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DIEP Flap Reconstruction 2017



  • Katjadvm
    Katjadvm Member Posts: 117
    edited October 2017

    Thanks everyone for the well wishes. Did anyone stress eat right before their surgery. I am usually a healthy eater, but now all I want is meat and potatoes. Weird!

  • Runrcrb
    Runrcrb Member Posts: 202
    edited October 2017

    TND22 - just saw your note. are you feeling better? Yep, it all is crappy while we're in it. I tell myself I'll forget the detail just like I did with childbirth. And I believe it. I had written a blog post summarizing my chemo experience and honestly, when I revisited it 6 months later, I'd forgotten much of the detail. Hopefully you're feeling better now. I can't counsel you on DIEP recovery as mine's in 2 months.

  • Pambc010417
    Pambc010417 Member Posts: 89
    edited October 2017

    Update on my surgery yesterday:

    Stage 3 DIEP Flap - my skin did not adhere to my abdominal wall after stage 1 and stage 2. Whenever there is a space, fluid will fill in. I just did not heal properly possible due to my recent chemo treatments. I had weird bulges mainly in the middle of my abdomen above and below the bb. My surgery lasted 1 1/2 hours, cleaned out a 1/2 pound of thick fluid/tissue, and sutured the skin to my abdominal in a quilt pattern every 2 inches apart. This is a practice they do in drainless tummy tucks. I have no drains now. The sutures should prevent fluid from coming back. I did wake up with a binder this time, and I did not have one for my first two surgeries which should assist in making this skin stick!

    I was very tired after surgery and a little nauseous due to anesthesia. But this morning, day after, I feel much better than I thought I would. I did not take any pain meds including Advil or Tylenol.

    I’ll keep you posted!


  • suburbs
    suburbs Member Posts: 398
    edited October 2017

    Pam, thank you for sharing your experience. I agree with you that chemo makes recovery from surgery that much more difficult. I'm glad to hear you are doing ok after round 3. Hope your healing and forward progress continue. Sending well wishes

  • tnd22
    tnd22 Member Posts: 39
    edited October 2017

    StarlitMomMom I never heard anything about infections with pets around. My dog came home one day after I came home from the hospital and he never stayed away from me (just can't walk on my chest/belly anymore). I don't know about cats. Did your surgeon tell you to worry about infections from them?

  • Katjadvm
    Katjadvm Member Posts: 117
    edited October 2017

    Hello. I am a veterinarian and there is no reason to be concerned about having your animals around you post operatively as long as they are not coming into direct contact with your incisions. Having your pets is very therapeutic and if anything relieves stress.

  • KimInKingwood
    KimInKingwood Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2017

    Hi ladies! I am scheduled for bilat DIEP surgery on 12/7. I am BRAC 2 + and will be having ovaries, tubes and uterus out at the same time. I have already had a mastectomy on the left in May 2016 and developed an infection with my tissue expander requiring removal that June. I am having the prophylactic mastectomy on the right with all of the above mentioned. I am SO worried about recovery! I have waitied as long as I can. I am recently divorced and will have plenty of help. My concern is that I am a full time student in Respiartory Therapy and will graduate Dec 2018. I'll have a full 5 weeks to recover over the holidays before school starts back up. Then I will have a 12 hour clinical day once a week as well as class 2 days a week. I am being unrealistic regarding recovery?? I know that for all of you who have had complications there are many more who didn't. My livlihood is dependant on finishing my schooling. I stayed home with kids for close to 19 years and now am divorced after almost 22 years of marriage.

    I have made it through so much already by the grace of God and the love of family and friends. This last hurdle just looks really big!

    I will be having my surgery at Methodist in the Houston Medical Center.

    Love to all!

  • StarlitMomMom
    StarlitMomMom Member Posts: 12
    edited October 2017

    thank you for the encouragement on my best little friends. I know I will need to make sure their supplies are also in easy reach for me to get for them

    . I am three weeks Pre surgery and beginning to freak out. I have known my diagnosis since mid July, never denied what was happening, understand the only option for my left breast is mastectomy, multi focal high grade ☹️ But both breasts look so healthy, and yet I look at them or touch the left and realize it is no longer mine...grand daughter( 4 yr old with CP) is here and requires a lot of lift assist to get her here and there...and she has touched or patted that left breast at least five or six times😥the waterways in my eyes are running crazy today.

