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Metaplastic carcinoma 5 yr survivors

Meme_warrior Member Posts: 3

Hello Everyone. I am nearing my 5 year cancer free day. I had metaplastic carcinoma. I am looking for anyone that has survived this and how long have you been cancer free.

I feel the closer I get to the 5 year Mark, the more worried I am. I take femara, so that will stop. ( feels somewhat like a security blanket)

Insomnia has returned along with achy bones and joints. Anyone experience this?

Sometimes I feel so alone, with having had a rare cancer.

Thanks for reading.


  • beauz
    beauz Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2018

    Hi meme, congratulations on your five year mark. From what I read about metaplastic BC, I have to say this to you "what a great achievement you have had!" . I can understand you feel alone sometimes as I have a weird BC as well. I am sorry to hear about your ongoing health issues. I am curious about how you survived those brutal chemo treatments. Did you have a great support group? I don't how I would survive without BCO. I feel less alone by being a member here. Hope to hear from you more. Thank you for bringing me hope.

  • Meme_warrior
    Meme_warrior Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2018

    Hi Beauz,

    I did have an amazing support group. My husband and two sons were my angels. They helped so much. Close friends and my parents also helped. The nausea was awful but zofran helped. Tiny small meals helped.

    There was 2 weeks I ate nothing but strawberries. It's all that tasted good. Chemo was rough. I usually came home and slept alot. It would wear me out fast. Somehow I survived it.

    Hope and faith were my best friends. Even in moments of screaming and crying, I had hope and faith. Keep that in your mind always.

    I hope you are doing well!

    Aimee 😊

  • Meme_warrior
    Meme_warrior Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2018

    Hi Wrenn!

    I hope you are doing well. Five years!!

    It seems fast yet slow at the same time.

    Here is to many more years for all!!!


  • Bosombuddy101
    Bosombuddy101 Member Posts: 54
    edited March 2018


    Wonderful advice, where would we be without hope and faith? It's what keeps each and every one of us going in times of despair and uncertainty. Congratulations on your five year mark and here's to many many more years living cancer free!