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Chemo starting December 2017



  • VVV
    VVV Member Posts: 50
    edited October 2018

    Oh, they access the port for bloodwork, it's just annoying having to wait when I just want to run out of there. Yeah, I'm interested to see what the actual numbers are. I went to the grocery store for like 20 minutes last week which was the first time I went out in public around people that wasn't where I get treatment so I'm going to have to blame that on my immune system tanking. Who knows. Haha. When I had a delay due to platelets they were 69 and after waiting an extra week they were 443 (normal range 150-400) so sometimes things can change a lot in a week! I think platelets regenerate especially fast, though, and that was an extra week off. Hope your bloodwork looks good!

    edit: wow, my white blood count is 1.7 and my neutrophils are at .69 Come back little guys. At least it looks like my ALT & AST went back into normal range. Yay!

  • Laura644
    Laura644 Member Posts: 24
    edited March 2018

    Hi ladies! Thank you so much for all of your support and feedback about the neuropathy. In the end we postponed one week and I went in this past Wednesday. I’m taking B6 and L glutamine and I did icing on hands and feet. I just think it’s so weird they didn’t recommend that to begin with. So far the neuropathy seems to be staying the same and not getting worse.

    I think I’ve been very lucky with the white counts. When I started chemo they were pretty low around two. But they gave me the Neulasta shot each time and it’s been holding steady around seven. Also I don’t do any of those oral steroids. Just Decadron in the drip premed Not sure why it’s different... I guess different docs two different things. I’m so over this chemo. I completely forgot to take the Claritin yesterday and all of my bones are hurting. Also I stopped taking the Prilosec and Pepcid AC thinking that that was more for the AC treatments. Now I am suffering terrible acid reflux. So I’m going to go back to taking all those drugs again. I have one more treatment on April 12. Feels good to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    JVP - i’m so sorry that they sent you home and you had to postpone your treatment. What a bummer.

    Hang in there everybody. Sending you all big hugs.


  • Dark13
    Dark13 Member Posts: 50
    edited April 2018

    Hello my lovelies. Happy Easter to you all.

    Update-I am feeling some symptoms of neuropathy today I couldn't feel my toes it felt so strange. Lol.. and the tiredness I tried sweeping my porch and after that I was tuckered out😧😥 took me a full 3hrs to regain my strength I just had to lie down.. Another strange thing my hair on my head is growing back the texture has changed and its all grey.....I washed and wiped my face and my brows were gone😞....what a hoot😄 !!!!! I couldn't stop laughing. Then when I looked closer I realized that I hardly have any top lashes. I don't even know when they left the premises. As I type I am cracking up 😆😅😃😂😁😀 cause its just seem so hilarious to me.

    Hugs and smooches


  • GenevaC
    GenevaC Member Posts: 38
    edited April 2018

    Dark13 - nice to hear from you again! And thanks for the laugh on my way to chemo. Your attitude is awesome.

  • GenevaC
    GenevaC Member Posts: 38
    edited April 2018

    Suddenly I’m done chemo. The neuropathy in my feet (& hands to a lesser extent) was judged to be at the limit, so taxol #10 today was the last one. Feeling elated but also realizing that I need to get through this cycle of SE and not go wild thinking I’m better. I’ve got 3 weeks from today before I go back to the hospital for herceptin. Haven’t managed such a long spell my diagnosis on October 31st.

    Tired & relieved. .

  • Hariry
    Hariry Member Posts: 100
    edited April 2018

    Hey girls,

    I'm in for my#5 taxol today. God's grace everything has been good. Counts, liver and kidney; sensation intact, appetite alright, weight on a rise still, hair slowly standing up... on and off there'll be some muscle and back ache. Menses not here yet. Darkened nails moving upwards.

    GeneveC, good for you! You're done! Completed chemotherapy! This feeling reminds me of running marathon, where you see your fellow friends at the finish point across the lake and you are still running. We'll all reach there, ultimately, one step at a time.

