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Starting chemo January 2018



  • garifalia
    garifalia Member Posts: 21
    edited January 2018

    Hi Roxy,

    My first Taxotere/Cytoxan treatment went very well yesterday. My husband and I arrived at 8:30 but didn’t get started until 10 am. I had 2 injections of steroids and 1 injection of anti nausea med through the port. Then Taxotere over 1 hour followed by Cytoxan over 1 hr 15 min. I was given a bell to ring in case I felt any reactions, but I never needed it. I did choke on a Sun chip and started coughing but I had to assure my nurse I was ok. It was kind of funny. Then she gave me a video to watch about the Neulasta OnPro, which I decided to have it applied to my abdomen instead of upper arm. The main reason was because I couldn’t see the indicator lights on the unit on my arm but could see it on my abdomen. About a minute after it was applied I felt the needle injected into the skin which delivered a catheter and then the needle retracted. It all took a second and didn’t hurt at all. The medication should be delivered tonight from 6-7. Then I can take it off. We were at the oncology clinic until 3pm. I felt great for the rest of the day. This morning i’m Very tired but ate eggs and tea for breakfast. I haven’t had any nausea so far. I’ve Been drinking lots of water too

  • WorriedMe77
    WorriedMe77 Member Posts: 93
    edited January 2018

    I prayed for you and I’m so glad to hear that your first treatment went as well as could be expected and your not feeling too bad today.😘 I will continue to pray for you and all our sisters in arms against this nasty 🤢 disease

  • Roxy13
    Roxy13 Member Posts: 116
    edited January 2018

    Thank you, @Garifalia! This is encouraging. I’ll remember to be careful with the Sunchips! :)

    Interestingly, I’m not getting a port. It will be all done IV. They are giving me the Neulasta shot the next day, and gave me a prescription for some steroid to take at home starting the day before chemo.

    Have a great weekend

  • Amelia01
    Amelia01 Member Posts: 178
    edited January 2018

    happy to hear very few complaints from our other January “pioneers”

    I’ve come to today. Eating food was of the utmost help and I am most fortunate to have a good friend be with me all day to help encourage me.

    I also think the Epsom salt bath was helpful. It draws the toxins out. I added a few drops of frankincense oil just for good measure.

    It’s incredible just how thirsty I am. It’s good to flush the gunk out.

    I was about to quit all therapy this morning but think I can overcome this.

    Love to all.

  • lynnzrose
    lynnzrose Member Posts: 11
    edited January 2018

    Hi Ladies, I had my first TC chemo treatment yesterday, all went well, in fact such a relief to get the first one under my belt so we know what to expect for the next 3. I do not have a port, all through IV, they gave me oral anti-nausea and benedryl with a 15 minute IV push of steroids, followed by 1 hour Taxotere, 1/2 hour of Cytoxan. I'm feeling off today -- tired, no appetite, sore mouth, retaining water, puffy -- but not nauseous as I started the Zofran last night to head it off, and am soup, tea and toast. Mouth rinses for the soreness. My doc said take Zofran as needed, but I'm going to take it every 8 hours regardless. Days 3-5 may be the worst, and hair shedding supposedly starts around day 21. My Neulasta pack should go off tonight at 6, and I'll take Claritin for that.

    I am doing the cold capping, and honestly, that was the most uncomfortable part of the whole process. We did have a nurse who works for the company (Arctic Cold Caps) who brought all of the supplies, and taught my sister & bff how to manage the process. The caps lengthened the day considerably; they have to be worn for four hours following the finish of the entire chemo infusion. She followed us back to my house for the balance of the hours.

    Wishing everyone going through this scary process strength and good health. I am envisioning having drinks on the beach with my family the end of the summer!

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894
    edited January 2018

    I just popped in to this thread after being contacted by the child of someone starting chemo this month. I, too, went through the rounds of AC+T. We all know how frightening this journey is, and I can tell you while it certainly isn't easy, we are all stronger than we think, and you can all do this. I found this forum so helpful and supportive, and it really helped me get through it all.

