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chemo treatment affecting asthma

ventureval Member Posts: 11
edited March 2021 in Stage II Breast Cancer

Hi Everyone

I have stage 2 and I am triple negative. I will be having my 4th chemo on Jan 11 2018. I have noticed on my second and 3rd chemo that it seems to throw me into super overdrive into asthma then upper respiratory situation so bad that I ended up in the ER.

I have gone to my asthma dr and we are going to start a plan where I start antibiotics and steroids starting chemo day then for 5 days then stop and now I am on an everyday medication inhaler for my asthma.

We are going to try the above because I can't get like this so sick darn time I have chemo. Is anyone else treatment of chemo affecting their asthma? If so what are you doing to get help?


  • ksusan
    ksusan Member Posts: 461

    I wish you well! Chemo didn't kick up my asthma, so I can't be helpful.

  • denise-g
    denise-g Member Posts: 353

    I did not have asthma before chemo, but I had terrible respiratory problems during AC chemo and Taxol. Before chemo, I was always sensitive to respiratory problems, but I ended up at the doctor many times with respiratory troubles. Then I developed allergies to gluten and dairy which I still have 6 years later that come out as a respiratory reaction.

    I certainly feel for you. Wishing you all the best.

  • ventureval
    ventureval Member Posts: 11

    Thank you for your reply I hope you are doing well. So far the treatment the dr prescribed for me has worked so far.

  • denise-g
    denise-g Member Posts: 353

    So glad the treatment is working for you!

  • Spice57
    Spice57 Member Posts: 1

    Hope your Dr. TX plan is helpful with the asthma.

    I am 9 yrs out from chemo this June. I believe I have developed asthma as a result of Taxotere and Carboplatin. I started having paroxysmal dyspnea and spasmodic coughing after chemo when I laughed, exposed to cold air, and every head cold I have had. I've had bronchitis more after chemo than at anytime in my life.

    I use an inhaled steroid ( Azmacort)and albuterol inhaler.


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258

    I had asthma issues during chemo also, and ended up going from occasional inhaler use, usually triggered by typical spring allergies, to having to use a rescue inhaler at regular times intervals daily. I did have chemo during the spring months, but this was worse than what I usually experience. Talking or laughing, or even inhaling deeply triggered coughing. After completion of Herceptin I returned to my normal pattern of spring allergies and asthma. I have had short term problems after each reconstruction surgery due to the intubation for general anesthesia

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617

    Weirdly, I have had less asthma since chemo...but it is probably because I’m not working anymore.

    I had cough and tight throat, worst itching ever with my 50th Herceptin and had to go back on IV steroid and Benadryl

  • ventureval
    ventureval Member Posts: 11

    Hi Beatmon,

    Once I was done with the AC and was on Taxol things calmed down regarding my asthma. Which I am so happy.

    I am happy to say I had my last chemo on March 8th, 2018. The tumor is gone and Next step surgery April 11th. 2018 and then on to radiation.

    So moving on with my life one day at a time. I hope you are doing better as well.

  • Ire
    Ire Member Posts: 3

    Hi everybody,

    I hVe been experiencing difficulty breathing immediatelt after chemo ACT ended. I dont have cough or sputum only a weird feeling during breathing like a sudden narrowing of the airways. Is anybody familiar with this symptom? All scans, ultrasounds are clear.

    Thanks a lot.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,304

    Ire - This thread has not been active for two years so you may not get an answer. In the mean time, do go to My Profile and fill in your diagnosis & treatment. That helps everyone go post better answers.

  • msphil
    msphil Member Posts: 185

    hello sweetie i didnt have asthma until i finished my treatment didnt know it was asthma thought just side effect and would go away afer completion. But my cousin who had azthma told me i have same symptoms. So saw doctor and was diagnosed was at ER alot until my doctor ordersd a nebulizer and meds now under control. Hope your feeling better. msphil idc stage2 0/3 nodes 3mo chemo before and after Lmast with reconstruction with one filling in expander then developed high fever rushed to ER was removed just wear prothesis no problems since. Then got married was planning our wedding at diagnosis. Then 7wks rads and 5 yrs on Tamoxifen. Praise God going into 27yr Survivor. Still here i believe to Inspire others.