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Indent on left breast

Nervouskay Member Posts: 5
edited August 2022 in Not Diagnosed But Worried

Last night I noticed an indent on the top of my left breast in the mirror as I raised my arms to take off my shirt as I was getting in the shower. I examined further and noticed that it is indented and I can feel the tissue isn't as "thick" there and it is like there is tissue missing underneath. I made a dr appt as soon as I woke up and the dr did a breast exam. She said she doesn't think it's anything but that I have dense breasts. She made a referral for a mammogram. I called and since I'm 28 they only do ultrasounds so I have that tomorrow. I'm a nervous wreck and google isn't helping. I have children and I'm so afraid of leaving them due to cancer 😭😭 all sites says indentation is a sign of breast cancer. Has anyone dealt with this and not had it be cancer 😭 I’m so afraid of dying and leaving my children. All I have done is cry all day


  • FaithsMama
    FaithsMama Member Posts: 74

    Hi Nervouskay; Please try not to worry. I know this is a scary time. All the anticipation before diagnosis is probably the toughest time. You likely do just have dense breasts. But, if not. If it is something more serious, just know that BC treatment has come a LONG way! You are very young. If this IS cancer, you are catching it very early and prognosis to be rid of it by Christmas this year is VERY high!! Take some deep breaths, love those babies. Live in the moment and don't think ahead just yet. Breath and kiss your little ones and enjoy each joyess moment with them. 

  • Nervouskay
    Nervouskay Member Posts: 5

    also over the indent it looks slightly bluish- not sure why it is a different color

  • Nervouskay
    Nervouskay Member Posts: 5

    thank you faithsmama! I have suffer from anxiety already so this does not help ease it any

  • AKColleen
    AKColleen Member Posts: 7


    I know you are looking for those who had dimple and no problems. I had a dimple and it was lobular breast cancer. All I can say is you are doing a good thing getting it checked out. IF it were to be of concern it would be very early. So much improvements in treatments. My prayers go out to you for calmness while you await your results. Hugs. Colleen

  • Daring_Bravely
    Daring_Bravely Member Posts: 3


    I am going through the same thing right now.

    I had a lumpectomy in 2016 and everything was good 😊A few weeks ago I found a small, hard, pea sized lump in my right breast, in the area the lumpectomy was done. It is also indented/puckered. The lump wasn't found on mammogram but I saw the Dr at the breast health clinic and I am scheduled for an ultrasound next Wednesday.

    Waiting is the worst. Like you, I research and google everything, which I feel is a normal reaction.

    Good luck today, will be sending you positive thoughts!


  • southernbelle77
    southernbelle77 Member Posts: 2

    When I was 32 I had a lump that’s had caused a indent in my breast. I had an excisional biopsy & it was just a complex fibroadenoma that had attached to my breast tissue. So it doesn’t always mean cancer

  • Daring_Bravely
    Daring_Bravely Member Posts: 3

    Thank you Southerbelle77, you're exactly right

  • southernbelle77
    southernbelle77 Member Posts: 2

    You’re welcome Daring. I know how stressful it can be when you have a lump that causes any tell-tell BC signs. If it helps any, back then mine was hard & round. Felt like a B.B. deep in my tissue. It was deep, 1mm from my muscle.

    Now here we are 8 years later & I have another lump that is bi-rad 4 & I’m all like “I’m fine, I can move it!” The things we tell ourselves sometimes. I have an excisional biopsy for this one next Thursday.

  • Nervouskay
    Nervouskay Member Posts: 5

    I had a mammogram and ultrasound this morning and the radiologist said everything looked fine. I recently lost 20 lbs within the last 3 months and she said that’s what caused what I am seeing. She said she doesn’t see nor feel what I am seeing. She took her time and examined me and said everything looks normal. I’m just not sure how to feel because I still feel uneasy. I have faith that things will work out how they are supposed to but my anxiety won’t let me rest

  • Daring_Bravely
    Daring_Bravely Member Posts: 3


    That's great news!! It's also fantastic that the radiologist talked to you immediately. I have my US next Wednesday and will then wait for a call from the breast health clinic to let me know. I hope you're able to relax a little now. What do you continue to feel anxious about?

    Southernbelle77 - Sorry you're also having to go through this again. I had a lumpectomy for suspicious lump in 2016 but all was good. My lump feels close to the surface and it's between scar from breast reduction 20 yrs ago and the lumpectomy scar. The indent or pucker is in the exact spot the lump is located.

    Nothing I can do about any of it until the ultrasound. Until then, I will remain positive

  • Nervouskay
    Nervouskay Member Posts: 5

    darling bravely, I still feel anxious because I continue to see the indent and sometimes the US and mammogram doesn't detect anything even though something can be wrong from what I've read. I think I’m feeling better now and I have faith that things will work out. I have found other similar stories of weight loss and their breasts also indented at the top.. it just scares me bc my dad died of laryngeal cancer and it was really rough on me. I'm so sorry that you guys are going to through this. Cancer is a monster and I really wish that it didn’t exist. You are sure stronger than I am <3

  • rvreg
    rvreg Member Posts: 1

    if the ultrasound shows nothing, request an MRI. I have dense breasts and both a 3-D mammo and multiple ultrasounds did not show the cancer but I insisted on an MRI and it showed it first time.

  • essencedp
    essencedp Member Posts: 6

    I know you guys probably haven't checked this board in a while. But I'm 23 I turn 24 in 3 weeks and I've been dealing with the same thing since 2021 so I first spotted a indent underneath and kind of on the side of my left breast in may of 2021 I got an breast exam everything looked good. Then weeks late I noticed a dimple above my left breast nipple I went again and got an breast exam doctor couldnt feel a lump said tissue feels normal sent me on my way. Then i decided to examine both breast and to my surprise I found a large indented line on my right breast that when I lift my hands over my head it flattens the side of my breast but no lumps just sharp pains in random placates of both breast. Me being a hypochondriac I went back shown a gynmy breast and she sent me for an ultrasound. Wanted a mammogram but since I'm so young they insisted a ultrasound would be best so I went and got breast scanned came back all clear normal breast tissue fast word a yr later same dents same sharp pains so I went and got seen by a breast specialist he wasn't so concerned and said because my breast are sagging and very heavy that my coppers ligament are cause the definite indents all over my breast. I wanted more answers being the health hypochondriac I am and got another ultrasound and came back clear again. I'm still worried and don't know what to do.

  • tb90
    tb90 Member Posts: 287

    Essencedp: Hypochondriac is a mental health diagnosis. It defines extreme health anxiety and as you have already experienced, all the reassurance in the world does not help. So it will be difficult to gain anything by asking lay people here to help you when the professionals haven’t been able to. But you should seek help from mental health professionals as you have a mental health issue. Your situation is quite common in younger women and is absolutely nothing to hide or avoid seeking help for. You do NOT have to suffer like this. But you do need to seek help and support from a source that has the expertise to address this. It feels like a medical issue, but it is definitely a mental health issue. All the best and I hope you find peace soon

  • essencedp
    essencedp Member Posts: 6

    Thankyou for responding. I don’t mean to sound insensitive as I haven’t been diagnosed with cancer. But I have a great grandmother who had it and her daughter my aunt was just diagnosed with it. However ny Aunt received a genetic test and it was negative. To ensure it wasn’t genetic. But I have seen too many stories about lobular bc going undetected in ultrasounds and that it doesn’t cause lumps but dents are a sign and I have sharp non cyclic pain in my breast daily since 2021 and no explanation for the dents. My breast are very heavy and do sag however I’m worried that an ultrasound isn’t good enough.