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Starting chemo January 2018



  • garifalia
    garifalia Member Posts: 21
    edited January 2018

    Has anyone started losing hair yet? I’ve heard it usually starts after 2 weeks. I’m on day 12 since my first T/C and my scalp feels tight and itchy. I gently pulled my hair in different areas but it still seems firmly rooted - pun intended

  • Motherofall6
    Motherofall6 Member Posts: 25
    edited January 2018

    @garifalia I’m on day 15 from my 1 st A/c and yesterday was my 2nd A/C and yesterday when brushing my hair a lot came out and every time u run my fingers through hair is coming out 😐 so I think it’s starting

  • lynnzrose
    lynnzrose Member Posts: 11
    edited January 2018

    @garifalia I am on day 13 following 1st treatment. I'm not noticing large amounts of shedding at one time, though more of my hair seems to be on my sweaters, robes, etc. The doctor told me I'd probably start seeing it around day 21. I am doing the cold caps, but hair loss may still occur. I notice that when I pluck out stray eyebrow hairs, they DO NOT put up a fight like they used to!

  • garifalia
    garifalia Member Posts: 21
    edited January 2018

    Thanks Motherofall6 and Lynnzrose. Today lots of hairs are shedding and lots come out if I take a small section and gently pull. I have an appt to get my hair buzzed on Friday. I knew this would happen but it somehow seems surreal to see it happening.

  • murfy
    murfy Member Posts: 258
    edited January 2018

    @Roxy13, @Garifalla, @lynnzrose and @Motherofall6, you ladies are ahead of me in treatments and I have been very interested in your comments! Thank you for helping me to understand better what to expect. I buzz cut the day before first chemo to get used to the feel. I like it! No more bed head hair!

    Take care and thanks for the posts.


  • Gigicommon
    Gigicommon Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2018

    Hi all! Just returned home from chemo #2. The infusion was uneventful. I'm tired and ready for a nap. Interestingly, the neulasta shot from last week did its job and then some. My WBC count is now at 19.2, almost double the norm!

  • Roxy13
    Roxy13 Member Posts: 116
    edited January 2018

    Day 5 for me. Feeling great. I don't know if it's the Neulasta, but I've been feeling pretty energetic (and it wasn't the fever today :)) I've been doing some light exercise every day and plan to amp it up to a soin class.

    I'm not shedding yet. I see from our chemo sisters that it will happen later. I must say I'm in denial and I secretly hope that I will be the one exception that will not lose my hair. My nails though - are soooo soft, even though I iced them during the infusion. I applied some strengthener but it did nothing. I will have to start carrying a nail file with me all the time now.

    Hope everybody is doing well.


  • okkate75
    okkate75 Member Posts: 75
    edited January 2018

    @Roxy13 I laughed when you said you are secretly hoping to be the one exception to hair loss because I'm secretly depending on the same thing. Ha! We will be miracles. :)

    Glad to see y'all hanging in there!

  • dcbooklover
    dcbooklover Member Posts: 6
    edited January 2018

    Hello all -- I'm joining your Jan club, on the tail end of the month. Got my port this past Monday, and I start my chemo on Jan 25 (4 sessions of A/C every other week and then 12 weeks of Taxol). I am thinking I may just go get my hair cut really short next week to get ready for the hair loss. And I have to get all the items on the chemo list (not as much fun as other shopping trips I've had). I'm having my chemo before surgery and radiation, so this is my first stop on the bc treatment train. thanks for all your posts and good cheer -- glad we're in this together.

    XOXO, Diane

    Dx 12/27/2017, IDC, Right Breast and 1 node, ER+/PR+, HER2-

  • Zoom123
    Zoom123 Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2018

    Joining the club! Port installation tomorrow and first treatment Friday! Grateful for all your observations and advice!

  • Amelia01
    Amelia01 Member Posts: 178
    edited January 2018

    For those of you doing dose dense tx every 2 weeks, did your drs give you reasons as to the efficacy of that protocol vs every 3 weeks?

    I'd love to get this all over quicker!

    Back at home after overnight in hospital and 2 shots of a drug similar to Neulasta (but lighter). I have a tiny tiny bit of joint pain but that's it. Blood cell counts to normal and today I get a root canal. Goodgrief.

    Just came across this article, I had the Neupogen and it did the trick with 2 doses, so for anyone with troubles on Neulasta, maybe ask doctor to dose down.

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited January 2018

    my surgery is January 29th for a BMX and SMB Plus Port.. Postop My Mo informed me they will start me on taxol for 1 time a week for 12 weeks and herceptin every 3 weeks for one year. Im ready to start treatment. You are correct it's a hell of a way to start the new year.

