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Starting Chemo June 2017



  • KimPossible818
    KimPossible818 Member Posts: 287
    edited October 2017

    Paulette, That's a good walk! I felt good again today but am getting tired and am ready to settle in front of the tv for awhile. I am not sure I will ever feel like my old self, though, I am sure going to try. :)

    HapB, I was under the impression anyone who has had chemo could have heart issues later. ?? I asked my DH just last night if I should add a cardiologist into the mix of doctors to keep a check on it annually. I will ask my ONC when I see her next week.

    Has anyone else had fingernail bruising on Taxol? It's getting better, but now I feel like my nails smell funny. Oh the smell sensitivities I have had through this! I get a little mortified at some of these SEs. I'm constantly dabbing my nose with a tissue. It's still bleeding when I blow, and it's fairly significant. Just dealing with it. Not really complaining, just sharing my experience. (Whether you care to listen or not...haha) (Like you ladies don't have your stuff, too.)


  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited October 2017

    Kim - I use Ayr Gel and use Q tip to put inside my nose. I haven’t thought more about adding cardiology on my mix of Doc yet. 🙁

    Curly - one down for you, now you are getting closer to the tunnel!!

    HapB - how are you doing today? Any better

  • hhuey
    hhuey Member Posts: 121
    edited October 2017

    So only 2 more Taxols to go. I will complete chemo on Oct 13th. Then I will have Herceptin on the 20th and ever three weeks up until a year from the time I started in July. These aches from the Taxols are really getting to me though. I have huge knots in my left shoulder blade causing my neck to hurt and since my last Taxol with Herceptin and Perjeta last Friday I get these headaches. I also have been sleeping terribly. I wake up often have a hot flash, rip covers off, freeze put covers on, fall back to sleep for a while and then this goes on all night long. I know these side effects may subside after chemo but I feel like I'm getting my butt whooped. I'm so excited to finish but know that surgery and possible radiation lay ahead. I find myself getting angry often that I am in this boat to begin with. It just really stinks.

  • peachyjeanne
    peachyjeanne Member Posts: 155
    edited October 2017

    I took an extra day and worked from home yesterday when I would normally return to work after usual chemo Thurs, work from home Friday and Monday schedule. My knees were just so stiff on Monday and I felt I wanted one more day of not having to commute. Glad I did. Knees are still stiff, but better. I went into the office today. I walk like an old lady not to mention the grunts I make when standing up after sitting for a while. Oy! Have to start walking carefully until I get used to the tingly numbness in my feet.

    hhuey...I'm right with you sister! The nights are a game of covers on, covers off. Add in the constant need to try and stretch my legs to try and help my knees, I get sleep in bits and pieces. I'm also alternating between keeping positive and feeling angry about the whole deal. It can get kind of tiring being upbeat through this. Everyone around me comments how "well" I'm doing. And I guess I am, all things considered. But sometimes I just want to sulk in a pity party and not put on a happy face. I don't show the anger much. Maybe anger isn't the right word (right now, anyway) but more stunned I'm going through this. It is still surreal, like I'm forced to watch someone go through this. Very rarely do I have moments when breast cancer is not swirling around in my brain. Even when I went to the movies 2 weeks ago I still hear that little voice "You have breast cancer" constantly in my ear.

    Oh..speaking of the movies: Saw Stronger,the movie about he Boston marathon bombing. When buying tix my Aunt asked if there was a senior discount. Of course, there was. She said "See, there are some good things about getting old." I jokingly said "What about having cancer?" The cashier gave me the discount, too. My aunt giggled at me and said "I can't believe you pulled the cancer card at the movies." I didn't mean to, it just came out. I think I was serious. There has to be something good to come of this.

    One good thing is that I have been shown a lot of love from various people I didn't expect. A few people send me cards every couple of weeks. It would be easy for them to drop one card in the mail upon hearing the news and cross it off the list; but they make an effort to keep it up. It means a lot. I also find that people, in general, are good and well-meaning at heart which can get lost in the news and politics of today.

    Think I'll end on the positive...

