Hard, round, immovable lump under areola (1 cm)

cesw17 Posts: 3

Hi all - I am no longer waiting for some closure (had mamm & ultrasound this morning, biopsy in 2 weeks) but I relied on this site so much over the past week and I wanted to put my experience out there. Hopefully it helps someone in the future feel calmer and less anxious. You hear that "most lumps are benign" but of course you worry that would not apply to you. As a young mom this made me hug my family a little tighter.

I am 32, no family history of breast cancer. I found a very, round to oval, hard lump in my right breast under my nipple when I was breastfeeding last year (about 9 months ago). It is about the size of a blueberry, round/smooth feeling, and very hard. It does not move. it does not feel squishy, does not seem to move, feels rooted to my boob, and i can only feel 1/2 of it, like if you cut a marble or berry in half and glued it in my breast. It does not hurt. No discharge. My areolas do look different but that is probably just life. I assumed it was a milk duct that was clogged (in hindsight, I should have gotten it looked at ASAP). I forgot all about it until I found it in the shower last month. I'm not sure if it has grown or if my breasts are just smaller post-breast feeding so it feels bigger relative to my breast.

I went in to my PCP and she said "hm, doesn't move like a fibroadenoma and has a bit of a ridge, but it doesn't feel like most cancer." not exactly reassuring and I of course looked all over for details that sounded like mine. Finally had my mammogram and ultrasound today and am very relieved to hear that it is likely a cyst. This surprised me, because it is rock hard (to my touch at least). He showed me many other cysts I have in my breasts but that I cannot feel. Ultimately he said the ultrasound and mammograms are "not at all concerning, most likely benign, less than 2% chance of being malignant." the radiologist suggested wait and see but I asked for a biopsy which will either drain the cyst or take samples if the cyst won't drain. I feel like I can breathe again but am simultaneously heart broken for all the women who are not given the same news. You all are so strong and I am thinking of you and your families today.

to those waiting - good luck. Hard, immovable, 1cm or more, has an edge, does NOT mean it is cancer. I know the survivors on this board know this but it is so hard to remember when you are scared.


  • cesw17
    cesw17 Posts: 3
    edited March 2018

    well, since I posted this I got a copy of the radiologists report ... BIRADS 4. Sigh. Luckily I have more info so my anxiety levels are lower than shamelessly googling “cancer and breast lump.” Write up describes it as likely complex cyst (hyperechoic) or resolving galactocele with circumscribed oval shape (good sign) and posterior acoustic enhancement (also good?). I am hoping I can get in earlier for biopsy but am holding onto what he told me in person. I also learned I have dense breasts - should I request ultrasounds to complement mammograms in the future?

  • cesw17
    cesw17 Posts: 3
    edited March 2018

    hi all... I had my FNA yesterday. They couldn’t aspirate the whole cyst so they moved to core needle biopsy in case it was “a mass with a cystic component.” Relieved that the pathology cams back benign today (1 day later, the radiologist called) and they suggested I come back in 6 months for ultrasound follow up. Whew. What a ride. Waiting is so hard. Hope this helps someone else find hope while waiting!

  • fifthyear
    fifthyear Posts: 29
    edited March 2018

    Glad to hear your result is good news. Having ultrasound along with mammo is a must for dense breasts. I have ultra dense breasts, and mammo did not find my cancer. My hands did.