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Chemo starting October 2017



  • LisaCincy
    LisaCincy Member Posts: 316
    edited January 2018

    Good news: My SIL's results can back yesterday as BENIGN. A sweeter word does not exist!

    For those who will cross over to a new year, does your employer have an open enrollment period between now and then that will allow you to switch to a different plan? If they only offer one plan, you're out of luck, but many employers allow you to pick between a less expensive, higher deductible plan and a more expensive, lower deductible plan. If offered, I'd take full advantage and switch during open enrollment (unless they have a pre-existing exclusion)

    Now that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel,, I'm starting to plan out my post-chemo "survive and thrive" routine. The diet piece is falling into place and I'm starting to focus now on exercise, since every expert recommends it. I plan to go back to playing tennis competitively (which I stopped doing a year before I was diagnosed), but I want to challenge my body more. I found out from a friend that the YMCA in my area offers a free 3-month membership to cancer survivors, and I'll definitely be taking advantage of that to see how well their programs fit into my life. I used to belong to the Y eons ago, when the kids were little, and I kept in great shape with their group classes. I'm hoping to find something a little less grueling to start out with, now that I'm 25 years older, but my goal is to move towards a fairly strenuous 60 to 90 minute workout at least 3x per week. And the Cancer Survivor program also allows me to bring a friend! So if you have a Y in your area, you might want to check to see if they offer similar programs.

    I'm also doing something odd, and don't laugh at me. To encourage blood flow and circulation in my (dense) breasts, I've been kneading my breasts and chest area several times per day. I figure it can't hurt and may actually help. Perhaps one of the unrealized benefits to exercise is simply the bouncing, or movement, of our body parts, which may prevent a cancer cell from making its home there.

    I know; I'm crazy!

  • Jennifer522
    Jennifer522 Member Posts: 194
    edited January 2018

    So great about your SIL Lisa!

    I am glad you mentioned the Y. We have been taking our daughter there for nearly a year, for swim lessons, as a non member. I have it on my to do list to join once I feel healthy enough to. Right now I worry about germs and trying to lay low at home as much as possible. Although we are talking about getting out more and going for hikes on the weekend (not too far). A way to get out and not be around a lot of people.

    I want to get into Zumba, Step Aerobics or other fitness classes. I use to love step and tried Zumba a few times and liked it. I know they say one of the best things we can do is exercise, specifically running 4-5 hours a week. Don't think I will ever be a runner but thought a higher intensity exercise would be equivalent. I am open to other classes such as Yoga too.

    Just got back from meeting with PS talking about reconstruction although he does not put expanders in at time of mastectomy, if getting rads. And no idea if I will need rads yet. Don't know if they will be able to tell me until after pathology from masectomy. So it may be delayed reconstruction. Which is fine but adds another surgery for the expanders to be put in.

  • mkn86
    mkn86 Member Posts: 129
    edited January 2018

    joyseeker, your little pup is adorable :

  • AgathaNYC
    AgathaNYC Member Posts: 317
    edited January 2018

    Great news about your SIL, Lisa! I hope Petey's gets the same.

    Thank you all for letting me know I'm not alone in stressing over the financial impact that breast cancer has had. I was a little afraid to bring it up and it feels so good to have a group of women to talk to about all this &@*#$. I have worked out plans with all the labs, imaging centers, dentists, etc. I owe money to. The hospital is the only one left and it's the biggest. I am going to try to work with their social work and finance departments to see what we can do. I have to remind myself that Sloan Kettering isn't going to have to shut their doors because they don't get everything I owe them all at once.

    My brows have been thinning but something seemed to happen to them overnight. It looks like half of my brow hairs fell out since yesterday! Trigger tears. Psychologically rougher for me than hair on my head. Eyelashes next I assume. Ugh.