  • LTWJ
    LTWJ Member Posts: 118
    edited October 2017
    Loved your post PeachyJean! I too have felt a lot of anger these past few months. Not necessarily about having cancer but more directed at my oncologist who dismisses all of my SE and just st writes me another prescription. I used to be very active, loved my Zumba class and playing tennis with my kids, but this neuropathy in my hands and especially feet is pretty horrible and def limits my actions. Now my feet swell every night so my shoe are tight and I have blisters 😔. When i told my oncologist He simply turned around and wrote a prescriptiofor cymabalta! I asked him if this reversed the neuropathy or simply made me not care about it it and He said, it seems to help 😣. I tripped yesterday walking in Home Depot and went sprawling. Lots of scrapes and bruises but nothing serious. Numb feet is going to be a huge problem!
    Today Im Getting my breast MRI that will determine my surgery option. My sonagram showed nothing there so I’m keeping my fingers crossed but they also said just surgery, no chemo, last April after the MRI but the testing came back HER2+ so then I needed chemo 😔. Doing my best to stay positive, and this morning I felt hair stubble! It’s tne little things!
    Hope everyone has an awesome day!
  • lilsuzq
    lilsuzq Member Posts: 27
    edited October 2017

    hhuey - I understand the anger. I tell people all the time, with my 6th and final chemo today, I am still pissed off! It just feels like a normal feeling to be angry. When you think about it - from diagnosis to treatment - you are pretty much looking at a year of your life being put on hold (sort of). I was dx in early March, had bmx in mid April, chemo 6/22 with Hercptin to follow until next June. I used to have a very active life - working a a great full-time job, teaching fitness classes for fun, Bikram Yoga (which I have had many people tell me no good for cancer as it is tough on the body) I can barely do a push-up! It will take a long time to get muscle strength back. However, I have to admit, I have had more good days than bad days and was able to work full-time - did not miss any work. I've been following this board since June and tracking everyone's progress - and you are doing great - almost to the end of chemo. Surgery was pretty easy for me considering. Hang in there. Sending prayers.

    Peachy - thank you for summing it up and adding the movie story. I used the cancer card one time while my family and I were waiting for a table in a restaurant. It just slipped out (as a joke) and we were seated momentarily! lol I hope you are feeling better today.Hang in there.

    LTWJ - I have the same treatment plan as you. I can't wait to be where you are - done with chemo. Today is my last chemo. I want the chemo over so I can focus on Herceptin only and getting stronger. My neuropathy comes and goes but does not seem that bad. My muscle twitches have slowed down (in my eyes and all over my body). This next week is all about getting through this last treatment. Good luck with your MRI and let us know how it goes.

    Off to LAST CHEMO in 2 hours,...wish me luck and I'll take any extra prayers! I'm sending prayers to all and thank you for your continued support!


  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited October 2017

    Lilsuzq- good luck to your last chemo! Ring that bell! Yes our life have been on hold for months and could be year.

    Most of you are close to finish chemo. I used to be lurking here so I can get tips, I’m in the July group. LTWJ I cried so much there were time, I cried daily and thought my old self. I used to be an active person, now I will be tired afternoon. The journey is so long, I always asked myself would I make it to the end.

    Sorry for the ranting! Everyone have awesome day

  • hhuey
    hhuey Member Posts: 121
    edited October 2017

    Yay for you glad today is your final chemo...I'd be interested to know how the herceptin only treats you..the infusion nurse said compared to chemo it should be a walk in the park but that's what they said about Taxol vs AC too..anyway so happy for you.

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 721
    edited October 2017

    hhuey - I have muscle tightness too. It runs down my neck and across my right shoulder. My MO has told me that muscle spasms can be a side effect of Taxol as well as the dexamethasone. I've tried warm compresses and gentle stretching, but neither one seems to do the trick. Maybe I need to think about getting a good, long massage.

  • peachyjeanne
    peachyjeanne Member Posts: 155
    edited October 2017

    Lilsuzq congrats on your last dose!!! Hoping you have a wonderful weekend with no side effects!

