My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer
Irish - First I want to say what lovely things you said about Bella. That was so nice of you, and I agree, she has been a mascot and friend here for all of us. Thank you so much for sharing her, Goldens.
Second, I want to tell you how very sorry I am about your current medical issues. I happen to be blessed with a wonderful vein that the nurses and techs love, and only ever takes one stick. That alone is so awful for me, that I can't begin to fathom needing multiple sticks. My heart goes out to you big time! Re the iron, is there any way that you can get it from food, so you don't have to be stuck so many times? I had low ferratin once while I was getting chemo a few years ago, and I remember I didn't want infusions or pills, because of the problems they came with. I knew that shellfish are loaded with iron, so I told the dr I was going to try eating lots of shell fish first. I ate two cans of smoked clams every day for about a week and the next labs showed my iron and B12 being super high and almost off the charts. I much preferred doing that to the alternative. There's obviously an issue though, as to whether you can eat things like clams and oysters. They are just horrible to some people and they can't get them down, I know. I happen to have grown up with them (thanks Dad), and actually enjoy them, so that makes a difference. Even now I eat a can of smoked clams or oysters about once a week "just in case" anything like iron is getting low. So far, no troubles. I'm just thinking there has to be some other option for you besides all those needles or the stomach troubles that can come with iron supplements/pills. Best of luck with both that and Pfizer. I'm definitely in your pocket!
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Irish I am sorry for all the vein sticks you are having to endure. Surely they could have left an IV in if they know that you needed multiple injections, even if they took it out after. Seems inhumane to do that to someone. I am in your pocket for everything you are going through. Thank you for the advice on walking through snow, I really appreciate it. I can imagine all the frustration causing tears, here to hug you and give you comfort.
Wren, I am sorry to hear you fell as well and hitting your head on top of it all. I hope you are feeling better, I am in your pocket for a better day today. I have the similar mental list that I keep, like my anxiety if I fall, or anxiety in general. I have a hard time with worrying about sometimes stupid stuff so I can empathize.
I am doing some budget boosting on the TV, need a good vacuum and then a floor mop with the vileda spray mop, love that thing. Laundry is on the go, been pokey about it but not on a schedule this week which is good. Following week have an echo and Herceptin so that was good and ct and MRI coming in February. DB and SIL want to come to the RO appointment, think they have questions. Not in love with this but will allow it so will have to make sure is an in person appointment.
Having an egg sandwich, putting cheese on both slices of bread and a microwaved egg. I like doing the egg for 5mins in the smaller microwave as it firms it up for me. Later will chop up beans and frozen veggie stir fry, would add butter to a pan as it heats up. Since stir fry is frozen, need to heat through first as the stuff only gets stirred in the pan on high for a few minutes then heat off and covered for all flavours to come through.
I will see later.I do hope everyone has a good or at least better day and I am in pockets for everyone who needs me and in my own to get everything done I want to do.
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Irish, I can't imagine the pain you are going through. The suffering just keeps coming. Please know we are all here for you in as much as we can be from a distance. I am praying for relief and answers for you.
Wren, I am sorry for what you are goin through from your fall. May you recover quickly.
I am having a lovely visit with my son. We all went out to eat last night. I couldn't eat it all, but it was fun being together. Tonight is Inn-N-Out (the west coasters will understand.) Tomorrow we will celebrate a post-Christmas meal here with my BIL and his family. Time goes by so quickly when you just want it to slow down for a week.
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Candy-Just spoke with my friend who had her first cataract surgery yesterday. So far she is very pleased with the results but it is of course weird to see right now as one eye recovers and the other eye is waiting. She suggested you get the lens of your glasses popped out for the eye that was operated on. She went to her optometrist today to have that done and says it is now much easier for her to see. Her next operation is next week-only an 8 day gap.
Tonya-Sorry you are dealing with Covid on top of everything else. Hope you are feeling better.