    Cheers all

  • Daniz1983
    Daniz1983 Member Posts: 84
    edited April 2018

    hey ladies. How is everyone? Everyone’s been so quiet including me. I honestly haven’t felt like writing or talking about anything.

    SIX more Taxol left for me. Wohoiooooooo I can't wait. They did have to lower my Taxol a while back due to liver enzymes being increased. But I pray it's okay.

    Is anyone doing anything to celebrate finishing chemo?? If so what are y'all doing?

    Those ladies who haven't had surgery yet. Are you having pain in your cancer side while on Taxol??? Your tumor, does it hurt? Does anything ache? Ive have pain on the cancer breast and a bit on the other too. But the tumor also hurts my oncologist says it's normal bla bla. But I do know women who have had their tumor grow back or cancer spread to surrounding tissue on the breast. So, I'm nervous.

    Anyway. I am planning my surgery and I'm trying to figure out if I will be able to travel 2 weeks after finishing chemo. I'd love for the family to go to Mexico before surgery but we shall see what my doc says. Has anyone traveled or is planning to?


  • diveslikeagirl
    diveslikeagirl Member Posts: 69
    edited April 2018

    Good evening, ladies.  We have been pretty quiet.  My excuse is that I finished my last full round of chemo on Friday and I've been on my butt since then.  They weren't kidding that the SE accumulate at the end.  Fatigue especially for me.  I'm having a hard time eating anything because my taste buds are completely shot.  I look at food and can't bring myself to eat.  Sticking with oatmeal, yogurt, smoothies and some peanut butter.  The smell of savory food makes me hungry/crazy; my son had a grilled chicken taco salad and I would have snarfed the whole thing, but it tasted awful.  For those of you who are done, have your taste buds recovered?   How long did it take?

    I made it to the Look Good Feel Better class and was happy to bring back some expensive makeup that I would probably never buy myself (Dior, Clinique, Lancôme).  I've never been much for foundation and powder, but I have to admit even I thought I looked a little healthier after using it.  My eyebrows and lashes (or, the lack of them) allowed me to be the class example.  Gonna start taking Biotin this week to bring the hair back.  

    Meeting with the radiation oncologist this Friday and of course, the weekly Herceptin.  In May, I switch to Herceptin every 3 weeks.   For my infusion in July, my PA said she's planning our "PTSD" visit.  They're pretty up front in this center about acknowledging the mental impact of treatment.  I still feel locked into someone else's schedule.  I can't imagine going 3 weeks without some kind of appointment.  

    Stay strong.


  • VVV
    VVV Member Posts: 50
    edited October 2018

    I had my last chemo infusion last week. It was a breeze? I'm so confused but I guess with the extra week off and my dose getting lowered again, this is the first time I didn't have extreme gastroparesis lasting for days as a side effect and it made such a massive difference. I didn't do any celebrating but it feels pretty good now that the worst of the side effects have passed to know that I don't need to do the TC part of TCHP again! Pretty relieved overall how this one went after feeling completely defeated by the previous round.

    Not taxol, but I had a bunch of tumor pains earlier today, actually. I had them way more at the beginning of treatment but this is the first time I felt them in awhile. I hope it's making the rest of the tumor disappear! I'm also at the point where I'm worrying how good of a job chemo has done. My MRI is next Thursday so fingers crossed.

  • Dark13
    Dark13 Member Posts: 50
    edited April 2018

    Hi my lovelies I had Taxol#9 on Friday 3 more to go. The tiredness is the worse SE for me. I am so fatigued by 3:00pm that i am literally dragging to get to the transport terminal. This week the tiredness combined with the heat caused a blackout thank God i didn't fall to the ground 2 ladies in the bus line managed to catch and put me to sit down. It was surreal one minute I was standing next minute I was sinking. Anyway no injuries thank God.

    Well I have gained 10lbs since starting Taxol so I figure its a 1lb per treatment so I have 3 more to put on. My ONC nurse said that as soon as I stop the steriods the weight will drop off. Hope she is right. Right now I feel like HULK all the weight are in my arms and shoulders most of my tops/blouses are tight and I refuse to buy anything new so I have been wearing the same clothes to work I just refer to them now as my uniforms.

