anyone have cherry angiomas??

I've been getting these red dots on my skin..they look like blood moles.
I looked them up and found out they can be a sign of "estrogen dominance" and be related to breast or ovarian cancer....they're mostly on my torso.
Does anyone else have these?
I got them all over while pregnant years ago and they haven't gone away. Doctor was unconcerned.
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I hadn't heard about them being associated with estrogen dominance, but that is interesting. I have had many pop up in the last couple years. I just thought I had inherited them from my dad.
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I have always had a few that come and some go over the years. I started anti-hormone therapy a couple weeks ago and suddenly I'm covered! I would say it has something to do with hormnes
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They are incredibly common. I see them on men all the time.
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I have them all over. my dermatologist was unconcerned.
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We all have them. They are related to the breast implants. The cause is elevated prolactin levels. This is also why they are common during pregnancy. The prolactin is elevated from the breast implant/s. There is no clinical evidence as to why this occurs or how; just like so many other things including anaplastic large cell lymphoma and squamous cell carcinoma and other lymphomas. Just another gorgeous side effect that this crap causes that no one warned us about 😭
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We all have them. They are related to the breast implants. The cause is elevated prolactin levels. This is also why they are common during pregnancy. The prolactin is elevated from the breast implant/s. There is no clinical evidence as to why this occurs or how; just like so many other things including anaplastic large cell lymphoma and squamous cell carcinoma and other lymphomas. Just another gorgeous side effect that this crap causes that no one warned us about 😭 I've tried to post a link here to a study that was published in 2021 regarding silicone and Cherry Angiomas. Just Google Cherry angioma and breast implant, because this site will not allow me to post a link here.
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I've had them as long as I can remember, decades before I had cancer. My Dad had them, too. A guy I dated had them. What we had in common was similar hair and skin coloring, sandy to reddish hair and pale skin with a tendency to burn.
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I've always had them. My mother did too. She never had BC
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My dermatologist tells me that cherry angiomas are also called adult hemangiomas, i.e., benign blood tumors. She says they are very common skin growths that tend to develop as we get older. She leaves them alone.