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DIEP Flap Reconstruction 2017



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    This came into my mailbox this morning, and gives hope to those who were told they were too obese for DIEP:

  • Tpralph
    Tpralph Member Posts: 281
    edited July 2017

    I am 7 weeks out and now abdominal infection. on oral abx have to go in to see my PS (resident) next Monday. delayed my chemo by a week (hopefully only one)

    otherwise full use of arms but still a bit stiff on bc side. was able to use my abs right away but limited, got beter weekly until this infection.

  • Falconer
    Falconer Member Posts: 801
    edited July 2017

    Tpralph, sorry to hear of the infection after 7 weeks. Boo! Hope the abx work quickly

  • hanley50
    hanley50 Member Posts: 78
    edited July 2017

    deni1661 - Thank you!

    BigSister - Unfortunately I am now on my 3rd plastic surgeon! Surgeon #1 that put the expander on my right side prior to radiation took before pictures, but I cut ties with him when the radiation ruined that idea. He doesn't do DIEP and really didn't know what to do with me after radiation. I haven't seen him in a year. I wonder if his office will release my pictures to me? I'll put calling them on my long list of things to do while I'm sitting around after my surgery :)

    mmcmom - We are having surgery around the same time just a few miles apart. (I'm going to Fox Chase - I live about an hour and a half north of Philadelphia in the Lehigh Valley area.) Good luck to you and best wishes for a smooth recovery!



  • jbdayton
    jbdayton Member Posts: 163
    edited July 2017

    Hanley50, thinking of you and sending special wishes for your surgery tomorrow.

    I am happy you have found a surgeon you are happy with. Now I will pray for him to be on the top of his game tomorrow.

    All you have to do is show up and let the team do their thing.

    Next step for you will be to rest and recover. Le us know how things are going as you feel up to it.


  • suburbs
    suburbs Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2017

    Hi all. I got rid of drain number 3 today and only have one left to go. Hurrah. I have swelling under both arms that feel a bit like a piece of a tire has been fixed to my sides. I am no longer taking the Percocet and alternate between Tylenol and Motrin. I can't say that I am in pain but definitely feel discomfort. Twinges and aches pop up in various spots on my trunk or back and then move on to other spots. Just a shower or a trip to the doctors office will leave me spent. Does all this sound quite normal? I am being told I am doing great so perhaps my expectations for recovery should be slowed down.

    I worry about infection after having read about infection setting in many weeks after surgery. Any thoughts, comments, or advice? My last drain is not looking so great and I have been told today to keep an eye on it. I see my surgeon on Friday luckily. Thanks for listening.

  • Tpralph
    Tpralph Member Posts: 281
    edited July 2017

    I was doing well until chemo and got an infection in my abomen wound. On oral and which seem to be helping. Have delayed my chemo by a week

  • Rlsteadman
    Rlsteadman Member Posts: 36
    edited July 2017

    Suburbs- I am also having still pain and discomfort in my reconstructed breast. I also am off my Percocet and am taking ibuprofen for pain. I don't have any drains. I feel like my breast discomfort is about the same as last week. I thought it would improve every week and am disappointed it hasn't. I had all my lymph nodes removed and some of my underarm swelling and discomfort may also be related to that. Just hope the pain improves and worry that it won't

  • grateful99
    grateful99 Member Posts: 180
    edited July 2017

    Hi everyone. I just had the blood test and ECG in preparation for my second stage surgery on July 17th. This is almost 15 months after stage one but that's the waiting time here in Toronto with Dr. Hofer. He will be doing some lipo suction and evening out the size of the two breasts, taking off the dog ears and making nipples. I'm just trying to eat well and rest in preparation. tomorrow I have a phone in pre-op appointment. Is there anything I should ask about?