    MamaFelice - My MO definitely wants me to eat well. She and I are both vegan and talk about getting the nutrients I need from food. It's the megadoses of vitamins and minerals that sometimes come from supplements she is talking about. I have a feeling it's a blanket statement she's giving me rather than trying to give me a crash course on cellular biology. I have to budget my Q&A time with her - I only get a half hour with her every couple of weeks :-P I think she has different theories on different vitamins, for instance she's cool with my taking Vitamin D, but not Vitamin B. I just haven't asked her about other specific ones. I'm certainly not suggesting anyone else follow her advice. It's just that I've chosen to since I'm trying to be committed as possible to her treatment plan (really not doing well on the exercise component but I'm trying to work up to it!)

    Thanks for that info about your Y's cancer survivor membership, Lisa. I'll have to see if my local Y has anything similar.

  • MamaFelice
    MamaFelice Member Posts: 165
    edited January 2018

    Yay Lisa on your SIL's results!! Music to all of our ears! Praying that Petey's SIL has similar results.

    Thank you Agatha for sharing more. I'm a bit obsessed with the "stuff" I can control-- so Food, supplements, fitness, sleep, stress removal, etc all peaks my interest when someone brings up. I saw an Integrative doc last month and she too was anti-vit B and uber pro Vit D. She wants D levels around 60. She also wants us to get as much from food rather than supps, which I totally agree with. Made this zucchini noodle "pasta" with clams today to work on my iron levels. Made beef liver yesterday (not my fave). Have they mentioned anything to you about medicinal mushrooms? I've been putting a collection of mushrooms in everything from soups to sautées, and using the My Community drops in my coffee/tea each day. Curious if you have heard about. The MSK site has a tone of info re holistic and naturopathic options to support treatments. Thanks so much for sharing!!


  • Jennifer522
    Jennifer522 Member Posts: 194
    edited January 2018

    MamaFelice- I am interested to learn what the difference/benefit is of proton therapy vs. standard radiation. You mentioned a new topic to read up on. And I am surprised Duke or UNC does not have that technology. Or even UVA. Not sure where in NC you are compared to those medical centers.

    Petey-I just registered for the Look Good Feel Better class. It's not for a few weeks but glad I can go. Its an hour away from where I live and I was too nervous to drive that far by myself. Chemobrain and driving has been difficult for me and I try to stay within a few miles of home. Going by myself when I have to, 25 minute drive, to the cancer center makes me nervous enough. But my husband was nice enough to offer to take the day off from work and take me to the session.

  • MrsWinnie
    MrsWinnie Member Posts: 119
    edited January 2018

    hope everyone is doing well. Been thinking about all of you Grats to everyone finishing up chemo it feels good to be done. Be pateint to feel good it takes time. As too my topic... Hot flash edicate... Now that Im feeling better and im out lol having a hot flash tends to stop me in my tracks and red face.. Instant sweat and brain death lol if im having a conversation.. Anyway what do you do? Lol my hat comes off to become a fan.. Explain whats going on and hope the other person understands? Omg or do you try and fake it... And attempt to carry on?

  • Joyseeker
    Joyseeker Member Posts: 247
    edited January 2018

    I just got the best news. I'm going to Lethbridge for radiation not Calgary. They called out of the blue to say I was approved. Grateful. My God is so good. Direct answer to prayer. It’s the difference between staying a week at a time away from my family and an hour commute daily. Walking in gratitude this evening

  • tri-lady7
    tri-lady7 Member Posts: 95
    edited January 2018

    So happy for you Sara!!!

  • 2brandy
    2brandy Member Posts: 32
    edited January 2018

    Girls, with some of these pics, I swear you can't tell we have all been through hell. Tri Lady and MamaFelice have big smiles on. Keep it up ladies. Joyseeker, that pup is precious and just what you need at this point. Hiker - the tram flap surgeries are more intensive and have a much longer recovery time, not to mention the hip to hip scar. I decided on it though because like you I didn't want implants. If you want to private message me we can discuss it further.

  • LisaCincy
    LisaCincy Member Posts: 316
    edited January 2018

    Sara, that's wonderful news!

    Mrs. Winnie, my hot flashes were mainly at night. The few times I got them during the day, I'd take off what I could and fan myself. People understand!

