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Chemo Starting August 2018



  • DClive79
    DClive79 Member Posts: 5

    Hi Sunshine89

    We are outside of our country as well. We've kept everything from almost everybody and it is excruciating.

    I hope it becomes easier for you to cope over time and hope you can speak to someone who can help you talk it through. Maybe your treatment team hasn’t some links to local support groups or counselors.

    We’re all here to support you so please keep sharing

  • DClive79
    DClive79 Member Posts: 5

    Thanks for the kind words Bostoniangal25. It can be overwhelming for me so I can only imagine how it is for her and anyone going through this. Have a great night and weekend

  • Sunshine89
    Sunshine89 Member Posts: 56

    I am in Korea right now. I came here for studies with my husband...we got married 6 months before...We are from india...i dont know korean language my doctor also cant speak very good english...we use translators for our meetings...before chemo i was managing everything well...but chemo really knock me out...i went to doctor today she prescribed me some medicine for anxiety...also there is no social life for foreigners in korea...these people just speak and understand korean...i dont even have any friend here...My husband was very cooperative still he is but now he looks so tired and i feel more depressed when i see him down...there is nobody to tell me that everything will be okay will be fine...on next chemo 7 sep i will meet my surgeon, oncologist and radiologist to discuss husband said he is so tired of all this...and there is no possibility of anyone to visit us... I told one of my sister yesterday she was so cooperative she said mental health is very important...and here in korea my mental health is miserable.

  • benji69
    benji69 Member Posts: 88

    44 is just my favorite number. I am 69. First chemo Aug 16 using new port. Neulesta onpro next day. I felt kind of weird and tired but mostly from the unknown I think. I took Claritin 1 day before and 6 days after. No nausea, a little headache. I was fine. I felt smug. I mowed my lawn and weeded and everything like normal. Yesterday I went for a simple weekly blood test. When they got the results someone ran over to me with a mask. WBC dropped below 1. Put on Cipro and advised to hibernate. Scary

  • Bostoniangal25
    Bostoniangal25 Member Posts: 177

    Sunshine89, initially i thought you are here - in the US, very tough call for you- in a third country going through treatment , I hope you will make right decision -just talk to your parents please , but on a brighter side - you have all us!!! Keep going!!!! We are here for you !!!

  • Bostoniangal25
    Bostoniangal25 Member Posts: 177

    Dclive79, any cancer dx is tough on a family , husbands too going through stress , but please keep supporting your wife - good luck with your wife ‘s treatment , hope less side effects for her!!! Nice weekend !!!

  • Kelly-Anne
    Kelly-Anne Member Posts: 62

    Hi everyone. Got something new today to go with the itchy head. GAS. I don't mean a tidy little burp, I could win a frat house belching party. It's awful. I've belched until I hurt from it. Anyone else having the same issue? I'd love any suggestions to stop it.

    Sunshine I’m sorry you are so alone through this. We’re all here with you. I hope you are doing well today and look forward to hearing from you here again soon.

  • MoonGirlJess
    MoonGirlJess Member Posts: 211

    Sunshine—I am so sorry you are feeling alone and depressed. I couldn’t imagine not speaking the same language as my physician. Cancer is complex enough. My heart goes out to you.

    Benji—WBC 1? Scary indeed

    DClive—welcome! Everyone here is fantastic and so helpful

    Liv—how you doing? Are you wearing a wig or sticking with scarves/hats? My daughter only likes my bald head, no hats. I’m exhausted from all this already. I’ve been crying a lot and just feel crappy. Mostly mentally drained.

    This too shall pass

  • Kelly-Anne
    Kelly-Anne Member Posts: 62

    MoonGirlJess hugs from here. I’m sorry for the crappy feeling day. Sometimes it feels like the time stretch’s on. Hope the night is restful and the morning is better

  • MoonGirlJess
    MoonGirlJess Member Posts: 211

    Thanks, Kelly-Anne. Yes, the stretch is on. Tomorrow will be better. I need to just go dig out some benzodiazepines and chill out.

  • wanderweg
    wanderweg Member Posts: 487

    Hi, I'm brand new here and starting chemo at the very end of August. I am having a port placed on the 29th and then start my first of four rounds of TC on the 31st. I'll admit, I'm scared! Any here working through chemo? How long should I expect to need off work after each round?

  • Bostoniangal25
    Bostoniangal25 Member Posts: 177

    wanderweg- hope you will stay courageous, we need that to get through. I did my first round of TC- uneventful but for 2 days I felt druggy slow and spaced out- yeah , at some point I felt I will pass out but Ativan calmed me down. I suggest you ll take Ativan to sleep- ask your doc about that -0.5 mg ,

    Take your anti nausea on time for 3-4 days after chemo

    Are you doing cold caps yo save hair ?

    Read some chemo tips - what to buy before

    And good luck., my second round- 29 of August

    Moon girl- hang on!!! We are here!!!