    I still have rads so I am looking forward to hear from you ladies who have started rads what to expect.

    Frankly I can't wait to finish with it the end I will be going to New York with my girlfriends, then a Caribbean cruise with the hubby just to show my gratitude and appreciation for all his support. He is really taking good care of me. I could not have made it this far were it not for my faith in God, and my family. Hopefully we get a family trip to Mexico next year. Lots of financial shimmieing to make it all happen. But one thing this experience has thought me is not to wait, u wanna do something just do it cause u could be dead in the morning.

    Stay Strong, Stay Blessed, Eat Right, and Rest

    Smooches Dark13.

  • Gigicommon
    Gigicommon Member Posts: 58
    edited April 2018

    Hi Dark13! It is good to hear from you. The fainting incident sounds very scary. Glad there were folks there to catch you. I guess we are learnng to really appreciate the people who hold us up these days.

    Make those plans and take those trips. We deserve to drink from the big cup of life!

    I have my rads consult on May 3rd so I will be weighing in after that date. Stay strong!!!

  • mjb1018
    mjb1018 Member Posts: 151
    edited April 2018

    Hey everyone! I've not been on in a bit, but catching up on all your progress! I had Taxol+Herceptin #7 on Friday. Since I finished AC, my tongue has felt like I burned it...Food doesn't taste too bad and it doesn't really hurt, just a weird sensation. Little bit of neuropathy in my fingers and big toes, but not bothersome. Still fatigued and mild nausea often. Still, much better than AC! Today I started my 3rd week of radiation treatments, so I'm halfway there. Starting to get a little burned. Lathering up with the cream as often as possible. Hopefully I can keep my skin in tact. Happy Monday!

  • Hariry
    Hariry Member Posts: 100
    edited April 2018

    Hey ladies,

    Look like everyone is having a "not too bad" time. Same here. Having my#7 taxol infusion now and can't wait for it to come to an end.

    Gained 4kg from the first taxol, brows getting thinner as well as the lashes. Hairwise:- status quo. All food taste too salty or sweet which is weird. Fart a lot 😂

    I have been taking vit B group and lutein and linoeic acid supplements, on off. I'm doing okay so far. No neuropathy and very mild muscle ache.

    God has been great to me!

    Sending my hugs and kisses to everyone.

  • sswp
    sswp Member Posts: 61
    edited April 2018

    Had my last chemo infusion yesterday. Radiation will start in about three weeks, hormonal therapy will also start during this time. I've gained quite a bit of weight during the taxotere portion. Also lost all my lashes and almost all my eyebrows. I find it hard to look human. I've been using more makeup in an attempt to hide the side effects. I bought some fake eyelashes but haven't bothered trying them yet, I have been just using heavier eyeliner. I've been drawing on fake eyebrows over the few stubborn hairs that have been hanging on and find this challenging since I don't normally use eyebrow makeup. I keep asking my husband if he thinks generally people can tell by looking at me I'm going through treatment and he says no. It's not because I'm vain, I haven't disclosed to most of my work world and I'm wondering if I'm fooling anyone. I know from comments they've noticed I look different but I don't know if they think it's because I'm a cancer patient.

    I had a meltdown last week at work. The business has been doing an unusually high volume of work for the last two months and new and some old employees have been stressing me out. The stress came to a head and I started crying at work and couldn't stop. After a few hours I just took off for the day without explanation and went home still sobbing for the whole day. I guess the stress that I've been feeling at work and having to do it all while going through treatment had reached a dangerous level. Most of the employees work outside of the office so they didn't witness my breakdown. All but one of the employees that did witness it know I'm going through treatment so they seemed to understand. It's a very complicated situation. It's a family business that I've been working at for 25 years come next month. When I started working here I was going through cancer treatment for thyroid cancer. Five years ago I went through more treatment for thyroid cancer. Over the years, I have felt torn between my own situation and my upbringing as a dutiful Asian daughter as far as serving the family business. I guess the stress of it just got too much.