    Met with the NP yesterday and she basically said that it doesn't matter if I choose lumpectomy/radiation or mastectomy because that only addresses local recurrence. And, of course, distant recurrence is so much more significant than local recurrence. I'll know more after I meet with my BS, but I'm now leaning toward DMX. I just want to take ONE thing off my plate that I don't need to worry about because the fear of recurrence is starting to overwhelm me. While I'm not BRCA positive, I have a strong family history, plus I have dense breasts, so might as well take them off. Still on the fence re reconstruction. Argh! I hope the BS gives me clarity/good advice.

    I also asked her some pointed questions related to survival. Didn't get the reassurance I was hoping for. I know it's not her fault that I have a crappy tumor type, and it would be wrong of her to offer me false hope, but I was really hoping she'd say, "Oh, Lisa, you're making a mountain out of a molehill." Instead she said, "We'll talk about all this after your surgery." Argh! I was a heap of emotional wreckage all day today. Maybe I shouldn't have asked.

    Physically, I feel just fine 2 days after Taxol #9. Everyone keeps warning of the cumulative effects especially after #8, but so far I've been tolerating it just fine. I've been able to exercise every day the last week or so, food is tasting pretty normal, and I've gotten out and about a lot more these last 2 rounds. I guess it really was an unrelated virus that was making me so miserable.

    20 more days of chemo/3 more treatments!

  • MamaFelice
    MamaFelice Member Posts: 165
    edited January 2018

    We are all coming down the homestretch and I love sharing these feelings of excitement together....for only you all can truly empathize right now what I am feeling!! It's like I don't even care what comes What next? I'm just so caught up in being through with chemo and working to bounce my body back to normal again! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

    Lisa-- I'm soooo glad that you have been ha doing Taxol so well! Keep up the exercise and the positive vibes!

    Sara-- yay on Lethbridge-- God is great! 🙏🏻 Hoping you will still be my pen pal if I'm away in Florida for rads! ☺️ Still trying to figure that out on my end.

    Jennifer-- the proton therapy is all new to me too. Crazy to me as well that there are no facilities in this state especially Duke! There is a map of the US marking all the locations of PT facilities(only like 75).... let me look for it and then I'll post it here. In a week or 2, I'm headed to Duke to meet with my 2nd opinion oncological radiologist there to discuss the benefit of proton therapy as an option too. She has been an awesome opinion on this journey and respect her thoughts greatly. I'll keep you all posted.

    Petey-- any word on your SIL? Been keeping her (AND ALL OF YOU) in my prayers!

    Finish line here we come!! 4 days until final chemo!! 😃🙏🏻🦋

  • HikerVA1956
    HikerVA1956 Member Posts: 53
    edited January 2018

    Happy to hear about the SIL with Benign tumor!! Hope to hear same from Petey soon! Love seeing all the photos of the Happy faces, and the food pic made me hungry. Joyseeker-Sara, so HAPPY to hear about the change in Rads location...that would have been tough, and you are right God is good!!! Brandy2, yes I will PM you, I have many questions, but still leaning that direction. Lisa, so happy to hear you are doing better now, I bet a lot of it was the virus!!!

    I started back to work this week full time and made it okay, I was tired, but this is doable, we do 4 days with 10 hrs so today I am off again. I have a night meeting next week, we have monthly were the day stretches until 9 pm, but I get Comp time, which I need all I can get for covering my time off during surgery. Even my co-worker was more hospitable yesterday, I have been super nice to her, and maybe some days will be okay. My big concern is getting run down and catching one of the many flus that are going around, but so far all good. My SE's from chemo are subsiding some, finally starting to taste some food again... still have some numbness in feet, but it reminds me to get up and move around more and then it goes away.

    Adding a photo of my pup (4 yrs old) love him


  • Joyseeker
    Joyseeker Member Posts: 247
    edited January 2018

    Hiker. Your pup!!! 💜💜 That face though!! Glad your back to work transition was suvcesssful. I will be off the rest of the school year and then going back slowly, starting .4, in September.