  • Gigicommon
    Gigicommon Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2018
  • murfy
    murfy Member Posts: 258
    edited January 2018

    Thanks for sharing the helpful article on Neulasta vs Neupogen. I'm scheduled for 3 Neupogen shots next week. Based on the latest reports, I would have opted for DD chemo if I thought I could tolerate it. Based on family history, MO didn't think it was a good idea for me. But data looks convincing.

  • Char105
    Char105 Member Posts: 28
    edited January 2018

    Hello, I have been kind of lurking on this page trying to, I guess come to grips with all this. I find all your comments and suggestions very helpful and encouraging. I had my first chemo on 1/10 and it was not good. The headache was so bad it seemed like my head was going to just pop with pressure. I tried Tylenol and it was just not working. I actually grabbed one of my pain pills that were left from my port surgery and just took it. It either helped me or when it knocked me out I slept the major pain off. I ended up taking a pain pill the next day but it wasn't as bad. It's still here but it's more of a dull ache now. Yesterday I went for my blood work and he is changing the meds next cycle and said that should help a lot. He felt that it was self inflicted due to the meds. To be honest I am really just terrified of doing cycle 2. They told me yesterday I am doing really good but I just don't feel it. The joint and bone pain got better each day and I never did get sick since I took the nausea pills. He did change those this next cycle since he said they contributed to the headache. I need to not read the side effects on these meds but it's hard since I was someone who barely took any OTC drugs. The hair loss seems to be a big thing for me. I keep waking up and checking my pillow to see if it has started to come out yet. I've had longer hair my entire life and haven't been able to cut it short yet. I had a lumpectomy before chemo and have had problems with that surgery which I think has put a major drain on my moral. Anyway I just wanted to say thanks for all the postings on this board. It has helped me more than anyone would imagine.

  • murfy
    murfy Member Posts: 258
    edited January 2018

    Vent away, Char105. We're here. Here's hoping you and your doc have worked out the problem and there are no other problems if you continue onward. You started Rx 3 days before me, so I would be interested in your progress. If you don't mind, what was your first Rx regimen?

  • okkate75
    okkate75 Member Posts: 75
    edited January 2018

    ...and there goes the hair! It's coming out in small handfuls. I guess I won't be the one who escapes this side effect. :)

  • Roxy13
    Roxy13 Member Posts: 116
    edited January 2018

    Oh, no, @Okkate75!

    Darn, they were right when they said it will start happening on Day 14.... I better set up my appointment for a buzz cut. My stylist said he’d give me a complimentary cut when the time comes.I’m so self conscious though.... will people stare?

  • beckyt23
    beckyt23 Member Posts: 10
    edited January 2018

    Good evening ladies,

    Like others of you,I keep pillow checking and hair sweet stylist is giving me a complimentary buzz cut and he will meet me at the salon after hours so as not to have others around. His own mom had breast cancer and he says it’s an emotional cut even if you think you are ready for it. I KNOW I’m not ready!!!! Going to try wigs tomorrow....yuck. I also dread the next treatment, so afraid it will be worse than the first but at least half of it will be over. I know I will manage......Sweet dreams everyone

  • beckyt23
    beckyt23 Member Posts: 10
    edited January 2018

    oh just one other addition to being bald, I am very puffy from having been on prednisone since my surgery and additional prednisone in my pre-chemo cocktail. All I can say is those babies better look damm good when I get my implants.....I worked for them as we all have.

  • Vitazza
    Vitazza Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2018


    I started chemo on 11/2,17 AC four rounds two weeks apart. I buzzed my hair down on the 10th and by Thanksgiving I was BALD! i have many wigs and just have fun changing them for my mood.I take pepcid and claritin daily So no bone pain or acid pit. If you will get the Nuelasta pod the claritin helps.

    t started Taxol on 1/4/18 I had my third dose today.. I started with mild numbness on my right foot on Sunday 15th. Now as I am tapping.. I am numb in my right hand and foot... 😕

    I heard l Glutamine, vitamin B complex supplements, and .Aleve may be helpful so I'm trying that in the morning..

  • Char105
    Char105 Member Posts: 28
    edited January 2018


    Imurphy - My Rx is Cytoxan, Taxotere , and the Neulasta shot the next day. The Neulasta is taped to me and goes off automatically.

    My pathology report came back triple negative so after chemo I have to do radiation. No therapy pills right now.

  • murfy
    murfy Member Posts: 258
    edited January 2018

    Looks like I'll be downing a bunch of generic Claritin in the near future to avoid those aches and pains! My MO has me waiting 1 week before I get to beef up my WBCs with Neupogen, so I have quarantined myself until then. Have serious cabin fever! I'm guessing my insurance didn't want to spring for Neulasta.

    And, Becky? Those babies WILL be beautiful! Good for you!

