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Starting Chemotherapy March 2018



  • May07
    May07 Member Posts: 81

    moth - I agree, I will be going back to my diet and workout regime when I’m done with active treatment.

    Hapa- how often are you washing your hair? I’m trying to limit to once a’s so hard!!

  • Bec-Ky
    Bec-Ky Member Posts: 195

    For those of you who have already had your surgery, and are doing chemo and then radiation....... Do you know if radiation starts immediately after chemo, or is there a break?

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    Bec-Ky, I looked this up last night & my center wants about 4 weeks break.

    also seems it depends what chemo you had. 4 weeks after adriamycin, 2-3 weeks after any taxane according to this

  • Bec-Ky
    Bec-Ky Member Posts: 195


  • Downdoggie
    Downdoggie Member Posts: 51

    Loving the pics of bald and wigs! Warriors unite! Looking fabulous ladies

    hapa, My onco nurse told me today that low red blood cells/anemia can cause the symptom you are having. My red counts have been dropping and I certainly felt it at the gym yesterday. I can't do cardio as hard or for as long. She said the low count leads to limited oxygen, so even walking up stairs can be tiring since the legs aren't getting enough oxygen. I definitely feel more tired all around. I'm hoping my counts stabilize so I don't need a blood infusion.

    I ate a bit heavier after chemo last week and got bad heartburn for two days. I won't do that again. Eating light on chemo day and for about 3 days after since my stomach gets unhappy. On chemo morning a piece of toast with avocado and some green tea works for me.

  • Wildcolonialgirl
    Wildcolonialgirl Member Posts: 119

    Bec-ky, yesterday I had an appointment with my medical onco in prep for chemo TC # 3 today (75% down!).  We started talking about radiation after - for me it will be about a 4 week recovery period.  I am supposed to meet with the radiation team sometime in the next few weeks, so will share any more information.  I am glad to have some recovery time.

    No big SE's from #3 yet but it was only this morning!  Walked 1.5 miles on treadmill this afternoon but I was more tired today than the previous 2 infusions, so that was enough for the day.  My weight has held pretty steady during the treatments - down about 1 pound but that's it.  Hoping that holds!

    Wishing all a great evening. 

  • hapa
    hapa Member Posts: 613

    May - washing twice a week, sometimes three times. I try to wash for real once a week, and then the other two times I just kind of dump diluted shampoo over my head and let it soak for a couple minutes before rinsing. Apparently I should be using sulfate free shampoo. Oops, I guess I'll head to Sprouts tonight to get some,

    I feel like I'm the only person on this board not dealing with diarrhea, which is odd because my GI tract has always given me problems.

  • YangSainst
    YangSainst Member Posts: 69

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm back! My Goodness's I just started having my appetite back so I'm taking advantage of to be prepared for my next chemo schedule on April 24.

    1st chemo April 03,it was rough I thought after reading and research about what to expect after chemo No one will be prepared enough to face what's in there.4 days after my chemo the stomach pain was unbearable throwing up every now and then meds are not working day 5 midnight I have to stay and get confine in the hospital so the medicine will be injected through IV so it will work faster after 24hrs at the hospital finally I able to go home and continue take home meds.

    Now I'm glad to say I'm getting OK next chemo what to expect again.

    Hang in there Ladies let's all be strong in our journey.. Hugs and Kisses to all of you..

  • Bec-Ky
    Bec-Ky Member Posts: 195

    No D here 😁

  • May07
    May07 Member Posts: 81

    YangSainst, welcome back :) good to hear you are feeling well!!

    I have not had any bowl issues after first infusion as well.

  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    Hello ladies I hope everything is doing well tonight.

    I'm curious why should we reduce the days we wash our hair? my hair is already drier than it's ever been and the conditioner isn't help with any kind of softness. I'm going this weekend to remove a few inches of hair, add bangs, and layers. This should hopefully made the adjust to falling out hair a little less noticeable. Plus I'm going to try WIG on this weekend.

    What's the best website to buy WIGS??


    Hope that the doctors are going to adjust the medication to make the next round of infusion easier on you. So glad to hear you're feeling better and have an appetite back. what's you're cycle for chemo?


    I have to agree, I'm sticking to the light meal and lots of liquids the day of infusion. Then I try to eat stuff like kids plastic container of mandarin oranges or oatmeal, rice, bananas, sugar free popsicles, and tons of water for the first two days.

  • persnickety70
    persnickety70 Member Posts: 31

    Hapa - I had read about the benefits of fasting just prior to my first chemo, and kind of tried to follow what they laid out. Low protein, mostly nuts, some fruits, veggie based soups. There is a study going on right now at Mayo and USC, the product they are working on is called Chemolieve. It is a 4 day program. There is a 5 day meal program called Prolon, it would seem to be similar. L-Nutra is the company. I read "the longevity diet", which goes into some detail about it. They tried water fasting for chemo patients, which apparently did have good results, but was difficult to tolerate. I ordered the Prolon, and did 4 days of it, starting Monday, chemo on Wednesday, and by Friday I just wanted real food. You get a fruit and nut bar for breakfast, and tea. Lunch is tomato soup with kale crackers, snack is about 10 olives, and dinner is minestrone/quinoa soup with a chocolate/nut crisp bar. I wasn't starving. This last round of chemo went really well, I felt so much better earlier, but I'm not sure if it was due to the diet, or just being better prepared and and better premedication. I have 4 more rounds to go, so I am going to just eat normal the next round, and if I notice a significant difference, I will suck it up and do the diet for the rest of my treatments. It is about $180-200 for the 5 days of meals. My MO wasn't too crazy about the idea, she told me I should concentrate on "nourishing myself", but if it decreases the chance of neuropathy and other side effects, it will be worth it.