  • LisaCincy
    LisaCincy Member Posts: 316
    edited January 2018

    MamaFelice, 4 days to go! That's awesome!

    Sooo jealous of all the pet photos. One of my goals after surgery is to get a dog. I lost my beloved 15-year old beagle, Buddy, a year ago from this Saturday. (TMI alert: It was also the weekend of my last period. It was like my whole body was in mourning.) I cannot wait to get a new friend to snuggle with. I don't know how I'm going to go into a shelter and pick out just one dog, though! My husband's luck, I'll come home with 3.

    Made a trip to Fresh Market today to stock up on foods from my anti-cancer diet list. One site said that we can reduce our chance of cancer/recurrence by 60% through diet. Not sure I believe that, but it's worth a shot. I came home with the staples of every anti-cancer diet: fruits and veggies, nuts, fish and lean meats. It was hell passing by all those delicious cookies and pastries at Fresh Market, but I did it. I started really slipping with sugar back when I was having a hard time with chemo, and even started drinking soda again (bad, bad, bad!) but I'm back on the wagon for the most part. It's hard to completely avoid sugar because it's in everything! I ultimately need to lose another 30 pounds, and if I follow this plan, the weight should come off. Obesity (and especially abdominal fat) is another trigger for cancer/recurrence and I'm determined to get down to a healthy weight!

    Got a 40 minute walk in today, so I've exercised every day these past 10 or so days. It felt so good to get some sun on my face! After a rough start, I'm actually starting to be okay with Taxol.

    Enjoy the weekend everyone! 19 more days of chemo!

  • 2brandy
    2brandy Member Posts: 32
    edited January 2018

    Hiker, your pup is so cute! Here's my sweet 11 yr. old shih tzu.. She has been by my side through all of this. Ladies, have a great weekend and hopefully more of you will be done with chemo this week!


  • Jennifer522
    Jennifer522 Member Posts: 194
    edited January 2018

    I love the puppy pics. My family wants a dog and I want a few more kitties too! I have one 15 yr old kitty with health and anxiety issues. I take her to vet once a week for fluids and vitamins. Even my cat is getting infusions! She keeps a close eye on me and is usually near me at all times.

    I am noticing the white hairs on head and along my chin line in magnification mirror. Nothing that needs waxing...well hopefully it doesn't get that way!

    I started slipping on diet around Christmas and trying to get back on track. I have gained about 7 lbs back since starting Taxol of the 23 I lost during dx and AC. I have done walk away the pounds twice this week so far. Honestly the first time I have exercised since late September.

  • randrgirl
    randrgirl Member Posts: 38
    edited January 2018

    Tri- you look great! I love he lashes

  • tri-lady7
    tri-lady7 Member Posts: 95
    edited January 2018

    Thank you Eight! Lisa- great getting started on the nutrition. I really need to do better. Love all the dog pics! This is my fur baby. Always by my side. image

  • HikerVA1956
    HikerVA1956 Member Posts: 53
    edited January 2018

    2Brandy: You 11 yr old looks so young and what a sweet face!!! Thank you for sharing the photo.

    Tri-Lady: The Lab is beautiful, he is so shiny and healthy, and those eyes... By the way, I though you did great on the lashes! You looked great

    Today I woke up with most all my left eyebrow gone and much of the other. Still hanging on to some top lashes, but GOT to start practicing with the fake lashes, because as much as I want to hope it doesn't happen, it is coming to that. It is hard enough having to wear the wig,, but lashes too!!!!! NOT FAIR! At first I thought I was seeing some growth of hair on top, but it has not moved past the 1/8" or less from week ago....probably false hope!

  • tri-lady7
    tri-lady7 Member Posts: 95
    edited January 2018

    Thank you Hiker! Your baby is absolutely gorgeous. Is he a labradoodle? The lashes are really tough to put on and once I had them on they were a little uncomfortable. I think maybe it is a matter of getting used to.i am going to practice again as I am down to only a couple of lashes. Good luck!

