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Chemo Starting August 2018



  • jimiwithani
    jimiwithani Member Posts: 10

    hi. Chemo class went well. Port was to follow on 8/1 but surgeon couldn’t do it. Either I have small veins or abnormal biology. I’m scheduled for interventional radiologist to do it on Friday. Had 1st round of chemo Thursday. Other than two IVs it was uneventful. Friday good day was injected with neulasta shot. Saturday (yesterday) I felt yucky. Super sore and achy. No appetite. Today about the same I hoping I’ll feel better.

    How many days of yucky after chemo?

    Thanks for reading.

  • Livlife
    Livlife Member Posts: 36

    Jimiwithani - had first chemo Wednesday. Friday and yesterday was bad. I slept most of the time day and night. Couldn't eat too and diarrhea. Today is better. No more nausea, no more headache but I have pain in my throat and stomach cramps right after eating. Also, I have slight bone pain in my legs due to the Zarxio shot (Friday and today) hopefully it doesn't get worse. I still have 3 doses left.

  • SunnyChilly
    SunnyChilly Member Posts: 4

    Hi all,

    Checking in. How's everyone doing? Hope things are well.

    After two relatively normal days after chemo, things get tougher as expected. Sunday night, massive heartburn, the bone next to stomach aches the whole night, kept me up most of the night. Monday morning, bone ache, headache, stomachache and exhausted. Numb feeling tip of tongue and finger nails. Nothing tastes the same, water tastes super bad. Still trying to drink as much as possible but getting so much harder :(

    Also try to eat as much as I can, no appetite at all! Stomach feels bad after eating.

    Washed my hair today as directed by penguin cap menu. Feel so much cleaner. At least something positive for the day :)

    Hung in there, tough days will be over. I am sure tomorrow will be better!!

  • Livlife
    Livlife Member Posts: 36

    Hello everyone, 6 days post 1st chemo. Nausea is gone and didn’t need to take nausea meds. Headache is gone too. I was able to go out briefly to celebrate a family bday. Bone pain is gone, Claritin with the Zarxio shot definitely helped. I can walk down the stairs with no pain.

    However, Day 4 and 6 I have developed extreme stomach cramps and diarrhea. Doctors office said it’s from taxotere and that It should go away. Told me to take Imodium, I think that worsen the cramp. I’m awake 2am right now cause of the stomach cramp. I will call to see a doctor later.

    SunnyChilly like you, I also have that weird numb feeling at the tip of my tongue, it started yesterday, though I gargle with Biotene frequently. I have no appetite too cause when I eat, my stomach hurts. Water is also hard to drink.

    I was able to do some work today and checked my email (I work from home). Hoping everything gets better for all us. xx
  • SunnyChilly
    SunnyChilly Member Posts: 4

    LivM: Glad to know lots of SEs are gone and you could work a little. Things will be better...

    I managed to do some work yesterday but today the steroids totally gone and I am in a pitiful state. Can barely get out of bed. I got stomach cramps too after eating but if I don't eat I feel severe heartburn. A bit of diarrhea too not too bad. My back start hurting last night, the same spot where I got my epidural many years ago. I also got the night sweating just like after giving birth. I am thinking this is the rebirth of my healthy self :)

    I know it's hard, but we can do this. Glad to have all of you with me!

  • moonrabbit59
    moonrabbit59 Member Posts: 21

    so just reporting in... I am on day 11 past chemo. My next round of AC is this Friday. I started that weird feeling on the top of my head. It feels like my hair is being brushed against the grain. Like when you keep your hair in a ponytail all day and then let it down. So I’m thinking the hair is working it’s way out. Oh well. It’s not like I really thought that I would be the one person who didn’t lose their hair.
  • sunnybear
    sunnybear Member Posts: 19

    Hi Moonrabbit - that is the exact feeling I have right now. I thought maybe my ponytail was too tight - but nope, hair loss has started. I will be 2 weeks out tomorrow so it makes sense. I am trying not to touch it but really feel like brushing the hell out of it to get past it. My next round is next Weds. I haven't had any really bad days - just day 3-5 where it felt like I had the flu. We can do this! Now to rock the wigs/hats!

    Take care all!

  • moonrabbit59
    moonrabbit59 Member Posts: 21

    SunnyBear: are you already losing some hair? I bought some caps and hats and scarves and stuff online but I also like to sew, so I’m trying to make some more skull caps in leftover fabric I have in different colors to use as bases for scarves. Not getting. Too much done though because I’m also trying to pack for vacation and clean and entertain my 3 year old. Good times.
  • Hughope1
    Hughope1 Member Posts: 116

    Hello Everyone, Hughope1 here!