  • StarlitMomMom
    StarlitMomMom Member Posts: 12
    edited October 2017

    I haven’t really felt sad for myself until this weekend. I work full time ( work has been especially rough, very short staffed the last few weeks) I am not sure why I am sooo sad right now?

  • trhbfc2017
    trhbfc2017 Member Posts: 18
    edited October 2017

    I had DIEP Flap reconstruction in August 2017. I am actually encouraged at my recovery at this point based on how much I have read that can go wrong. The only difficulty right now is the skin below the flap on the breast. I think my oncology surgeon was a big aggressive as I had a lot of issues healing. They used the term necrosis but I never actually had a hole. I had lots of purple skin, lots of blistering and draining of the blisters. Then some large scabs. The scabs are all gone now but there are some pretty deep indented areas where the skin is still kind of red and basically when the scabs came off there were indents - I hope I am explaining that right. These are all surface skin areas - not that the tissue in the breast is indented - just the outer skin area. I am wondering if these fill in? I know my plastic surgeon (who is amazing) is super positive and just says if it does not they can fix that area - basically trim up the skin. But I wonder how long it takes before I should know that no new skin tissue will fill in the dips. 

    Also, is there anything anyone suggests using on the skin area? I am using shea butter right now. They said don't use vitamin E anymore. 

    Thanks for any info.

  • Dunes
    Dunes Member Posts: 11
    edited October 2017
    1. trhbfc, I had almost the same thing, though my necrosis may have been a bit more stubborn in healing. My surgery was May 30(2017). All is totally healed and was around mid August. My scar may be shrinking (new skin filling in) slowly. I'm not sure I can tell. PS told me about a month ago he can fix it. I'm waiting (for other reasons) but he's confident. I actually am glad to be waiting as the breast seems to still settling in. Wound was about 3x5 cm. Hope this helps.
    2. And those weepy or depressed. Mine came later as my DIEP occurred quickly after dx(insurance was changing) I didn't have time to worry pre op. Hang in, some days are worse than others. Treat yourself gently and take time. You're going through a lot. I've taken a couple mental health days from work, recently. Starlitmommom, I hope you can somehow do that... best wishes and prayers to you all.
  • Dunes
    Dunes Member Posts: 11
    edited October 2017
      1. trhbfc, I had almost the same thing, though my necrosis may have been a bit more stubborn in healing. My surgery was May 30(2017). All is totally healed and was around mid August. My scar may be shrinking (new skin filling in) slowly. I'm not sure I can tell. PS told me about a month ago he can fix it. I'm waiting (for other reasons) but he's confident. I actually am glad to be waiting as the breast seems to still settling in. Wound was about 3x5 cm. Hope this helps.
    1. And those weepy or depressed. Mine came later as my DIEP occurred quickly after dx(insurance was changing) I didn't have time to worry pre op. Hang in, some days are worse than others. Treat yourself gently and take time. You're going through a lot. I've taken a couple mental health days from work, recently. Starlitmommom, I hope you can somehow do that... best wishes and prayers to you all.
  • cwayman650
    cwayman650 Member Posts: 63
    edited October 2017

    I'm 2 weeks from my stage 2 surgery. I'll be getting rid of the points on my hips and dog ears under my arms. A bit of fat grafting/contouring and I will be getting my nipples. I'm starting to get a bit nervous. Especially about getting my nipples. I understand that they will stand out a bit, but I'm wondering how much. Also wondering how sore I will be. Thank-you in advance.

