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Chemo starting November 2018



  • MaddieBrie1
    MaddieBrie1 Member Posts: 112

    Hopebry - that's awful about your opportunities. I am so sorry to hear that. Another door will open for you, I'm sure of it.

    Had my first Taxol (paclitaxel) aka taco treatment on Friday. I am going to have to ask the doc to decrease the benadryl iv next Friday. I was a sleepy drooly hot mess within 5-10 min of that infusion. I don't remember the 2nd and 3rd pre-meds or the actual infusion of the paclitaxel. I have never felt so sleepy in all of my life. I randomly blurted out chocolate chip cookies during some part of it. It may have been dream talking (I used to sleep talk in college). The icing wasn't near as bad as I thought it was going to be. They put an icepack in one of the surgical bootie covers then vet wrapped them to the bottoms of my feet. I had my hands sitting on two if them as well. It for some reason reminded me of geisha sandals.... My lovely mum took a picture (see below), excuse the facial expression, I was drugged..... Oh and the "game show host" wig my sister termed.... (I was not drugged in this one).

    So far just night sweats and facial flushing as side effects from the taco #1.

    [Edited 1/8: deleted the imgs at the request of my husband]

  • nanette7fl
    nanette7fl Member Posts: 412

    MaddieBrie1....I love your pictures!!

    I'm peeking in from the December group to learn tips and tricks from you all 8)

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    Hi Nanette7fl!

    Maddie - you are looking super spiffy!!! Love seeing the pictures! I only got Benadryl my first time and I fell asleep. Not sure why they don't give it to me anymore, I stay awake the entire time now. Now I know what the ice is! I have a little peripheral neuropathy going on and am wondering if it is too late to try this.

    Hopebry - I'm so sorry you had a rough time with that red devil going first. Seems as though they alternate my four drugs each time - with always the pre-stuff first. I hope they don't do that again, and I hope you are able to find some work.

    I had an ultrasound last week and things are shrinking (thank you Jesus). Once my oncologist gets back from vacation, I'm going to call and ask him what the plan might be - lumpectomy, mastectomy? I know I have to finish all 6 treatments of TCHP. I've read you can get back to work quicker with lumpectomy, but I will likely have to have radiation on that lymph node under my arm, and I've read about lymphedema with that. I also read there are more complications with mastectomy, 1/3 of women have complications. One of the girls at work has been off since October with her mastectomy because she keeps draining and that scares me.

    I've filled out financial assistance papers with my hospital, since I am out of pocket almost $4000 for 2018 and pretty soon to be for 2019, and it looks as though 2020 too. I doubt they will offer me any help, but you never know unless you ask. I do bring in a good insurance payment! They want me to go get a loan from a bank and I don't think I'm going to do that. For those on Neulasta, my shot is about $21,000 and I'd be interested in knowing the cost of yours, if you do not mind to share. I read on here somewhere a shot was $9000 and am trying to figure out why there is such a cost difference if we all live in the same country. At the end of the commercial on TV, it says you can get a shot for $5 if you have a co-pay card (that always makes me laugh).

    I wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year with the thought that we all are going to overcome this stuff soon. Be strong you warriors, and keep inspiring us - all of us! You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Lisa

  • nanette7fl
    nanette7fl Member Posts: 412

    Hello and thanks for the welcome Lisa.

    I can't believe it costs that much for the Neulasta!! That's just insane!!

    Lymphemdema seems to be the odd man out. My neighbor had her lumpectomy (we share diagnosis just different stages) this last spring and lymphoma appeared this past Oct. Her MO (we have some office just different MO) can't figure out why she has it. She was so hoping to go back to work but he won't let her.


