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Health concerns of Allergan Textured implants



  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485

    Hello all, I had my new MO appointment today and my ultrasound. MO said I can get off Femara (Letrozole), after I finish this refill. He said there isn’t any proof that over 5 years does much. So I guess I am okay with that. Tossing the security blanket in the trash!

    Ultrasound of the 410’s was okay. They found a small amount of fluid on one side, but not enough to be worried about. The radiologist came in and went over that area again and showed me. So my girls will remain safe and sound until something else becomes concerning or not. I feel between the PS, MO and imaging, I am confident in my decision to leave them alone. Take care all. Robin

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Robin - HooRay!!! As you know, I'm not explanting either.

    I had a very positive ULS with no problems seen. I decided to go ahead with the MRI next week anyway because I'd love to know the status of the lymphadema. Also how the radiation damaged muscles & nerves look compared to 5 years ago. Not sure an MRI will see rad damage, but if I remember correctly that is how my LE was originally diagnosed.

    Good news about dropping the Femara.

  • DiveCat
    DiveCat Member Posts: 290

    Good day everyone!

    I wanted to come in and give an update.

    As a brief history, I had prophylactic bilateral MXs in 2014, nipple sparing direct to implant and sub-pectoral. At time got smooth rounds. Revision in 2015 to the 410s.

    I had my revision on November 14, 2019 from my Allergan Natrelle 410s to moderate profile Allergan Natrelle Inspira Smooth Soft Touch (which I understand are like a medium in the cohesive scale). Also had capsulectomies and still waiting for pathology results. Will find out when I see surgeon next week but I don't anticipate issues.

    Surgery and recovery have gone very well. I was able to shower the next day and my restrictions were limited to "don't do anything that hurts" but of course I also was being cautious from my prior experiences. I am back at work though need to slow my pace as I can get sore and fatigued. Swelling as expected but relatively minimal bruising, and incision pain was only for a couple days. Incisions already appear to be healing well and steri-strips should be falling off in next few days.

    I remained sub-pectoral for this surgery for many reasons, including that I have not had issues with it really, and better coverage as I have quite low body fat/thin skin.

    I am very happy with the results one week out. Visually I have to get used to having more upper pole fullness again, but I am super happy that these are already dropped and fluffed enough to hide the incisions that were sometimes visible after my first revision because of the way the anatomicals sat on my chest. They also feel softer (still firmer than my natural breasts were of course, but softer than the 410s were) and I don't feel/notice the edge I could sometimes feel in the textured (due to width needed for coverage). With the 410s my right breast also had some textural issues because of scar tissue adhesion I imagine. I forgot how much these can take on impressions from bras/seams though until they settle back so that is fun rediscovered party trick. I do have some rippling on exterior edge of right breast, but I had that first time round. I may consider fat grafting next year if it bothers me.

    I know for me this was the right choice to make, but we are all different and need to do what is right for each of us individually. Hug

  • HappySpring13
    HappySpring13 Member Posts: 44

    Congratulations on the exchange DiveCat!!

    I did my exchange on Nov 19 and still in recovery mode. I'm excited to see the difference from the 410's as I had these as well to the smooth rounds. Went from sub-pectoral to Subglandular this time.

    Are you still sleeping on your back? My drains come out Friday and I really need to change up the position.

    Squishy hugs to you!!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Reporting back that my breast MRI found NO problems with my Allergan 410s - installed in 2011. No problems with the implants, no swelling, no fluid collection, no indication of ALCL. I'm so glad because I planned all along to do nothing if there is nothing wrong - because I really like these implants.

    Obviously your choices would be different if you had major symptoms and imaging showed problems. I'm sticking with what I have.

  • ucfmom
    ucfmom Member Posts: 29

    DiveCat, I remember your posts from 2014. I also had direct to implants and started out with 410s. I'm getting them switched out for smooth rounds in January. Did you have drains this time around? I didn't think to ask my PS but assume I will. When I had my BMX/reconstruction surgery I had two drains - one came out after two weeks and the second one was in for three weeks.

    I asked if there was a chance I could go pre-pec this time but was told they need to stay sub-pec.

  • DiveCat
    DiveCat Member Posts: 290


    Squishy hugs back!

    Sorry took so long to reply, I don't check back in frequently. This site is both supportive but a sad reminder of many things for me. It's almost three years to the day my mum passed from BC - right before Christmas - and while this forum was great for info and support during her illness and my own decisions and surgeries it's bittersweet to revisit.

    Ouch, sorry you had to get drains again. I was able to skip those this time. Glad they would be out by now though and hope your recovery is going well!

    I am still sleeping on my back even this far out but I honestly never really stopped after initial surgery. Was a dedicated stomach sleeper until 2014! I still am elevating self a bit using my big long noodle pillow and don't know why I ever stopped - it's so comfy! I can lay on them though okay - have gone for a couple massages and was fine. They feel squishier and more comfortable to lay on and press against than my 410s did.