Irishlove-Sorry for all you are dealing with as well. Hope the Ibrance gets straightened out soon.
Wren-That fall sounds fairly serious. Hope you are feeling ok today.
Sondra-We are pulling for you to get home asap and for a good new chapter to start.
Best wishes to anyone I haven't mentioned.
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Irish Wrapping you in a giant hug.I hope your veins behave and they get you on the first try. It's all so uncomfortable and frustrating. So glad you have an advocate helping to get this Pfizer debacle straightened out. It's the last thing you need to be dealing with! Hoping these gets resolved quickly so you don't have to be stressed over running out. This makes me so angry that we are even having this conversation, nobody wants these drugs we NEED them!❤️
Wren Oh geez head injuries can definitely be very scary. Hope your feeling better each day.
intolight So happy to hear you're enjoying your visit with your son and family. Hope your post Christmas goes nice and slow and you get to enjoy every second.
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feeling depressive, cancelled the grocery trip with DB, I went outside and there is too much snow for me to feel comfortable, scared I would slip. Only way I feel comfortable is if sidewalk and end of driveway are shovelled out. May decide to do that tormorrow. I feel like a boob but know if I am not comfortable, I should not do it because I will fall in that case if I am fearful. Need to consider shovelling the sidewalk and end of driveway perhaps to make it flatter
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Thanks Chicagoan. I too know someone that had cataract surgery done, and for the time between eyes the eye doctor popped out the lens of her glasses. I am going to ask to do that. My friend went to the same doctor I am going to go to. Her surgeries are 2 weeks apart, but I am going to ask about 1 week.
I don't know if I told you guys- and I don't want to have to scroll back to my last post- I had a consultation appointment for the surgery this week, but I had to cancel. I was called to serve on a jury. I called the eye surgeon to reschedule, and they said his next appointment is in 1 month. I asked how long is the norm from the consultation to the surgery and they said 1 month. So I am probably going to have surgery sometime in March. I have cancer scans March 14, so I will probably wait until the next week- week of March 17 to have cataracts done.
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Thank you all for your kind words about Bella.
Irish - I hear you about vein sticks. For years it was the same for me as they could only use the side opposite my node dissection and that’s the same side they used for chemo 35 yrs ago. Veins were for 💩 and I can remember multiple attempts. About a year ago I asked my MO about it and she told me my dissection side could be used provided it was only a couple times a month. That made life so much better. Are you a candidate for a port? Do they use the vein finder to help? This is one of those things never mentioned in medical summaries about BC and MBC. Also threetree made some good points about iron. Maybe there are options for you. Here for pocket duty.
Wren - here for pocket duty as you recover from your fall. Hope you heal quickly.
Covid and lots of other stuff seem to be making the rounds. Pertussis cases are in DGDs school. Hope you have no lingering problems Tanya.
Mara - I sure hope someone comes along and shovels for you! You shouldn’t have to do that! And if you do, just be xtra careful please. I understand how the weather can affect your mood and I hope your depression passes soon. This has been a strange winter so far with very little snow. Everything seems to be going south of us. Of course we’ve had some cold temps and the forecast calls for a big arctic blast at the start of next week. When it’s that cold I don’t like to go out at all and prefer to stay home.
I’m here for pocket duty for one and all. Mae - how are things on your little mountain top abode? Have you gotten snow with the cold temps in Texas? Keep those doggies warm!
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Mara - I am so very sorry about your snow situation and low mood. I agree 100% with Goldens re how you should not have to do all of that. If there's no one else who can/will do it, maybe you could have your groceries delivered? Please don't feel bad or beat yourself up and stay safe.
Candy - I don't know much at all about cataract surgery these days (I only heard a little about it years and years ago when my dad and a cousin of his both had it done), but my understanding is that it has improved tremendously in leaps and bounds over the years. A friend of mine had it done sometime over the last couple of years, and she didn't seem to think it was a big deal at all, but I don't know the particulars, other than that she had to have the first eye done due to a cataract side effect that occurred after she had a detached retina fixed. I guess it's not uncommon for the detached retina surgery (laser) to then turn around and cause a cataract. Well, March isn't too far away and from all I hear it is a very doable surgery these days, with few if any side effects, so I've got my fingers crossed for you that this will all go real well.