  • Jeanarino
    Jeanarino Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2017

    Sorry for the delay in posting about my appointment with physician's assistant at PS's office regarding my 'basketball belly'. She says that it's not a build up of serum (seroma) or lymph, and it's not a hernia. That's all good news. The bad news? For me, it's that the firmness is due to normal post-surgical fluid that could take months or up to a year to resolve, and there's not much that I can do except wait. Did I mention that I'm not the most patient person? She did recommend wearing compression garment like Spanx, and that seems to help a little but not much. She also suggested lying flat on my back several times a day to allow the fluid to be absorbed by my body. This doesn't seem to help at all. In fact, I feel best when walking or otherwise being upright. In the meantime, I'm working on being patient (ha!), praying that resolution is closer to months than a year, and being thankful that this is the worst complication/side effect so far. Oh, as FYI, my surgeon doesn't recommend any binder or anything compressive on the abdomen until the incision is completely healed. Not sure if that contributes to fluid building up or not.

    For KiminKingwood, I'm now 6 weeks post-op with BMX with DIEP with minimal complications. I'm concerned that you might be pushing it with 12 hour clinical day at just 5 weeks after more extensive surgery. If you HAVE to do it, please be sure to get lots of help for the day of plus the day after as you're likely to be pretty wiped out. I might also recommend talking to school/clinic advisor about your surgery now to see if there are any accommodations or alternatives that could make the day a bit easier on you. Congratulations on getting close to finishing your degree!

  • Katjadvm
    Katjadvm Member Posts: 117
    edited October 2017

    Back home today from my diep flap. Any words of wisdom appreciated. Not in any pain, just very tired.

  • jeanwash
    jeanwash Member Posts: 43
    edited October 2017

    Katjadvm, great to hear you are not in pain. Rest as much as possible but move when you can. I drank a lot of water with lemon juice, diluted Gatorade. Forced me up for short walks to bathroom, then started more laps around inside of house every time I got up to go. Also ate prunes, and protein for healing. I used a cane first few days.

    You will start feeling better, probably faster than you expect... but no matter how good you feel do not be tempted to lift, or stretch incisions.. give yourself plenty of time to heal!

    Happy healing!

  • suburbs
    suburbs Member Posts: 398
    edited October 2017

    katjadvm, jeanwash made a very important point. Even if you are not feeling pain, exercise caution in movement to avoid compromising sutures. This is, of course, easier said than done as your abdominal muscles get used all the time. I started PT about 5 weeks after surgery and was told to roll on my side and put feet on floor first before getting up in order to minimize pressure on sutures.

    Sleeping is very difficult if one normally sleeps on their side or stomach. A reclining chair did not help as it put more pressure not less on my abdomen. I had the same problem with a wedge pillow and ended up sleeping at an an angle between the chaise and couch part of a sectional couch. It worked. If you can get comfortable and sleep then you have won half the battle.

    Sending healing thoughts.

  • jeanwash
    jeanwash Member Posts: 43
    edited October 2017

    Well that was fast! I am back home from 2.5 hour Stage 2 surgery and short observation. I do well with anesthesia so they moved me along fast.

    I had my good breast lifted and slightly reduced. Then fat grafting to Diep breast from stomach area above the belly button and inner thighs (yay!!!). I also had minor repairs to dog ears ( hardly noticed them but my doctor is a perfectionist - really appreciate his beautiful work and attention to all the details). I am in some pain.., definitely more than mastectomy but better than the Diep surgery. Most of the pain is in my breast lift side and some on my inner thighs. I only have steri strips over the tiny stitched holes for the lipo. I am in a stretch Velcro surgery bra and thighs wrapped with big stretchy ace bandages. Which I just re wrap myself if when I check up occasionally on lipo hole stitches. No drains but I was warned that the lipo hole will leak for next 2 days so they covered with pads for ride home and gave me waterproof bed pads if I need them and surgical wound pads. I already underestimated and soaked through my clothes at my stomach level. So I now have generous surgical pads, covered by maxi pads. I think I am good! I was wondering about compression garments but I like this better. I have on yoga pant that holds the pads in placeand feel quite secure.

    Unbelievably I had the same Anesthesiologist as last time. My husband and both just love her! That was my first good sign that it was going to be a good day.

    I am babbling as I am so thrilled it is over. Cannot say enough about the team that took care of me.

