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Starting Chemo June 2017



  • klt5817
    klt5817 Member Posts: 32
    edited September 2017


    It has been 23 days since my 4th &
    final TC round. My strength is slowly returning. I saw my MO
    yesterday. My RBC is still 12% below normal range so he said to take
    it easy, light to moderate exercise only. He said it may take 3 to 6
    months for my strength to return to pre-chemo day.

    DH and I went to Colorado Springs last
    weekend to see our son. So my legs' muscles are still sore from
    walking up the hills. However, I was rewarded with such a sweet FB
    post from my son that include a quotation so I would like to share it
    with you, my virtual sisters:

    mom! Thank you so much for coming out. I know it wasn't the easiest
    thing physically to fly out here, and I'm sorry I couldn't be there
    for most of your treatment. But you have been and always will be the
    greatest inspiration to me! I just want to share a few words from a
    neat little book, an old gift from my 7th grade humanities teacher.

    someday, in eighty years, when your a hundred and I'm a hundred and
    thirty-four, and we're both so kind and loving we're nearly
    unbearable, drop me a line, let me know how your life has been. I
    hope you will say:

    has been so wonderful." -George Saunders

    ya mom! And by the way, you look absolutely gorgeous!”

    I continue to read your posts and keep
    you in my daily prayers. Wishing all of you peace, strength, and

    Have a good weekend!
  • moodyblues
    moodyblues Member Posts: 393
    edited September 2017

    KLT.   Nice, very nice.  It brought a smile to my heart.

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited September 2017

    KLT - bring tears to my eyes. Sorry these days I get emotional easily.

  • pink_is_my_colour
    pink_is_my_colour Member Posts: 265
    edited September 2017

    I had my fifth chemo today. No reaction this time either. One more to go. I can do it!!! Then I'll be ringing that bell so loud they'll hear it all the way from the fourth floor to the first. ha ha!

    Ktl I too am struggling with the low RBC. When I had my blood tested on Thursday my RBC was getting pretty low. It's now at 94 and if it goes below 84 by next round they they're wanting to do a blood transfusion. Not too happy about that. I guess it will depend on how I'm feeling overall as well. I might also try some iron pills to see if that will at least keep it steady. Mostly I feel tired and bit unsteady on my feet at times.

    On the bright side at least all the pain I had from the Neulasta shot last go round raised my WBC 3 points higher than it was before I started chemo. But they still want me to take the shot again this time. The nurse did give me some pain meds to help with the bone and muscle pain. Opiads, woo hoo! Maybe I'll take extra doses of Tylenol or Aleve this time and sell the opiads on the black market. Just kidding. But I certainly won't be taking all 40 pills she prescribed. So ....

    We noticed they had switched my original time schedule from Friday to Saturday late Thursday night when we were looking to see what the time was suppose to be for Friday. I'm suppose to take my premeds starting the day before chemo so naturally I started on Thursday. Now, I'm short on premeds. I'm robbing from my next treatment schedule and will have to get a couple extra pills prescribed for my last chemo. This is the second time they've switched times on me without telling me. I think they had done the same thing to others because the guy next to me today had showed up yesterday but was also switched to today. Both times we just happened to notice the switch before showing up at the wrong time and day.

    I have one more day of steroids to get things done before the big crash.

    Hang in there girls.

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited September 2017

    I feel like my body is getting more fatigue each time after infusion, will be facing 12 weeks of taxol seriously I don't know how much my body can take. This is taking a lot out of my body each time

  • susie_2017
    susie_2017 Member Posts: 142
    edited September 2017

    I'm starting 12 weeks of Taxol this Friday(9-15). How many of you are doing this? What should I expect side effect wise? I painted the finger and toe nails with OPI. Curious if any of you got sick afterwards.

    I have a cold. Cough sounds horrible in my chest but Dr said no antibiotics unless I had fever. I'm going to call again on Monday. My mucinex has acetaminophen in it so how would I know if I'm fevered! I sweat all night in bed and go from hot to cold nonstop. I thought those were the beginning of menopause since I haven't had a period in awhile. Oh the joy of chemo.

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited September 2017

    I'm going to do my 12 weeks taxol coming Friday also, I'm hoping the SE is not as much as DD AC since this should be mild taxol. I have my icing socks will buy couple frozen peas for my hands if needed,

    Susie - sounds like you have a cold, rest up and take care yourself.

  • T-Sue
    T-Sue Member Posts: 207
    edited September 2017

    KLT - beautiful, thanks for sharing!

    Susie and Paulette - Congrats on moving to the next phase of your chemo! I posted about my experience with weekly, low-dose Taxol on August 4 in the Weekly Taxol group; you can link to it here:

    Hope this helps!

