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Starting Chemo in November 2017



  • mkn86
    mkn86 Member Posts: 129
    edited December 2017

    hi jods520! Welcome to the thread. :)

    If you’re comfortable to do so, maybe you can display the diagnosis and we can also respond based on the BC subtype?

    the unknown can be scary but we’re here with you. :)

    just a few tips:

    - ask your MO for the expected schedule of reactions. you doctor will be able to tell you something along the lines of day 1-2 you’re fine, day. 3-5 energy crash, day 3-7 taste buds go, day 4-10 wear a mask and avoid crowded okaces when going out, day 7 taste buds start returning to normal. knowing how your body might react will help you manage :) it might not be exactly on the dot and may vary for each infusion and each individual but it helps to know what to anticipate.

    - there will be a host of medicines that will help manage side effects. ask your MO about them already and better to have them handy before you start chemo. You don’t want to have to go out and get them when you’re already in the middle of dealing with a side effect. some people will manage side effects through adjusting food instead of taking the meds. but have the meds handy anyway. some of them will be something for Diarrhea, Constipation, Hyperacidity, emergency antibiotics, supplements, paracetamol, allergy meds, painkillers, etc.

    - ask about your anti nausea and anti vomitting meds. your doctor will have recommendations on what works for you. i was taking prescription anti-nausea meds up until 3-days infusion

    - emergency protocols you need to ask your MO. my doctor recommends taking antibiotics if my temp hits 37.8 Celsius. and heading to the ER if i consistently hit above 38 Celsius. some doctors say antibiotics at 38, ER at 39 Degrees. :)

  • Hope99
    Hope99 Member Posts: 120
    edited December 2017

    hello ladies, yesterday I went to ER due to pain in throat in one side with ear, he made blood test and said your immune is less than normal but it's ok, no need medicines due to virus, just wait and it will be gone.

    the problem is I found high platelets, more than range, I'm in day #18 after first round chemo. no idea if its normal I'm AFRAID really!! when I search, I found its natural process that marrow bone start to increase the platelets after day 7-14 days to repair and fix WBC and RBC ! no idea if its correct or not!

    please help..

  • klvans
    klvans Member Posts: 199
    edited December 2017

    Meow, Interesting that your Dr. opted out of Nuelasta and great that you don't need it. I'm not crazy about taking it, but have gone with my Dr.'s recommendation. It's nice to know not everyone needs it. It's very expensive as well (thousands of $ per shot).

  • Mom4gma3
    Mom4gma3 Member Posts: 123
    edited December 2017

    Good morning ladies!! I hope everyone is well into recovery mode after their last rounds. Today is so much better than yesterday! The extension of the steroids put my SE’s further into the week and gettting through work has been a challenge. Bid D keeps starting at 1 am when I have to be up at 4, toss two Imodium and it keeps it at bay, but the achy feeling is annoying and nausea and sweats started yesterday. Took ibuprofen before work today and have compazine on hand if needed. 12 hours today and off tomorrow. Yeah me. Made it through the 4 day stretch. Keeping my mask affixed to my face near patients, hand hygiene non stop. Day 9 for me so numbers are tanked I’m sure. So protection prevention. Getting ready to roll in the new year. Thinking pineapples margaritas since my taste is back!


  • nonahope
    nonahope Member Posts: 695
    edited December 2017

    Jods...Welcome. You will get lots of good information and support from these lovely ladies! Hang with us every day if you can.

    Avalon...Praying the new cocktail will work for you. I've never had any reaction from Taxol.

    rljes...Truman is ready to roll! So cute!! Glad you are feeling better...hope it continues. As for lab work, mine are done just prior to my infusion. Nice to not have to go back and forth on different days.

    1950-1952...Sorry your not feeling well and had those problems during your infusion. Make sure you are fully hydrated before your next one...drink like crazy the day before and day of. It's worked for me. They do put Decadron in my cocktail, but I don't take steroids afterwards.


  • Binniebin
    Binniebin Member Posts: 53
    edited December 2017

    jods, welcome, re cold caping, AC is harsher on the hair follicles so even with cold caping you only have a 25% chance of keeping your hair as opposed to some of the other drugs which give a 55% or more chance of keeping all your hair. Ask your doc what instructions for a temperature as each place has a slightly different approach. When your immune system drops you may not be able to fight off a normal infection, hence why you wash hands well and take precautions during your low times. Really important to drink loads on AC, start day before and continue 48 hours to help prevent bladder irritation. Drinking well also help flush out the breakdown of chemo so can reduce side effects. Heartburn, gastritis can be a problem. Write down each day what your side effects are as you probably won't remember everything. Some ladies use an app.

