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Chemo Starting August 2018



  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    Hi PrettyPeacocks, and welcome to! Sorry you have to be here, but glad you've found us!
    If you want to learn more on Neuropathy: Causes and Treatments you may want to listen to this podcast (just click on the link) to hear Dr. Michael Stubblefield explain what neuropathy is, how it happens, and the treatments that can cause it, risk factors for neuropathy, etc.

    We hope this helps. Please continue to let us know hoe you're doing!

    The Mods
  • Sunshine89
    Sunshine89 Member Posts: 56

    Hi everyone, I am new in this group. Today i had my first AC for recurrence after 4 years. Already had my surgery 4 weeks before. it was a 6 hour session with pre and post hydrating sessions. Overall i am feeling okay. But just a little nausea i am putting graps in my mouth every 2 3 min to feel better...also had my medicine. I hope to get back to normal soon :

  • MoonGirlJess
    MoonGirlJess Member Posts: 211

    I see some new names. Welcome! This place is wonderful

    Had AC #2 Monday. It was better this time. Really fatigued. Nausea was mild to moderate but so much improved. I only dry heaved once when I tried to drink my electrolyte water and it just did not agree with me.

    Liv-hows your hair? Did you shave it? Mine is a mess. I have to shave today.

    So for my insane nausea I have the Sancusco patch (which I am supposed to wear for 7 days). I also started olanzipine at night (trade name is zyprexa). Zyprexa is an antipsychotic. I thought there was a mistake. (Or I was about to be committed.) The pharmacist was also confused when the Rx stated it was for 'nausea.' Totally off-label use but it works. I didn't need to go in Wednesday for fluids. I also was able to eat a bit through the week.

    Hugs-so sorry youre having a terrible go of it

    My mouth sores went away. I'm sure they will return. I got Magic Mouthwash from a compounding pharmacy. It's at the ready in the fridge.

    Happy Friday!

  • Lolo62
    Lolo62 Member Posts: 2

    I will be starting in the next 2 weeks! I am getting all my Bloodwork, echocardiogram and Port next week.

  • Lolo62
    Lolo62 Member Posts: 2

    We have the same Er/PR- HER2+

    I will get my plan monday. Port next Friday.

  • Livlife
    Livlife Member Posts: 36

    MoongirlJess - I have been thinking of you and I’m glad you did well. My hair started falling since Wednesday and I have been shedding like crazy, I haven’t shaved it but the plan is to do it this weekend. My little girls, they want to play with it and cut it before I shave it. Like style it like their Barbies lol. I’m so glad they aren’t so worried about my hair, gives me a relief. I explained to them that when mommy’s hair starts to fall, that means medicine is working and it will grow back in 3 months.

    Welcome to the new ladies and sorry you have to join us but this is such a great community- you’re not alone. Doing my next TCH (2/6)on Tuesday.
  • Bostoniangal25
    Bostoniangal25 Member Posts: 177

    welcome new girls! I have a question to Sunshine89! ❤️As I understood you had mastectomy onlybon one breast and stage 1 . Then 4 years later other healthy breast staged 3 and you had mastectomy and chemo again ? Why they didn't notice before stage 3? Did you get yearly mammogram and mri or ultrasounds ? It's so scary because I did left breast mastectomy and right one didn't have any tumor so I was told against double mastectomy. Because I don't have family history and no brca. How they explain you the recurrence? And I m very sorry for that and scared for myself...

  • MiCyn
    MiCyn Member Posts: 29

    Moongirl ..So happy to hear things are going well, nausea hasn't been an issue, and your able to eat. Good news there..

    Sunshine... Sorry you have to be here. Welcome.. Great group of ladies here. They have helped me tremendously. When things get tough, this is my go to place for support. Glad to hear you are doing OK.

    Livlife.. I will also get #2 on Tues. My hair started coming out like crazy. Haven't shaved it yet, not even sure I will.. Lol. I told my DH to just call me Linus(from Charlie Brown). I swear I resemble him.

    Happy Weekend ! 🤗Cyn

  • jimiwithani
    jimiwithani Member Posts: 10

    hi oldies and newbies. It was a busy week as I worked as much as I could. I have an executive position at a non profit and worked until 3 or 4pm each day. It seems around 3pm my energy leaves. For those of you still working how are you managing? My boss has been very supportive so far, what about you

    . Next week they are going to try port placement again.hoping it works this time and chemo round 2. Like many of you I have a list to review wit MO. I'm going to ask for extra IV fluids and hope I don't get dehydrated again. I hope to manage SEs better especially not getting thrush again, nose bleeds and cracked feet and fingers. Errgh!