    It's a struggle to even walk up the stairs or walk from the parking lot to the cancer center. My legs feel they have no strength and it's been cumulative. Judging from the last two infusions of taxotere, I'll have bone and muscle pain in the next couple of weeks. Last round was not as bad since I finally listened to my doctor and took codeine for about 4-5 days and then switched to extra strength tylenol. The fatigue is overwhelming most days. Most food doesn't taste like it should.

    Strength to all of us who are going through to this.

  • Hariry
    Hariry Member Posts: 100
    edited April 2018

    Hugs..sswp. Thanks for sharing this.. it has been a while since we heard from you.

    Since the diagnosis I've always wanted to act normal, look normal and live normal, which means enduring the same amount of stress and workload. Ppl around me (who knows) always commented that I am"strong". Well you don't see me walking around when I am weak do you? It's not easy to learn to let go lots of things. This big C is something out of my control I just wished other things are not.

    Am down with flu... hope I'll recover soon so that my next taxol wouldn't be postponed.

  • sswp
    sswp Member Posts: 61
    edited April 2018

    Thanks for the support Hariry. I hope your taxol isn't postponed, I had two postponements while I was on the FEC portion due to low neutrophil counts and it was frustrating.

    I find your comment about lack of control spot on. I guess that's why I have been trying to control my physical appearance and my work situation. I've also received similar comments from others that they think I'm amazing considering everything I'm going through. I honestly don't know how I'm able to function at all, I don't consider myself a strong person. My husband and I have been together for over 32 years and he's the only one that comes close to understanding and how to help me. Even though I've had my last chemo infusion there is still radiation, hormonal therapy, surveillance. That's why I'm trying to live my life as much as I can even during treatment because the entire process is a long road.

  • Daniz1983
    Daniz1983 Member Posts: 84
    edited April 2018

    Hello ladies.

    I don’t have such a good update. My tumor isn’t shrinking anymore in fact it grew my a few millimeters. I’m devastated and sooooo upset.

    I just saw my breast surgeon I was there to actually talk about my surgery in June and prep for that. But we did an ultrasound Bc I told her my tumor was hurting. Well my tumor did not shrink a ALL since completing AC. It grew by a couple of millimeters.

    Icompleted AC in feb had my ultrasound and that showed my tumor shrank from 3.2cm to 1.46cm. And now it's a bit bigger I guess a few millimeters bigger. I'm freaking out. Breast surgeon said that she would talk to my oncologist and they would probably add something to the Taxol.

    I’m guessing carboplatin. But why in the world didn’t they just add then then. I’m such a mess all over again I don’t understand why this isn’t working. 😞😞😞

  • VVV
    VVV Member Posts: 50
    edited October 2018

    Daniz, that's so terrible. Hope they figure out a good plan for you. Are any of the non-chemo drugs being used for TN going to be available for you later? Or maybe there's some good clinical trials out there you could do.

    I'm feeling a similar way. My pre-surgery MRI shows the area of residual disease as having only shrunk by half so it's still rather large (2.5cm). The area that has to be removed barely shrunk so I'm losing a lot more of my breast than I hoped. It also shows the other suspected tumor as having barely shrunk and says a lymph node is still highly suspicious for cancer. I know I won't know for sure until surgical pathology but it's really disappointing that this is what the MRI is showing. I hope that the imaging is not showing the true story for both of us and it's better than we think.

  • mjb1018
    mjb1018 Member Posts: 151
    edited April 2018

    Oh dear, Daniz! I’m so sorry to hear this news. All I can do is shake my head and send you big hugs. I really don’t understand the timing of things...what’s the reasoning for surgery in June? I’m guessing tibgive youvtime to recover from chemo? Hang in there.

  • Swewing
    Swewing Member Posts: 27
    edited April 2018

    I’m starting to feel normal again after double mastectomy and tissue expanders under the muscle on April 9th. My hair is starting to grow. It seems to be coming in all gray. Yike

    So good to hear people are completing chemo. I too can’t understand why it doesn’t always work. Stay strong and keep fighting. Hugs

  • Hariry
    Hariry Member Posts: 100
    edited April 2018

    Daniz, oh dear, are the doctors so convinced by the ultrasound findings? As far as I know ultrasound is very much operator-dependent. Few millimeters could be just artefacts. I'm left with another four taxol to go I thought you're ahead of me. Or maybe they wanna proceed with other imaging tools eg CT or MRI?