  • Hazel-Nut
    Hazel-Nut Member Posts: 116

    MOCat - The hospital bills my insurance just over $12,000 for each of my treatments and I think $9k of that is for the neulasta on-pro they give me. My insurance covers all meds given at the infusion center at 100% so all I pay when I go is the copay to see the oncologist which is $30. Your health costs seem really high, especially considering that with you in the midwest I just kinda assumed things would be a little cheaper out there. You're also receiving more chemo meds than I am though so that could account for some of the difference. I cannot believe they told you to go get a loan! Its crazy that we can call around to different pharmacies to see who would offer the cheapest drug price but trying that with hospitals leads you nowhere.

    I have a dang UTI now and I'm counting down the seconds until my appointment at the urgent clinic this evening to get some antibiotics. I couldn't sleep last night because of the urgency to go every 5 minutes and I ended up at Safeway at 3am buying Azo tablets. I have no idea if it's ok to take them while on chemo but better to ask forgiveness than permission right now cuz I was in misery. I've said it before and I'll say it again - chemo takes lifes little annoyances and turns them into a massive PITA. I called the triage nurse this morning to see if they wanted me to do anything special but still haven't gotten a call back. All in all the third round of AC has kicked my tail. I cannot wait to be done with this miserable, soul sucking cocktail.

  • frmthahart
    frmthahart Member Posts: 60

    Happy New Year Ladies! I hope you all were able to make some great memories while ringing in the new year! Although things were quiet around here for my birthday and New Year's, I was fortunate to feel good enough to "celebrate" them both with my son and daughter. The rest of the gang is headed back home today. I will be excited to have them back! I never knew I would miss all the noise and constant interruptions so much...

    MOCat - Glad to hear things are shrinking! That is AWESOME!! $9K is what my Dr is charged and what he charges me. Remember, mine fell off this last time and I returned it to get that refunded. Are you having round #4 next week? I am wearing my new sleeve for lymphedema as I type this. I have been working with a PT that specializes in lymphedema since I had my lumpectomy. My RO made the referral as he feels working on things now - preemptively - would put me in the best position through chemo and rads. I have to say I really think the massage has been one of my biggest helps through chemo so far.

    Welcome Nanette!

    MB1 - love the pics! I hope Taco #1 is still being kind to you!

    HopeBry - My fingers are crossed that the search is going well!!

    Drink, sleep and then drink, drink some more!

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    I wonder why you girls pay $9K for Neulasta and I pay $21K, although technically I get a "contract discount" and would have to look at my bill again to see what Blue Cross Blue Shield is writing off to a discount (seems like it is still 17-15,000). I heard on the news that hospitals now have to publicly post their prices in 2019, maybe I should go and have a look. Since I have met my "out of pocket", well, not actually, but they say I have, they are now paying 100% for anything over that.

    Hazel - miserable, soul-sucking cocktail, thank you for kindly putting that into words! I hope your UTI is better.

    Frmthahart - the nurse told me twice the OnPro has not stayed on in her patients down here in Missouri, so I guess it can happen. My next treatment is January 9th, #4. I can feel my appetite coming back a little, just in time to take another chemo. Glad your group is on their way home to you, my friend, what would we do without our kids and our husbands, I have no idea.

    I'm awaiting word from my oncologist, who is speaking to my surgeon, about what my choices are - he did tell me best scenario lumpectomy. Now I'm reading on lymphedema because my stepmom, who is a retired RN, says it can be bad. This website has a lot to offer on that subject. Best wishes to everyone and, like Frmthahart says, drink to your health! (water).

  • MaddieBrie1
    MaddieBrie1 Member Posts: 112

    For all of those w/ a taxane class of drug (Taxol or Taxotere) - it's not too late to start icing to try and prevent peripheral neuropathy.

    I had some tingles and burning around the back of my heels since Saturday morning where there wasn't real good contact w the ice packs during infusion and I've done icing @ 3X day 15 min and I have full normal sensation again starting Monday evening. At home I double socked and stuffed some little "boo boo" packs (maybe I posted the type somewhere else, but I got 5/pack about 4 inch round gel packs off Amazon and have a total of 3 packs so I can rotate them at home pretty easily) down at my heel and at my toes. It looks pretty goofy and I have to remember not to step on them, but it works. I don't have near enough vet wrap at home, though I suppose an ace bandage would work as well (and maybe look quite different than just plain socks).

