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My choice--refusing treatment



  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    Thanks for all the information. I refused aromatase inhibitors from the start so this is great news!

  • L-O-R-I
    L-O-R-I Member Posts: 56

    Yay for ginger!!  I have been juicing fresh, organic ginger with my other organic veggies for over a year.  You can actually feel your body heat up after drinking it!  If I don't have fresh ginger on hand, I used the powdered form.  I only make juice once a day now, for breakfast, but for the first 6 month I made it at least 2 times per day.  Never felt or looked better!!  


  • 53nancy
    53nancy Member Posts: 295

    How interesting to read about the ginger; I must look into that. Is there a particular Brand you would recommend, Zinglberg. I have a friend who is using Turmeric and Curcumin, but there seems to be a difference in opinion on which is better, and some people don't agree on a combination, but taking just one. Wonder what your opinion is, if you have tried it?

  • WC3
    WC3 Member Posts: 658


    Not that it can't be brutal now, but I think in the past, chemotherapy side effects were not managed as well as they are today. It wasn't a walk in the park for me but it was manageable enough that if my MO called me today and said "Pop some steroids and come in for a chemo infusion tomorrow," I would.

  • meow13
    meow13 Member Posts: 1,363

    Well the good thing is we can choose what are and aren't willing to do.

  • kcrd4766
    kcrd4766 Member Posts: 15

    For the question about turmeric and curcumin, much of the research has focused on the curcuminoid called curcumin. Numerous studies have shown that turmeric curcumin can help support healthy inflammation response. This may be were the confusion is. Also, there are challenges absorbing turmeric. Turmeric is better absorbed in a supplement form that is hydro-soluble, and not as well absorbed as the spice, food form.

  • 53nancy
    53nancy Member Posts: 295

    kcrd4766, thank you. Everything I have found on the shelf always puts turmeric first. I will have to check deeperinto sources

  • jons_girl
    jons_girl Member Posts: 461

    the part that’s confusing to me is they have different mixes. Even one I saw that’s fermented! People rave about this product. I’m considering trying it.

    Just regular turmeric doesn’t do anything for me.

  • Stine
    Stine Member Posts: 1

    Have you done any fasting?

  • jons_girl
    jons_girl Member Posts: 461

    Stine: I am not sure who you are directing your question to?? I do intermittant fasting pretty much daily. I do not eat three meals. And when I eat I eat dairy free (cheat sometimes when at a restaurant) entirely at home and plant based diet.

    I really believe in fasting. My daughter went to a health center where they have physicians who oversee your care while fasting. She lost alot of weight and is feeling SO much better health wise! She had tried everything pretty much to loose weight. So I am a huge believer in what fasting can do for a person's health. They taught her how to eat healthy and she has kept the weight off.

  • Mistletoe9
    Mistletoe9 Member Posts: 1

    where do you get the CTC. Is this traditional medicine

  • teaka123
    teaka123 Member Posts: 29

    Jons_girl , Thank you for your posts. And, I appreciate that you respond with kindness when others have not - I'm working my way through this thread.

  • L-O-R-I
    L-O-R-I Member Posts: 56

    Hi again!!

    Just thought I would give an update, as promised. I just received my test results back from my mammogram and ultrasound done a couple of weeks ago. "There are no suspicious mass or macrocalcifications or architectural distortion to suggest malignancy. No significant change since prior examination." (which was 9 months ago) "No evidence of obvious residual disease on the mammogram or ultrasound." Their recommendation is that I follow up in one year by ultrasound and mammogram.

    I truly believe that it was all of the alternative choices, natural therapies, pure foods and herbs that have made all the difference, along with plenty of meditation and prayers!! All the best to everyone else here as well, as you continue your journey. Lori


  • kec1972
    kec1972 Member Posts: 71

    Congrats Lori, that’s great! I am a big believer in alternative methods as well. Did you take tamoxifen

  • L-O-R-I
    L-O-R-I Member Posts: 56

    Thanks kec1972! I refused tamoxifen but instead looked at lowering my hormones naturally. Detoxing my main internal organs, especially my liver, and really focussing on keeping my lymph system moving. My vitamin D was very low, as shown on blood work, so I supplemented for that. All organic juicing and eating freed up my systems to screen out excessive estrogen and progesterone, as opposed to having to break down and screen out chemicals and hormones found in foods, especially meet and dairy, and as well, chemicals in all soaps and cosmetics. Even though I went through menopause a few years ago, I never really suffered with symptoms. I guess that is because I had an excessive amount of estrogen and progesterone. Once they lowered naturally, I started to get hot flashes. That's how I knew what I was doing was working. I was happy to be experiencing menopause symptoms!! lol

    How is your journey going?