    Hope 99, the life cycle of platelets, rbc and wbcs are all different. Your platelets may be high now while the others are low. Platelets don't help the others repair themselves, think of it like a plate of food, you have less meat there's more room for veggies, less WBCs more room for platelets.

    Some days are quite ok and some are one foot in front of the other...

  • motherofmany
    motherofmany Member Posts: 38
    edited December 2017

    rljes- it sounds like you are in your bad air period and for me this is my worst says it usually hits on the 9th day and your immune system is really fighting to come back up...hang in there...

  • motherofmany
    motherofmany Member Posts: 38
    edited December 2017

    rljes- it sounds like you are in your nadirperiod and for me this is my worst says it usually hits on the 9th day and your immune system is really fighting to come back up...hang in there...

  • Hope99
    Hope99 Member Posts: 120
    edited December 2017

    hi Binniebin, my platelets is around 800, normal range 150-450. so I'm worry, no experience ever that someone faced this problem that's why I'm afraid and cry all the day. doctor in vacation so no contact

  • nonahope
    nonahope Member Posts: 695
    edited December 2017

    Hope99....There has to be someone "on call" when your doctor is away. Where do you live? Platelets have to do with clotting. Your diet can make a difference. Be on the safe side and call your doctor's office. You are worrying way too much and need some direct answers from you onco's office.


  • klvans
    klvans Member Posts: 199
    edited December 2017

    Hope 99...yes there must be someone on call at your Dr.'s office. If your Dr. isn't there he or she will have someone that covers for him or her. When you go to the Dr.'s it's a really good idea to take someone with you. A second set of ears to listen and get information can really help. Even at routine appointments it helps to have someone with you. You need to make sure you know how to contact your Dr.'s office after regular hours. This is something Dr.s want their patients to know and most go over how to do this with their patients. They don't want you to have to worry so much.

    Does your Dr. have your blood work? If he does he knows that your platelet count isn't quite in the normal range. Perhaps that's ok. Blood work can vary a lot from one day to the next. Your platelets might be fine now, but if you are still worried call your Dr.'s office. I hope your mind is soon at ease. The emotional aspects of chemotherapy are hard.

  • frozentoes
    frozentoes Member Posts: 48
    edited December 2017

    Merry belated Christmas, ladies! It sounds like everyone is marching through the season as well as could be expected. I have to say, I loved the pictures of the red paw booties. I am so very glad I do not have to bring my cats outside. The temps have been hovering around 0 all week and I see people walking their dogs and I both question their sanity and commend their dedication to their fur babies.

    This was week 7 of 12 for Taxol. Aside from the crazy wait at the infusion center (almost 2 hour delay!) due to the holiday catch up, I've had almost no SEs. Or, I'm just getting so used to them that they feel like nothing. :D The big D was lurking around day 1 and 2 but I found my Imodium pretty quick and fought it off. I also had so much energy on day 2 that I dropped the kid off at her grandparents and I spent the day shopping for me! Today wasn't as energy filled but still good. After last week I was seriously dreading treatment but #7 has reminded me that it isn't always bad.

    Re: neuropathy - I have been taking B6 and B12 since just before week 1. I was already low on B12 and the doc suggested to get in the habit. I didn't start to feel symptoms until late into week 5. It was just off and on in a couple of finger tips and toes. Kind of numbness, more like feeling cold and not being able to warm up. It seems to affect my pinkies (both hands and feet) first and then comes in. So, I'm wondering if part of it is circulation. Luckily for me it seems to clear up and hasn't stuck around. I've also been told that it doesn't have to be just numbness or pins and needles, that neuropathy in feet can also feel like you have something stuck in your sock and you've been walking around on it but there isn't anything there.