    For the Amgen Neulasta discount card, my onco office financial person said that that was something that they would need to coordinate w Amgen. There is a yearly cap by Amgen on how many of those they give out so check w your onco's offices ASAP it's a new year! I don't have the Neulasta for my taco txs so I'm done w/ that.

    Pricing wise for everything - I think it also likely depends on whether or not you have your infusion at a hospital vs an onco office infusion center, area of the country (ie. locality adjustments), what plans you have (BCBS isn't the same plan everywhere, there's CareFirst BCBS, FEPBlue, BCBS Maryland, BCBS Ohio etc), whether or not the place you have your infusions has a contracted rate on certain drugs, etc etc etc.

    The price of all of this bc bs is insane. I had gotten the first infusion explanation of benefits (EoB) in Nov and while it wasn't super detailed the total billed to insurance was ~$23k, with just 1 of the pharmaceuticals being $16k alone. I know I met my out of pocket max for the year sometime in Nov and since I switched from A/C to taco in Dec, I have no idea what we're looking at for the next rounds of tx. I worked some on filing all these EoB's and catching up on filing my copay, parking expenses and other med bill payments tonight. I apparently didn't do any actual filing since Oct (OOPS).

    Hope everyone is feeling ok so far... Those of you that have had updated imaging done - yay for shrinking!!! And hope those w SE's and symptoms get some relief!

    I'm making some 'kitchen sink' soup tomorrow and prepping for homemade lasagna for Friday night. MB1

  • MaddieBrie1
    MaddieBrie1 Member Posts: 112

    I found the link for one of the threads I mentioned earlier - the "is it going to kill me" game.

    Hopefully you ladies find this tongue in cheek as amusing as I have.... MB1

  • HopeBry
    HopeBry Member Posts: 64

    I am having the worst experience since my 3rd infusion than any other. I dont know if It made a difference that a different nurse gave me the chemo in reverse order if it mattered. I Have been throwing up consistently for days. Not able to eat or drink. Fatigued and ready to faint a lot. Heavy breathing, loss of breath when I speak. Cant stand long because my legs give way. This has never happened on the last two with my other nurse. The nausea meds are not working nomatter how many times switched. I am miserable. I told my oncologist I refuse to do the 4th AC. They will have to start me on the Taxol soon . She said I may have Anemia. No way in chemo hell, Im putting that stuff in me again. I don't think it will make or break my situation. Ive read about some women that opted out of the 4th infusion and it didnt make a difference. They are doing fine.

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    Maddie, thanks for the information. My tingling fingertips wonder about the gel packs - and I appreciate all the information so very much, thank you! Hope you have an appetite for that lasagna!

    Hope - I am so very sorry. It is horrible to go through all of that and my heart goes out to you. Will keep you, and everyone, in my prayers.

  • nanette7fl
    nanette7fl Member Posts: 412

    oh Hope honey how terrible!! Anemia can be possible this early in the game for me at week 3 my red blood cells were way too large and thin and not able to carry oxygen correctly.

    But I wholeheartedly agree with your decision it made you way too sick. I pray you start feeling better soon


  • HopeBry
    HopeBry Member Posts: 64

    Thank you ladies. They are trying to talk me out of it. Bringing up my TN status but Im stage 2A no.lymph node involvement and my tumor has gotten smaller. it was originally at 2.1cm. I dont think im in a worse case situation and I plan to do a nipple sparring mastectomy. Im going to have to go with my gut.