  • kec1972
    kec1972 Member Posts: 71

    Thanks for asking Lori. I’m 6 months post lumpectomy surgery. I have been taking a 10mg daily dose of tamoxifen for about 2 months, but I’m thinking of discontinuing. Seeing my MO and discussing it with him on Monday. I’m looking into going the alternative, holistic route as well. I’m not sure what I can change though, since pre diagnosis I was already a very healthy eater with tons of produce, minimal meat and dairy.

  • L-O-R-I
    L-O-R-I Member Posts: 56

    Hi kec1972,

    Congrats on getting to the 6 months milestone! Soon it will be a year and then 2! There are so many things that you can do above and beyond your healthy lifestyle. Things that healthy people don't do normally. Our diagnosis is the same. Everything I studied told me that there is a great chance that going the conventional way could very well be overtreatment. Why not do simple, old-fashion, natural ways to strengthen and improve your immune system, so that your body can work extra hard to eliminate/annihilate residual cancer cells. It's crazy how we grew up using just any type of shampoo or any kind of laundry detergent, for example. I've learned that all of those chemicals have a huge effect on our hormone levels and some of those products have synthetic hormones added into them. No wonder our hormones are out of control. I started out with a parasite cleanse. I thought that was crazy, but what the heck, I was willing to try it. The results were mind-blowing, which is all I want to say about that! Simple things like taking certain herbs. So easy to do. I think it's sad that when people want to take herbal supplements for their health, they are usually told that they shouldn't because it will effect the pharmaceuticals they are on. People trade something with no side effects for something with horrible side effects, which is sad, especially if its over-treatment. People pass it off with saying, "Better safe than sorry" but that's not the case when the side effects can be life-long at times. Some Drs. will at least allow some herbal remedies but most don't know enough about them to comfortably approve of them. If your MO has prescribed Tamoxifen, then I'm sure it was 20mg., not 10mg, and I'm also sure that he would not agree with stopping it. I've learned that whether you listen to them or not, they still have to have you for a patient and schedule the testing that is needed/wanted on a regular basis. It's your cancer so you can listen to the still, small voice in your head if you chose to.


  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568

    It’s certainly your choice to go the alternative route and while I don’t support that at all its still your decision just as it for those of us who went the conventional route. That doesn’t make us any more gullible than you are for the choice you made. Stick with what you have decided to do and we will do the same.

    Congrats on 1 year NED.


  • tb90
    tb90 Member Posts: 297

    No one needs to be told that it is their choice. It is their choice. That is exactly the point.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568

    It’s just a comment TB90 no need to be insulting.


  • tb90
    tb90 Member Posts: 297

    I was stating the obvious as I feel choices on this forum are not respected by others who disagree. I always wonder the need to have others support our personal choices. No disrespect to you.

  • Member Posts: 1,435

    TB90, I agree that often the choices made by those who frequent this forum are not respected by others who disagree. That said, I read L-O-R-I's post to be pretty disrespectful of people who make the choice to go the conventional route.

    "People trade something with no side effects for something with horrible side effects, which is sad, especially if its over-treatment." Lots of judgements made in that single statement.

    "If your MO has prescribed Tamoxifen, then I'm sure it was 20mg., not 10mg, and I'm also sure that he would not agree with stopping it." Lots of assumptions made in this statement. Speaking for my two MOs (my first retired), I know that neither would push Tamoxifen or an AI on a patient who gets little risk reduction benefit, and both would be very receptive if a low risk patient stated that she wanted off the meds because of QOL side effects.

    Maybe we should all try to respect everyone else's choices, whether it's conventional or alternative. And just as those who favor conventional treatments should not disparage alternative medicine, those who go non-conventional should not assume that all doctors are ogres who push harmful drugs on their patients. Nor should they assume that patients who opt for conventional treatments are not listening to the "smart voice" in their heads. Sometimes that smart voice actually does say "you'd really better go conventional on this one".

