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January 2017 Surgery Group

BeachBabyK Member Posts: 148

I'm starting a group for those of us planning to have surgery (any kind) in January 2017 so that we can provide love and support to our fellows on this similar journey. If you'd like, I'll try to list surgeries by date/type so that we can check in on each other. I do not have my date or specific surgery type yet, but will certainly add it to when I find out!

Jan 4 - Leftcoastie - double mastectomy with nipple sparing reconstruction

- PugsMama - Bilateral mastectomies with tissue expanders/reconstruction

- Elem - Lumpectomy

- win-chimed - double mastectomy

- Vermont15 - lumpectomy with sentinel lymph node biopsy

- Greenstar - Lumpectomy and SNB of left breast, excisional biopsy of right breast

- 2moveforward - mastectomy

Jan 5 - Momy4ever - BMX with reconstruction

- Maya15 - DIEP reconstruction on both sides

- annoyingboob - bilat wire loc with lumpectomy and simultaneous bilat reduction/lift

Jan 6 - Docmama -- Double Mastecomy with Reconstruction

- Fightingirl - Lumpectomy

- Alli - Nipple sparing BMX

- Marimucho - bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction: tissue expander placement

- dlh17 - mastectomy by left breast with expander for by future reconstruction

- BeachbabyK - Lumpectomy

Jan 10 - Dafne- bilateral mastectomy

- 3bears - Bilateral mastectomy -expander to implant

- SheilaW8 - nipple sparing & Lymph node Jan 24- left breast mastectomy with reconstruction

- Amul79 - masectomy

- Jazz123 - Mastectomy

Jan 11 - RoseBowl16 - bilateral mastectomy with tissue expanders

Jan 12 - DsMom - Mastectomy

- Pyrrh - lumpectomy

Jan 13 - FightingGMA - lumpectomy left with sentinel lymph node

- LamaMama - skin sparing bilateral masectomy

Jan 16 - Laastra - unilateral nipple-sparing mastectomy with reconstruction

- tennischick888 - implant exchange

- lovesgreenthings - Lumpectomy

Jan 17 - Did-not-see-this-coming - Mastectomy

- zookeeperof3 - Bilateral mastectomy w/expanders and reconstruction at a later date

- Cowboy-up - lumpectomy with bilateral reduction

- GT1965 - lumpectomy with sentinel lymph node biopsy

- jinmo - bilateral mastectomy, no reconstruction

Jan 19 -DCISinAZ - UMX/SNB with direct to implant on the right and lift/implant on the left

-PickleJar - bilateral mastectomy

Jan 23 - jandjmom - lumpectomy and SNB

Jan 24 - cwayman650 - Diep bilateral

- BugChaser - bilateral mastectomy/SLB without reconstruction

- RosaRosadaPinnkRose - mastectomy

- dcbc - BMX with reconstruction (TE)

-DaniCalifornia - lumpectomy

Jan 25 - brandyrose - free tram flap breast reconstruction with a prophylactic mastectomy

Jan 26 - Bdagal - lumpectomy

- Elem - SNB

- lisabekind - BMW with reconstruction

Jan 27- Shoregirl - BMX (LEFT Prophylactic), with TEs

Jan 30 - vicwytch - mastectomy on left breast with tissue expanders

- goingon75 - nipple-saving BMX with TEs

- ShellyBeans - BMX with reconstruction

Jan 31 - Ajbclan - BMX with Reconstruction

- lraystar866 - Bilateral Mastecomy with reconstruction

- Mombytheriver - Reconstruction

TBD - AngelaKS - surgery TBD

End of Jan - LisbethS - BMX with Reconstruction

Feb 2nd - DennyJ - TBD

Feb 3- LoveandlightinLA - nipple delay and sentinel node biopsy 2/13 - unilateral skin sparing, nipple sparing mastectomy with direct implant reconstruction

Feb 6 - bvh2305 - bilateral mastectomy

Feb 7 - Vargadoll - lumpectomy

Feb 8 - Zsupullar - right side mastectomy with silicon reconstruction.

Feb 10 - Rebamacfan - Modified MX left w sentinel dissection. Radical MX right

Feb 15 - Pamela_2016- unilateral mastectomy with TE/reconstruction

Feb 16 - Bevmomduck - bilateral mastectomy

Feb 27 - EastcoastTS - MX or BMX with reconstruction

end of Feb - tapwhite - BMX

Mar 1 Feb 13 -jrow7 - : large lumpectomy L breast and reduction of R breast.



  • docmama
    docmama Member Posts: 126

    Yay BeachBabyk! Thank you for starting this group.

    Double mastectomy with reconstruction on January 6, just 3 weeks after my last chemo (TCHP).

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    You did it! Thank you! BMX with reconstruct- date tbd!

  • Leftcoastie
    Leftcoastie Member Posts: 77

    Hi - I'm scheduled for surgery on January 4th. I am planning on a double mastectomy with nipple sparing reconstruction. I am a little nervous. Actually I'm terrified! I've only ever been in the hospital to have my babies.