Goldens - I continue to wish you and Bella nothing but love and peacefullness as you go through one of the most difficult things any of us have to experience. A hug for you, and a pet for Bella. I hope you stay warm with this "arctic blast" they are predicting. I don't know where you are, but where I am, they are saying we will get lows in the upper 20's, and that's manageable, but I see where so many more will be dealing with single digits and sub zero temps, and I'm with you - that's staying inside temperature.
Irish - Goldens brought up a good point about the "vein finder". I know my sister-in-law has great difficulties with needle sticks and for her they often send someone in with an ultra sound to find it that way. She says there's usually someone around who knows how to do it, but they always have to look around at who's at work that day, and it delays the procedure, but that they usually manage to find someone who can do the ultra sound or other things.
Mel - Thinking of you and sending a hug. Stay warm this coming week!
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Goldens, I don't blame you. I am a natural hermit other than appointments or outings with DB anyway. Easy to get deliveries for groceries and SIL said they really were not feeling great, both tired so that probably was part of it. When it comes to fear of slipping, really do not have any good excuse, cleats out the wazoo. I also listen to SIL too much who is trying to be helpful but tends to make me think I am more disabled than I actually am. No falls at home, am able to negotiate obstacles, got a step bench between living room and kitchen. That strengthened right leg so I would stop tripping on sidewalk pavers from not lifting my foot. I just have to get out of my head, know a fall is unlikely and go from there. The curb fall was not from balance issues or actually slipping but a trip from a snow covered hazard. Big difference. Need to drill the no fall mantra and be done with it.
Nothing on the agenda for today, chores and laundry of course, instituting a march on the spot inside, probably 5 mins per hour, would start after whatever I have for my first meal today. Wanting to take some lentils and fry them in butter and garlic spread, do not have oil for this, add white rice precooked and stir in some cheese, heat on high for a minute or two and then turn off heat and let it finish heating. I also want to pull out other seasonings I have in order to get them used up as well. I will also be adding frozen stirfry as well but heated in the microwave first to make sure was fully cooked. Got a delivery from Walmart coming with cheese and meat pies with more lentils so am holding lunch until shopper is done shopping as sometimes they want to confirm changes. No chips or junk purchased this time either.
Other than waiting on the delivery, nothing else on tap beyond what I mentioned above, I do hope all have a good day, and in pockets for all who may need me. In my own pocket as well, breathing deeply to relax and feel good.
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Edit to previous post about my meal. I did add 1/4 cup cooked rice and the stir fry meal as well. I did heat up the stir fry first. Put all items into a hot pan and stirred one of my butters around then added rice and stirfry, gave a good stir and turned off heat, put a lid on it. When it was cooler, put in a larger bowl and believe it or not, I got full, must have been the rice addition and the butter rubbed on the bottom of the pan, it was very good. Seasoned with salt and a bit of a garlic parmesan dry seasoning, was very good and filling. Tonight I will finish the rest up and probably add an egg or half english muffin with cheese.
I did eat up second half of the morning meal. Not too sure about tonight's meal, part of me wants a proper egg sandwich so I will see about that, just ensure I do not over heat it in the microwave or I can heat up one of the fettucine alfredos, put aside half of it in a container and do the lentil thing with butter and garlic. Would be really nutritious and filling, I will decide later on.
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Mara Sorry your bummed with the snow and sure hope a nice soul comes along to shovel. Tomorrow is another day , get a good night's sleep and reset tomorrow❌⭕️
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I think it will be fine, thank you Cookie. Just have to stop being overly fearful of stuff and just get used to it. Come spring and summer keep walking outdoors, maybe shorter walks in summer. In winter just have to walk a few feet, need to realize I have the tools to do that and that I am not responsible for the steps so no need to go out and feel I need to shovel it or even salt it. If steps invisible, sweep them off.