  • peachyjeanne
    peachyjeanne Member Posts: 155
    edited September 2017

    curly it's ok to feel sad and angry over this situation. It is natural. Know you are not alone and there will be victories to bring your spirits up. Eye on the prize.

    Julia hope you and your parents are safe in Atlanta. Irma did a bait and switch. Hope all in her path are spared major damage.

    Pink/Paulette. hang in there. We are stronger than we know.

    Susie hope the cold is better. Good luck with the start of Taxol. I get dose dense and have had 2 infusions so far. #3 this Thursday. I find I have more bone stiffness after Taxol. I also had that persistent fever but not sure if it is the Taxol or just cumulative chemo catching up to me. The antibiotic took care of the lung infection.

    TSue glad you are doing well and appreciate your sharing info. Go Project 2nd Base!

    I am going to the Look Good Feel Better session later this afternoon. I will bring the wig I do not wear to see if someone there would like it or if I can donate it.

    I've lost eyelashes on both eyes. A good section in the middle of the lid. I don't put on eye makeup because that will just emphasize the gap in lashes. Never put on false eyelashes before and don't think I will start now. My lashes are light so unless you really look, it is not very obvious. Eyebrows on the other hand are hanging on.

    My nails have some white patchiness but they do not feel like they are coming off. Hot flashes at night are still constant. Boo.

    Wishing all peace and comfort on this 16th anniversary of 9/11. Just finished watching the reading of the names of the fallen at the WTC. Always sobering.

  • T-Sue
    T-Sue Member Posts: 207
    edited September 2017

    PeachyJean, how observant of you to pick up the name off the t-shirt on my profile pick. This started out as a joke between my husband and me. We were waiting in the surgeon's office the day after diagnosis brainstorming how to refer to this new crisis without freaking out our 9 year old. We came up with all sorts of profanity-laden names, but settled on "Project 2nd Base" to refer to my b.c. diagnosis and treatment. Around my child, we call it Project 2B which we explained stood for both '2 breasts' or 'to be.' My friends took off with the name and set up a FB support group and meal train with that name and got tshirts to show solidarity. Humor helps 😁

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited September 2017

    TSue - thanks for the link, I read it several times and hope I dont have much SE

  • KimPossible818
    KimPossible818 Member Posts: 287
    edited September 2017

    KLT, Precious!!

    Susie, I am with you - hot/cold/hot/cold...rinse and repeat. Slammed into menopause.

    Paulette, I get leg/hip aches with Taxol around Sun - Tues (after Friday infusions). Feels like the flu is setting in, but gets better...nothing too horrible. Have started having bruising under several fingernails. Kind of tender to open jars and things. Could be much worse. Fatigue on Mondays has been pretty steady. Noticed some nose bleeding. I think it is because there are NO nose hairs and the air here is a little dry. Bitter taste (different from the AC chemo). Frustrating SEs but DOABLE!

    Pink, I want to hear that bell ring in IL!

    I haven't lost eyelashes or brows. Suppose it could still happen with 7 Taxols left to go. Head stubble is growing. Can't tell if it is blonde or gray! lol

    Hugs to all!

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited September 2017

    Kim - I read people talked about hair coming back during taxol so maybe your hair is coming back now. Did you take epsome salt bath when you feel the pains.

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited September 2017

    Hap - according to My paperwork there will be joint and muscle pain. They even suggested to take glutamine power.

  • KimPossible818
    KimPossible818 Member Posts: 287
    edited September 2017

    Paulette, I have only taken one epsom salt bath. Used to LOVE baths. Read that's not good for neuropathy, which I don't have. Don't want to take any changes, though.

    HapB, I cannot say my pain is severe. Uncomfortable and frustrating, but doable. I just keep wishing these next 7 weeks away.

    My nurse suggested tea tree oil to rub into my fingers. When I googled it, there was an article that says not good for Estrogen+ breast cancer. Does that mean if you rub it on your breast(s)? I think if you read everything you read, you will not do anything. I don't know what to believe/not believe anymore.

    My parents are more than 24 hours without power in GA. At least temps have remained cooler, but I can tell my mother is getting anxious. Irma had widespread effects. Hope Julia is AOK with her parents.

  • peachyjeanne
    peachyjeanne Member Posts: 155
    edited September 2017

    The Look Good Feel Better session was good. Can't say I learned much about make up, but it was nice to be in a room with 5 other ladies and chat as we played with our goody bags. We did laugh which felt good. There was breast cancer, kidney cancer and ovarian cancer represented in the room. Doesn't matter..cancer is cancer and chemo is chemo and we all had similar ups and downs travelling this path to wellness. Most rewarding of the evening was finding someone that wanted to take the wig I first bought in haste but never wore and never would. Much better having it in someone's hands that may wear it than having it on a stand in my bedroom doing no good for anyone.