    So, I have a question about the emotional side of chemo. I know we talk a lot about the physical side effects but there seem to be a lot of mental side effects too. How are you dealing with the emotional side of things? The stress? For me, I feel so damn lonely all the time. I have my husband and daughter but I don't see friends often. I'm afraid of becoming a burden to my family so I feel like I'm always putting on a strong front and it's exhausting. Everyone I know is very supportive and are always offering to help but I just can't seem to make myself ask. Tonight a friend brought over dinner for me and the family and it was so sweet and I am very, VERY grateful. But I am also feeling a bit saddened that I'm in this position. I've always been the caretaker. The fixer. Now, I need fixed and I hate it. If anything, this is a lesson in humility. Anyway, what's the hardest non-physical SE you've dealt with?

  • mkn86
    mkn86 Member Posts: 129
    edited December 2017

    hope99, honey you need to stop scaring youself silly with what you read on the internet. also, if there is a question you have it helps to write it down and ask your MO. If you’re having trouble with all the information, i agree with klvans. take someone with you to the appointments or write down what your doctor says. i used to take notes during consultations.

    look, if it helps to stop you from googling all these things on the internet that scares you, there is a book that you can pick up about breast cancer written by a doctor. it is by far the most helpful book i have read and has helped me stop googling a lot of things. but that means all questions i had wwhen i was reading the book, i was directing all of it to my medical team.


    yes having cancer is scary, yes going through chemo is not easy but scaring yourself silly does not help. you need to also be stress-free in order to heal properly. and i have also met others where they literally picked one book to read about breast cancer and resolved to move forward with treatment with what they’ve read from one book. it really doesn’t help to scare yourself with all the information out there.

    Also keep yourself busy. try to focus on hobbies that make you happy.

  • mkn86
    mkn86 Member Posts: 129
    edited December 2017

    hi frozentoes, i had a hard time accepting that i was the one needing help this time. but the day i was diagnosed, a cardiologist spoke to me and told me to remember 2 things:

    1. Never start treatment if I didn't believe i was going to get better

    2. Now is the time to accept all the help that is being offered.

    And I think what she said has helped me a lot. And the other hardest part for me is since i'm doing neo adjuvant chemo, i can physically feel the reactions of the tumor and some days it's encouraging and others it can be discouraging. and gettinf more bad news can sometimes make it worse so it's always a conscious effort of being positive all the time.

    SOme days i can manage being positive on my own, some days i ask for help from people around me. and if it happens to be a bad day, i let myself go through it. Every single thought i ever had about BC i write a lot too in my personal journal. and sometimes the meditation app helps.

    my brother also told me something: don’t think of chemo as something that’s bad for you. think of it as medicine for you. which kind of helps me avoid being anxious when i go for infusions.

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    I agreed with Mkn, I learned to accept people helps and let my husband took over the kitchen.

    Chemo did hit me emotionally and someone said it came from steroid. I got depressed during taxol, as soon as I stopped I got out of depression.

    Ladies, you are all strong warriors, send all of you good vibes!

  • Blair2
    Blair2 Member Posts: 353
    edited December 2017

    Frozentoes - how nice to hear from you and that’s a good question about our emotions. I live alone, age 68, and I’m quite use to being independent. I have many friends always asking if they can help mainly because I’m alone, but I find myself saying to them - I’m fine, I can do this just fine - until I do something stupid like bust my lip collapsing. However, I ask for no sympathy, and I think half my friends are confused at how I muster through, but again I’m use to being independent. I do mostly miss my daughter and wish she lived closer by.

    However, do I worry? Yes I do when I don’t understand why my body does something I don’t like.then it angers me a bit - like my back pain. So it helps to vent on this site, but I also get a bit frustrated with doctor’s replies.

    Do I fear my extent of life with the two worst woman diseases? Not really, but I wonder all the time how many years I have to live, because I want to do this project or that project before I die, and I ask myself will I have enough time to accomplish them? I hope I have at least ten years.

    Do I wish someone would be in my house while I suffer on my sick days? Yes, sort of. I wish someone would cook for me. Even having a pet to cuddle would make me feel better - but that’s just me missing my little Tahnee Doxie. But then, sometimes when all I want to do is sleep, I’m thankful I have the peace and quiet in the house, no disturbances. Even people texting me on my awful fluish days, bugs me a bit because I’m too sick to want to answer them - but it’s their kindness, so I just write one line answers hoping they understand I don’t feel like texting. The only time I would want a person with me, is if I feel I can’t breathe, but chemo has not made me feel that way - thank God.