  • rdeesides
    rdeesides Member Posts: 233
    edited November 2017

    Hi all, I am probably have a mastectomy with immediate DIEP reconstruction. Surgery date is 1/22/18. The monkeywrench is that my husband will be out of town. There is no flex in his trip and the timing of when I need to get the surgery done is kind of tight for various reasons. The good news is I have amazing girlfriends who have been begging to help. How long will I need help? When will I be able to drive? My husband will be gone a week so I just need to make days/time slotsfor the week he is gone for my friends to cover.



  • suburbs
    suburbs Member Posts: 398
    edited November 2017

    rdeesides, I had a BMX with immediate diep flap recon a month after ending chemo. I think I sort of crawled into the OR. Being already exhausted from the chemo did not make the recovery easy. The first week home just taking a shower was very difficult and the only thing I did in a day. I had round the clock care for 5 weeks. I started driving when the last drain was removed around the end of week 5. Others here have recovered much quicker so maybe your experience will be better than mine. Good luck with your treatment plan and recovery. It's a really good idea to prepare well in advance

  • Pambc010417
    Pambc010417 Member Posts: 89
    edited November 2017

    rdeeside - how long will you be in the hospital? I had surgery on a Wednesday and came home on Sunday. The nurses made sure I could walk up and down the hospital hallway, feed myself, and go to the bathroom before I left. By time I got home, I was able to do things on my own but everyone is different. I found getting off the pain meds as soon as possible, switching to Advil when I got home, really helped. Pain meds can make it difficult to walk. Now stairs can be hard to handle until week 2 and I did not drive until week 3 because Your range of motion in your arms and your abdomen are limited. If possible, might be best to go to a friends house for a few days, unless you really want to be in your own house. Sleep on your back with head elevated and pillow under your knees. No lifting over 5 to 10lbs.. No reaching over your head but I was surprised what I could do. I did walk bent over for the first 2-3 weeks but felt good overall. Eat lots of protein which helps with healing. Keep your incisions clean, in fact in the shower I used a squirt bottle of 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 3 part water to spray over my incisions. I was also told to wash with hibiclense soap the night before and the day of surgery to prevent infections but do not get this soap close to your face or private parts. It is strong. When you get home,Shower daily and Always use clean towels and wash rags to prevent infections.

    Lean on your girlfriends to help you with healthy meals and to run errands for you! It’s great to have girlfriends!

  • Lula73
    Lula73 Member Posts: 705
    edited November 2017

    stage 2 DIEP with a complete hysterectomy on tap for tomorrow!

  • jeanwash
    jeanwash Member Posts: 43
    edited November 2017

    Sending healing thoughts your way!!!

  • Lula73
    Lula73 Member Posts: 705
    edited November 2017

    thank you jeanwash, they said everything went well with hysterectomy and stage 2. 6 hour surgery, Much easier this go round and only had bad pain as I was waking up in recovery.used the dilaudid pump a few times. Got to my room in the hospital and used it a few more times and that’s it. I will likely take another dose shortly to help with sleep.i would still absolutely recommend the doc in NOLA for flap recon. .

  • suburbs
    suburbs Member Posts: 398
    edited November 2017

    pambc010417, thanks for your note to rdeeside. That should be part of the diep flap primer for patients. I am going to remember the water mixed with hydrogen peroxide for the future.

    jeanwash, Katjadvm, and lula73 hope you are doing well after your surgeries.

    Cwayman650, good luck with your stage 2. My stage 2 is in a few weeks and I am nervous too.

  • Katjadvm
    Katjadvm Member Posts: 117
    edited November 2017

    Good morning. It is 9 days post stage 1 and I feel pretty good. The first three days in the hospital were awful due to severe nausea. Heat makes me nauseous and the meds weren't enough. Once they turned off the heat in my room I was much better. I am very surprised about how good I feel at this stage. I thought my mobility would be significantly hindered for longer. I was able to walk upright after about a week. I suspect having a very stretched out stomach from my twins gave them a lot of extra skin to work with. Pain is minimal and I had been on ibuprofen until yesterday. As usual, the drains are the biggest pain in the ass. I was amazed at how happy I am to have warm, soft breasts. I had read similar accounts, but it is so amazing after having the tissue expanders. I feel like a human again, instead of a Fembot! I would definitely do it again. Hope all are well. Kelly

  • cwayman650
    cwayman650 Member Posts: 63
    edited November 2017

    Thank-you Suburbs. The main thing I'm nervous about is what the nipples will look like. I was told that they will be really big at first, until the swelling goes down. I sure hope this is the last of the surgeries. I'll be glad to have it behind me.