    HapB you put it in perspective. This is our new world. Looking back longing for the past or worrying about the future just robs us of today. I will try to keep that in focus

  • moodyblues
    moodyblues Member Posts: 393
    edited October 2017

    Peachy.  Loved your post, it made me smile.  I particularly liked what you said about various people reaching out to you with cards and following up as well, I had the same experience and am still awed by it.  I know now, how to give back to others who may someday be in the same shoes as I.  Are we twins 'cause I asked how old one had to be to get a senior discount and she too gave me a discount.  :)  At this point I think that we all deserve a senior discount, a triple A discount, a government discount and a just because I deserve a darn discount-discount.....can we just get in for free?  BAHAHA

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited October 2017

    HapB - I am tired of worrying about SE, infection and blood counts. For now, I wish I can get through the chemo and radiation then I need a break from all the doctor appointments for weeks. Maybe that will let me get off my depression. I know I can't go back to the life before, this BC baggage will always behind my back.

    I’ve thanks God that I found BC because it was so hidden even US couldn’t find my lump. Also I got my husband who takes care of me, a friend from TX always looks after me during this period. Some of my good friends actually disappeared that kind of made me sad

  • peachyjeanne
    peachyjeanne Member Posts: 155
    edited October 2017

    Moody blues I feel the same way about now knowing how to better support others that may be struggling. Unfortunately, I have just learned that I can put it into action immediately. A woman I worked with for many years had a stroke late August. She is the same age as me....48. She spent the whole month of Sept in the hospital and rehab. She is finally home and has made great progress getting her mobility and speech back but has a long way to go.

    KimPossible good luck with your Taxol today. One more down!!

    Hersheykiss I soaked in an Epsom salt bath the other day and it seemed to help a little.

    Hhuey walk in the park comments make me cringe, too. There is a thread on here that lists stupid comments we get relating to our diagnosis. I read through it the other day and some made me laugh and some were just unbelievably cruel.

  • lilsuzq
    lilsuzq Member Posts: 27
    edited October 2017

    Thank you all for your well-wishes. Last chemo in my body - now I deal with the next week. They did not have a bell - so my friends from work brought a 'Cow Bell' it says on the outside Needs More Cow Bell - like the skit in Saturday Night Live with Will Ferrell - so we used that instead. My infusion room is very small (only 5 chairs) and the nurses shut the door with the noisy cow bell. Oh well! Gotta do what you gotta do. First pic is of mom and brother - last pic mom and brother and work friends.

    hhuey - when I get Herception only on weeks in between chemo I pretty much feel unaffected body-wise. I am scheduled for a second Echo of the heart on 10/16 to see how my heart muscle is doing.

    Cancer is no walk in the park and when diagnosed - your life will be changed forever - and not necessarily in a bad way. A new normal and sometimes a way to see your life in a different view. Mitigate stress, eat a better diet, pay attention to your body, kinder to others, etc etc. I'm still angry though - lol...

    Prayers to all. Thank you for getting me to this point.



  • pink_is_my_colour
    pink_is_my_colour Member Posts: 265
    edited October 2017

    Congrats to those who've finished your last chemo. Feels good! Keep ringing those bells.

    I have a friend who sends me a card every two weeks. When I thanked her she said: " I can't help myself." Those little words of encouragement help out tremendously. Especially on those days when I'm crying my eyes out wondering how this all happened.

    What I've also learned is that once you're finished chemo people seem to think you return to normal immediately. They don't seem to understand that there's still side effects to deal with and time needed to recover. That time is not one week but months of recovery. Medical professionals have no clue what chemo is about. When the radiation dept called me Monday to book my next follow-up appointment she wanted to book it for yesterday. I said, I highly doubt I'll be dancing into your dept on that day since I just finished chemo on Sat. The next alternative was today. It's like she didn't even hear that I'd just finished chemo three days before. I sometimes wish they could all take just one chemo treatment to see what it's like!

    I now move like a hundred year old arthritic lady. Things hurt that I didn't know could hurt. Amazes me just how much poop can come out of one person! What is that sewer taste in my mouth from? Walking up the stairs is a major ordeal that requires a half hour of rest at the top of the stairs. In fact any activity requires a half hour of rest afterwards. Will my nose ever stop running? People think I'm crying because my eyes are constantly watering and running down my face.