    Do I wonder if I’ll ever be the same again? Yes, I wonder how hard this treatment along with radiation is going to make me feel after it’s all over. I want my energy back, my sanity, and I don’t want to see another doctor/clinic ever (but we know that’s not happening). I want this to go away! I want to feel normal.

    When this is all over I want to go on a trip somewhere far away from here and just breath again! I want to to look over a high mountain top and see the sky and land go on forever! That’s how I phychologically feel. Cancer, heart disease - get out of my life - but then I realize, oh, they’re here to stay, but I’m going to pretend they are gone and that I will go on living or else!

  • Mom4gma3
    Mom4gma3 Member Posts: 123
    edited December 2017

    Frozentoes- I'm 46 aand single ( marriage doesn't agree with me, tried it 3 times) who works full time and was in school for my RN. I had friends in school, but they told me I had to quit because I couldn't do clinicals with chemo, so I don't really hear from them at all anymore, except 1 who works at my MO office. I took me 20 years to raise my kids and go back to school and this happens halfway through, idk if I will try it again. I had such plans for when I finished. I share a house with my mom and my oldest son, but all my other kids and grandkids are spread all over the country so I don't get to see them. I had a male “friend" I would go out with a couple of times a month, but he has just kind of faded into the woodwork. I get a text every once in a blue moon. Saying hey let's get together for dinner or whatever and I let him know my schedule and then I don't hear from him. So I think that's a wash. He was a good friend too. I miss talking to him. So I work, a lot. It's not like we can join tinder or dating apps right now. My son is my plus one for my Christmas party next week, and his friends (who are mostly my age) are my social contacts. It's funny, we go fishing and out to play darts or pool. I am the designated driver since I'm not drinking and it's gives me a chance to get out of the house and socialize. They really have been great and they don't ask stupid questions and act just like they did before all this. So now that I'm a little teary-eyed writing this down, I feel a little better realizing who you're true friendsare.

    On a good note I slept 9hours straight through last night, no big D and feel great this morning. My mom bought a whole cut up fryer chicken and is making her fried chicken we had as kids in my new electric skillet I got for Christmas! Made Swedish meatballs in it Thursday, I love it!!

    Have a great weekend ladies!


  • Mom4gma3
    Mom4gma3 Member Posts: 123
    edited December 2017

    blair2- if you go under the freebies tab there are places we can go for free when this is all over. They are like weekend trips and getaways but it’s something I looked at once. They have them all over so people can go. I haven’t looked in a while so I don’t remember where all of them were. I know there was one here in Florida that I was eligible for, that I may look into later.


  • Dark13
    Dark13 Member Posts: 50
    edited December 2017

    Hi Everyone, All the best for 2018. Sending you all a warm hug from the Caribbean hope you all can feel the squeeze. Lol

    Here is an update on my treatment so far.

    Started chemo -13 December 2017 Chemotheraphy Begins 4cycles (1 every 14 days) medicine received to take at home Nexium, Kyril, Dexamethasone, Zarzio (5injections)

    1st Round of Chemo I got up exercised and went to the Clinic. Met with the patient advisor after speaking with her and voicing my fears I was definitely calmer as she explained everything. Met with the doctor who explained everything again took my vitals and then it was off to the Chemo Chair. The Chemo nurse seemed to be very experienced and was very clear in identifying everything that she was administering.The experience was not as bad as I expected in terms of pain and adverse reaction to the medicine.

    It's day 2 and we'll see how it goes today. Again day 2 was not as bad as I expected. I felt nauseous but did not throw up in that regard the meds worked fine. I had to go back to the clinic to be shown how to inject myself. A nother aspect of the treatment. Thank God hubby was there cause I can't inject myself. He did it for the 5 days and it was tolerable. Day 3 I got my meds screwed up and I forgot to take a pill ooooh the pain was excruciating. Day 4 was a horrible day too but I managed to go thru that in a daze. I was nauseous and feeling the need to vomit all day but I didn't. Had some trouble sleeping though. Day 5 started to feel a lil better all medicine done so its time to get the blood counts back up was able to eat normally. Day 6 thru 14 was feeling more energetic except for day 8/-9 I think a wave of tiredness hit me whew just had to rest completely other than that I was fine. I exercised every other day throughout the cycle.