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    Hope - I keep thinking about you. It wouldn't really be right for me not to ask you if you might please reconsider. I do not know your age, but please, just maybe give it a second thought. It is not my business, I suppose, but I only wish the best for you and maybe finishing the treatment would offer more. One way or the other, many hugs to you, you are in my thoughts. Lisa

  • MaddieBrie1
    MaddieBrie1 Member Posts: 112

    Taco #2 down. They halved the benadryl this time but it still had me dozing and nodding off w/in 10-15 min. At least I wasn't a hot drooly mess like last time. I had to think hard (really hard, it sounded like she was speaking Greek to me, and repeated the question 3X before I understood, my mom just cracked up) about my name and dob though. Weird how IV of same drug taken orally has such a different affect on me. Having some insomnia now (been laying here awake since 3a). Catching up on everyones posts on all my fav boards.....

    Had some of the 'kitchen sink soup' around 2p, was fantastic. Leftover frozen Thanksgiving turkey plus whatever veggies I had around the house that were past their prime or just sounded like they would work well. I used parsnips, mushrooms, carrots, garlic, cherry tomatoes (added last 30 min so they kept their form), potatoes, celery, onion and white beans. Simmered in chicken stock with garlic powder, oregano, black pepper, basil, tumeric, a bit of sea salt, ground sage, cumin and the celery leaves chopped up. Simmered for about 4 hrs then added the tomatoes. I'll eat on this for the next few days. Haven't done the lasagna yet, tho everything is prepped for it. Hubs was apprehensive about putting it all together on his own so he had a soft pretzels and Christmas cookies for dinner while I was sleeping off the benadryl.

    Hopebry - hang in there. Thinking about you. Also I had a spark about the job opportunities - inquire about their telework, flex work schedules and or alt work schedules during the interview process - this way give you an indication as to how they may react to your treatment needs after you get and sign the offer letter... Don't quote me but I don't believe you're obligated to let them know about your diagnosis at an interview. I know they can't legally ask about medical issues. You may have a period of time post hire that is considered a trial basis or (can't think of the darn word, chemo brain)... Anyway, during this trial period, do your best to learn the ropes and get they lay of the land. Just a thought....

    Also, are you getting all 3 A/C and Taco in the same infusion day and what frequency? ****(Edited a bit - I reread your last post and see that you said about starting Taco soon. My 3rd A/C wasn't great and my 4rth was the worst with the SE - but I didn't get the nausea/vomitting like you've had and my blood results bounced back to near normal again after both). **** Maybe they would consider extending the time in between infusions - a Grace period of sorts, to allow you to recover and re-evaluate the strategy for tx. I see you've posted on some other boards (TN, and the African American ladies). What other advice from other TN's are you getting? Ultimately it is your decision... I wish you the best and really hope things settle down for you..... MB1

  • Hazel-Nut
    Hazel-Nut Member Posts: 116

    I'm entering the other side of AC recovery so yay for surviving 4 rounds! The weekend after my AC infusions is what I call my dark place. Feeling so thoroughly crummy really does something to my state of mind. This was by far my worst cycle as far as immediate side effects go. The all over pain and misery came on fast and did not let go. I still have some lingering discomfort but I can feel it inch by inch letting go.

    Taxol starts next week and I'm wary of the devil I don't know. I know they say taxol is easier but last week my MO was very frank when she let me know that so far I've proven a difficult patient when it comes to med reactions and while she thinks taxol will be easier she wouldn't be at all surprised if I once again proved the difficult case. I appreciate her candor. DH has been holding on to the glow of taxol being easy breezy and I've been the negative nancy and it helped to have the MO understand and verbalize that she already knew what my worry was and she's anticipating that we may see some of those worries come to reality. I know it's a pessimistic spin on things but I find comfort in that kind of frank honesty.

    My eyelashes are starting to (slowly) leave their home and they seem to be reluctant to leave. My eyelids hurt the way my scalp did before my hair fell out and it is so annoying. I could at least shave my head to lessen the discomfort, nothing to do for the eyelashes but wait. For the most part the other quality of life affecting side effects have been remarkably quiet the past few days. My nose isn't very sore, my eyes aren't too dry, my mouth doesn't hurt, it really is the little things!