    It has been rough, Friday after chemo I was good to go. Saturday vary emotional and not myself at all, plus the Big D. started. Got that under control with imodium. Sunday morning woke up running to the toilet at 5:00 am sick to my stomach. Monday no way was I able to get up and work, stayed in bed most of the day. Water, food, everything taste bad. Today I did drag myself to the basement and went to work for about 4 hours. That was all I had. I don't know if the Zarxio shots are playing a part in this or not? One more of those left tomorrow. I just want some type of normal to come back. I have aches in places that I have never had aches. Take care my girl friends, I can only hope it gets better for us all soon. xoxoxox

  • moonrabbit59
    moonrabbit59 Member Posts: 21
    Hi hughhope1! I wish you to feel better soon. I know that it took me about 5-6 days after my chemo to lose the foggy feeling and then 7 days to lose the headache, but I think I might be on a different cocktail than you. I can only wish you the best and know that you can do this!
  • sunnybear
    sunnybear Member Posts: 19

    Hughhope1 - I hope you are feeling better today. Have you contacted your MO? Maybe there are different anti-nausea meds to take? I assume you are taking Claritin for the bone aches but if not, maybe that will help. Sorry you had a rough couple days. It will get better.

    Moonrabbit - Yes, losing lots of hair. I am afraid to touch it as it just comes out in clumps. I am shedding more than my dog right now!SmileI am trying to hold off doing anything to it but know it is only a matter of time. Luckily I have thick hair so maybe I can get a few more days. Hope you have a great vacation! Can't imagine going through this and entertaining a 3 year old. Best of luck - at least it takes your mind off things. From what I remember 3 year olds can be very entertaining themselves.


  • Livlife
    Livlife Member Posts: 36

    Hughope1 I hope you’re feeling better today. I still have the stomach cramps and diarrhea, I take imodium too but the cramping is always there. I didn’t sleep much last night cause of that. And I take Zarxio too, had my 3/5 shot yesterday but took Claritin an hour before and so far no bone pain. I’m going to attempt to walk 3 miles today, I have not exercised for 2 months now.
  • moonrabbit59
    moonrabbit59 Member Posts: 21

    Day 13 past first chemo: I took a shower and tried to wash my hair, and experienced extreme discomfort at the top of my head. Could barely get the shampoo in and rinsed out. Started to comb my short hair with my fingers and the “sideburn” area started coming out in small amounts. My headache is back since yesterday, and it’s probably related to the scalp pain. Probably going to shave tonight because it just hurts too much to wash my hair

  • sunnybear
    sunnybear Member Posts: 19

    Moonrabbit - I am right there with you. Don't have the head pain but so much hair has come out I am starting to have bald spots. I chopped off a few inches and have been wearing it back but am sick of the shedding. I barely touch it but have to wash it after working out. I was originally thinking I would let it all just fall out but how often do you get to shave your head? Looking at it as an opportunity to do something bold and take charge! I will let you know if I take the plunge. Good luck if you do.

  • moonrabbit59
    moonrabbit59 Member Posts: 21

    SunnyBear! I did it! So on the two hour plus car ride home from my second round of AC, I just started pulling out my hair. So, I shaved it. It feels weird but I feel happy that it’s over. I feel empowered and strong, like Demi Moore in GIJane. So, I’m now ok. It feels good to not have the hair pain anymore

  • jimiwithani
    jimiwithani Member Posts: 10

    Just sharing. I now have thrush and my poor butt has a rash from all the wiping. I'm using magic mouthwash but call MO tomorrow to get something for both. Plus I've got sores in my nose that bleed and a stuffy/running nose. I can honestly said I have something going on in every nook and cranny. Calling out to the"relief Fairy" I'm ready for a visit.

    Ps. When googleing “thrush" don’t accidentally type “thrust

  • moonrabbit59
    moonrabbit59 Member Posts: 21

    oh Jimiwithani! So sorry. Glad that you called in to your MO. I hope that you find relief soon

  • Bostoniangal25
    Bostoniangal25 Member Posts: 177

    Micyn, hope you way much more better now, so sorry to hear your bidD day😥

    Moonrabbit, I had mine first chemo on Wednesday the 8-th.