  • jstarling
    jstarling Member Posts: 137

    My hair is falling out. Preparing for treatment 2 of TCH on Wednesday. Ladies, we can do this

  • hapa
    hapa Member Posts: 613

    urdrago - no reason to not wash your hair unless you're cold capping. Cold cap companies recommend limiting hair washing and recommend sulfate and paraben free shampoos. I lost a lot of hair last night after washing, so I assume that's why. Need to be more careful next time. I think I will cut back on washing to once a week, which is hard because I'm active.

    persnickety - I'm treating at Mayo (in PHX, not Rochester) and nobody has mentioned fasting. I asked about fasting when I was on my first course of treatment (before they figured out I was Her2+) and they did not recommend it. I'm pretty sure I could tolerate water fasting.

    Next treatment is Wednesday. I'm interested to see how my blood counts come out.

  • May07
    May07 Member Posts: 81

    hapa- I lost hair today after washing ...there is a “big shed” they say happens with cold capping and then it tappers off...we shall see...fingers crossed

  • Bec-Ky
    Bec-Ky Member Posts: 195

    So much shedding.... So mowhawk it is!!! I didn't leave it long like that bottom middle pic.... That was just for fun before I cut the mowhawk down... Lolimage

  • Steph74
    Steph74 Member Posts: 70

    Becky you look awesome! I love how we’re all rocking our new do’s! 😁

    I’ve got all kinds of patchy bald spots now so I think it’s just a matter of time before I take it all off like Wildcolonialgirl!

    The good news is my 1 year old didn’t cry when she saw my shaved head..surprisingly I don’t think she really notices it atall.. and my 7 year old thinks it’s hilarious!

    Hope everyone enjoys the weekend! I will definitely be enjoying mine as my second treatment is this Thursday and then I’ll know I’ll be down for the count for a while!

  • persnickety70
    persnickety70 Member Posts: 31


    Ok, here is my shaved head, and what is left. I have to say, it is a relief to have it over.

  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    Bec_Ky love the photos.. You look stunning with the shorter hair.. you diffently rocked that look..I'm cutting mine to a very short length Sat. And then the daily morning tug til I shave my head.

    Steph- for me a rain/snowy weekend before my 2nd chemo this Thursday..that will make me half way thru phase one of Chemo AC..

    Happy Friday, wishing all much laughter and love everyday..

  • Bec-Ky
    Bec-Ky Member Posts: 195

    Thanks ladies! It's definitely colder! Whoa!

  • Bec-Ky
    Bec-Ky Member Posts: 195

    Persnikety.... You definitely rock the shave!

  • May07
    May07 Member Posts: 81

    you ladies look beautiful hair or no hair!!! Happy weekend all. Xoxo

  • Steph74
    Steph74 Member Posts: 70

    Persnickety...simply stunning! 😘

    Becky and urdrago...what is this cold/snow you speak of? I’m a South Florida My bald head is happy in this heat! Thank goodness I’m off this summer and don’t plan on wearing the wig as much. I would probably sweat like crazy wearing that thing in the summer. I will say I have to wear a soft beanie type cap to bed because we turn the a/c way down at night and my head feels like a popsicle

    Looks like a lot of us have our treatments next week...3 of us so far on Thursday (me, May07, urdrago)...anyone else?

  • Downdoggie
    Downdoggie Member Posts: 51

    Becky, I got my hair cut like yours about a month ago, except its curly. It's cute on you! Persnickety, your green eyes pop beautifully with no hair! Now my hair is shedding tons daily. I wore a scarf to a meeting today and got those nosy/curious/concerned stares. Wasn't quite ready for that. I wonder if hats are less obvious.

    I'll be laying low the next couple days, but eating specifically to boost my red cell count. I really feel the drop

  • Bec-Ky
    Bec-Ky Member Posts: 195

    I have my 2nd treatment next Wednesday! 4/18

  • Bec-Ky
    Bec-Ky Member Posts: 195

    Downdoggie... My hair is naturally curly... But for my 'hawk..... I straightened it with the blow dryer.... Lol

  • Bec-Ky
    Bec-Ky Member Posts: 195

    And speaking of this snow? Yeah... We're expecting a crap ton tomorrow! Ugh!

  • Kanona7795
    Kanona7795 Member Posts: 29

    This was my hair treatment 1 by treatment 3 I had cut it down. Will have treatment 4 on wed and the hair is really starting to shed now. I'm so anxious but trying to put on a brave face. Went to our schools beauty pageant last night and I got so many remarks on the short cut and they had no idea the struggle is so real!! I know it's only hair but it's what has always made me feel good and feminine. I guess it's time to put my big girl panties on and accept what I can not change!!

    You all look beautiful and have inspired and helped me in so many ways!!image

  • Wildcolonialgirl
    Wildcolonialgirl Member Posts: 119

    Happy Saturday, ladies! The looks are simply stunning, keep rocking them!! You all look amazing.

    Day 3 of my third TC so I am waiting for the post-steroid crash this afternoon, otherwise not too bad so far. Have already reminded the fam that the dreaded Day 4 is coming!

    For those on pre-chemo weekend yes, enjoy!

    Hugs to all.

  • May07
    May07 Member Posts: 81

    Kanona7795, I love the cut.

    Wildcolonialgirl ...your 75% done, Good for you!

    I’m definitely trying to enjoy this wonderful weather we are having in New York before my next chemo on Thursday.