    Hair started falling out on Wednesday. My OCD kicked in so I bought some hair nets to wear to work. I couldn't cut/shave as I have a wig appointment tomorrow and they said it was better if you still have your hair. Children and grandchildren are coming Sunday afternoon to shave. MO said to let grandkids (7 and 3) help so it wouldn't be scary to me just appear bald. I'm dreading but will put on a good front for them.

    I'm so sorry we are all going through this but remain grateful for the connection.

  • Sunshine89
    Sunshine89 Member Posts: 56

    Dear Bostoniangal25!

    In 2014 my age was only 25 and tumor (left breast) was so small so they only did lumpectomy and ALND with chemotherapy and radiation i didnt have any node involved. I use to do all follow up test every six months. My last follow up test was on february 2018 all clear. Then on June 2018 i felt some mild skin rash and nipple peoblem. I went through CT scan Bone scan ultrasound memogrm all came back fine. I decided with my surgeon to do biopsy of both skin rash and nipple both came back positive (same left breast). Ouch that was a shock. My doctor asked me to do MRI and PET/CT. everything came back okay but one lymph node lit up on my good side. With no evidence of cancer on right breast. Now they have done mastectomy of my left breast with diep flap reconstruction with skin graft for my rash. and ALND on right side where 2/9 lymph nodes are positive. And reason is my due to previous ALNd in 2014 drainge of my left breast is towards right axilla :( Doctor said your right side is okay no need of operation there. but we have decided to do radiation on right breast and lymph nodes. And same no family history at all

  • MiCyn
    MiCyn Member Posts: 29

    Jimi...I'm always amazed to hear how others are working through all of this. It's great you have a supportive boss.I have cut way back, and work a part time job as is. I also work for understanding people.

    Good luck with port..I remember problems you have had with that. I don't have a port. I did receive IV fluIds last round, and it helped tremendously. I am trying to prepare myself better this round as well. I'm actually anxious to get round 2 over, so I can say I'm halfway done. It's a mental thing. After round one I was feeling so defeated, didn't think I could make it through. Now I'm feeling like Rocky..Lol

    Aww..So nice to include grandkids in the hair process. I can understand the dread. I have a feeling, once it's all said & done, you will have such a sense of relief.

    Enjoy the family tomorrow! 🤗Cyn

  • MiCyn
    MiCyn Member Posts: 29


    I'm shocked at your young age, and sad you are here. You are my daughters age. I'm glad your Dr's are being thorough with tests, and staying on top of things. Hang in there... Hugs, Cyn

  • Hughope1
    Hughope1 Member Posts: 116


    How you doing girl, you have been on my mind hoping that the going back for hydration will make a big difference this time?


    My MO is also adding steroids for two extra days this nest round, let me know how that works we are also adding olanzipine and I will not wait eight days this time for fluids. Don't want to go back to ER for fluids. But since then days nine through seventeen have been really pretty normal. Back to working 9-10 hours a day, and eating a little better. Put back on a couple of the 12 pounds I lost.


    I would love for us to be able to help each other through this. I had wrote you a long list of things I had gone through since my first round on the 3rd, but went to another screen to look up something and lost it. I will start again, LoL. The 3rd was good, yapping on the phone when I got home that day, still able to eat, walked a couple miles, then 4th and 5th I was loosing my appetite and my bowels were going, got the under control w/omodium. Had high hopes of returning to work by the 6th Mon. that did not happen, I am on Zofran for the vomiting but was only taking as needed. Will not make that mistake again, I just quit taking it on the 16th. Per my MO. I was scared to stop it, did want it to start back up. From the Monday following infusion I was pretty much down every day and not eating or drinking, made it till the following Friday and you can see what happened above. Do not make the same mistakes I have made, don't wait, pick up the phone and call your MO to get back in for fluids. That is our new game plan for next round plus we added the two more days of steroids, and the olanzipine. Are you going to be taking the Zarxio shots as well? They could of played a roll in making me sick the first five days after chemo. That is what they are using to build back up my white blood cells.

    The best to all of you, you are all in my heart and in my prayers. Be strong girls!