    Noticed that my hair started falling out ever so slightly going to cut it even shorter. I don't stress over the hair I have had my hair short for years right now its full of peroxide caused i deceided to be a blonde its already weak so this falling out is only inevitable. I wear wigs all the time so thats not new to me either. Waiting to see if i'll loose my eyelashes and brows now that is going to be epic.

    Lessons learned

    1. Pray all the time.

    1a. Don't forget to take your pills on time

    2. Drink lots of water in the 1st 5 days to flush that chemo liquid out and help your kidneys

    3. Exercise as much as you can

    4. Try to eat more vegetables and fruit. Drink lots of fruit and vegetable smoothes orr punches as you can.(beet, pumpkin, carrots, kale, cucumbers, lettuce, apple, pawpaw, water melon etc)

    5. For some reason milk work really good for my stomach. I can't stand water so i've been drinking grape gatorade

    SideNote: After feeling so bad on days 3 and 4 I really decided in my mind that I wanted to stop chemo went and spoke to my Doctor once again he explained why its necessary. So i'm still in the game. I CAN DO THIS!!!! I have decided to treat each round as if its the 1st.

    29th Dec 2017 -2nd Round Chemo Must do a CBC blood test before every round of Chemo.

    I got up exercised and went to the Clinic. Got my needle inserted into my port and its off to the chemo chair. Everything ran smoothly. This day its not to bad you feel a bit out of sorts cause after all something foreign is in your body but generally I am able to go about the days business as usual. Today I felt a bit tired after the process. Day 2 not bad this time I made sure to take my pills on time and to eat small amounts of fruit and yogurt throughout the day. Day 3&4 is usaully my tough days so ill let you know how that went in my next post.

    Thank you all ladies for your repsonses, your encouragement, your good and not so good news it all helps. There are not enough words to express my gratitude to all of you. WE CAN DO THIS. STAY STRONG. I AM STRONG BECAUSE YOU ALL ARE STRONG.

    Hugs and kisses.

  • nonahope
    nonahope Member Posts: 695
    edited December 2017

    Good morning...

    Frozentoes...So glad the Taxol is treating you kindly. I had my 5th round on Thursday. I have had no side effects with any of my infusions, except for a couple days of mild achiness - chased away with an Advil. I use day 2 as my errand day, as I usually feel great. So, yesterday was a grocery day for me. You never know when side effects might hit, so that's my precaution - get things done on the 2nd day after infusion.
    Emotionally, I feel fine. I don't dwell on my cancer and I'm Stage, there is no cure for me. I do panic when I have to have when I had my liver ultrasound. I figured my bone mets had moved on to my liver, but according to the results, my liver is fine with no sign of anything of concern...Whew!! I live alone, but have family close by (in the same subdivision), so always someone I can call on. As for friends, I usually meet a friend or friends for lunch once a week. I don't want to have people visiting at home -- I don't want to "feel" homebound, so I plan outings with friends. I never feel "alone", even though I live alone. I'm an avid reader, I dabble in knitting, and have many phone conversations with friends, I work one day a week at my granddaughters dance, my life is fairly quiet and hasn't really changed much. That's the way I like it. I've never been a person who needs to socialize constantly. Hang in there!!

    Blair...I know exactly how you feel about friends insisting on helping. I tell them how much I appreciate their offers, but as long as I can do things for myself it's a feather in my cap. So, thanks, but no thanks. I don't want to have to depend on anyone if I can help it. And, on my good days, I, too, pretend there is nothing wrong with me...but, I know better. It just helps me mentally and, I think, physically to always stay positive.

    Tina...You are doing great, even though it took a long time to get where you are...I'm impressed with your fortitude. And, my mom used to make fried chicken to die for!! I still make it on occasion.
    That's interesting about the free getaways...what are the qualifications? Sounds like a winner.

    Dark...You sound like you're doing really well. Why do you have to take premeds at home? What chemo cocktail are you on? Keep up the good work...and thanks for sharing your journey with us.

    Time for breakfast....enjoy your day/weekend.