    I had an itch on my port site - it’s was healing I guess. Did go smoothly. I’m taking meds around the clock. But please don’t repeat my mistake - 2 days ago I took Benadryl to sleep- oh boy, next day I felt nasty and foggy like a draggy guy!

    I did a neuladta shot because they ordered it first but next time will have a patch.

    Moonrabbit if you have a rash maybe ask a nurse how to effectively get rid of symptoms. Good luck everyone

  • MoonGirlJess
    MoonGirlJess Member Posts: 211

    My hair has started to fall out. I also had that ‘too tight ponytail’ feeling a few days ago.

    I forgot I had mouth sores and ate a tortilla chip last night. One bite and spit it out. Ouch and Duh

    Chemo Monday. This time with a Sancusco patch for nausea. Anybody tried it?

  • jimiwithani
    jimiwithani Member Posts: 10

    hi. If interested I’d love to know a bit more about you. Since I’ll be spending at the very least the next year of my life with you. Ill go first.

    I’m was,and will look forward to being an energetic 52 year old again. I live on a farm in Seven Springs, NC. I’ve worked at a non-profit in Kinston, NC for almost 22 years. about 25 minutes from home. My surgeon, dr. Habal and MO, dr white are located in Greenville, NC about an hour and 20 minutes from home. I am married to a sweetie have a grown married son with a grandson. A grown daughter currently separated with a grandson and granddaughter. I am owned by two felines. Avery and Ashby. I love to spend time with family, read, entertain and own a micro business where I design paper related gifts.

    My father named Jimmy had three daughters, hence Jimi.

    Your turn if willing.

  • MoonGirlJess
    MoonGirlJess Member Posts: 211


    I did an intro on the July thread but my chemo start date was 7/30 so I think I’m more aligned with this group.

    I just turned 42. I am a RN but done now because I was so sick of the call and weekends. I have a great husband and 11 yr old daughter. I am also owned by 2 Great Danes, 2 cats, and 9 chickens. I work with a Great Dane rescue group walking dogs.

    My plastic surgeon found my cancer while removing my breast implants on 6/4. She’s a friend of mine and thankfully biopsied my mass. I knew from the look on her face I was in trouble. My mammograms were negative and my ob gyn said that the rubbery area next to my aerola was ‘just you.’ Still makes me want to scream.

    During my mastectomy it was found that my tumors (2.4 and 1) went to my chest wall so I did not have clean margins. My fantastic surgeon said he removed all the underlying muscle and fascia and ‘got it all.’ 3 of 9 nodes had bulging tumor.

    My second AC is on Monday. Chemo was horrible. I did not do well. They changed my antiemetics so fingers crossed.

    It’s been 2 months plus since I have really worked out but I used to enjoy running and doing yoga. And of course, walking dogs. My arms were actually starting to look good from all my yoga. Now I have bingo wings. I love my garden and being outside.

    My hair started to fall out this morning. My daughter says I’m getting a bald spot. I am envisioning myself as Bill Murray from the bowling movie Kingpin with a comb over.


  • jimiwithani
    jimiwithani Member Posts: 10

    hi jess. My first chemo was August 2. I've convinced myself lol be exceptional and my hair won't fall out. It not the hair falling out that bothers me but the additional amount of stress it brings to my OCD personality. Wig today, wrap today, bald today plus the anticipated look from folks assuming they know my health status.

    Do you go with a wig or wrap? What was that experience like. Thanks for sharing I feel like I know you a bit better already. Jim

  • Hughope1
    Hughope1 Member Posts: 116

    Hughope1 here, been out of the loop girls. Last Thur. had a good day. Able to work 6 hours straight and then back again in a couple hours to put in a whole day from home. Thought I had turned the corner. Then Friday in the wee hours wound up with both ends going. Doctor had family bring me back in to hospital for fluids and potassium that evening. Have lost 11 pounds in a little over a week. Can't seem to eat much. Talked to Cancer center of Atlanta trying to get another opinion yesterday. Just don't feel like I can get through these next 5 rounds of tchp. I cannot seem to get out of my head. Seems like most of you have already had surgery. I am worried about being strong enough for surgery by the time I get through chemo. Any advise I will take. xoxo

  • MoonGirlJess
    MoonGirlJess Member Posts: 211


    How you holding up? I am so sorry you are having a rough go of it. You sound miserable. You aren't alone, my first chemo made me wonder if I should go ever back. They switched around my antiemetics so hopefully tomorrow will be better. Keep me posted


  • sunnybear
    sunnybear Member Posts: 19

    Moonrabbit - I did it too. I had so many bald patches I shaved it. Definitely weird but I too want to picture GI Jane. I have to wear my wig around the family but when I was alone I went in the pool bald and it felt amazing! I wore my wig out to dinner with friends Fri night and they didn't notice until I told them. I am getting used to the wig but much more comfortable without it. I think I need another wig though. The wig I have is synthetic. Would love to try a real hair wig.