    For myself, well, I thought I was lucky not to experience neuropathy... I'm not exempted! It started. All my toes are affected. Numbness, tingling...even pain.

    My tongue is burned (now I truly understand what you girls have been talking about) and the taste buds are dead. I'm hungry but food taste awful. I'm slowly dropping the weight which I've put on. Another four, I'm telling myself, you can do this!

    We can do this!

  • Daniz1983
    Daniz1983 Member Posts: 84
    edited April 2018

    Hi ladies!!

    UPDATE! I had to have surgery right away on Friday...

    I heard back from my oncologist on Thursday afternoon Right after I saw my BS and did the ultrasound. Hariry my breast surgeon actually did the ultrasound so I know it’s probably correct. My oncologist told me that they presented my case to the board Thursday afternoon with other oncologists and their breast surgeons who said that they wanted to stop Taxol immediately. She said that my tumor and the cancer is obviously not responding to this treatment. She said that we had to do surgery right away to remove the tumor.

    My breast surgeon actually was amazing she squeezed me in immediately on Friday and yesterday I had a lumpectomy to remove the tumor and cancer. She told my husband that from what she could see she was able to get clear margins and that she sent it to pathology. I will get the results on Tuesday. This will tell them the actual number of alive cancer cells and what's going on. I was pretty upset I couldn't just do the double mastectomy.

    Oncologist said that they will most likely put me on another chemo for 3 more months. Carbo and Gemzar. Then after that I will do radiation and HOPEFULLY I will get to do my double mastectomy then. And she mentioned an oral chemo pill after that too.

    I am just praying praying and praying that this thing is completely out and that it doesn't grow back in the meantime. I'm so nervous y'all I can't explain my fear to you guys now. I still have tissue in there and it's not out yet and will be switching treatment what if something starts growing or even worse it spreads. My goodness idk. I'm going crazy. I can’t believe this happened and the stupid thing was growing. I was doing soooo well. After AC the dang thing shrunk from 3.2 cm to 1.46cm why couldn’t it have continued shrinking more. I’m grateful it didn’t grow to a crazy size I have met women’s online who are also triple negative and their tumors grew to a huge size on taxol.

    Anyway sorry for the long update but that's what going on with me. Y'all keep checking yourself still even while on Taxol make sure to report pain right away and push for scans. I've been complaining to my oncologist about the pain for the past 4-5 weeks now and she wasn't worried. I had 4 more Taxol to complete.


  • vl22
    vl22 Member Posts: 471
    edited April 2018

    Daniz- I’m so sorry you are experiencing this and understand why you are so upset. One of the ladies from my chemthread and who is on the Calling TNs thread - rdeesides is her name - found out that Chemotherapy didn’t work for her. She talks about a Keytruda trial. Maybe give it a look.


  • Daniz1983
    Daniz1983 Member Posts: 84
    edited April 2018

    Thank you VLL. I just reached out to her and asked her about it. My

    Oncologist was saying to try carbo and gemzar.

    I am thinking of taking my stuff to MD Anderson in Houston and getting their opinion as well.

  • VVV
    VVV Member Posts: 50
    edited October 2018

    Wow, Daniz, that happened fast. How's recovery going? I'm sure it must be a bummer to have to have an extra surgery and to not even be able to have the mx right now. I hope the pathology is able to provide some clues and that there's less active disease than expected. I'm going to say write as much as you want and no need to apologize. I can't exactly know how you're feeling with all this news, but I think I can get close and wish I could give you a big hug.

    I think a second opinion at MD Anderson sounds like a good plan. I setup an appointment with a new oncologist and I'm pretty excited. She's a researcher and works in clinical trials and only does breast cancer so I feel pretty good about it. Hoping she's easy to talk to.