  • klvans
    klvans Member Posts: 199
    edited December 2017

    Like many of the women here I also live alone. I didn't mind it pre breast cancer when I got out more but now I get lonely. I'm self conscious about the way I look and find I avoid people. I also think the loneliness comes from having to put up a strong front. When I was first diagnosed well meaning friends told me I had to be strong, a fighter, and have a good, positive attitude. Although those things are important, for me they aren't achievable 24/7. Luckily I have a few people with which I can just be myself. To me, the mark of a good friend is someone with which I can be strong or vulnerable. My sister has been so wonderful and I spend a lot of time with her.

    The other emotional challenge I have is the difficulty of dealing with uncertainty. It's what I hate most about cancer. After finishing chemo there's really no way to know if it's been successful. I'm going to have to learn to deal with the uncertainties in a positive way. After cancer the urge to purge all the b.s. from one's life is great. No more worrying about the small stuff or putting off what's important to you. It's a wake up call to go after what you really want in life. Maybe that will be my silver lining.

    I also hate the fear. Some days I fear I won't get to the other side of this. I fear the possible permanent side effects of treatment and the outcomes of various tests: bone scans, liver scans, blood work, etc. All of them produce anxiety. I fear the entire experience may change me for the worse instead of the better. Maybe that's where the silver ling stuff will help. :-)

    My newest issue is red, dry eyes. I'm drinking lots of water but they still persist. Has anyone else experienced this? Over the counter drops haven't helped much.

    Well, that's it for me. I'm going to bundle up and go for a walk. I hope everyone does well today.

  • rljes
    rljes Member Posts: 499
    edited December 2017

    Hi Everyone - Day 12/ Chemo #2

    I had a really silly dream last night - that I was in a game show, having a Hot Flash.  the Audience was telling me to take off my sheets and blankets -  I woke up, flat on my back with ALL sheets and blankets on the floor - drenched from head to toe, freezing cold.  I had to change my jammies, change my bedsheets and take a shower all in the middle of the night.   Now I think I have a cold.  Taking extra Vit C.  Can't shake my headache which is desperately trying to go into a Migraine - and the Manufacture of Imitrix Injections (for migraines) has non in supply.  So, I'm suffering without. 

    Frozentoes - good question: 

    Emotionally, after the initial 'I can't believe I have cancer and I'll be alone' It really doesn't bother me (I've been divorced twice, and barely escaped a third before common sense slapped me upside my head.)  I had a fantastic Job for 25 years that I LOVED, then 5 years ago was diagnosed with a Scleraderma and Dermatomyocitis (Mixed Connective Tissue Diseases) and had to go on Disability. (I'm 59)  (attacks the muscle tissues) My Rheumatologist had warned me that that I had a high risk of Cancer with this. So, I've been dealing with this horrible disease, and the loss of my job and friends for quite some time. (friends stop asking me to go out when I always said I couldn't because I didn't feel good)  Most of the time the SE's - I don't know if they are from my Diseases or from Chemo.  Both are just about the same - (Except the BIG D)  I'm not afraid or worried of dying, or reoccurrence.  I've had a wonderful life full of friends and travel.  I just want to feel well enough to finish renovating my 'little house' and try to make my Mom (who has Dementia) as comfortable as possible.  I live on a 50 acre non-working farm that my parents turned into a forest preserve with trails and bridges.  There is always something to do. 

    I want to mention one thing that really helped me thru this - I was terrified because I lived alone, and I have a "do not call 911 Policy".  The Social worker at the Cancer Center assigned me a "Cancer Buddy" someone that had went thru Cancer before and wanted to pay if forward.  She has been a life savor.  She checks on me once a day via text, she insisted on taking me to the hospital when I hesitated, and has become a wonderful friend.  Made all the difference in the world. 

    Mom4 - i'll have to look up the freebie site, though I don't want to travel again.  Maybe they will have something close to home.  I traveled and moved for 30 years.  I'm tired! 

    1950-1952 - Do you have a port?  When I used to get IVIG infusions every week, toward the end the IV started really hurting and the heat pack would help.  I'm so glad I got a port.  Everyone told me it wasn't a big deal, and they were 100% right.  I forget I have it until I hit it accidently.   It sounds like your WBC really went low at 2.8.  Did you feel bad?  Could you tell?  Do you take Neulasta? 

    Take care - Everyone have a safe New Years - I got a bottle of champagne - probably can only tolerate a sip, but it will to be to wash 2017 out of my life! 