  • nanette7fl
    nanette7fl Member Posts: 412

    Hazel I take Taxol weekly and for me the first 4 were my learming curve ones....tired, runs, nausea so bad I didn't want to eat...metal mouth... but I just completed week 5 on Thursday and things are so much better. The only SE I have now that I hate is feeling so tired and ruin down now. I kept apologizing to DH this weekend about my laziness and lack of energy. His reply amazed me... "Did you secretly ask to have cancer? No you didn't. You didn't ask for these treatments or the side effects and you're going to live through this! Be tired...take it easy you're body is fighting so hard. I love you not the things you do."

    For your eyelashes try taking Vitamin D3.i tend to be deficient and I take 3000 mg a day. I've lost my hair but my eyelashes are still going strong and continue to grow so slowly.

    Sending ((hugs))

  • EdithMary
    EdithMary Member Posts: 24

    Hi, everybody. Sorry to have been gone so long. It was all I could manage to keep up my teaching and do the four rounds of chemo, but I rang the bell at the Hillman, and had my last treatment on Friday. Today is rough, as Monday usually is after chemo, but I am looking forward to feeling better in a few weeks. In case anybody cares, during my first cycle, I ended up in hospital with a Neutrophil count of ZERO, and had to take Neulasta for cycles 2, 3, and 4. Cycle two was a breeze, actually, but the Neulasta side effects (mega-pain, tinnitus, exhaustion) hit in cycle three. But the Neulasta certainly worked in terms of keeping up my blood count, and preventing all the usual irritations like mouth sores, etc. We will see what this final cycle is like: hoping for better. At least now I get a rest until radiation in February. I see the Radiologist on Thursday for a consultation, and will get a better idea of what is involved--I know it is supposed to be five weeks, five days a week. That sounds onerous!

    HOpe you are all doing well!


  • frmthahart
    frmthahart Member Posts: 60

    EdithMary congrats on ringing that bell!

    My MO is really against taking any type of supplement during "strong" chemo. I would like to be able to take some vitamin C and B's. Every time I ask though his answer is "no" or "not right now".

    I have round #4 tomorrow and am experiencing high anxiety over it. This last round was harder. I don't know if it is because my alien (OnPro) fell off last time and I experienced more aches, pains and nausea with the shot or if it was just due to being round #3 that did it. However, it leaves me almost dreading what round 4 will bring.

    MissouriCat (Lisa) good luck with your round! I will be thinking about you - as I do all of you Ladies! Here is hoping the SE's are kind to us all!


  • nanette7fl
    nanette7fl Member Posts: 412

    Hi there everyone. Hoping this week finds you all in good health.....well you know what I mean.

    I have a question does anyone know where I can get a liner or a cap? to go under my scarves?? They slip around sometimes and that gets annoying


  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    Nanette, you could try looking here. Treatment #4 for me tomorrow and surgeon has contacted me with lumpectomy possibly in my future, or we can discuss other things, once chemo is over toward the end of February. Radiation in the future - if lumpectomy. A year of Herceptin and possibly Perjeta. Take things one day at a time and be grateful for each day!!

    It is nice to hear from everyone and you are all in my thoughts. Think spring!!


  • MaddieBrie1
    MaddieBrie1 Member Posts: 112

    Nanette - I think my head is too round, I haven't had any success w finding a scarf that stays put.... I've stuck w hats, scrunchy slouchy ones, beanies and stocking caps. Even when I had hair, any head band that went the entire way around my head slipped (even the silicone no slip one's!)....