  • Appyfan
    Appyfan Member Posts: 55

    Hi wanderweg, welcome! I am on the same protocol as you. I had my first infusion on 8/9. Keep in mind the everyone reacts differently. I took a week off, then went back to work. I had a lot of small, weird SEs, plus felt like I had the flu on days 3, 4, 5. Fatigue was the worst for me, and I’ve been warned that will get a little worse each time. I’m lucky in that we have paid sick time, and I have a lot built up over the years, plus an understanding boss.

    The anticipation of what will happen is the pits! Don’t be scared-you’ll get through this! I drank a lot of water the day before, day of and the week after chemo. I walked at least a little every day except day 5, when I was very fatigued and had chills. I ate small, frequent, bland meals. I had no appetite, and some things tasted a little weird, but made myself eat. That helped avert nausea. If I felt a little queasy, I ate some crackers, and it went away. Rinsed with baking soda & salt after I ate.

    If you have any questions, let me know

  • Bostoniangal25
    Bostoniangal25 Member Posts: 177

    appyfan, we have the same regimen and go day to day together- I had first one on 8/8 and second will on 8/29- let see our side effects later!!!

    Wanderweg please read thread who started chemo in April- May about working members and feel free ask them a question

  • Livlife
    Livlife Member Posts: 36


    Today is 3rd day post 2/6 infusion. The only thing I'm complaining is the nausea, it came strong this time. I have to put an alarm for those anti nausea meds as I can't keep track of the time, I'm mostly sleeping. But no stomach cramping and acid reflux compared to prior infusion. Maybe cause I have not been eating fatty red meat lately. Also headache and fatigue not so much. Maybe the oils really helped.

    I hope you feel better, I have been wearing a wig, and no one seems to notice, my girls said bald or long I stil look like their mama (sniffles) but I'm not that brave to let everyone know...

    Wanderweg - welcome, I’m sorry you’re here to join us, but this community is a blessing to each one.

    Sunshine- sorry about the lack of local support and language barrier, I hope you feel better.

    Appyfan - good job With walking and liquid intake, I find it hard to eat or drink anything cause of the nausea. 🤮

    Bostoniangal25- which anti nausea meds works best for you? Taking zofran and companzine but maybe I’m not taking it on the right time.

  • Bostoniangal25
    Bostoniangal25 Member Posts: 177

    hello liflive!i has only one infusion and second is on Wednesday but! I m taking compazine every 6 hours on first day after chemo .thsn 2 and 3 . I wasn’t recommended Zofran because of S E . I m going for 2 cycle on Wednesday- will keep putting my alarm as well!!!

    So interesting to read all about our SE.

    hope we all sail smooth through it!!!


  • wanderweg
    wanderweg Member Posts: 487

    Bostoniangel, thanks. I will check that thread. I am not doing the cold cap - I'm resigned to losing my hair.

    Appyfan, I have neuropathy in one foot as a strange complication from my exchange surgery two weeks ago, but I've been trying to walk a little anyway. I also stocked up on bland foods so that I can make myself eat.

  • Hughope1
    Hughope1 Member Posts: 116


    Welcome, I started on the 3rd of Aug (friday) and thought I could return to work by Monday, that did not happen for my until the following Monday. I am on tchp regime. I had second one yesterday and I fell a lot better than I did last time. Lets hope that does not change. I will keep you posted. I did lose my hair by the second week after chemo.

    Livlife what oil are you taking, I want to order some, cbd oil but so many different strengths.

    I made it through round two yesterday of tchp, feel much better so far than the first round,

    I have gotten my MO on board this time with new added meds. I told him I was ready to quit. He made some adjustment, since day eight last time took me back to hospital for hydration and potassium. Day 10 I was able to go back to work for the next 10 days. This time we are extending the dexamethasone (steroid) which I started yesterday for eight days. Day 1 after chemo Friday we are using zyprexa at bedtime for three days, and ondansetron. And he gave me compazine to use instead of zofran. Still have the Zarxio shots for 5 days.

    He wants me to go back in Monday for hydration this time. I will keep you posted my friends. I also ordered this stuff called metaqil on amazon. It takes a lot of the metal taste out of your mouth so you can eat a little better. I will write more as soon as I can. Round two is in the books.

    Hang strong my friends, what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger.

  • wanderweg
    wanderweg Member Posts: 487

    Hughope1, I'm scheduled to go back in a week after my first round, but at a light schedule. I guess I'll figure out how it hits me.

  • DClive79
    DClive79 Member Posts: 5

    Hi everyone we’re going in for our 5th Taxol/Herceptin treatment next week and will have a home healthcare aide come watch and practice the cold cap application - I have to go back home for two weeks so our older kids can start school. I’m really anxious about being away - for some reason I feel like the SE will really start to kick in while I'm gone.