    I have an amazing support group of family and friends. I feel blessed to have so many supporting me but am still scared.

    Any words of wisdom or support would be appreciated. I know I am not alone on this journey 😊

  • LisbethS
    LisbethS Member Posts: 88

    Hi, I'm planning my surgery (BMX with Reconstruction) for the end of January--slight chance I might push it out to February. I've already had one mastectomy but now I need the other mastectomy done and reconstruction on both sides so in the end it will be a BMX with reconstruction. Finished chemo November 4th. Just had my bi-salpingo oopherectomy with hysterectomy last week. I'm having post surgery issues and wonder if I had surgery too soon after chemo, that's the reason I might push it out a couple weeks.

    So happy to have chemo over with! To be honest, this next surgery scares me.

    Thanks for starting this group BeachBabyK!

  • BeachBabyK
    BeachBabyK Member Posts: 148

    Leftcoastie - We are all nervous! That's why we are all here for support and guidance, suggestions,and advice. I'm hoping for the same surgery as you, but haven't had a chance to meet with all of the docs yet.

    LisbethS - Take time to heal! You've been through a lot!

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    im deciding between lumpectomy with no rads vs bilateral mx, but hopefully will get things rolling in January 2017. anyone in san Francisco area?

  • laastra
    laastra Member Posts: 34

    I'm having my surgery Jan 16 2017. I'm 30 and was diagnosed Nov 3 2016. I was a little worried about my time between diagnosis and surgery, but it looks like it tends to vary. I'm having a unilateral nipple-sparing mastectomy with reconstruction, and they're going to do the sentinel node biopsy. I don't know anything about the rest of my treatment plan yet. They found one ~1 cm tumor (which was biopsied) in the upper right quadrant and then afterward they found 2 other suspicious 7mm spots on the MRI in the upper left. I had the option of doing an MRI-guided biopsy on the other 2 spots to confirm, or just do the mastectomy and I assume they'll find out in the pathology evaluation after that. Oh boy. Gotta say, I'm not too excited about it. :P Gonna get through it. Hope everybody's experience goes as smoothly as it can. :)

  • Dafne
    Dafne Member Posts: 35

    Another one on the boat! I'm having a bilateral mastectomy sometime after the 10th of January.

    I was diagnosed November 1 2016. My plastic surgeon said I would probably have a simple mastectomy, but I haven't discussed it with the surgeon that will perform the mastectomy yet

  • Just met with surgeon today - still trying to decide between lumpectomy and mastectomy 😬 Tumor is <1cm,ER+ PR+ Her2- could basically go either way and can't decide!! Either way surgery middle to end of January!!

  • Leftcoastie
    Leftcoastie Member Posts: 77

    Thank you for starting this group! It is comforting to read that others are facing the same scary journey. Deciding which surgery is your best option is way more difficult than I would ever imagine it would be. I'm praying for positive results after surgery.

  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    Hi Ladies! I am scheduled for lumpectomy on January 6th. I guess I'm starting to get more nervous as I've been having a hard time staying asleep the last couple nights. I'm anxious to get the surgery and find out what my life is going to look like in the near future. I'm very scared of chemo. It's wonderful to have a place like this to share our thought with people who understand.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Hi Ladies! So sorry some of you are finding yourself here- but you're right- this is a great place for support! Looks like surgery is 1/31 for me, so I get to squeak on by with this board. Still planning BMX, nipple sparing. Looks like my "mapping" will be the morning of...I've read a little about that- some women have said it's painful???

    For those of you starting this journey- we will support's a crazy up and down journey- don't let yourself get sucked into the negatives and the scary stuff- we all do, you just have to make sure you also look for the positives and the many women doing well. I'm finishing up (fingers crossed) the chemo portion. No- it's not fun, but if you find yourself there, you WILL be able to do it. Again- we are here to support each other along this process!

  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    You're so right ajbclan! Most days I do great! I am mainly focused on the positive but my brain has been running wild when I'm supposed to be sleeping the last couple nights and I found myself in panic mode early this morning! I suppose we have to allow ourselves moments and then get back to the good! I do so see so many lovely people here and the support and knowing how many women have or are going through this is astounding. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season!

  • docmama
    docmama Member Posts: 126

    Hello to all either starting the journey or finishing it like me (with the exception of my 9 months of Herceptin following the BMX). It can be a scary journey, but as many have said, this is a place of comfort, camaraderie and priceless information for all of us. Just knowing that there are many women out there going through almost the exact same thing you are and being able to reach out whenever you have a doubt or concern is such wonderful asset to have. You'll find yourself checking this site more than you used to go on Facebook, lol!! God Bless you all and treasure the moments you share with family and friends this Holiday Season!!


  • AngelaKS
    AngelaKS Member Posts: 67

    At this time, all I know is that I will be having surgery in January. I finish chemo on Dec 30 (I hope) but I haven't met with the surgeon yet.

    My MO stopped by my hospital room the other day and said I will most likely have bliateral mx which I did not see coming at all. I will fill you all in on the details as soon as I know what is going on.

    xoxo Happy Holidays!