    Anyone have anemia as a side effect from chemo? I've had 2X taxols so far and 4 of the A/C prior to Taxol. Everything was ok til last week's blood work. Then whammo, RBC and hemog out of whack. Iron in a drip bag for this girl weekly til onco is happier. I worry a little more about constipation w the iron bag, I'm already there and having some difficulty managing it.... Anyone else in the same boat? I'm doing daily miralax, prunes, dried apricots and sometimes prune juice too.... I don't like the prune juice. I also make sure I have oatmeal a couple times a week, several types of fruit 4-5 times/week and lots of veggies. I recently added back yogurt in my diet. And still don't have much an appetite for anything..... MB1

  • Hazel-Nut
    Hazel-Nut Member Posts: 116

    MB1 - I get so constipated these days I can hardly believe it. My onc told me to do 2 tablets of senna s daily and miralax twice a day. I tried it and instead of having BMs I became so extremely bloated I looked like I was 9 months pregnant. I changed it to colace daily, a fiber supplement, and lots of high fiber foods. Right now it's kinda of an all or nothing situation. Either I'm going all day or I'm not going at all. No diarrhea though which I guess is a blessing.

    I feel like maybe the fatigue is going to become my new normal. I didn't really regain my energy after round 3 of AC and now after round 4 I'm so dang winded all the time. The hardest part is getting from the parking lot to my office at work. It's a pretty good distance and involves some stairs and I'm having to stop halfway to catch my breath. I'm going to ask my boss if I can have permission to use our front parking lot and come in the main entrance until I get my stamina back.

    I've started using the grocery pick up service at Safeway and I am sold on this little bit of convenience. I think other stores offer this as well but I have a Safeway across the street from work so it's easy to set up an order and pick it up on my way home.

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    We used the grocery store pickup at Walmart Saturday and it is very convenient. You can avoid sick people. Our local Walmart has put in so many "scan and gos" do-it-yourself lines, and we really have very few other grocery stores in Joplin that are near where we live, this may be our new way of the future. Sounds like you ladies have it covered on the constipation, and I'm going to share those tips with my husband, who suffers from that without undergoing any treatment, thank you. Drink lots of water is all I can add. I hope this is a limited side effect for you ladies.

    Fried pickles and fried potatoes (and half a mushroom swiss burger) was my lunch today, after TCHP #4 out of 6, while my appetite decides to go into hibernation for 2-1/2 weeks. Mark, my husband, had a beer with his. No beer for me. My stepmom asked my MO when I could have beer today (embarrassed me) and he said not while I'm getting these strong chemo drugs. That one I assumed myself. Now I think my doctor thinks I'm a 55-year-old party queen, which is not exactly how I see myself.

    My nurse talked to me about not eating - do not have that mindset. Do not put several items in large quantities on a large plate. Rather, put a spoonful of 2 items on a small plate and convince yourself to try and eat that - it's easier, she said. Do not let yourself have the mindset of "I'm not eating anything." I say this only because my platelet count is at 66,000 today and we almost delayed my treatment. Last time, it was 74,000. I do not want to miss a treatment, because I want to get DONE! MO told me to take 2 folic acid a day and see if that helps the platelet count. I bought two bottles and two stuffed kitty cats at Walgreens on the way home. I want to be 10 again, please. Got a letter from the hospital today too telling me my financial application was denied, so my out-of-pocket for 2 years is about $8000. Okay, let's chip away at that a little, but no bank loan for me, not today.

    Three to 4 weeks after I finish chemo, I will have a lumpectomy. Maybe. First the 2 am thoughts in my head need to be quiet about lumpectomy versus mastectomy. If I choose lumpectomy, then 6 weeks after that I go and have 6 weeks (5x a week) of radiation. How do you work taking off every day from work to go do that? Lymphedema and burning, I'd rather think about fried pickles and fried potatoes. Six weeks after radiation, I start on monthly Herceptin and maybe even Perjeta, the diarrhea drug, for a year. Every 3 weeks for 2 hours. Right now, my chemo is $69,000 an infusion, I wonder what the cost is on just 2 drugs, $30,000? We will be working on adding another $4000 co-payment for 2020, how wonderful. I'd rather have a new car. Plus some hormone pill, he mentioned Arimidex and letrozole (Femara) for 5 years. Five years. The list of side effects - well, he said, there are 4 drugs to pick from and you try them every day, or every other day, or one every 3 days, til you figure it out, and if you can't figure it out, then you don't take them.