    Kim: my nails hurt like the dickens. There's weird looking bumps and bruising going on. Nothing has fallen off yet. The nurse told me it can take up to 2 months before your nose stops running. I swear I've been through at least ten boxes of kleenex. Recently had to go to Costco to stock up again. I find Benadryl seems to help dry things up a little. I put Vaseline in my nose every night before bed. Not sure if that's what helping but the bleeding nose has stopped.

    Hap: you're so wise! Thanks for your words of wisdom.

    Ladies, hang in there. There is a an end in sight. Live each day to the fullest.

  • moodyblues
    moodyblues Member Posts: 393
    edited October 2017

    Lils.  You ring that cowbell girl!  AWESOME!  

  • hhuey
    hhuey Member Posts: 121
    edited October 2017

    Hershey- I think you are rigjt..a massage sounds divine.

    Pink- funny you mention the amount of poop..I too am sometimes amazed..I get backed up for days with hard but ripping poop but then one day a week it all decides to come out and in a painful manner..I even had to pull over on my way to infusion in a secluded park parking lot and pooped in a bag ahhhh can't believe I am typing this here but all I can say is thank god for extra vomit bags stowed away in my purse.

    Lilsuzq- those pictures are great..congrats on finishing this part of your that the hat with the hair? It looks great

    One more taxol next friday..time to deal with the SE from today's treatment and get to the ne,t one..almost done..I'm gonna ring that bell and probably cry my eyes out when I finish...what a crazy part of this's not over yet but I may be 1/2 to 1/3 of the way done depending if I will have to have radiation . My boys start sports today CJ the beast playing flag football and Thomas first season of Soccer...proud mamma will be on the sidelines cheering with my umbrella, a mister, and a small cooler with cold water to soak a rag in case I get least I

  • hhuey
    hhuey Member Posts: 121
    edited October 2017

    on a side note does anyone else have tightness in their chest? I seem to be able to take deep breaths just fine but just have this heaviness on my chest since getting my thp treatment last heart rate was slightly elevated this morning but I had just been walking from my car and then to the 5th floor ..I had this once before and went to the er and it was nothing..they attributed it to maybe being slightly anemic..idk. I have an echo next Thursday so they can check it..if it gets worse I will go to the er

  • KimPossible818
    KimPossible818 Member Posts: 287
    edited October 2017

    Lilsuzq, You look ahmazing! How wonderful that the chemo is behind you. A cowbell is a great idea, and I know that funny SNL skit! HA! I might get some party favors, and pass those out to blow. Maybe I can find them in pink and pass out to staff and those waiting for treatment! Congrats, and propel forward!

    I had my 9th Taxol today - only 3 more. I came home and laid on the couch due to fatigue but didn't sleep. I am up doing some dishes and will do a load of laundry. I feel good otherwise. I haven't seen them yet, but nurse said my counts were great. That is a blessing through all this. I wanted more than anything to stay the course.

    Pink, Thanks for the advice about the irritated nose. My nurse said to use Ocean Spray? Don't think she meant Cranberry Juice. ;) (I can totally identify with your p**p issues. It's feast or famine. I had IBS as a teen, so I am used to crazy bowels. Loopy

    hhuey, Well, p**p happens, right? I have a friend who shared a story with me in August that when her now grown son was little, they were at the airport and she had to GO! She had to crawl in the back of her SUV and p**p on a towel that was back there. She said she left said towel outside the car. (OMG!) Her son only asked, "What's that smell?!" I could never have probably shared that, but we all had a good laugh so many years later reflecting on what we must do at times. It's good to be humbled. Cancer has certainly done that for me!

    Have a great weekend to all! I am so grateful to not be on this journey by myself, but I so wish each of you would never had this infiltrate your lives. We will be better for it. More aware of each day as a gift and more aware of others going through challenging times. We will educate others and be bold when we need to be to advocate for ourselves and our needs. Pink Power, Ladies!