  • Mombytheriver
    Mombytheriver Member Posts: 6

    thanks for starting this post. I am scheduled to have stage 2 reconstruction on January 26, 2017. Thinking of everyone at every stage of thins journey.


  • Alli
    Alli Member Posts: 34

    Having Nipple sparing BMX on Jan 6th. Will have second surgery Jan 20th to begin reconstruction if my previously radiated side appears to be healing ok.

    Looks like our group is going to be a fairly large one.

    Best wishes to you all


  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    ok, its official - bilat wire loc with lumpectomy and simultaneous bilat reduction/lift for me on jan 5!! good luck to all you January ladies, and a very happy holidays to ALL on this board!!

  • Maya15
    Maya15 Member Posts: 112

    January 5 for me as well, stage 2 DIEP reconstruction on both sides. This will be my 4th surgery, so if anyone has any questions, ask away! I started treatment a year ago and still have 3 months of Herceptin/Perjeta to go (Perjeta can be just as bad as "real" chemo, at least for me).

  • Momy4ever
    Momy4ever Member Posts: 21

    I will have my BMX with reconstruction on the 5th of January. Finished chemo on the 3rd of December so the surgery will be 5 weeks after my last chemo. It seems long time for me as I really want my boobs gone ... it is scary but I'm really looking forward to the surgery.

    Good luck to you all & happy holidays

  • I have a date - left lumpectomy on January 17th with radiation to follow - blessed to have all of you along for the journey !

  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    Jan 4: Bilateral mastectomies with tissue expanders/reconstruction...I'm starting to look at post-surgery pictures online so I don't faint when I see myself afterwards...I can't believe it's less than 2 weeks week is busy with pre-admission testing, more appts with BS & PS. Good luck everyone. I'll be thinking of all of you & feeling grateful that we're all going through this together in spirit

  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    Leftcoastie, I have the same date! No words of wisdom...I'm pretty scared too! I'm trying to prepare myself by looking at a lot of pictures online so I'm not shocked when I eventually have to look at myself...the reconstruction decision was the hardest for me deciding what to do

  • Leftcoastie
    Leftcoastie Member Posts: 77

    Merry Christmas everyone 🎄 PugsMama I'm sending you positive thoughts and prayers. We can do this! Watching YouTube videos is helping (I think) me prepare as well. I am still terrified but know I'm in great hands. I'm ready to hopefully get all the cancer out of my body! I wish peace to all January surgery sisters.

  • 3bears
    3bears Member Posts: 161

    I don't have my date yet but I expect first half of January. I'll find out Wednesday. Bmx with reconstruction. Thank you for creating this group. I'm kinda scared girls. I'm a tough cookie but this is really crappy.

  • BeachBabyK
    BeachBabyK Member Posts: 148

    OK Ladies, I hope that everyone had a glorious Christmas! I am still fighting the chemo flu portion of my last chemo :-( I have updated the list and tried to clean it up a bit so that those with the same surgery date are a bit easier to identify. If I missed anyone or put any incorrect info,feel free to PM me!

    I do have a question for you... I told my Dr my decision for surgery (BMX) and he is really fighting me (nicely-but still - he wants breast conservation). He did submit a referral for a PS and I am (hopefully) going to be fit it to see her soon to discuss what the possible reconstruction options are, but how many of you (if any) had your surgeon try to convince you to do something other than what you decided? I really like my surgeon otherwise and I think between me and the PS, once I schedule, it's a done deal I just really wish he had said "well, if that's what you've decided", you know?

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    leftcoastie- good idea on youtube, I never would have thought of that!

    3bears- this is all overwhelmingly new for you....hang in there and we will help each other get through it! I had the joy along with a few others to dive right into chemo first, so has given me some time to digest this whole thing.

    beachbabyk- thanks for keeping us organized! While no one in my family has tested positive for BRCA genes, including myself- I do have family history of this and other cancers. So no one has seemed to blink a finger with my decision- PS, BS, and MO, RO. Everyone seems to be on board. Has your MO chimed in at all?

  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    January sisters, in need of feedback...I think my PS thinks I'm nuts because I don't want nipple sparing. I want "everything gone". Also, the benefit I'm holding on to is that I never want to have to wear a bra again...I'm really ok with the Barbie look..Decisions about what kind of implants, size etc can wait a while but I have to decide on this within the next couple of days...on the other hand....maybe I should keep the nips? Anyone else struggle with this decision?

  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    3Bears...I can relate. Now that Christmas is over, the surgery is the only thing on the horizon for me & I vacillate between feeling scared & feeling like it's too surreal to even it's going to happen to someone else. The relief of getting the cancer out of my body is outweighed by the fear of the surgery & I wish I had a better perspective to be able to embrace the positive

  • BeachBabyK
    BeachBabyK Member Posts: 148

    Pugsmama - I think it would depend on the location of the tumor. If it was near the nipple, i can understand not wanting to take the chance. If not, I am actually hoping for Nipple-sparing and know a number of gals that have had it that would highly recommend it.