    Hazel, I think I'm negative Nancy. Sorry. I don't want to be that. I keep you all in my prayers. Lisa

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    Thank you, but I changed my mind. I will not be negative, I will be positive. Thank you for listening.

  • MaddieBrie1
    MaddieBrie1 Member Posts: 112

    MO CatLady - Negative, positive - let it all out! Think of us as your "safe space". Lordy knows I haven't pulled any punches so to speak w you ladies (and gents). Whatever I've felt sort of just comes out....

    Hazelnut - yeah, I don't know what's going on other than I felt better after the last A/C and didn't keep up w the daily miralax. Still did everything else, but getting on top of the constipation again is crazy work. I may need to add a stool softener or maybe change to 2X day miralax. I haven't had any bloating from everything I've done, been gassy, but no bloating. Fatigue is my frien-emy too. I've felt less flu like and more I've run 26 miles my whole body aches with the Taxol. Flu like fatigue I had w the A/C chemo. (Full disclosure - I really have no idea how running 26 miles feels, but my marathoning sister always looks exhausted). W the taxol, I have bounced back by Sunday/Monday. Just felt sluggish energy wise.

    I don't have much of an appetite but that never really keeps me from eating (I think I may have shared this before). I love food. Food food food food food. It would pain me to have my appetite, gut or mouth affected so much that I couldn't eat. Fried pickles and potatoes sounds wonderful! Everything sounds good, even smells good, but it's like I've lost my taste buds and hunger cues. It doesn't taste bad, it doesn't taste good, it doesn't taste metallic, it just doesn't TASTE at all. I miss flavor. I eat because I need the energy, I eat because I must right now. It's very disappointing.

    On the grocery delivery or pick up note - heck yes! My husband and I did Blue Apron for well over a year. LOVED IT! We've used Peapod from Giant a few times. One of my sisters regularly uses the Walmart order online, pick up at the front for her groceries. We've recently (last 8-9 mos) begun ordering produce, meat and dairy from a local farm. LOVE IT. They have co-ops w other farms to supply the items they don't have readily available themselves. A lot of organic produce, hormone and antibotic free meats, etc etc etc. Surprisingly, it hasn't change our food costs that much in a month (except when my husband wants ice cream). We talked about in a few more months maybe looking at trying Hello Fresh just to see how it compares to the Blue Apron. I also do Amazon Prime Pantry too.

    About being 10 again - I will second that "yes please". Little to no responsibility, no mortgage, no bills, no job, no medical issues.... No worries! Just school, summers on the farm, grandparents again, horseback riding, 4-H, sewing, crafting and all the fun stuff - yes.

    Radiation tx - my rad onc said a lot of folks who work thru treatment schedule their appts before work, during lunch or after work. I'll have 5-6 weeks of daily tx but prob not until June or July. My rad onc office is fortunately about 15 min from my lab.

    Did my first day at work (actually on site!) in a really really long time. Was planning on only being there for about 5 or 6 hrs, then I was going to telework the rest of my day. I was on site for 11 hrs today. Stick a fork in me, I'm done. Planning on going back on site tomorrow, so it's Z time for this girl....

    Love and hugs and warm thoughts to all. MB1

  • Hazel-Nut
    Hazel-Nut Member Posts: 116

    MOCat - Your worries are so valid. It doesn't make you negative, it's hard living the realities of life while also trying to live with cancer treatments. I'm hoping that when it's time for radiation I can get scheduled for either very early in the morning or the very last appointment in the afternoon so I can do it either before or after work (or in a way where I only lose an hour or so out of my work day). I'm going to have to switch to another hospital system for radiation just because of the distance. I can't drive an hour each way when the time comes for radiation 5 days a week. I already spoke with my oncology group and they were supportive of that decision, they said once the treatment plan is set anyone can follow it.