    Hariry, you're close! Hang in there! I hope the weeks breeze by for you.

  • diveslikeagirl
    diveslikeagirl Member Posts: 69
    edited April 2018

    Daniz:  As you're working on your surgery recovery, don't feel like you have to respond.  Just know that we're all sending you positive energy and hoping that the surgery pathology will nail this down and give you a clear path. I think I would seek a second opinion as well.

    I think you're amazing to continue to see things to be grateful for (no crazy growth on taxol).  I can only imagine how it feels to look back and question your treatment.  These boards are full of women who've been whipsawed by changes in pathology and diagnoses.  My pathology changed from HER2- to HER2+ in the time from first biopsy to post-surgical. And then because of Herceptin, I'm told that what was once one of the MOST aggressive types of breast cancer, is now one of the most curable (not even sure what that means).  However, I pressed my MO about why the need for carboplatin and taxotere, and it's "because we just don't know how your type of cancer will respond."   Uncertainty is the name of the game, for sure.

    I'm now 3 weeks PFC and I'm starting to see a few SE improvements.  I swear my body is still confused about not having gotten another chemo beat down (I had 6 rounds, every 3 weeks).  I still have tingly fingertips and toes, messed up nails and taste buds, fatigue and twitchy eyes but it's almost become my standard operating mode.    

    On Friday I started my every-3-weeks Herceptin and met with my oncologist who was quite celebratory and smiley with me about finishing chemo.  I'm afraid my reaction didn't meet his expectations, since I've got rads starting May 15 and the Herceptin until December.  I find that it takes too much to try to explain the difference to friends and family between chemo and Herceptin since they're both infusions through my port.  So I usually resort to "it's a different kind of chemo with much fewer side effects."  My husband commented that although he thinks oncologists acknowledge that we will spend the rest of our lives waiting and watching for recurrence, in their minds, they put us ALL in the " 95% cured" category (or whatever our individual statistic is) once chemo is done.  Thank goodness for the physician's assistants (mine is a woman) and the chemo nurses; some of the most empathetic people I've met. They are second only to the people I've met here at!

    Finally getting warm spring/summer weather here, so I think I'll deploy my mental solar panels and soak up the energy.  It's been a pretty tough winter for our bunch.


  • GenevaC
    GenevaC Member Posts: 38
    edited May 2018

    I've been catching up on everyone's posts - BC is a crazy journey. The challenges shift but it rarely feels like it is easier. Strength to all for the end of chemo. It is hard with the accumulated SE.

    Daniz - I hope you are recovering well from surgery physically and mentally. Sounds like a rough time.

    Yesterday I was in for my radiation prep appointment and now have tattoo dots which I can barely see. I was in the scanner room for 20' total and then a chat with the doctor. This next phase doesn't look bad at all, although 90' return trip to hospital every day with going to tiring. I drove myself to the hospital for herceptin last week and then radiation prep. Feels good to be more autonomous.

    I seem to be recovering well physically and physiologically too. Now that I'm feeling better (& it's warmer), I've been rocking my 1 cm buzz cut of new hair without a hat. It's turned grey-white but I'm staying calm, hoping the colour is temporary. What has been harder is realizing all I've lost/missed while I've been sick. When I saw so poorly, just getting through the day was all I hoped for. As my energy returns & my expectations rise, I am aware of how life has moved on while I was at hospital. A real sense of grief for the 6 months I've lost so far & discourged thinking about how much energy it willl take to catch up. It's a long journey. Glad to have this forum.

  • Hariry
    Hariry Member Posts: 100
    edited May 2018

    Hi there,

    I'm done with# 9 today so another 3 to go before the radiotherapy. I've always had a normal tumor marker, lumpectomy showed a clear margin and lymph nodes 0/2. Everything I'm going through now is like shooting in the dark. Hoping to kill all remaining cancer cells and remnants out there. There's no way for the MO to tell(at least for the next 3months) if my case response to the regime.

    Daniz, your challenge is everyone s challenge, especially to a TNBC like me. I feel your pain. But we all know that you have always been a positive, brave warrior. Stay focused, have faith, even the road might sound winding, you will be there. I myself am trying to stay positive, and keep praying that I'm doing the right things.