  • erob321
    erob321 Member Posts: 59
    edited January 2018

    I’m ready to get off this roller coaster ride! Last night was awful!!! Stomach issues, terrible bone pain, feeling like I got run over by a truck! On top of that my 4 month old who has been great at sleeping, would not go back to sleep! Thankfully hubs took over and he took off today, but man, that was a rough night! I will NEVER stop taking the Claritin again! I thought I was ok to stop since I was a week out from getting the neulasta shot, but I’m going to keep taking it. Not to mention this horrible headache I’ve had since my treatment last week. The nurse said it could be compazine for nausea that is making my head hurt, so since I stopped it, it’s gotten a little better, but it’s still lingering. I was told days 3-5 are typically the worst, but I guess I’m a late bloomer! Beckyt23, we better look good once this is over!!

  • Char105
    Char105 Member Posts: 28
    edited January 2018

    I was told to start the nausea and Claritin pills the day of chemo. Take nausea for 3 days after and Claritin 5 days after chemo day then stop. Is it better to just continue taking the Claritin everyday? Right now my MO said not to go anywhere outside and to wash hands a lot. I thought the counts would be low the week following the chemo and I would have to be careful, not a week after.

    So can I ask when is the best time to get out of the house without stressing over germs?

  • Roxy13
    Roxy13 Member Posts: 116
    edited January 2018

    I thought I’d be out of the woods today (Day 7) but I got some lower back pains, feel like I burned the inside of my mouth and feeling tired. I guess the Neulasta wore off and with it my energy... To top it all off, my 10 year old daughter has no school and wants me to take her skating. The last thing I want to do now is spend the afternoon outin the cold.

    It could be worse, I guess...

  • Amelia01
    Amelia01 Member Posts: 178
    edited January 2018

    Ladies, you are all experiencing side effects that are drug induced but not chemo induced! This cannot be!!

    Granted I was a mess for two days after chemo but by the second half of day 3 I was on top of the world until, of course, my little issue of the other day which may have gone by unnoticed (the low wbcs) had I not sprang out with the tooth issue (seems it is a gum problem not a root canal as the tooth already has one!).

    My doctors are still adamant about not taking Neulasta or the lighter version unless a fever hits and even with the baby two shots I have a tinge of a bone ache but nothing that I might not attribute to sitting on the couch for two days straight.

    I don’t take Claritin and I was only given 5mg of dexamethasone during infusion and an additional 4mg the night of the infusion. I didn’t take any more nor was prescribed to. I slept like a baby for the days following chemo and have since.

    No puffy, no lingering issues. I’m feeling very fortunate. Next round if it’s ready in time (pharmacy is prepping it) I’m doing medical marijuana in oil form (high cbd low thc). That will be my anti- nausea along with the three pills for the days after chemo.

    Even though I cold capped just today I’m seeing hairs on my sweater. I’m really hoping my loss is limited.

    Char- the lowest days of immune system are around two weeks after. Those are the days to take extra precautions.

    Erob - I feel for you with a little baby. I hope you have everyone you know helping out. Big hugs to being super mommy because any mommying during chemo is a feat of huge accomplishment! And Especially for an infant. Xx

    Noticed many have just Cytocan and not the A.... i wonder if my protocol is just so old school.

    Then again I question everything

  • lynnzrose
    lynnzrose Member Posts: 11
    edited January 2018

    @Char105 I was given the same instruction regarding the Claritin (5 days) and anti-nausea (3 days) meds by my MO. I did end up taking the anti-nausea for 2 extra days. Fifteen days out, I'm still having intermittent joint pain, depending what I do the day before (I think?) and feeling very fatigued today. My MO stressed hand-washing, but she did not say to become a shut-in; I am a little worried about the flu that is going around though. The infusion center gave me info that said the "nadir" (lowest point) for the wbc count varies for each chemo drugs: Taxotere=5-9 days, Cytoxan=10-14. Recovery for both at 21 days, but then of course if you're on the every 3-week protocol like me, we'll be hit with the next treatment! My next treatment is Friday the 26th, and I'm dreading it. I'm thinking of all of you, everyone hang in there!

  • WorriedMe77
    WorriedMe77 Member Posts: 93
    edited January 2018

    my MO just called they got my ct back so he tells me they found lesions/spots in my lungs, pelvis, and clavicle... 😳😳😳😳🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 I’m having a bone scan Tuesday... He tells me not to worry spend time with people I love and continue to do the things I enjoy 😳😳😳 ummm okay but your wording is scary doc.... I asked him am I dying??? He told me to calm down one step at a time and there’s lots of great meds if this comes back cancerous as well NOT SURE HOW I SHOULD BE FEELIN

  • okkate75
    okkate75 Member Posts: 75
    edited January 2018

    Oh, @WorriedMe77, I'm so sorry you got that scary news. It sounds like the doc doesn't know if the lesions are cancerous yet? It all sucks so much! I'm not sure how you should be feeling, but I hope you let yourself feel whatever you feel. We're here for you!