  • Tpralph
    Tpralph Member Posts: 281
    edited July 2017

    Grateful Dr Hofer is my ps as well. Although my stage two will be NXT year as I still have chemo then alnd and rads anyhow. Really interested in how he performs for you. Want to know what u think if his results

  • aquilegia
    aquilegia Member Posts: 54
    edited July 2017

    Now that my breast pain is mostly gone (almost 6 weeks out) and I've ditched the abdominal binder for control panties (yay!) I'm starting to focus on a few cosmetic issues that are kind of bothersome.

    First, now that the swelling is gone I see that there's a good-sized divot (1" x 2" x 1/2 inch deep) to the side of my sternum, apparently due to the cartilage removal for the DIEP. It's about 2 inches below my collarbone, where it's very visible with any kind of blouse neckline. Has anyone had this, and can it be filled in with fat grafting? It's a pretty visible deformity, so I hope so.

    Second, the new location of my navel is a bit offset from the midline, maybe 1/2 cm. Probably no one but me would notice. Anyone else have this and have it revised? I imagine it would require skin grafting, which I'm not too thrilled about. I'll probably just consider it an interesting feature of my new body.

  • Falconer
    Falconer Member Posts: 801
    edited July 2017

    hi aquilegia,

    I saw my PS yesterday and he is going to do some fat injections into the divot that I have. He explained that he can do a little but not a lot as too much fat just dies, explaining the need for a DIEP and not just fat transfer. We are looking at the end of Sept. I had my surgery end of May. I don't know what to say about your bb though!

  • Lula73
    Lula73 Member Posts: 705
    edited July 2017

    yes they can reposition belly button. Not as difficult to do as you may think and usually no need for skin grafting-they just pull it together. I think mine is a little high by about 1/2-1cm. Not sure if I'll ask to revise it or not

  • trishyla
    trishyla Member Posts: 698
    edited July 2017

    Thanks for the info, Lula, as my bellybutton is a bit off center as well. I'll ask to have it fixed during 2nd stage.


  • Jbauer_78
    Jbauer_78 Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2017

    I will have DIEP at the end of Aug.

    It really has not sunk in yet. I am 38 & have been diagnosed with DCIS, I am BRCA2 positive so a double mastectomy is (in my mind) my best option with the intense family history I have. Originally I was dead set on implants but have done a total 180 after my visit to my P.S. I will have a nipple saving DIEP mastectomy. I am scared but have faith. What scares me most is the length of the surgery & healing after. When my mom had her DIEP she did not heal well; of course she was at stage 3B & had to have RADS & Chemo (which thankfully I will not as of now) ... Any how just wanted to pop in & share some thoughts. Medicating

    I don't think people realize around me this is so much more then a "boob job". I appreciate all the stories & hope all are doing well in body & mind... Heart

  • Pambc010417
    Pambc010417 Member Posts: 89
    edited July 2017

    jbauer 78 - if you are in good shape physically, you should not have problems. The toughest days were in the hospital for me. I did not have pain but it takes a few days to get anesthesia out of your system. I got up and walked around on the third day and went home on the 5th day. My doctor had me shower the night before and the day of with hibiclens soap to kills germs and help with minimizing infections. Do not get the soap on or near your face, eyes, or private areas. It's a very strong soap.

    I think most of the issues seem to be around getting infections at the incision sites. But that can happen with or without a Deip flap. My PS says he has less infection rates with Deip vs implants. Please make sure your plastic surgeon is very experienced. Ask how many Deip her/she performed. Mine does at least one a week. Usually the PS are young because it takes a lot out of the surgeon to perform that surgery for 10 - 14 hours.

    I wish you the best!

  • Falconer
    Falconer Member Posts: 801
    edited July 2017
    JBauer, sorry you're here with us but you did find the right place. Lots of great support here. When is your surgery? Many of us have few complications and some of us do have complications but the overwhelming response does seem to be positive. I do understand feeling nervous about how long the surgery lasts; I hadn't had major surgery before my Mx but hopefully all will go smoothly for you. Best to you.
  • aquilegia
    aquilegia Member Posts: 54
    edited July 2017

    Falconer and Lula73 - thanks for your encouraging info! My PS wants me to wait 6 months before stage 2, in order for the scars to lose their hyperpigmentation. Maybe by then these minor defects will not be so bothersome to me. I'll definitely be back here around then to ask questions about healing time for various procedures.