    Jimwithani - Hope the thrush is better. Is your next treatment this week?

    Jess - Welcome. Good luck today with your 2nd round. Hopefully the med changes help! I hear you about the working out. I am still doing it but my stamina is not the same.

    Hughope1 - Sorry you are having a rough time. Maybe you can adjust your meds? Hope it gets better soon.

    Take care all.

  • Hughope1
    Hughope1 Member Posts: 116

    Hello SunnyBear & Moongirljess, Thank you both for trying to keep me positive. I just turned 60, I think you are both younger than me? I was considering not going on with treatment, just been so sick and lost so much weight. Trying to figure out why most of you have already had surgery, and I am having chemo first. I worry that by the time I get through chemo I will not be strong enough for the surgery. I also with Kaiser the one stop shop. Not real sure how much confidence I have in my team. They have rushed me into treatment so fast I did not get a chance to process anything. I keep reading how you guys are able to go out and eat, I cannot eat much of anything. Such a bad metal taste in my mouth. Any suggestions.

  • sunnybear
    sunnybear Member Posts: 19

    Hughope1 - Usually when you have chemo before surgery it is to shrink the tumor prior to surgery. In my case, my tumor was very small (5 mm) and was removed with the assumption that chemo would not be needed but my oncotype was 21 so I am having chemo. I am 48 so a little younger. What type chemo are you on? Is it possible they can adjust the dose or type of chemo? You shouldn't be having such a hard time. You need to discuss with your MO so you can adjust meds or something. As for being strong enough for surgery, they will likely give you some time to recover from chemo so you will be strong enough for surgery. What type surgery are you having? If it is a lumpectomy, that wasn't too bad. Good luck and take care.

  • moonrabbit59
    moonrabbit59 Member Posts: 21

    Oh hughope1: I wish I could give you a hug. I think the main thing is that everyone has a different case so everyone’s treatment will be different. I had my surgery first because the DCIS component was so extensive that it just needed to come out. my understanding is that some people undergo chemo first because the drs want to shrink any tumors. Hang in there and just be super communicative with your team. I am in my second week of AC and even with relatively not too bad side effects, i dreaded handing over my veins for another round. But I’m doing it, just as you will, because we have people who need us, who rely on our advice, and who look to us to lead the way. I am 43, with two teens and a preschooler. I also take care of my mom. So we soldier on. Because that’s what we do.

    I lost my hair but prefer wraps and scarves than my wig. I am trying to be young and hip with them, but alas. No. I have a constant headache and sinus issues for some reason. I understand that it’s not as bad as others. So I don’t complain. At least not yet this hour. Maybe later. I also have this dry metallic taste in my mouth and sometimes my throat feels swollen and it’s hard to swallow. But this has forced me to slow down. So I play with my preschooler and laugh with my teens. My husband tells me I’m beautiful. You can do this and make it through this. I know it

  • MoonGirlJess
    MoonGirlJess Member Posts: 211

    Hughope1- I had my mastectomy before chemo because my surgeon told me it could take 7-8 months for my tumors to shrink. My largest was 2.4 cm. I just tuned 42 in July

    Moonrabbit-I'm off to chemo in an hour. I will let you know if they have fixed my meds and how it went. On the treadmill now. I can't believe I used to workout daily. My body is so different now it's like I'm looking at a stranger

    The shedding of my hair is on. I see clippers in my future. I have beanies and scarves. No wigs for me. I have wig phobia from too many itchy hot wigs from my Buring Man days. However, my hilarious husband wants me to go get a long platinum blonde wig. Like Donatella Versace. He's a sicko. :)

  • teriabbott
    teriabbott Member Posts: 3

    Hello! The same was true for me, I started chemo last year in October but had already planned a trip at christmas. I let my oncologist know and they were able to schedule my treatments around it, and although I wasn't feeling 100%, I was glad I didn't miss out on the memories!! Chemo gets harder the more you have, I traveled right after my thrid round but I don't know that I could have traveled after the 6th, so that is something to keep in mind as well. Good luck!!