  • AgathaNYC
    AgathaNYC Member Posts: 317
    edited January 2018

    Hello, everyone! Thanks for posting your dog photos. I am so envious of those of you have a furry sidekick to keep you company throughout this nonsense we're going through. I really want a dog but am not allowed to have them in my apartment building. Maybe when I'm done with treatment I'll revisit the topic with my landlord.

    Taxol yesterday, fairly uneventful. I just kept thinking "only 2 more after this"! However today I'm really suffering from the Big D. This is the first time for this side effect throughout chemo. Maybe it's an unrelated intestinal bug? Thank God I had Immodium on hand.

    Fingers and nails are still bad. One of the chemo RN's told me that some patients soak their nails in a 50%-50% solution of water and white vinegar for half hour. She said it can kill any bacteria that can get under where the nail is lifting. I haven't tried it yet but I might.

    An appointment to see a cardiologist popped up on my patient portal. It's a week after my last chemo. I don't know if it's standard practice after chemo, or my oncologist ordered it since my heart rate has been disturbingly high (up to 135), or it is a normal pre-op checkup. I'll have to call on Monday to find out what the deal is. I am worried about my heart rate and that it might have some implications for my surgery.

    MamaFelice - No, I haven't spoken to anyone about mushrooms. I haven't met with the Integrative Medical Team yet. I finally called for an appointment yesterday and the first availability was April! Had I known it would be so hard I would have taken care of it sooner. Maybe they'll have a cancelation and fit me in earlier. I really like that section on complementary treatments, botanicals and herbs on the MSK site. I have the app on my phone, too. It's called "About Herbs" if you want to find it in an App Store. I am going to have acupuncture at the infusion center before chemo next Friday. I'm hoping it can help my neuropathy.

    Jennifer522 - I've never taken the Look Good Feel Better class but I hear you can get a lot out of it. It's awesome your husband understands that it's an important part of our healing and that he's willing to take a day off work to help you attend. Too bad you and your little kitty can't get your infusions at the same time :-) she could curl up in your lap and you'd comfort each other!

    MrsWinnie - At the office I keep a special "hot flash" necklace in the freezer I can put on - it's pretty fashionable but not too portable. I carry a foldable fan and half frozen bottle of water with me wherever I go! I look a little like Scarlet O'Hara whipping out at fan in the middle of a conversation but no one has every questioned me on it. Most people, not matter the age or gender, have wives, mothers, grandmothers, sisters, friends that naturally have gone through menopause and its nasty hot flashes. I don't think they'd blink and eye or quiz you about cancer if you made a move to make yourself more comfortable.

    Joyseeker - Woohoo! I'm so glad you can get radiation closer to home. That will really help you heal better if you are not alone and comfy in your own bed. Such good news.

    HikerVA1956 - your snowy faced dog is so lovable! Please give him a hug for me. I'm also glad to hear the co-worker is thawing out a bit. I hope it continues to get better.

    LisaRxCincinnati - I so admire your commitment to eating well and exercising. I wish I had the discipline you do to pass by the pastry aisle. Good job!

    2brandy - your shitzu has such a wise face. I'm glad she's been at your side through all of this.

    Tri-lady7 - what beautiful, shine coat and eyes on your baby! So gorgeous.

    Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.

  • petey111
    petey111 Member Posts: 157
    edited January 2018

    I was out of it for a few days ladies. I wasn't feeling the best.

    Lisa - Awesome news for your SIL! That's such a relief!!! Also, I'm sure your BS will give you good advice. I was leaning towards a DMX until I talked to him. Your reasons are strong for leaning towards that. I'm sure he/she will give you good advice.

    Agatha - I know how you feel about the eyebrows! The outside half of each eyebrow is gone, but I still have some on the inside. It kinda stinks.

    Jennifer!! - I'm glad you are going to the class. It's worth it I think. I know how you feel about driving too. It's hard for me right now as well. I only go places by myself during the day really right now. At night, I make sure to stay really close to home. Just a heads up, at my class, they wouldn't let anyone else come into the class. A couple of gals had rides, but they weren't allowed to stay in the room for the privacy of the patients. Your husband may want to find some things to do for a bit!