  • BigSister-2015
    BigSister-2015 Member Posts: 298
    edited July 2017

    Pam can, my surgeon is Dr. Chu out of IU Medical at Methodist hospital. He did his training in NY and Penn State. I guess everyone has their own methods.

  • Tpralph
    Tpralph Member Posts: 281
    edited July 2017

    My navel is off a bit to the side and I think up too high. I am hoping it is due to possible swelling still. I'm 7 wks out

  • suburbs
    suburbs Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2017
    Tpralph, i hope you are on the mend and the infection is gone asap. Rlsteadman, I hear you. I worry about how much discomfort is normal and how long it will last. Thank you both for your feedback.

    Jbauer 78, your anxiety about the duration of the surgery and recovery is very normal. The timing probably leads eligible candidates to implants. My BMX with immediate DIEP reconstruction lasted 7 hours, a shorter duration than many due to a highly experienced team of surgeons at a top teaching hospital. Prior to surgery, I had 3 consults with the plastic surgeon and even more with the oncological surgeon. You might schedule another round of meetings to make sure you feel more confident in your choices. Hang in there. Your youth should help tremendously in your recovery.
  • Honeybadger
    Honeybadger Member Posts: 51
    edited July 2017

    Hello everyone, I know this is primarily a DIEP surgery thread, but I understand you're open to including other flap patients. I'm having the TUG (inner thigh) surgery this Monday 7/17 and getting really anxious. Was hoping to have muscle sparing PAP but because of my artery placement and my surgeon's comfort level for success (he's also done many more tugs than paps,) we are going with the TUG. I am comforted to know that I'm not alone in my quest for restoration, but I am so sorry that you all ever needed to be here. Wishing you all good health, successful surgeries and smooth healing.

  • Jbauer_78
    Jbauer_78 Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2017

    I appreciate all the feed back, it is so very helpful. Falconer my surgery is scheduled at the end of Aug. I too have not had any type of major surgery.

    Pambc... I feel very confident in my P.S. I spent a ton of time with her ) & she has a vast amount of experience, she has worked in some very repitable facilties & specializes in this type of reconstruction surgery. I also saw a great deal of her before & after pics & was shocked at how natural & unscathed these women's breast looked.

  • Jbauer_78
    Jbauer_78 Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2017

    If I can ask ... Is there anything you wish someone would have told you before your surgery... & if so would knowing what you know now have impacted your decision to have DIEP in lieu of the implants ?

    With my Mom gone& not much family around I am feeling a little weary. This experience is causing a lot of old memories to flood my brain. My emotions are like a roller coaster. There are days where I don't think about it at all & then there are days when I cant think of anything else. My brain is not functioning correctly.

    I am scheduled to meet with the P.S. one more time before the actual surgery to go over everything again ... I am anxious to get this behind me, I am assuming it will take up the rest of 2017 for me to get back to a semi normal like life.

  • LMichele
    LMichele Member Posts: 88
    edited July 2017

    Hi Jbauer_78, it IS exhausting to be sad and worried and afraid. and depressing. but what else can we do but keep calm and carry on. good times are ahead let's hope.

    Me I had the implants first because a) it seemed so much easier and less invasive (???) and b) because I was kinda thin (so they said!) and would have had to have implants anyway, underneath the diep in order to do both sides. (and I will still have to do that, probably, even though I don't feel all that thin!). 5'8" and 170 lbs.

    The implants look 'okay' if I wear a dark shirt, my friends think they look nice and perky, but I am growing increasingly unhappy with them. You are much younger than I am (i'm 53) but then again when I think of how many years I hopefully will have left I decided to bite the bullet and undergo surgery again. Also: I am not really sure but I think part of the reason I am unhappy with the implants is that I am athletic, and the pec muscles really show as they are directly under the skin. You should see the weird things I can do by flexing. Also they have become sort of asymetrical, one side is kinda decent looking the other has no droop, in fact seems to be migrating upwards, and I can see weird indents in several areas, Probably the way the muscle fibers are aligned? I have lots of gripes about them actually.