    I am still very pleased with results in feel and look. I do have some rippling I will be going back for fat grafting for in spring or summer but they feel a lot softer to the touch and for me actually look better even naked. They just have a better “drop" and fullness to them. I can't see my scars anymore at all under the IMF which is nice as I could see in the 410s a bit. My surgeon went a little bigger with these rounds than my very first rounds were and that seems to have resolved an issue I had with excess skin the first time nicely (or over years that skin maybe has tightened up a bit too). They also feel warmer! My 410s sometimes felt so cold to me on chest and to touch...not great in Canada and when you do cold water diving either LOL. I overall find them so much more comfortable yet I did not realize my 410s were all that uncomfortable...not sure that makes sense

    I am back to wearing a wired bra during day and pretty bralettes at home. I am still using my surgical bras for sleeping though as I find them super comfortable! They are different ones than I had the other times.

    Are you happy with the subglandular? I opted not to mess with changing things up as I know from history I have very thin skin and I have not had issues with them being sub. My sister went pre pectoral with her implants though as she is a weight lifter. She had her PBMX on Nov 26th and they planned to put implants in right away but her skin was not ready. She had revision last week to put them in and had to get drains again (far more painful for her this time around apparently!). She is doing well but has lots of rippling so will be going for a third surgery next year to remove scar tissue that built up on those weeks between surgeries and far grafting.

  • DiveCat
    DiveCat Member Posts: 290


    I remember you too!

    I did not need drains at all. I suppose there is always a risk you need them depending on how you do during surgery but I think I was healed up enough internally after all these years that they weren't necessary. I had some swelling and bruising as to be expected but no significant fluid buildup.

    I had 2 drains first surgery In 2014 with the PBMX/direct to implant though they came out in about 1-1/2 weeks. Did not need for my first revision in 2015 (when they took out first rounds and put in 410s).

    Honestly, I did not even chat with my surgeon about going pre-pec after all once I looked more into it and thought of my own experiences so far. I have not had issues once my muscles relaxed and it's been 5 years. I have very thin skin too and not a lot of fat under it so I think I would have issues with the cosmetics, even with fat grafting, based on issues I have had with them sub-pec. I didn't want to mess with it or having a lot more internal stitching and more Alloderm again.

    As I told another poster above my sister just went pre-pec (she never had sub-pec though) because she lifts weights a lot. She is only a week and a half out from having them in (they were unable to do direct for her they found out during surgery) and while I have not seen them as I am not nearby she had told me the rippling is really bad for her. She has thin skin like me. She will be getting fat grafting to improve things but I know she is struggling with needing a third surgery and the cosmetics a bit.

  • ucfmom
    ucfmom Member Posts: 29

    I had my pre-op appointment Friday and was told I will likely not have drains. So hope that holds true! I'm having trouble finding soft front closure sports bras. I'll try a couple more stores this week them will likely break down and order a couple online. My surgery is next week so I need to figure it out soon.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258

    ucfmom - a number of members here over the years have used these:

  • simonerc
    simonerc Member Posts: 155


    Post surgery I used Jockey front zip sports bras that I ordered from Amazon. They were soft and inexpensive. I had drains and used post surgical bras until the drains came out.

    Good luck with surgery and recovery! Hoping for an uneventful recovery for you!!!

  • ucfmom
    ucfmom Member Posts: 29

    Thank you SpecialK and Simone! I was thinking about ordering from Amazon but wasn't sure of the size. I'd already been to two Walmarts and couldn't find the Fruit of the Loom bras but I got lucky yesterday at a third store. I bought two so between the bra they put me in after surgery and these two, I should be ok for a while. I usually only wear sports bras anyway but the pullover kind.

  • MCbeach
    MCbeach Member Posts: 43

    Hi ladies-

    It has been a while since I’ve been back here. Swapping my 410s in a few weeks. Happy to hear that all has gone well for you doing the same. And thanks for the link to the front closure bras

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Good luck MCBeach. As I've posted before, I'm happy with my 410s and been cleared of any problems by ULS and MRI. So I won't be replacing but will have an ULS every 2 years.

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485

    I too have been cleared with ultrasound. Will not explant. Best of luck on your upcoming surgery. I love my results and will be monitored closely.

  • DiveCat
    DiveCat Member Posts: 290

    Good luck MCBeach! I am now three months post-swap from the 410s to silicone rounds. Incredibly glad I did it and no regrets for my own peace of mind. I go for fat grafting in May and then hope to be done with any other breast recon surgery for a lot longer than I made it this time!

    I used Marena for prior surgeries but got three of these bras this time:

    They are SO comfortable, adjustable, and will now recommend them. They are a great balance of compression and softness. I continue to wear them as sleep/lounging bras and don’t see stopping!

  • hood1980
    hood1980 Member Posts: 168

    Has anyone received a call from Allergan (or someone representing Allergan) with a case number? They have called and left me messages twice. Trying to decide if I should call them back or is itjust a law firm trying to get a class action law suit together???