    I did lose my hair, actually within 2 weeks of my first infusion. I had a wig ready, but found my head was just too sensitive for wigs and found scarves were far more comfortable. I did also use the neulasta pod and did experience bone pain for a few days. I did also get the mouth sores etc, but all of these side effects pale in comparison to having cancer. I wanted to make sure I threw everything at it to ensure me being around a long time from now.

    I am now 1 year out from finishing treatment, AC+T every three weeks for 4 cycles and then 36 radiation treatments. The most important thing to remember is that every single person is different and reacts differently to treatment. Take one day at a time and surround yourself with positivity and calm. Cut yourself slack at each step, and focus on YOU. Be prepared for people to not know what to say, to say really stupid things, and for you to find out who truly cares. This is one rough road to have to walk, but lean on the people here; they'll become closer than you can imagine, even though you may never meet in person.

    Hang in there, you can do this. There are so many here to help you through it! Dara

  • okkate75
    okkate75 Member Posts: 75
    edited January 2018

    Round 1 is done and now I'm waiting for side effects. I'm having a really hard time not just waiting for the other shoe to drop, but so far I feel pretty good. We can do this! Right? Wow, I'm so moody with all this cancer business. Hope y'all are hanging in there tonight!

  • garifalia
    garifalia Member Posts: 21
    edited January 2018

    Hi, I’m checking in at day 4 (1st round T/C) Yesterday and today feels like the flu. No nausea or vomiting, but just very tired and achy. I wish I could sit outside and get some fresh air and sun but I’m in Minnesota and it’s been below zero every day. Thinking a warm bath will help and maybe play California Dreamin and other sunny related songs. Don’t really have to go anywhere until Friday when I get my blood checked. I’m thinking of all of you who have posted and appreciate your reports.

  • Gigicommon
    Gigicommon Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2018

    I'm on day #5 after my first A/C infusion and still doing well. I have slept quite a lot. The fatigue has been amazing but I was able to do laundry and some cleaning yesterday. My appetite has not been great but today I will run a couple errands and cook a lite dinner (I'm craving a fresh salad and salmon).

    Be strong sisters! We can do this!

  • WorriedMe77
    WorriedMe77 Member Posts: 93
    edited January 2018

    Yesssss ladies we can do this!!! We have cancer CANCER DOES NOT HAVE US!!!! I’ve been praying for all you ladies... Crazy cause I’m a newbie to the bco but I feel as if I really know some of you ladies. I find comfort knowing I’m not alone and that others can understand not just empathize with me..

  • julieg3
    julieg3 Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2018

    Hi all, I had my first treatment on Jan 3. Happy New Year is right. I am stage 2B, had a double masectomy on Dec. 1 and I am ER/PR+.

    I was stressed to the max over first treatment. 4 AC and 12 Taxol regimen. The 1st AC went surprisingly well. I am on day 4 following the treatment and can tell each day after gets better. I am just a little tired. No nasuea. The first day after treatment I felt great, little woozy in the morning just had to eat every couple hours. The 2nd day first thing in the morning was the same. 3rd day morning was worse had to actually take a pill. The woozy feeling would only last untill I would eat. I am pleasently suprised on the side effects at this time.

    I didnt feel anything while 1st treatment took place. When it was over and got up felt just a little light headed. I hope this is a sign that I can handle the remaining AC;s as well

  • WorriedMe77
    WorriedMe77 Member Posts: 93
    edited January 2018

    I start chemo Jan 18th any diet suggestions?? I asked MO he just said idc what you eat during chemo as long as your eating

  • Roxy13
    Roxy13 Member Posts: 116
    edited January 2018

    Thank you, all for the updates! I may not reply to each post, but it's very useful to hear what everybody experienced at various times after chemo.

    @worriedme77 - I ended up buying the Cancer Fighting Kitchen cookbook. It has recipes for different side effects, for before, during and after chemo. In short: bone broth, smoothies with protein powder, root vegetables. I don't think the foods mitigate the side effects completely, but at least I feel that I'm still in control of something (what I put in my body).