  • magari
    magari Member Posts: 335
    edited December 2017

    Hi, all. Glad to see check-ins from so many in the group, and to hear that most are doing fairly well this week.

    frozentoes - Your question about the emotional side of things is really timely for me. I completely relate to your statement that "I feel like I'm always putting on a strong front and it's exhausting." My husband is very supportive, as are a couple of friends (others, not so much.) But I know this is a lot and I try not to lean on him/them too much.

    I've been doing pretty well emotionally since my diagnosis in September. Got through my mastectomy/reconstruction, port surgery and 2 rounds of chemo with pretty limited tears. Then last week it just seemed like too much. On top of it being the holidays, when I always miss my late mother the most, I was having a lot of discomfort from two different issues that are secondary to the chemo: my fragile skin was actually damaged/torn when I removed the silicone dressings my plastic surgeon had given me for the purpose of *reducing* scarring, and my scalp had developed seborrheic dermatitis as a result of the more limited hair washing I've been doing during cold capping, which was causing my hair to shed much more than it should have been and making my scalp very sensitive and itchy.

    I felt like I was being kicked when I was down, even though I was doing everything I was supposed to do. Had about three days of intermittent weepiness, during which I had to go to pull it together and go to PT and get lab work done, as well as make/attend appointments to see my PS and my dermatologist to deal with these additional health issues. Fortunately, my physical issues have improved a bit and I am also feeling a little stronger today.

    One thing that helps me is to feel I'm doing everything I can to take care of myself. My breast health center offers counseling and I've been once and will be going again; I can vent to a paid professional and it costs me nothing but my time. I also signed myself up for an upcoming Look Good Feel Better workshop (free makeup!) and am going to look into other services that are available such as massage. I encourage all of you to do the same to the extent you have access to supportive services. We need and deserve all the help we can get right now.

  • TimesLikeThese
    TimesLikeThese Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2017

    Hi all! Trying to catch up on all my November sisters and how y'all are doing! I took a giant break from all things internet during my first 3 rounds of chemo. I got a bit overwhelmed with information and needed a brain breather. I'm halfway through my neoadjuvant PTCH (pertuzamab, taxotere, carbo, herceptin) chemo with 3 more rounds to go. It's been a little rough the first week of each round, and we had to tweak my anti-nausea meds quite a bit. My last round ended up being okay. Finally no vomiting (they added Ativan 1/2 mg to my Zofran/Compazine regimen, and it seemed to do the trick - although I slept a lot) Yay! I have been pretty lucky in that each round by the second and third week, I can RUN -- slow like a turtle, but I can run. Exercise has always kept me sane, and I was really struggling with giving it up. I run around my neighborhood bald as hells, because it's just too hot to wear a hat in Houston right now. I get lots of looks, but I don't care. It makes me feel powerful.

    Good news is that my tumors have shrunk to the point of no longer being palpable (originally 2.5 and 1.5 cm). My MO says we may be looking at a pathological complete response by the time surgery happens. Another Yay!

    I had some neuropathy for the first time last week, but it didn't last long. My next infusion is this Thursday. Seriously dreading it. I've done my last 2 infusions by myself. Maybe I will bring a friend this time.

    Wishing you all well - Prayers and love.


  • mkn86
    mkn86 Member Posts: 129
    edited December 2017

    wonderful news Leanne! I hope my tumor responds just as well.

    Everyone, i'm going offline early for new year's. i wish you a wonderful evening. hope, strength, love for you in the coming year. happy new year greetings from the pacific to everyone! Soldier on! 💕

  • Blair2
    Blair2 Member Posts: 353
    edited December 2017

    Leanne - you are truly a trouper getting through your treatments and I know that feeling of dreading the next one, because let’s face it, we get so tired of feeling sick for weeks. There will be an end - so hang in there. I was telling my neighbor yesterday, - there’s no way you all will see me bald out in the yard! My neighbor just said - oh why not? She went on to tell me her sister went through the same ordeal. Anyway - more power to you for being that brave in public as a baldy! I think some women (especially the young) look good that way. I look like a wrinkled up old man or an old alien - ug!

    Mkn86- Happy New Year’s to you too!