  • Cindymb
    Cindymb Member Posts: 101

    Hello sisters,

    I will be getting my first infusion of Taxotere/Cytoxan in about a week. Each of 4 total will be three weeks apart. Would anyone share there side effects and on what days after I might expect them? Will i be tired most days? Just trying to get an idea if Ill be able to plan my weeks at all.

    Thanks! Cindy 🤗

  • MoonGirlJess
    MoonGirlJess Member Posts: 211

    Well, I buzzed it yesterday. I was overdue. The shedding was awful. However, my daughter and next door neighbor say I have a nice shaped head. So I will take it. My husband says it makes my blue eyes stand out. Again, I will take it. Haven’t worn anything except a ball cap and it was loose on my head. My hair took up a lot of space I’m thinking.

    Thanks beauties for the amazing support. We’re all on this crazy ride together.

    Hugs—the olanzapine helped. I only took it for 2 days post-chemo. I will also stick with the patch. Crazy bad fatigue but not too ill. I was able to eat and drink adequately this time.

    I am in awe of you all who are getting into work.

    MiCyn—same here I was elated being 50% done with my AC. Small victories

    Liv—did you buzz it yet? Next chemo Tuesday?

    Jimi— you’re in my thoughts. They will get that port in. Sending positive vibes.


  • Bostoniangal25
    Bostoniangal25 Member Posts: 177

    sunshine 89- such a shocker , I miss really sorry you going through ghis😢what can I say- it’s like a virus or something bin he air!

    I think that lumpectomy spreads it! That what I think... but you did everything to stop recurrence. I m puzzled beyond and above. I have a micromet in my bad breast - removed already. So you don’t have any tumor just - lymph node on a good side! I have 3 daughter 14,13 and 5. They better find a cure !!!!😡

    Hopefully it will be the last treatment !!!🙏🙏🙏May God protect you and give you strength!!!

  • Bostoniangal25
    Bostoniangal25 Member Posts: 177

    Cindymb, I had my first TC a week ago. I had crazy feeling of not myself, like slow and soullness😬I couldn’t watch tv or concentrate on something . It was S E of steroids withdrawal as I was told - but only on 3 and 4 days. After that I had some mild g I problems took Imodium

  • MiCyn
    MiCyn Member Posts: 29


    If you look back through the all the posts in this topic, others experiences can be very similar, or completely different. There are some that continue to work, and handle it OK. I could not have done that. My MO is increasing the steroids this next round, due to all the SEs I had. I ran fever / diarrhea for 7 days, chemo rash all over.No appetite. It took every ounce of energy I had to force myself to take a few bites of something. I see you will be on same treatment I'm doing. Like my MO said, some experience just about every SE there is, others breeze right through it with only minor issues. Just prepare yourself the best you can. I feel a little more confident going into round 2. I'm ready for it.. Hugs, Cyn

  • MiCyn
    MiCyn Member Posts: 29


    I just had to laugh when I went back & reread your post about your age ! 😅 I then went to your profile, and see you were born in 2004! LOL. Maybe someone here can explain how to fix it. Me, well I'm not so computer savy.All kidding aside, we are the same age. I was also born in 1958. 😲 Hugs, Cyn

  • Hughope1
    Hughope1 Member Posts: 116

    MiCyn How are you feeling today? My hair was about to my waist, had long hair all my life. Tue night I cut it all the length of my bangs which was above my shoulders. "thought that would help me get ready for the next phase." But I don't think anything could of gotten me ready for the next phase. My hair has been coming out in hand fulls all day. Already have some bald spots. Gonna have to try and figure out what I am going to do tomorrow. Today I just want to cry. xoxoxo

  • Sunshine89
    Sunshine89 Member Posts: 56

    MicyN, Yh i was a big shock for me too. I just pray and hope it go away this time and chemo kill each and every smal microscopic cancer cell from all of us. and it never come back.


    I actually have local recurrence 1.3 cm tumour (bad side) with micromet on 2 lymph nodes on good side. It went to good side because of drainage distortion on bad side. this is what my doctor told. Anyways they have removed all existing cancer with surgery now doing AC+ T to kill anyother cancer cell in the body.. we are dealing it aggressively this time too. I really hope it never come back ever and ever again. Still hopefull :) And i wish same for all of you.