Just doing a couple of the largest blankets today in the larger washers, may do some cloths though I think I will wait until after blankets are done, have to bring panda to the bathroom and put a large container under the spout. Water goes out like gangbusters and quickly goes down to a trickle. I did find it a bit messy since I tried a container with higher sides that did not fit BUT found the right size to catch the water, then I can dump into the tub. My goodness, blankets that size are heavy even after squeezing it out, going to dump the container and get ready for the second larger blanket and toss the first one in the dryer. Harder work than I planned but it is working for me. Once the second is done, will dry out the spin dryer and containers used to catch the water that jets out and move the Panda back to the bedroom and give the larger washer a break. Can use the repaired washer or even the small ones should I wish to do that.
I really was craving McDonalds but decided on a chicken meat pie instead for my first meal, it is good, add some salt and caesar dressing and some wheat bran as well.
I do hope everyone has a good day and in pockets for those who need me.
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Mara - I so understand. Sometimes I say to myself “oh there is myold friend fear..come on in and have a seat and be quiet”… facing our thoughts with practical solutions and pep talks too are always helpful I find. I love telling myself this too shall pass, or you can do it, or first I cry and then I decide on the most important thing and do that, and allow myself to get on with it a little more open hearted. The mind and the thoughts are what I can control, everything else is out there…,So important to be both vulnerable and strong. I think they are related as part of a whole. Anywa, that is what I tell myself or journal about and I feel better.
Today is a cooking day, and I’m excited. At this point in the treatment cycle I feel normal, as if no chemo in the body and have lots of energy. So a whole grain walnut blueberry loaf, with a red lentil stew and roasted cauliflower is on the menu. Then it’s a football afternoon and evening, which lol… I really enjoy. Though I watch without sound because I can’t take the announcers constant talking, and instead have classical music in the background.
Snow today . Hope everyone is well, coping, and finding small joys today.
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Rshaller, you are right, I need to take on the fear and be cautious at the same time. Knowing if I fall due to slipping or tripping over an unseen thing that it is not the end of the world. I do not need to be able to get up either, ambulance can be called to help me up no problem. Your meals sound delicious and love the idea of football on the TV muted to allow for other music. Kind of like what I do when I am playing the cooking videos that I get paid with ads, it is either very quiet or muted for me.
I will be doing a bit of laundry today, not a huge amount needs doing but that is OK too. I did finish the biggest blankets too, found the right size container to catch the water since Panda is being done on the floor now. I just start the dryer and the water comes pouring out at a high rate, stop before it gets to 1/2 full and dump in bathtub then start the Panda again. Ensures the container does not get over filled. Only part needed to get used too is that the blankets are heavy but just have to hang over the sides of the bigger washer and allow a good drip dry. Couple of blankets from the couch could be done as well, I will decide later. I did already do some PT in bed, do the ankles rotating and lifting and flexing out and the bridge pose as well. Felt good. Thinking of doing some stepping on the spot as well. Might use Leslie Sansone OR Paul Eugene. Just adjust his 10 min chair workout to a standing
I will be looking into taking some green beans and throwing in a bowl of eggs, throwing some of the broccoli and cabbage as well, heat up for 3 mins 30 seconds and then chop up and throw in the buttered pan when it is hot, stir a couple of times and then turn off with the lid on. Looking to add cheez whiz as well in the bottom. Season with something from my container of packages of other seasonings I want to get through. Tonight may do up one of the frozen pastas I have and add other stuff to them. Would have to heat up the frozen pasta as normal first and then heat the pan and add other things to it. I could also defrost the cubed potatoes I have and chop those as well to be part of the meal. It would allow me to have a side dish with other things. My fridge and freezer really do not allow for meal prep, just too small but can do smaller versions of stuff I wager. Still have not fried up the lentils.