    Tomorrow morning is Taxol #3. Hoping for an uneventful infusion and little side effects. The most noticeable during Taxol has been the uncomfortable stiffness in my hips. But that may have felt worse because of the fever I had. Who knows? I got a Neulasta shot after my 2nd Taxol, and that was the last one. They only give one in the middle of my 4 doses. Tonight, I feel good...almost normal.

    Good luck to Susie and Paulette on Friday as you start your Tax journey.

    Kim - I hope the power is back up soon for your parents. Glad they are safe.

    MsLIn..congrats on reaching the chemo finish line! I hope your friend is feeling okay and can celebrate with you soon.

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited September 2017

    Peachy - good luck for tomorrow Infusion hope you don't have hip pains tomorrow

  • JuliaJazz
    JuliaJazz Member Posts: 175
    edited September 2017

    Kim and all the rest of you dear friends,  Got back Tuesday at midnight from Atlanta.  15 hour drive with terrible congestion at stops for food and gas and bumper to bumper traffic.  We had a nice time with my cousin.  It was tiring through as I was the full time caregiver for my 94 year old dad, including waking at night to help him use the facilities.  We lost power in Atlanta (their first tropical storm ever) and spent our last evening in the dark.  Temps were cool so that was to problem.  Headed back on Tuesday as we had imposed on them long enough.  Since I got home I have been resting up.  Starting to feel more normal today.  Our home here in Sarasota has lots of branches in the yard we will have to pay someone to clean up and a few torn screens on the pool cage but we never lost power.  Our son in Orlando boarded up his windows and hunkered down and he and his wife are fine too.  Glad to read that all of you are keeping on keeping on.

  • susie_2017
    susie_2017 Member Posts: 142
    edited September 2017

    Thank you for your well wishes. Is there anything I should take to prepare for it, take meds??

    So happy all of you made it through Irma!!! The only good thing that came from that was my Facebook newsfeed finally stopped talking about Trump for a while. Was nice to see our world United and stop spreading hate.

    I lost my eyelashes and I don't like it. My eyes got pink and eyelids swollen. Dr put me on meds to clear it up. Also got Zpack for my cough/cold. Have any of you lost eyelashes and what do you do....falsies? I feel like I look like very pale now.

    Nervous for tomorrow but one step closer to finishing this chemo! Good luck Paulette!

  • luwusu
    luwusu Member Posts: 18
    edited September 2017

    Susie, I lost my eyebrows and eyelashes completely. My eyelashes began to grow back about three months after my last chemo. Teeny tiny to begin with. IT cosmetics makes a mascara called Tightline that has a tiny applicator that worked wonders when they began to grow back. Now, six months after last chemo, my lashes are pretty good. I hated losing them and was thrilled to get them back. My eyebrows are still pretty sparse. I had gotten pretty good at drawing them on with powder and a brush, but sometimes they look pretty comical.


  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited September 2017

    HapB - sorry to hear that Hugs!!! One of my college friend just informed his liver cancer recurrenced two days ago, so it is tough battle!!!

    Will do my first taxol tomorrow, need prayers kinda nervous!

  • peachyjeanne
    peachyjeanne Member Posts: 155
    edited September 2017 sorry about the loss of your friend. It's a blessing to have such long friendships. Painful to lose. Sending you comforting vibes as you mourn.

    I do get steroids and Benadryl befor the taxol. And Pepcid. Infusion was uneventful today I took a nap for the first time during taxol but not very long. Hard to stay asleep with icing hands and feet.

    Julia... glad you are home resting and the damage around your home sounds minimal.

    Paulette I am sorry to read about your friend. Try not to be too nervous tomorrow. Think positive thoughts about it going in.

    Susie I have lost eyelashes. I will not wear falsies. I image I would be a total spaz trying to glue them on. Mine are light and I didn't wear a lot of makeup pre-diagnosis so it's not too noticeable. I find my eyes are tearing mostly in the morning when I wake up but gets better after washing my face. TheraTears drops are refreshing as well. Good luck with your first Taxol.

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited September 2017

    Peachy - I'm going to ice my hands and feet so I guess I won't sleep that much too. Will report after my infusion.

  • KimPossible818
    KimPossible818 Member Posts: 287
    edited September 2017

    Glad to catch up. All my family and friends in GA/FL have their power back on and had no major damage to homes/property. #grateful

    Sorry for the loss of eyelashes. Mine seem to be ok. ?? I assume they will go at some point.