    Thanks JVP for the kind words😉

    Geneva yes it has been 6 months for our bunch. I just hope that ALL these time we've"lost" is able to buy more and more in the future for us to live carefree!

    Love you girls

  • Dark13
    Dark13 Member Posts: 50
    edited May 2018

    Hi ladies, I have been catching up reading all the previous posts, as per usual warm hugs from the Caribbean. I hope that warm weather is finally coming in wherever you are. It seems like everyone is coping inspite of what the treatments throw at us. It has been a while, I missed you gals but you all have been in my prayers. I have finally finished chemo and is now on a 3 week break before starting rads but the cumulative effect of the 12wks of Taxol has been a bitch. I have been plagued with dizziness, extreme fatigue, headaches, a persistent dry cough that is just not going away and of course neuropathy of the feet. I collapased twice once in public and once at home thank God both times I didn't hit my head or had any major cuts or bruises. I have since had an MRI to see if anything went up to the brain (because of the migrane type headaches) the results came back negative, they also checked my heart can't remember what that was for but the reesults came back negative so that was good and today I am going to xray my chest (because of the cough). Just like that my skin started itching too, its so annoying. I have been sapping it with rubbing alcohol and that helps for a while. Some days I just feel like screaming cause i'm so tired of the treatments, travelling to and fro from the medical centre, the tiredness all the tests. But then I remember my children and I want to see them turn into adults and well........Almost went off there.

    Overall, I am feeling Ok not 100% but good enough to get thru daily life. My hair is growing back out the texture has changed and some parts look pretty sparse but hey there is gel. 😀😀😀😀 I just either gel it in place or wear a wig and keep it moving. My husband says I look like Smeegel👽from Lord of the Rings and we both crack up, gals I wish I had a pic so I can get a chuckle out of you too.

    I am in pre-prep mode for radiation. The good news is i'm getting 3wks instead of 5wks. Seems like Aquaphor is the cream to get the nurses here are recommending Cetaphil had anybody used the two creams and can say which one they found to be better.

    I have also gained some weight 10lbs total and a lot of my clothes are tight as hell especially in the arm area seems the weight went straight to my shoulders/arms and waistline...My nurse told me that it's the steroids and now that chemo is finished and i'm not using the steriod I should get back to my normal size...seems like a pipe dream to me....weight loss aint ever been that easy 😂😂😂😂

    Daniz - I can only imagine the emotions you are going thru now but don't give up. You have come too far to turn back now. One day at a time, one diagnosis at a time. It can be so overwhelming. Don't regret your choices at the time you made a decision based on the info you had and now you have to do the same thing. Do what is right for you, what you feel is right in your gut. I am a praying person so I have to tell you to continue to trust and keep the faith. You are in my prayers.

    So as per usual my lovelies keep those chins up. We've come a long way we've been thru chemo and we are still here, some have been thru or going thru rads and still here...yes we have aches and pains, we have changes in treatments and diagnosis but by God's grace and mercy we are still here. We are not giving up this fight. The battle isn't over, God is still in the healing business, I pray that he guide our health care doctors and nurses to make the right call and for us to make the right choices.

    One day at at time. This race is not for the swiftest but for those who endure to the end. Stay strong, Eat even tough the the food is tasteless, Exercise if you have the energy and Rest even if you're not tired.


  • mjb1018
    mjb1018 Member Posts: 151
    edited May 2018

    Hey, friends! I've been trying to catch up. I don't know where I left off. Ha ha. I finished radiation and my skin is healing up. During the last 2 weeks of radiation, my Taxol+Herceptin was delayed due to very low blood counts. My hair started to grow (although VERY sparse, it's longer. Super white, too.) I started feeling better those 2 weeks and now, after 2 more treatments (#9 and #10), I'm feeling icky again. Achey, pukey and somewhat emotional today. Weepy. Not like me on the emotional side. I think I'm just ready to be DONE! Chin up! Hugs and love to all.