We are going to be super cold next week so not much snow happening, might check how front looks first and possibly do a light shovel since once the snow goes hard would be hard to deal with.
Have to add one happy thing in the almost falling stuff that just happened now. I cleaned up after cat with an upset stomach and headed to the kitchen almost tripping over step. Instead of falling, I bent forward and touched the step and stood up, no fall and a quick reaction. I am happy I could do that. Just have to pay attention more but good stuff.
I hope everyone has a good day and in pockets for anyone who needs me.
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rlschaller - That walnut blueberry loaf and the red lentil stew sound wonderful for a chilly football day. Cauliflower too - especially roasted. Enjoy!
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Well, bit of a bizarre first meal. I decided on lentils, a cup of canned lentils, pulverized green beans from the spice grinder and added some garlic powder and sour cream and onion powder. Fried on high in butter in the frypan, stirred a little bit then turned heat off and covered with a lid. It was really good if I am being honest, it was good.
I am going to look up cooking the lentils in the oven without causing them to burn, will look it up online.
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@irishlove & @threetree speaking of vein issues I am listed as a “Hard Stick” by the lab techs. They can only take blood from my right arm because left is. Off limits due to mastectomy and node surgeries. The veins in my R arm are very tiny and collapse and explode. When they try, Ond day 6 different techs tried but couldn’t get anything. So now they only warm my hand on the top, and no problem because I always ask for the same tech who knows what’s he’s doing, I try to drink a lot of water prior to the. Blood test so I’m not dehydrated. I’ve always been pretty Stoic during the. Multiple sticks bur no more. I told them I will not let anyone but experienced people do the. Test so now It’s known in the Lab. I usually get out of there without a sore bruised hand. I cancelled my once follow up last week due to to everyone in my house has been sick with stomach bug and now it’s evolved into a horrendous. Cold for me with so much sneezing and nasal congestion… I don’t feel sick though. Poor DH has been down with it the last 2 days. It’s been snowing here and very cold. Just staying in and keeping warm, and thinking of you @mara51506 and the ice on the sidewalk. I don;t blame you. I;m fearful of falling also. St safe, and warm girl.🩵🩵🥰
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Morning ladies cheers to my fellow Eagles fans here…sheesh what a nail biter at the end but got the win! I did really enjoy watching all the playoff games this weekend there were some really good battles.
Mara I thought of you yesterday I saw a video clip of a mom who ordered 1 Mc Donalds breakfast meal and fed her family. They were on a road trip o she used the pancake like a taco shell and put egg and piece of sausage pattie in each. Was very creative and i thought of you and all your great ideas! Kudos to you on the good balance and preventing a fall. All your daily exercises truly make a difference.
Shanagirl Yep we all have a touch of a cold over here too. Plus my DH is having muscle spasms in his back so think we will let the snow sit today. Feel better. Big chill in NJ this week until Friday,,cmon Spring lol.
@sondraf Hope your home and feeling better.
@irishlove Thinking of you and your Pfizer issue, hoping the advocate was able to help.
@tanya_djamila Hope things have settled down for you .
@micmel @kbl @sondraf Hugs and good thoughts your way today.
Thinking of all here and in your pockets for appointments and treatment ❤️
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Hi Shana - Wow, waaaaaaay over there in New Jersey, you've got a stomach bug, and then some sort of cold. That sounds like what I recently got done with way over and up here in the PNW. I had some sort of stomach issue that I thought might have been bad food or something like norovirus (nurse practitioner's suggestion), and it was no fun. Since then I've had a mild but noticeable sore throat and nasal trouble. I wondered if anything like that was going around, but no one here seemed to think it was like that, and probably just a one off sort of thing. Now I'm thinking that maybe this is some sort of virus or whatever that's crossing the country. Well, at least it wasn't the worst thing I've ever had and has been clearing up pretty well, so I've got my fingers crossed that it will for you and your family too. Sorry that you've all been down with this.