    Hugs to all

  • okkate75
    okkate75 Member Posts: 75
    edited January 2018

    It is so good to hear from all of you about how it's going! I started on Friday--it's Sunday. Today I'm off steroids, feeling a bit achy, especially in my jaw. I'm guessing that's partly from the Neulasta, from what I've read. I'm heading into work tomorrow and am a bit nervous about how I'll be feeling, but I'm trying to just take it day by day. So far I'm surprised that I haven't been nauseated (some reflux, but I always have that) and that it is so much less scary than I was expecting. I'm glad you all are here.

  • WorriedMe77
    WorriedMe77 Member Posts: 93
    edited January 2018

    The anticipation and fear of the unknown gives me just as much anxiety if not more than the facts of my disease

  • Amelia01
    Amelia01 Member Posts: 178
    edited January 2018

    @worried - absolutely true! I like to be in total control of everything, so going forward day to day without knowing is maddening. Then again what if I knew what was in store and it wasn't good .....

    @darab - thanks for posting on this thread! We all need to have support of the "veterans", it helps navigating with more ease these uncharted waters.

    I am going to a new clinic on Friday to be evaluated to participate in a clinical trial using the Fasting Mimicking Diet. It is apparent that my DIY version wasn't good for me or my body and I am pleased to say that it only entails 5 days around infusions which heck, anyone can do. I ordered the kit "prolon" from the www and upon review, it does look very sad - food in baggies, and in the olive bag, there may be two, max three. They actually called me today to follow up with any questions.

    My appetite is back to normal and borderlines on ravenous, but unfortunately what I want to eat is not recommended at all for oncology patients (meats, cheese, sugar .... ice cream!) I am dreaming of chocolate chip mint ice cream but no forced lactation ER+ products for me :(

    The horrors of the whole experience aside, I am very saddened to have to curtail eating foods that I love. I had better gain some weight otherwise I will vanish. I am down to 100lbs wet. I don't want to live life being afraid of food.

  • Motherofall6
    Motherofall6 Member Posts: 25
    edited January 2018

    yes. This is currently me 🙄 so much anxiety , I think about that I’m day 6 already from my first chemo and that my hair should fall out now within 2 weeks and I get light headed and dizzy

  • lynnzrose
    lynnzrose Member Posts: 11
    edited January 2018

    @Worried, getting your first treatment under your belt will be such a relief; the anticipation and fear were almost overwhelming for me. I'm now Day 4 from first TC treatment. While certainly not feeling good, it's not nearly as bad as I'd anticipated. The Zofran is the key, certainly for me anyway, as well as the Claritin which seems to be helping with joint pain from Neulasta. You may want to check with your doc about Xanax or Adavan to take the morning before your first treatment to help with anxiety. Best wishes.

  • WorriedMe77
    WorriedMe77 Member Posts: 93
    edited January 2018

    I decided to go to the nail shop today got my (much loved) fake nails removed did a mani/pedi and got the blackest nail polish they had... Hoping that will help my nails and toenails during treatment. Honestly I’m just ready to get this show going and start treatment and deal with whatever comes with it as it comes... My mom “bless her heart” told everyone THANK YOU mom smh 🤦♀️ so now I’m trying to figure how how to deal with all the pitiful looks and stuff I mean geez family I’m still here living and no plans of checking out early... I know they mean well tho...

  • WorriedMe77
    WorriedMe77 Member Posts: 93
    edited January 2018

    Been trying to call my MO all day without much luck tho am thinking about getting a flu, phenomonia, and shingles vacation before I start treatment next week.Ive NEVER in my life taken any of em but because of the compromised immune system while on chemo I want to be proactive... I’ve never really gotten sick easily and have had the flu twice in my life.. Just want to get his okay first.... what is yalls opinions

  • vl22
    vl22 Member Posts: 471
    edited January 2018

    As far as vaccinations I know you can get the flu and phenomena shot while on chemo, but not the one for shingles because it is a live virus

  • Gigicommon
    Gigicommon Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2018

    Hi Worried - I routinely get the flu vaccine because of my job. However, I asked my oncologist about the shingles vaccine and was told if I was going to get the vaccine I needed to get it a month before beginning chemo. As I was only a couple weeks from starting chemo I just decided to wing it and hope for the best.

    I'm curious about what your oncologist will advise.