  • KimPossible818
    KimPossible818 Member Posts: 287
    edited October 2017

    hhuey, I wouldn't call it tightness, but I have felt this week a little pain around my heart. Since the port is so close, I am assuming it is the port. My dr listened to my heart yesterday (had a routine appt with my rheumatologist). If it lingers, please let your medical team know.

  • JuliaJazz
    JuliaJazz Member Posts: 175
    edited October 2017

    Hhuey.  Enjoy those sporting events.  Ah, fall in Florida.  Takes me back to old times watching my son.  Now he is 36 and we are going to see the house in Orlando he and his wife just bought.  Time flies.  Enjoy every day.

    Still no hair growing back but I am getting quite the scarf wardrobe.

    Have a great weekend everyone!  

  • T-Sue
    T-Sue Member Posts: 207
    edited October 2017

    Congrats to all of you knocking off one more chemo or radiation appt! LilSuzq, thanks for sharing the pics! Love to see that "thank god I'm finished" smile!

    I am now 6 weeks PFC and can report that my energy level is SOOOOOO much better! Just in time for my tissue expander / implant exchange surgery to knock me back down again! (probably next month) As I had heard might happen, I slowly lost all of my eyebrows and eyelashes PFC. Though it happened so gradually that baby hairs have already peaked through.

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited October 2017

    Pink - you are funny and you made my days. I sure want to have a small break between chemo and radiation this is a tough journey.

    Just finished #4 taxol and 8 more to go! With all these tough time, my Blood pressure went up.

    Hope everyone have a good weekend, love to think about life after chemo.

  • Leatherette
    Leatherette Member Posts: 272
    edited October 2017

    Lilsuzyq- congratulations! I searched on eye twitches and was directed to your earlier post here. My eyes are twitching like crazy-it's like someone is playing piano under my eyelids!

  • LTWJ
    LTWJ Member Posts: 118
    edited October 2017

    Leatherette, I too had eye twitching all through chemo but I’m 3 weeks post chemo and no more eye twitching. I do have a weird new SE, swollen feet and legs. It started last Thursday, excactly 3 weeks post chemo. I bought some compression socks and now my legs are swollen. BP is normal, no pain or hot. Dr gave me a diuretic so hopefully that helps. They moved my cardio echo up 2 weeks also.

    Just got my Breast MRI results and everything is clear, no cancer evident she said. I’m scheduling a lumpectomy and will have radiation. Then Herceptin until April

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited October 2017

    LTWJ - I have read that somewhere people had this SE, and one of the suggestion was drink more water beside taking diuretic. I can’t remember where I read that could be one of the person named specialK and she is from triple positive group

  • moodyblues
    moodyblues Member Posts: 393
    edited October 2017

    LTWJ.  I had eye twitching till it drove me crazy (and my eyes were constantly running).  A friend on here had the same problem and her doctor recommended eye drops, I tried the eye drops and WALA problem solved.  I used them each night before bed and it helped so much.  By the way, I also had ear popping around the same time and once I was using they eye drops 'every' night without forgetting (and increased my water intake) that popping stopped too.  Hope this helps.


  • hhuey
    hhuey Member Posts: 121
    edited October 2017

    Sitting in the chair finishing my final Taxol....after the 2nd round it seemed like it would be an eternity to complete but I am doing it. I can't wait to ring this bell and move on to the next stage which is surgery. I wish you all luck on completing your chemo and want to thank each and every person in here for support you have given me along the way and helpful hints to help with the dreaded side effects. Kick ass ladies!!!!

  • susie_2017
    susie_2017 Member Posts: 142
    edited October 2017

    hhuey. CONGRATS!! I can't wait to finish, im sitting in the chair as I type this getting #5 of Taxol. Saw the MO first and he says I'm doing awesome and his easiest patient to see. I can't wait til I see the light at the end of this tunnel! Xoxo

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited October 2017

    Hhuey Ring that Bell 🎊🎊🎊 so happy for you. Hard to believe we have been here for months, prayers for your surgery. Keep us posted and we will be here for you.

    I’m going for my #5 taxol today Susie, I’m hoping we are going to have an uneventful infusion.