    MB1 - My appetite is variable at best. Eating always makes me feel better even though I don't feel any sort of hunger cue so I try to snack regularly throughout the day but theres no fun in it anymore. Most food just tastes of nothing these days. A nice, perfectly cooked steak.... absolutely no taste. Good food is wasted on me right now.

    I never wanted to do the grocery pick up before because I like the idea of being able to pick out my own meat and produce and not just take whatever some random person decided is good but last night it was bitterly cold and I got to sit in my car with the heat on and the seat warmers going while a teen boy loaded my trunk with a weeks worth of groceries and I didn't even have to touch the germy shopping cart. I will say that I requested 5 tomatoes and they only gave me 2 and the 2 they gave me they just chucked in the grocery bag with 4 cans of soup so by the time they got home they were pretty much tomato sauce... but I guess thats a small price to pay to not have to spend an hour in a grocery store.

    I cooked dinner for the first time in over a week and it felt nice to be doing regular domestic tasks. I made spicy chicken pad thai and my husband loved it and I thought it tasted like crap so I probably could have saved myself the trouble and just had a bowl of cereal.

    Each day seems to come with a finite amount of energy and I'm spending so much of it at work that I get home and I'm barely more than a slug on the couch. Last night I forced myself to clean out the fridge and make dinner. What I really needed to do was wash laundry and that was my plan for last night but you It has to happen tonight though. I'm getting down to only having the uncomfortable underwear at the back of the drawer clean that you usually only wear during laundry emergencies and you only bought during that phase where you swore you'd turn into the kind of woman who wore fancy underwear. I laughed for a solid minute this morning while getting dressed when I pulled on my old reliable (and slightly frayed) sports bra and a pair of underwear that can only be described as lingerie. As a kid I thought being an adult would be so glamorous and fun... If 12 year old me could only see me now!

  • JennieKeaton
    JennieKeaton Member Posts: 24

    I had cycle 3 of 4 this week with TC. Treatment was on Tuesday. Today, I feel the burnt feeling in my mouth, tastebuds are gone, and I'm super muscle achy. One day sooner than last cycle, but it could be worse. Hopefully the bone pain that I expect to come tomorrow isn't too bad, but we'll see. For me, the worst is the mouth feeling and no taste buds. Lasts about 10 days. But I have one cycle left, and then four weeks to exchange surgery. Counting the days!

  • Newfromny
    Newfromny Member Posts: 108

    Missouricatlady. My insurance company signed me up for copay assistance for herceptin and perjeta with Genentech, haven’t used it yet but worth looking into. No income restrictions

  • MaddieBrie1
    MaddieBrie1 Member Posts: 112

    Way to go Jennie! One more to go!! How much of a break do you have in between last chemo and your surgery? I was just wondering if there was some recovery time before surgery after chemo. I'm looking at the TE exchange and nipple surgery after I'm done w chemo (and can't wait - this darn TE is so uncomfortable).

    Hazelnut - spicy pad Thai? Sounds yummy, but yep, a bowl of cereal would probably suit just fine. I'm doing a garlicy Japanese rice noodles w chicken, bok choy, mushrooms, carrots and red cabbage for the hubs on Saturday night when I come out of the benadryl snoozes. I'll probably have the kitchen sink soup and just enjoy the aroma as long as my nosebleeds hold off. Lol also about the undies.... I know I wasn't the only one that saved the 'fancy' uncomfortable stuff for last! My husband does most of our laundry (thank goodness) because he has less clothes than I do. It's not that I hate it, I find folding warm laundry very soothing - it's the putting away in a drawer part that I loathe for some weird way. I'm way way way more into what's comfortable in my 40s now than I was in my 20s when I had actual matching bra and panties.... Now I know that there are comfortable things that also look pretty, but I only really buy new under clothes when I need them. Post surgery comfortable bras = ✓, soft camisoles = ✓, soft hats and socks = ✓

    I think that means I am becoming more responsible as I age?? MB1