    I’m on Day 9 > treatment 2/4. I found myself tired yesterday and still have no taste in my mouth. I had a very hard time figuring what I wanted to eat and nothing sounded good, if it did, it wouldn’t taste right. It makes it impossible to force nutritious food down. Mandarins taste right. I was hoping this wouldn’t happen to me. It didn’t in the first round. It seems salt is the only taste I have and I don’t need salt with my heart condition! I’m frustrated now. I’m wondering if this lack of taste lasts a few more days, or the next month? Also my back is getting tight again. Bugs me while I sleep, but the sharp pains are not returning quite like they had. I’ll be complaining to my OM by Tuesday. The only other thing I’ve experienced is an itchy scalp. I think some of my new Christmas caps are irritating my scalp. Some flaking is going on too. I may need to find a soothing oil for it. I’m going to use baby shampoo to wash it. Anyone know of an anti itch solution

  • Mom4gma3
    Mom4gma3 Member Posts: 123
    edited December 2017

    blair2- I got a sea salt scrub from a flea market ages ago for my hands. I am using it on my head. It scrubs the loose hair and itchy scalp and after I rinse it off it leaves an oil behind. Then I lotion it up when I get out of the shower. It’s working wonderfully.


  • nonahope
    nonahope Member Posts: 695
    edited December 2017

    Good morning...

    Leanne...So happy to hear you are doing so well and those tumors are shrinking!! I'll be thinking of you this Thursday, as I will be getting Round 6 of Taxol on that day.

    mkn...Wishing you the best New Year ever!!

    Blair...I'm with you on the "baldy" look...these young gals can pull it off oldies...not so much. No one sees my little bald head.

    Tina...That sea salt scrub sounds perfect for our heads, especially leaving an oil behind. I get little crusty patches (like cradle cap)...this might be the answer. I'll have to look for it. Is there a specific name brand you use?

    Still feeling good since my Thursday Taxol. It's about the time when the achiness will begin -- we shall see.

    Have a wonderful New Year's eve....I doubt I will be up to see the ball drop, unless I sneak in a nap today! I can't imagine standing out in NYC with these frigid temps. It will be crazy!


  • Meowmmy65
    Meowmmy65 Member Posts: 125
    edited December 2017

    You can make a sugar scrub with stuff you have on hand that should work well, too. Sugar, baby oil, or coconut oil... Whatever you have. There are lots of resources on Pinterest. I hadn't thought of it for my head, but it's a great idea to use a mild exfoliating salt or sugar scrub to loosen up the remaining stubble and dry skin.


  • rljes
    rljes Member Posts: 499
    edited December 2017

    Happy New Years Eve All!    Day 13/ Chemo#2 of 6

    I love New Years Eve.  Time to take stock and get rid of the old feelings and remember the good.  

    I feel Ok today.  took Truman a walk yesterday with his new booties - really hard to get the boots on with my fingers so sore.  (Chemo is causing my scleraderam/Raynaulds to go into overdrive) so its difficult to use my hands. Its a balmy 6 out.  And Sunny. 

    Leannne - I'm so sorry you had such a ruff time with nausea.  They gave me Compazine and Ativan together to take on Day one, Plus Zofran after day 3 to alternate.  I had cramping and maybe a twinge of nausea once.  That's such a horrible feeling.  Great news on shrinkage of tumor!  I love it that you run around baby butt bald in your neighborhood!  I live in a secluded area - so no neighbors can see me.  I'm almost bummed. 

    I think My MO has all these tricks up his sleeve (Compazine and Ativan, Miracle Mouth Wash ect) because of his Pharmaceutical MO that runs the show.  She dedicates her life/job to making sure we have minimum SE's. 

    magari - I tried twice to go to the "Feel Good Look Good" conference.  each time it was cancelled due to lack of facilitator. (I told them I could facilitate the heck out of the class) (I was in the training dept and a facilitater in my past life)  I would rather get the bag of goodies and skip the class.  I don't wear makeup.  but I'll take the hats and maybe eyebrow stuff! 

    Blair, I wash my bristles with TRESesmme (remember baby bottles in shower) then soak my head with Aquaphor/Eucerin/Vit E concoction.  Rub something on it everytime I put on hand cream any place else. (that is what I put on my incisions too) Then I take a tissue full of hand cream and rub my head getting all the excess bristles off - they are just about all gone.  and my head is pretty smooth. But the first sign of itching or dryness, I'll do the salt/sugar scrub and coconut oil thing.   Just curious Blair - are you still going to your chiropractor? 

    Safe News Years Everyone!