  • tnd22
    tnd22 Member Posts: 39
    edited November 2017

    redeeside- what pambc said a lot. I was in the hospital 3 nights and the next 10 days were brutal. I'm talking about just the DIEP, didn't have the BMX and DIEP at the same time. Could not stand up for days. Cannot drive until you are off pain meds (narcortics) and probably don't have range of motion to drive for several weeks. My drains came out in 10 days, super early both times. I was not allowed to shower while I had drains in. Coughing /any abdominal movement hurt. It does get better, it is worth is, but I would also recommend staying with someone and having someone around all day for about a week. I don't know how much arm restriction you will have- after my BMX there was a lot- my husband called me T-Rex if that gives you an idea of how much I could move. I used a Care Calendar for friends to sign up to bring me meals. I don't know how I would have done it without my husband, or if I didn't have that, parents or a constant caregiver around at first. Don't mean to scare you but this is a serious major surgery. Mine was six weeks ago and I felt mostly ok by 4 weeks. Suburbs said she had round the clock care for 5 weeks and I definetly did not need that, my husband worked from home the first two weeks and went back to work after that. Everyone is different but be prepared.

  • Pambc010417
    Pambc010417 Member Posts: 89
    edited November 2017

    I thought this was interesting. My belly button is just a small slit. I’m going to try this advice I found on “”

    The Marble Trick: Rounding Out Your Belly Button

    Is your postoperative navel oblong, square, triangular, or even a vertical slit? Do you wish it were more round? Many times your new belly button will be too small, or maybe a bit misshapen at first. But, you can alter the shape and size of your belly button. You may have heard of the marble trick on our message board, and thought, how weird! But, it has worked for many a tummy tuck patient!

    So, just how do you do the marble trick? Well, first ask your surgeon if it is okay. Your surgeon may think it is the most preposterous thing he or she has ever heard of. Do not do this if the incision around your navel has not healed yet. The incision must be healed. You may experience discomfort or pain during your session, so be sure to ask beforehand.

    Start by going to the toy store and buying a bag of standard-sized, glass children's marbles. If you think that standard-sized marbles may be too large at first, also buy a bag of Chinese Checkers marbles. They are usually smaller than standard marbles. Prepare the marbles by washing them very well with hot water and an antibacterial soap. The marbles must be very clean. You may or may not wish to clean out your navel first. You don't want to cause irritation or cause an abrasion or other type of broken skin issue. The incision around your navel must have healed before you attempt this. Start by placing either a small or standard-sized marble within your dry navel. Tape the marble into your navel to hold it in place. Keep the marble in for about 20 minutes at first and gauge your tolerance that evening. Is your navel sore? Is it painful? Know your body and know what you can handle. Do this once or twice a day and increase your time for up to 4 hours a day, each day. Always clean your navel thoroughly and gently after each session. Be sure not to overstretch your belly button. You don't want an overly large navel. Stretching your navel is easy, but reducing it is quite a different story!

    Good luck! And if you have any questions, join us on the Tuck That Tummy Message Board

  • Pambc010417
    Pambc010417 Member Posts: 89
    edited November 2017

    tnd22 and rdeeside - I was advised to shower daily even with my drains in. tnd22 - I wonder why they would not let you shower. I had my abdomen drain for 4 weeks. I was very meticulous about cleaning my drain with alcohol every time I emptied it, just like the nurses did in the hospital. Using cotton ball soaked in alcohol to wipe off drain. In addition, I squirt 1 part peroxide mixed with 2 part water around the area the tube inserts intomy body.

    Rdeeside - ask for a physical therapist to show you how to put a top on with your arms and the best way to get in and out of bed.

    Best wishes of recovery to everyone