    Sunshine I know you can make it through this and I hope this community is helping - you are not alone!

    Bostonian thanks we’ve had a lot of time to spend with each other - we’ve gone through many seasons of many shows (currently working on Power from season 1 since we’ve reached the end of everything else

    DW starts work right before session 6 so we’ll see how she copes with it.

    Thanks for all of the welcome messages and I hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend.

  • Sunshine89
    Sunshine89 Member Posts: 56

    Hello Everyone,

    I have told whole cancer thing to half of my family and i am feeling much better now...husband is also feeling so relaxed...Dr gave me some anti anxiety which i didnt use yet as was not needed...physically i am feeling completely fine...i get tired easily...but thats fine ... everyone of you is sooo cooperative...whenever i feel bad i come here and i read all comments again :) Next AC is on 7 so till thn i am enjoying my normality...:

  • Kelly-Anne
    Kelly-Anne Member Posts: 62

    My DH comes home tomorrow he’s been gone 10 days. Sent me a text saying he was looking forward to a home-cooked meal and a little home ”cooking”. He hasn’t seen the awful hair. I don’t feel like cooking and I’m so dried out that I can’t imagine sex being comfortable. I’m 45 and feel like 100. This sucks.

  • Bostoniangal25
    Bostoniangal25 Member Posts: 177

    Kelly-Anne, on behalf all young women- I hear you ... it’s so not fear to go through chemo and hormonal therapy- they need to come up for women do not suffer through this stupid early menopause crap.

    I n 41.... my oncologist suggested Mona Lisa laser treatment , I know it’s not approved by fda, but do we have a choice?

    Hope you won’t feel discomfort in that department too soon..

  • SarahNola
    SarahNola Member Posts: 45

    Hi hughope and everyone ! I am here! Just finally coming out of the chemo yuckiness. I have had just about every SE possible and have been so very tired. Today has been a hard day- lots of feeling sorrry for myself and why me? I just want my life back.

    But I know I will get to the other side and it will be ok... but this is some tough stuff.

    Sending you all some feel good vibes for the upcoming week! Xoxo!

  • cefinkc
    cefinkc Member Posts: 54

    How are you doing, HugHope1? I've been praying for your second round to go smoother.


  • maiyen
    maiyen Member Posts: 22

    Hey, how's everybody been? I'm 4 days since my first infusion and still feel like shiiiiii...! I was hoping that I'd be one of the lucky ones with very few SEs, but it seems as if I have all of them. Was going to attempt to go back to work today, but that was a no go. MO's nurse wants me in for fluids so I'm going to do that in a couple of hours and hopefully that makes me feel better. Have also started to wipe blood when I urinate so I'll bring that up.

    This is awful and I can't imagine doing this 3 more times. I sure hope this gets easier as time goes on.

  • Bostoniangal25
    Bostoniangal25 Member Posts: 177

    Saranolah, hopefully next time you will have less SE

    Maiyen- hopefully nothing serious, maybe it’s a period? Not kidney infection!!! 🙏

    Prayers for both of you

  • Kelly-Anne
    Kelly-Anne Member Posts: 62

    Hi Maiyen, I’m at the 2 week mark of my first cycle (6 cycles 3 weeks apart). I found the first 5 days awful. Bedtime on day 6 was a bit of a turning point and I started to feel better from there. I’m far from being myself, but that awful awful feeling of the first days did pass.

    The awful days feel like they last forever. It is hard to comprehend how long the days sometimes feel. Hope you find some relief soon.

  • Livlife
    Livlife Member Posts: 36

    Hughope - I hope you're feeling better, I take CBD, TCHA and CBDA oil spray to help with nausea and in hope that it will help me prevent or lessen neuropathy in the future as i complete the treatment (I just finished 2/6). and if my nausea is very bad I would vape

    Maiyen - I only finished 2nd treatment so far and 2 days ago I told my husband I can't finish it. Today I said, I will finish it- omg its hard specially when you're feeling achy and yucky and misersble. I have a lot of side effects too, everything it seems like I keep on connecting it with this cancer. Some days I'm feeling positive and some not. And I miss the taste of food!

    This too shall pass!

  • maiyen
    maiyen Member Posts: 22

    Bostoniangal25, thanks! They did a urine test so we'll see...fingers crossed that it's not a kidney infection.

    Kelly-Anne, the awful days do seem as if they last forever. The IV today did help and the nurse said that there are some people who need to come in for fluids after every treatment and it's really the only way they get some relief. I'll do my best to hydrate more next time, but I also won't be opposed to doing this again if I need to. Glad to hear that you are starting to feel better.

    Livlife, you are so right! The first night of my infusion I remember lying in bed telling myself that I couldn't do go through it again. Now here I am with my next appointment scheduled. I feel like I just got ran over by a truck, but we must persist. And as a foodie...damn this metallic mouth!