Also sorry to hear about your needle stick problem. My heart goes out to those who have this issue, because I am such a big baby when it comes to needles, I cannot imagine if I had to go through what you described with the 6 tries. Yikes and ouch! They have told me that even with my good vein though, it could become difficult after it gets used so often, because apparently you can develop scar tissue and more, so you can wind up being a bad stick, even if you started out as a good one. I just can't believe all the crap we all have to go through with this damned disease!
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Shana, my veins can be tricky, only group that can get them well are the people doing the contrast for my echo. When I go for CT or MRI, I have them book during the day when oncs are in case vein is not available and port needs accessing. I personally wish the port could be left open and sealed up or have an appointment for a port access. For now, they warm the arm or I have started having them move up the vein to get more blood. I've only had a couple want the right arm but I deny as that is my surgical site with sentinel node removal.
The weather is supercold but my apartment is OK since I have boiler heat out the rads, the split air that provides heat and a smaller heater in the bedroom. I normally do not need to boost the heat but it feels like -25C or -13F. Since brothers hand was injured, AC was not removed BUT I have tons of fleece blankets at night and am running the heater so it is reasonable in there.
Presently doing a smaller load of laundry in the repaired washer, decided that hankies get collected in a container and when there are enough, pull out the smallest washer to wash them in , squeeze out water by hand and hang up on shower rod or the top of the shower, I use a handshower that broke the end off so I attached a sock to the bottom with elastic and that allows me to use it without water spraying all over, works very well. The hankies in the smallest washer would avoid them getting sucked into the plumbing.
It is recycle put out, will take out a bunch as I skipped the last bunch, a lot of cardboard from cat food and litter purchases mostly, today got some deodorant coming for me. I have been pretty good at not spending a lot of money on stuff that is not needed this month on Amazon. Not to say there has not been stuff drawing my eye but the smarter part of the brain saying don't buy stuff you will not use. I need to do the same with Walmart, I could buy food but problem is lack of space and that is what I must think about. Speaking of food, looking to keep it simple today, rice and lentils, pulverize the lentils until they are almost liquid, put on top of rice and add some cheese I may chop as well. Sounds good to me I think. Egg sandwich tonight, I should pull out some sliced black forest ham from the freezer, just keep forgetting about it. Oh well, just add some shredded cheese to the english muffin and toast, bit of mayo as well. Could also stick a hashbrown in the minigriddle too to have alongside. Option two for the egg tonight would be to put potato cubes on to defrost and then add them to the egg. Need to cook egg for less time as I burned the heck out of one in the microwave a week or so ago. Still figuring out conversions from 700 W to 1100 or 1200 W microwaves, I am sure there is a guide as well. Most stuff turns out fine however.
One thing I am doing less of is the excessive amounts of salt, just wear sneakers and cleats with a spiked cane, recycling bags are much lighter than garbage too and check the sidewalk to make sure not too may frozen footprints, either way need to put out stuff, next week is warming up a bit so can make my own path to paratransit on the sidewalk in front of the building, just push along a shovel, not major shovelling
I hope everyone has a good day and in pockets for all including myself to get my butt up and sweeping with a light vacuum and mop, actually sounds good to me. I also have boxes to breakdown.
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I was craving a mcdonalds meal but the combos can be quite expensive so I dressed up a cheeseburger happy meal with extra toppings, tomato and bacon, got the fries and it comes with yogurt and apple juice, knocked 10.00 off the price of a regular meal plus the card used also saves another 6.00 dollars in credit. Not too bad and will continue to get the meal once or so a month. Another time, I may order mac sauce as a condiment and go from there to make a more big mac meal. Have to see.
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Good morning ladies. It is -9° here right now. My DD is at urgent care this morning because she just can't shake this virus you all are talking about. My DH and I seem to be having a second round of it…strange…but it is not as bad this time. We are hunkering down watching the inauguration. I will get up and put some tortilla soup in the crockpot as soon as I am done here.