    Taxol #6/12 Today. Almost halfway through this after today. My neighbor and friend is taking me today.

    Paulette, You can do it! Do not be alarmed if they give you a big dose of Benadryl. They should cut it down after today's first dose. It could knock you right out. Totally normal.

    Peachy, Great of you to give your wig away. I think that was a great place to do it. I will be donating mine, which I have never worn either, once this is all said and done.

    Julia, Glad you are safely home and sustained no major damage. I am sure it was exhausting for you. Rest. You are a wonderful caregiver, I am sure.

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 721
    edited September 2017

    Hi Susie,

    I lost my eyebrows and lashes after Taxol #3. My eyelids and eyes are sensitive anyway, so false eyelashes would not be a good fit for me. Hypoallergenic pencils and liners seem to be working fine for now.

    Wishing you an uneventful treatment today,


  • JuliaJazz
    JuliaJazz Member Posts: 175
    edited September 2017

    Best to everyone facing challenges big and small. My computer charger is broken and I don't like to type on the phone. Amazon will get my new one here soon and I will write more then.

  • pink_is_my_colour
    pink_is_my_colour Member Posts: 265
    edited September 2017

    I may not write every day but I do check in.

    I actually went out today after five days of laying about in bed. Hips were sore but I pushed on. Managed to stay upright for over four hours then the crash came. Nap was good! Gosh this docetaxel has been the hardest of all. Really kicking my butt big time. Back to the temperature up and down thing again.

    Have to meet with radiation oncologist on Monday. On to the next step before the last one is even finished. I wonder sometimes do they even look at the chart to see where I'm at as a whole person. Not just the parts they're concerned with.

    I have one or two hairs left for eyebrows and eyelashes. I think it would look way better if they all fell out rather than these pathetic looking things that are left.

    Hap: my heart goes out to you.

    Paulette: hang in there.

    Peachy: Glad you're somewhat back to normal and feeling better these days.

    Susie: I'm nervous every time. Each time seems to be slightly different than the time before for side effects.

    Julia: Glad normal is coming back into your life.

    Kim: you amaze me with your strength.

    Wishing everyone good health and lots of love and happiness in your lives.

  • T-Sue
    T-Sue Member Posts: 207
    edited September 2017

    Sending lots of love and strength to all of you dealing with grief for loved ones and pain for yourselves! Such a tough time.

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited September 2017

    Pink / hang in there you know our path does has an end. I don't want to type out some hateful words I just know our bodies have been fighting for the max and out emotionals have been so much ups and downs. It is wait beyond our limits

  • hhuey
    hhuey Member Posts: 121
    edited September 2017

    Finished taxol number 7 today...only 5 more to go. I can finally see the finish line. After that I will have 3 or 4 weeks off then will have a bilateral mastectomy with about 2/3 lymph node removal from my right underarm and will continue with herceptin every 3 weeks for up to the year mark from when I started it.

    I get nuropathy from time to time but notice it mainly when I am sitting around. If I get up and get the blood flowing it gets better and goes away. My head hair is starting to grow back and is so super soft and dark when I had reddish light brown hair before. My eyebrows on the other hand are sort of falling out and growing in at the same time and I've lost just about all of my lashes.

    I have noticed I have become more achy especially in my hip bones and my feet bones and in my sternum and in between my ribs. I take Aleve for this and it helps. Also I take immodium twice a day to ward off the horrible stomach cramps and diarrhea I was getting at the beginning. I still have a bowel movements at least once a day so I'm not too worried about constipation. I also notice with Taxol I feel a little nauseous for one or two days. I take a comparing for that and it helps.

    I have not had any nail issues. I use OPI nail Envy and so far so good.

    A word about the premeds...on my first taxol they gave me 50 MG of benedryl iv and I could not handle it. I was dizzy, shaky, nauseous. It was not good at all. I had read that some women get a zyrtec tablet instead so the next time I went in I requested that and felt much better. Now I just get Pepcid iv, 1 steroid pill, and the zyrtec and am fine. No allergic reaction or anything. So if the benedryl bothers you talk to your MO about zyrtec.

    That's about all I can think of for now. I am so tired after not sleeping well for nearly 2 weeks.. pretty hurricane prep had me stressed then we spend 3 days at my brother in laws to ride the storm out, 2 days at my in laws and 3 days at our house with no power. Luckily a friend of my husband's lent us a generator so we could run a window ac unit but we all had to sleep in one room on couches and air mmattresses. It was like camping out of our house. I was thankful only because it could have been much worse. We still had a house to come home too with minimal damage only to a fence out back.

    Take care ladies. I can't wait to ring that darn bell. I wanted to make a banner to run through but thought that might be a little too much.