  • kwilli
    kwilli Member Posts: 94

    Good morning! I’ve been reading everyone’s posts and just want to say how much the sharing and kindness means to me. I’m on day 5 of my first AC treatment and have been feeling like I have the flu. It’s going better than I thought, truly. The worst thing I am experiencing is overwhelming guilt. As a family, we love to camp and go on road trips. My diagnosis/treatment have stopped our regular activities; it bothers me. I’m 42, my kids are 12 and 8. From forests/beaches to hospitals, boo. It was all so fast. The kids and my husband are amazing and supportive; it’s just got to be a huge letdown for them.

    I am sure it’s going to take some time to adjust to our new “normal”.

    I had a port put in at the beginning of August; it had to be revised last week as it wasn’t working properly. I have a PICC line that was put in and used for the first treatment. I’m hoping to have it removed on Monday. Maybe the 2nd treatment will be easier without having bruising/stitches/extra IV holes, etc!

    Thank you again for sharing your experiences and your positivity. I’m drawing on your strength and humour!


  • segamay
    segamay Member Posts: 1

    Hello all. I hope my diagnosis etc shows up below. I’m a single mother of 3. 15 yo boy, 13 & 7 yo girls.  I start A/C tomorrow. I’m kinda anxious. I’ve met a few women in my community (rural Ontario) that have gone through this so I feel somewhat prepared. Somewhat. Good luck everyone! 

  • Hughope1
    Hughope1 Member Posts: 116

    MoonGirlJess, Glad the second round went better for you.I hope adding the olanzipine helps me as well. Mine is on Friday. Don't know if I will have my head shaved by then or not. Head is vary sore from all the fall out this past two days. Tried on a couple wigs, bought one but do not like it, hurts my head. Maybe later on, for now I think I will just start putting on hat or cap. It seems like this fight is tough enough, hate that we have to go thru this bulls_ _ _ too. Damn it cancer1

  • MiCyn
    MiCyn Member Posts: 29

    Hughope...I also had really long hair.. basically my entire life. I don't think I will ever get used to this new look. I went to lunch today with sisters & Aunt. I wore "hair" for the 1st time. Seemed so strange to me. I couldn't wait to get home, take it off & just put a cap back on. It was giving me a headache. I find scarfs/ beanies way more comfortable.I've always been more of a dress for comfort kinda gal anyway. I've had a few good crys. Then I have to remind myself why I'm doing this, and that it is temporary. I'm trying really really hard to look more into the future. My chemo then rads should be done by middle of Dec. That's where I look to.

    Wishing everyone a good week ahead. Stay strong...Hugs, Cyn

  • Livlife
    Livlife Member Posts: 36

    MoongirlJess - Friday night I asked my husband to shave my head. And oh boy what they say is really, It made me sad, I was holding my tears seing myself in the mirror. I have long hair most of my life, if you see my avatar, that's how much hair used to have. I have so many bald patches so I decided before my 2nd chemo on Tuesday, it would be better to shave it.

    hughope1- the lady from our local wig store recommended this brand to me (Jon Renau- Mila and Jennifer) and they are very comfy. If ever you're interested.

    Anybody here encountered like a pulsating sound on your ear that goes on and off? Tinnitus?It started 2 days ago and I researched that it's one of the side effect from Carboplatin.

  • Bostoniangal25
    Bostoniangal25 Member Posts: 177

    Kwilli, segamay- oh, well you welcome to join us, sadly!!! We don’t see your dx info - would you be able to adjust your profile - do we can see your treatment plan , I hope we all go through together!!!❤️❤️❤️

    Sundhine89- will pray for you to beat that crap!!!! Hang on!!!!! Never give up- ypu strong!!!❤️❤️❤️

    Livlife- you eill grow back then !!!! Just don’t think about it- just imagine- cancer is getting destroyed!!!!❤️❤️

  • Bostoniangal25
    Bostoniangal25 Member Posts: 177

    luvlive- we have the same chemo- nope , no pain there, but I encountered pulsating pain in my n tail bone one day only!!! Hope it eill go away for you!

  • Hughope1
    Hughope1 Member Posts: 116

    Livlife, Please send me the link to the website. I think my husband and daughter are going to help me shave my hair tonight. So much has falling out over the weekend my head hurts.

  • Kelly-Anne
    Kelly-Anne Member Posts: 62

    It is time to cut the hair. I haven’t even had a trim since I found that nasty sore spot on my breast. Gave up on the styling when surgery made combing difficult. I’m going with a two step strategy: 1) cut short tomorrow 2) not cry when it falls out next week. That’s the plan. Now where exactly do I get the gumption?