Threetree you are correct that after so many years even good veins become difficult. For now they can still usually find a good vein on me, but I also still have my port from two years ago when we thought I was going to need IV chemo. We decided what looked like spine mets was actually two hemangiomas so we suspended the chemo, but I have kept the port. My oncologist thinks we will need it someday, but I am hoping not. We access it for infusions and CT contrast as it still works well, but I usually get labs through the arm veins as lab techs are not trained on ports. I think this is strange, but an extra sterile precaution I am thankful for.
Wow…"Glory, Glory Hallelujah!" What a moving rendition. Sorry—just had to comment.
Stay warm dear, sweet friends.
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Intolight-Hemangiomas and not mets!?! Thank God this was figured out before you had more chemo. I hope you never need that port. If it was me, I'd like it out but we know how MBC goes-anything can change at any time. Hope your DD is better soon.
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Intolight, I am glad the hemangiomas were discovered before starting chemo. I also believe the port is a good thing to keep just in case it is needed in future. Needs flushing once a month if not in use.
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Mara, thanks for your recommendation. Yes, we keep close watch on my port. It gets used and flushed with infusions and scans.
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@chicagoan My DD picked up a secondary infection from the kids she helps at Children's Hospital (probably RSV.) The hospital is full to over-flowing right now. At least it is nothing more. She got medicine to help her through it. The problem is she probably brought it home to my DH and me.
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@intolight-Hope that you and your DH do not get too sick. Such a pain getting viruses, etc on top of cancer!
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Hi all you lovely folks. Between brutal weather and brutal flu like illnesses, I'm so ready for springtime. Stay safe with the icy conditions and snowfall. I can't get over the actual temp. in some areas will be below zero. Yikes.
Well Pfizer advocate ditched me. I called on Wednesday, new advocate said she no longer works with him. He promised to call me back Wed. afternoon or Thursday. NADA. Called RX to go, same sheet, different day. I have the Medicare confirmation number and finally the paper come in the mail Saturday proving I am enlisted in the medicare payment plan. Still no one has reached out to me. I ran out three days ago, so switched to 100 mg that I had laying around. It's harder on my stomach, but it's better then nothing.
I asked for the UV wand to find veins. Supervisor said she can find them without, it's just they are "bad". They roll or when you get a return, it only lasts a minute or two then the meds go under the skin and burn like a beeatch. One arm now has a bruise the size of a golf ball. I wanted to leave IV in but they are no longer allowed to do that. GUess it has to do with using heparin to flush and now they just use saline. I absolutely love shell fish. Oysters (steamed only), scallops and clams are right up my alley. I love liver, too, but only one in house, so I don't make it. I'd love more then anything not to have treatment tomorrow. I can't do a port. Had one years ago for chemo treatment for MS. When they removed it, adhesions had built up around it and the surgeon highly suggested I not go another one if I can help it. SO I suffer.
Well everyone curl up with your favorite critter(s), sweetheart or a good old electric blanket and stay warm. Make sure your generators are cleaned out, filled and ready to rock. Something tells me we are gonna need it. In pockets for all your needs. P.S> DH rec'd jury notice. He contacted the court and was removed as they do not use folks over 70 for jury duty. I don't know if that's a state mandate or federal, so check.
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Intolight - I agree that Battle Hymn of the Republic was soul stirring. I was not a fan of the operatic version of the Star Spangled Banner. Seemed like he was trying too hard. And gotta give Carrie Underwood props for taking control when there was a technical issue. Also love the pastor from Detroit. He is often on the radio station I listen to out of Detroit and is truly a gifted man.
It is -12 this morning with windchill of -30. But today is the last day of the frigid temps and then it’s back to more normal temps like the upper 20s. Stay warm and cozy everyone. Pocket duty for all those under the weather with bugs of some kind. Be well❤️