  • marijen
    marijen Member Posts: 2,181

    L-O-R-I, I would like to hear about the mind blowing results of your parasite cleanse. If you don’t want to put it here, please PM me. Thanks!

  • tb90
    tb90 Member Posts: 297

    But this forum is for alternative options. Imagine a Radiation July 2019 thread with a poster jumping in and stating that radiation is wrong. Lets respect the intent of the thread. Other threads judge Christians and Christians ma find it disrespectful. All opinions are of value as long as they are in the appropriate place. This is an appropriate place to express views against conventional treatment.

  • Janetanned
    Janetanned Member Posts: 118

    Is this really a thread dedicated to bashing conventional treatments and the women who chose conventional treatments?

    I thought it was for woman who chose alternative medicine and their ideas and suggestions for like-minded individuals. I was reading to learn more, but if there is going to be judgement attached I guess I'll need to go elsewhere for informa6tion on this topic.

  • jons_girl
    jons_girl Member Posts: 461

    Actually I do understand what TB90 is saying. I just was reading today on the athiest only forum here and I wouldn't post there because I am not atheist. I also probably wouldn't post on quite a few other forums here since I don't really seem to qualify for what they are talking about there. So I do understand what she is saying. This is a place for those of us who want to learn about Alternative treatments or who use them....without judgement. I think that is all she is saying here.

    When I read what the Alternative Forum description says it says:This forum is a safe, judgement-free place to discuss Alternative medicine. Alternative medicine refers to treatments that are used INSTEAD of standard, evidence-based treatment. So with that said....I don't think TB90 or LORI was at all stating they wanted to bash anyone here. Or I certainly didn't take what they said as offensive. I come to this forum to be able to talk about things that others have tried and what has worked and not worked for others. How those alternative treatments may have affected them in great or not so great ways. Also just learning about other things people are doing to fend off cancer or just get healthier.

    Seems completely understandable to me.

  • Member Posts: 1,435

    This absolutely should be a safe place for those who choose Alternate treatments. I don't see anyone disputing that. And at least within the recent discussion that we are debating here, I don't see anyone saying that Alternate Treatment is wrong. I also don't see anyone here judging those who choose Alternative treatments.

    That said, the fact that this is the Alternate Forum should not mean that it's okay to insult those who choose conventional treatment. I do see judgements being made in the recent posts here about those who go conventional, and that's what I was commenting on. I would say the same thing in the conventional treatment forums (and have in fact posted similar sentiments there); for example, those who pass on Rads should not be judged and insulted in Radiation Forum. (By the way, I regularly do see posts in the Radiation forum saying that radiation is bad.)

    It also should not be okay anywhere on the board to make misstatements about any treatment, conventional or alternative, or to fear-monger. Whatever the topic, we should all want accurate information to be presented to those who come here for advice and assistance with their treatment decisions.

    I'm simply talking about being respectful to everyone - whatever their treatment choices and across all forums - and sticking with facts, the truth and personal experiences. Not sure why that's contentious.

  • tb90
    tb90 Member Posts: 297

    ok, you win.

  • jons_girl
    jons_girl Member Posts: 461

    beesie I think i already understood what you were saying previously. I just didn't think anyone was bashing or being contentious. But I respect yr opinion

    LORI I'd like to know what the natural treatment for parasites was that you took. If you don't want to share here(I wish you would share here) you can pm me. Thank you Lori!

    Hope you all have a great evening

  • L-O-R-I
    L-O-R-I Member Posts: 56

    I used Paragone, a product I bought from the health food store. It took 3 treatments (3 boxes of it) to get rid of them all! There were 2 or 3 different types of worms but the worst were the Liver Fluke. My liver became sone and tender while the fluke were crawling through it and they somehow ended up in my bowels and then were expelled into the toilet. I had been to the Dominican Republic 4 times over the 2 years prior, so maybe I picked them up there. Prior the the treatments I felt bloated and crappy most of the time. Now I feel perfectly fine. I certainly don’t want to ever experience that again! I’ll attach a pic of the front and back of one on the numerous Liver Fluke I found.
