am afraid that they will also give you the same response
    Me: will you transfer me please??
    Mohammed Saber: Sure, please allow me a moment while I do this for you
    A Customer Service Associate will be with you in a moment.
    You are now connected to Gokul from
    Gokul: Hello, my name is Gokul. I'm a member of the leadership team here at I'll be happy to help you today.
    Me: Yes please I'd like a refund of $48 for the Walktop desk I ordered for Father's Day.
    The price dropped in less than a week
    Gokul: Oh, if this is a price change issue. Then, i'm sorry we can't honor the price .
    Me: You can purchase Whole Foods for 34 billion dollars but cannot refund a woman suffering from breast cancer currently going through chemotherapy $48?? This is ridiculous. Target would honor this, Walmart would honor this. I am a loyal Amazon customer for more than 15 years. I feel I deserve the obvious refund of $48!!
    Gokul: I'm really sorry, we won't be able to offer the refund. The system won't allow us to do any concession.
    Me: I would take the amount in a gift card. Amazon would still get it's $48
    Gokul: Really apologize about the misunderstanding, we won't be able to offer any kind of help in case of price drop cases
    Me: full link)
    I would like to refer you to this thread. In it several people were refunded the difference. I stand firm sir. I believe I have been a loyal customer and should get the credit to my account
    This product weighs over 30 lbs. With my double mastectomy I cannot get it back in the box, and take it to UPS for a refund in order to reorder it again at the lower price
    Gokul: Ok let me do the refund, as you suggested to gift card
    Me: Thank you Gokul

    They really need to change this policy. Ridiculous. I just got the text that the $48 is back in my account.

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    yaaaaasss docmama!! You go girl!! I remember looking at those desks a few years ago and they were hundreds of dollars!! Way to hold your ground and get the just price!!

    3 bears- glad you are tolerating the T!!!!! I lasted only a month - had zero energy, gained 25 lbs (in a MONTH!!), and my uterine fibroids blossomed like weeds. I told my MO I would try it again once settled in Paris, but I haven't lost the weight yet and my uterus still feels huge, so nope. In every other way I feel great. I'll head back to Usa for follow up mammo this fall and plan to get a pelvic ultrasound then too just to figure out what to do with this uterine revolt. I should mention that I'm always sensitive to medication and tend to take half dose of most everything prescribed. Fingers crossed for clear health this fall bc I think full dose tamoxifen is just too much for my system.

    Paris has been hot hot hot - 85 and this week sposed to be in the 90s!! I've been doing the French version of soul cycle spin class everyday. In the beginning, I couldn't do it at all, and I'm getting better and feeling fitter each day. I wish the weight and fat gain would drop off, but it's not budging, and I've been good about alcohol only once a month and sugar 1-2x/week. Groan. I guess this is my welcome to middle age metabolism.

    Good luck to all you friends going through exchanges this summer!! In no time you will be back on your feet and getting in shape too! I'm super pleased with my new smaller size - maybe like a c cup? - I'd never have D+ again - clothes fit so much better now and exercise is so much easier. But I am noticing a little droop in leftie and radiated right boob shrunk a little, so you lucky implant ladies won't have that to worry about! Small victories,..

    Stay cool and keep the updates coming until everyone has crossed the health finish line. I love hearing about the summers weddings and babies - enjoy!! Xoxo

  • 3bears
    3bears Member Posts: 161

    Docmama!!-- so good to hear from you! I was thinking of you and wondering how you're doing. I'm glad you are so strong now. It's true. There are good things that come out of the bad and makes us better people than we were.

    Annoyingboob-- Paris still sounds lovely no matter how hot it is.

    We are all in such a better place than last winter.