    Winnie - I would just say, "I'm having a hot flash!!" Most of the time, people get it. Now...if I was in front of a class or out at a fancy dinner, I might try to just grin and bear it. But in many situations, I'd cool myself off and just say, it is what it is!

    Sara - Such good news on the chemo!!! I'm so glad you don't have to be away from family a week at a time.

    Mama and Hiker - Glad things are going well right now!

    Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers for my SIL. She gets her results and meets with the surgeon on Wednesday. I'll be terribly honest, I'm betting she's Stage 3. She was a 5 on the BiRADS scale. She has four lumps, one of which is in her armpit. She has itching and discoloration. It's just not looking great. I'm praying for two things right now - not inflammatory and not metastatic.

    Your puppies are all so cute. I am allergic and can't have one. We tried even a "hypoallergenic" one (supposedly the most hypoallergenic you can get) and it didn't work out. :-( My son loves dogs, so this is hard for him. We had a hamster...didn't love him. He wasn't friendly. Now we have a rat. Very smart, very friendly, very clean. But we should have gotten two because he is a little lonely. I know people say they aren't cute, but I think he is *mostly* cute. Since he's white, his tail and his eyes freak people out a bit.

    Last weekend I was miserable. I was achey, nauseous, the big D, my eyes were all messed up. This weekend wasn't as bad as last, but I'm still nauseous and tired. Four down, eight to go. I can do this right??!!! (I'm so tired of doing this. LOL)

    Agatha - If you were on AC, I think the cardiologist appt is probably standard practice because the Adriamycin can be hard on the heart. Did you have one before chemo? I did. They called the test they did a MUGGA. But I could be wrong.

    I am hoping to have a good, uneventful week. I'll let you know how Wednesday goes! Hang in there ladies!

  • petey111
    petey111 Member Posts: 157
    edited January 2018

    Did anyone start feeling like their body weighed a million pounds? I took a bath because I was achey and getting out and drying off was like a Herculean task. I had to stop and lean against the bathroom wall to take a rest and make my head stop spinning a bit. *sigh* Wasn't taxol supposed to be easier?

  • dkk
    dkk Member Posts: 47
    edited January 2018

    Petty111 This was my Taxol #9. Day 3,4 I was so exhausted. Woke up day 4 I had so much pain in my collar bone and shoulders. It felt like an elephant crushed my bones. It is starting to ease up and I rembered I did not take Claritin this time. Wow I will remember it next time. Also had the big D this was a first. Hope my last 3 are kinder to me :( Hope you recover quickly

  • petey111
    petey111 Member Posts: 157
    edited January 2018

    I stopped taking Claritin when I was done with Nulesta, maybe I should go back to it!

  • dkk
    dkk Member Posts: 47
    edited January 2018


  • LisaCincy
    LisaCincy Member Posts: 316
    edited January 2018

    Ha Ha Ha, DKK. I know how you feel!

  • LisaCincy
    LisaCincy Member Posts: 316
    edited January 2018

    So, I visited the plastic surgeon today. While looking at the implants and expander made me want to run out of the room, I think I've narrowed my choices down to 2: 1) lumpectomy/radiation and 2) bmx with immediate reconstruction.

    Here's the caveat: The plastic surgeon offered me an option that I'd never heard of before: bmx with immediate reconstruction using the actual implants instead of the expander. This is only available for women who are content with smaller A or B cups, and would still depend on there being enough room left under the skin after the BMX. But if I can skip the expander, that is a much more palatable option for me than the expander route.

    I'm meeting with the BS on Thursday, at which time I'll try and make a final decision. I still need some data, namely the recurrence rate for BMX v lumpectomy and the downfalls to radiation.

  • KimCee
    KimCee Member Posts: 170
    edited January 2018

    Oh Lisa...that would be great if you can skip the expanders. In my opinion, they are awful. I am only filled to 330 cc and that's all. Awaiting my date for exchange from ps office. Were supposed to call today. They are very uncomfortable and I am not a wuss.