  • mas1129
    mas1129 Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2018

    I started on December 1st, 2017, with 8 treatments, 4 of A/C and 4 of Taxol, every two weeks.  Friday is my last A/C, and 4 of the Taxol to go.  Hopefully barring anything unforeseen, my last treatment is 3/9.  Then I have to have radiation, not sure when that starts.  During my first treatment, they had to put in a pick line because my veins on my right arm were not cooperating.  I had the port put in before my second treatment.  Wanting the winter to go by fast, can't wait for the summer.  I'm a Jersey Girl and can't wait to go down the shore.....many many times.

  • WorriedMe77
    WorriedMe77 Member Posts: 93
    edited January 2018

    My MO called me and said that only the flu shot no to the other two.... He also said that this year the shot is only covering about 10% of the flu strains 😳 however he felt it's still worth getting.

  • murfy
    murfy Member Posts: 258
    edited January 2018

    Greetings fellow survivors! Was all set to start aromatase inhibitor and then on Friday received Oncotype score of 52!! Put AIs on hold and now set to start C+T next week. I thank you ALL for your constant treatment updates and tips. Will be following you all and I hope to be including my own experiences soon. Carpe diem!!!

  • mudd
    mudd Member Posts: 27
    edited January 2018

    hi lmurphy. Same thing happened to me. I already started the AI when I got the call that my oncotype was high which surprised everyone and started Cytoxan and Taxotere in December and going this week for my second round.

  • beckyt23
    beckyt23 Member Posts: 10
    edited January 2018

    Good Evening Everyone!

    Got my port ystdy...which was not bad at all, 2pain pills last night and only soreness now. I got my first treatment today which went very well after all the angst I experienced beforehand....sure ya’ll know what I’m talking about. I am very “puffy” due to the fact that I have been on prednisone (for a dermatitis) since my mastectomy in Nov. and a big bolster of it in my pre-chemo cocktail. With my hair cut so short and my chubby cheeks and swollen eyelids, I had a nice cry in my bathroom tonight. I already don’t look like me and I can only imagine when the hair falls out. I know that is so vain but it is horrifying to me. BUT...I feel fine tonight and pray that the weekend won’t be so bad as they tell me that’s when I’ll really be feeling the effects. My heart is continually racing and sleep is hard to come by. It is still a wait and see how it goes for a few more they say “time will tell”. Until then ladies, I hope and pray that your outcome is as easy for you as it can be. It really is great to be able to share your thoughts with those who know exactly how you feel and are experiencing the same situation. I don’t feel alone having ya’ll with me. Good night and good rest!!!

  • beckyt23
    beckyt23 Member Posts: 10
    edited January 2018
    Back again,

    I wanted to say a little more about treatment was a long day but I really felt nothing from the treatment itself. The pre-cocktail must really do its job. Once it started and no side effects, which they continuously monitor you for, I was able to chill and actually had some fun with my niece, hubby was there too but he was working. They gave me lunch and drinks and snacks and warm blankets and everyone was so nice and welcoming. We even went to the store on our way home. Ate grilled cheese and drank lots of water and had peppermint tea. I have started the mouth rinse which my MO said is very important. 1qt. Water, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon baking soda. Rinse after each time you eat and all throughout day. Hope this will help those of you who haven’t had treatment yet. Hang in there, you can do it! Night night......
  • okkate75
    okkate75 Member Posts: 75
    edited January 2018

    Chiming in from Day 6 to report that things are still going ok! I'm tired and achy--so achy--and it feels a little like I'm coming down with the flu. My jaw aches and my mouth tastes terrible. Compared to what I expected to feel in the first week, I'll take it! I'm planning a quick out of town trip this weekend, and my onc gave me the go ahead, so I'm excited/nervous about that. Feeling out of control of what I'm going to feel has been the hardest part for me so far. Hope y'all are hanging in there--so good to see I'm not alone!

  • Roxy13
    Roxy13 Member Posts: 116
    edited January 2018

    Thank you for the updates, ladies. They are really helpful for those of us who are late starters. I know they helped me gather some questions to ask the MO at my prep meeting. I ended up getting a Tylenol 3 prescription for bone aches, after reading here that it's a common side effect of the Neulasta.

    Hope everybody is doing well.

    Stay strong!