    I am waiting until December because I want to run the Philly half marathon in November (also it would be a really bad time for me to miss a month or more at work right now as we are doing major construction!) so I have lots of extra time to fret and worry. But I have the same team as suburbs, UPenn, and they do this surgery pretty much every day, I am banking on that and being in good shape. I wish I would have done it the first time around. yes go see your surgeon again! Keep us posted,


  • Pambc010417
    Pambc010417 Member Posts: 89
    edited July 2017

    JBauer78 - sounds like you are in great hands!

    I was extremely nervous before my Deip surgery too, and I'm 64 years old. My doctor's nurse told me she thinks I will be pleasantly surprised how I will feel afterwards, and she was right. I could feel tightness in my abdomen area but no real pain but it was difficult to stand up straight for 2-3 weeks. I was able to move my arms around to drink and eat just fine. My foot surgery for a bunion was much worse several years ago. I was able to get by with taking only Advil after my Deip surgery. My surgeon had me taking 325 mg of aspirin to assist in thinning my blood for the flaps for 30 days after surgery. I personally think the heavier pain pills messes with my mind making me feel sick and very unstable trying to walk. And I did not need them for pain!

    Good luck and you will be fine

  • mmcmom
    mmcmom Member Posts: 26
    edited July 2017

    Hi Everyone. Thanks so much for the input! 2 days to my call yesterday, need to be a the hospital at 6:15 for 7:15 surgery. I am ready to go now and get this over with! My kids all came home for the weekend (2 in college, my oldest just graduated in the spring, my youngest, who will be a sophomore is here all summer).

    Only problem is I can't get my wedding rings off..may need to have them cut off.


  • Honeybadger
    Honeybadger Member Posts: 51
    edited July 2017

    Beth, I'll be thinking of you. I have my surgery Monday morning too. I'm having the TUG but I understand all the flap surgeries have similarities in that these are more intense, for lack of a better word, than having implants. I wish you a smooth, uneventful surgery and as easy a recovery as possible.

  • Janetanned
    Janetanned Member Posts: 118
    edited July 2017

    Beth - Before you know it Monday will come and go and you will be on your way to recovery. Hopefully your at home sophomore will be a help around the house during your early recovery period. You will want to really focus on resting and taking care of yourself. My PS from Penn arranged to have a visiting nurse visit a few times while I had my drains in. She was great! She checked how everything was healing and communicated directly with the PS office. She also brought sterile bandages and various other supplies that I needed for wound care. An OT was also sent to start me on range of motion exercises. Both were very welcomed visitors. I also signed up for a program at Penn that provided PT when I was able to start exercising. I went to the Radnor location and they were terrific. One was trained to handle lymph edema issues and she took baseline measurements of my arms. I was given all the info that I might need to handle any LE problems.

    You are in good hands at Penn. It is a scary surgery, but the results will be worth it! Best of luck!

  • jeanwash
    jeanwash Member Posts: 43
    edited July 2017


    I see all you brave women on this thread! It has been 7 years since my left mastectomy, 1 years since i finished last prescription of Tamoxifen. I feel good! I never thought I would even consider reconstruction but for some reason this year i just decided I had to get on with it. DIEP surgery now scheduled July 27 in Chicago and I am really getting cold feet...maybe because I feel great, happy and know i can live quite well as I am. But for some reason I felt I need to do the surgery to finally close the book...,I know it is never really closed but I do want to live as if it is. This surgery though ..,very scary! will Iregret tempting fate and unnecessarily rocking the boat? I have read all the threads but wonder if any of you ladies in the middle of this can give me more perspective of how you got yourself to the hospital to actually go through with it. Especially with delayed reconstruction. Much love to all of you