  • ucfmom
    ucfmom Member Posts: 29

    I received a product alert letter but no one from Allergan has called me. I had mine exchanged almost eight weeks ago and couldn't be happier to have that behind me.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    I have not received a letter or a call. On the other hand, I don't answer any calls with 'unknown name'. Nor would I likely answer a call that said Allergan. If they left a message, I'd probably call my doc and ask about it. Or look up a verifiable Allergan number and call that with questions, not the phone # left on message.

    Weird Hood - I agree probably marketing or class action. But how did they know you have 410s in the first place?

    As I've said before, I am happy with my implants and not replacing them. They've been in place since 2011. I did have a ULS and a breast MRI last fall and have no problems. Since I like my implants, am healthy, and don't want more surgery that appears unnecessary to me - I'll keep on as is for now. The radiologist did recommend having an ultrasound every two years just to check, so that's my plan.

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871

    I went to my old plastic surgeon first and he said he could use a different implant ya da ya da ya da " was then I decided to get a 2nd opinion at the University of WA....the doc gave me a choice and listened to me, and what I wanted, I had my Allergan 410's removed last Nov 2019 by my new PS......PS used my stretched skin to temporarily fill the void in Nov 2019 . PS told me I could remove the drains when drains were not filling! I was skeptical about doing this, however on day six I snipped the sutures....took a deep breath and began with lefty... ..not so bad after after moving the tubing an inch or two at a time...righty went much quicker!

    In February 2020 with my UW plastic surgeon, I had reconstruction with MY OWN FAT from my inner thighs, filling my not so big,, but natural "boobs"......these feel so REAL because they are ALL ME!.....they are WARM, not cold like my implants felt all times and fit my 5' body so much better.....(unlike my hugh "headlights" my EX plastic surgeon surgeon put in!) No more backache too

    I NEVER received a letter or recall from Allergan......but I did receive my removed implants from the biohazard containers... I still have them! I also still have the ALLERGAN credit card type/size card which has the serial numbers on it.

    Way too long...



  • hood1980
    hood1980 Member Posts: 168

    That is so awesome! I’d love to be able to have my 410s removed and replaced with my own fat! I have plenty of belly fat I’d love for them to use. I have an appointment with my PS next week, but I doubt he does that procedure. Do you know what they call the procedure you ha and how I could go about finding a PS that can do it?

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923

    I had the same thing done. It's called Fat Transfer, which is used in conjunction with liposuction. I also had the Goldilocks done after explanting my 410s. That's where they leave the extra skin and fold it under to create sort of a ridge. I had 2 fat transfers done - usually it takes 3 to 5 procedures depending on a lot of factors. I had fat necrosis show up after the 2nd one, so got scared and called it quits before my 3rd one. Had it biopsied and it's okay - just unsettling and for me it was quite painful. I was done at that point. This is one of the side effects you should be aware of. Some women lose the fat that is transferred, but so far mine is staying put. I can always do it again at a later date if I want. My affected side after explanting was sunken in so the fat transfer helped puff it out a bit. I don't really have breasts, but I'm not flat either. In clothes it looks like I have a very small bust, which is just fine with me. As with any of this, you need to do your research and ask a lot of questions. Results vary.

  • hood1980
    hood1980 Member Posts: 168

    Thanks bc101. I’m just starting to do my research. My Implants have just started giving me some problems and I wanted to try to figure out what my options are before my PS appointment. A small natural breast is what I’m hoping for and getting rid of these hard, huge textured implants.

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923


    I'm glad you had great results! Not every PS is good with this technique since it is fairly new. I think even if I had gone flat, I'm much happier without the implants. They never felt like "me" - they were too big, cold, hard, and painful, not to mention the risk of BiaALCL.

    Allergan has just recently started to try to reach out to women. I had learned about the dangers of textured implants on FB last spring and had them removed even before the recall. I think it should be up to the plastic surgeons to inform their patients. Allergan admitted they do not have the ability to track women with their devices and plus they tried to cover up a lot of the problems. My clinic sent out a mass email after my explant surgery! This needs to change. Again, glad you had a great outcome! I think this technique may become the wave of the future as implant surgeries are already way down in numbers.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    This is interesting because the recall was ONLY for product on the doctors shelves. NOT for implants already in women's chests. Also interesting because every PS was required to give every implant patient a card with detailed information including date installed, model number AND serial number of their implants. I carry my card in my wallet at all times. So of course the tracking information is out there if the doctor turned it in as required.

    I have been very happy with my Allergan 410 implants. They are not cold or particularly hard and never uncomfortable. I didn't allow my PS to go too large so I'm not "overburdened". They have been in place now for 9 years. Maybe some of the problems come back to the expertise of the PS?

    I had both an ULS & MRI last fall after all the BIA information was circulating, and everything looks good. The head of a major hospital radiology dept recommended an ultrasound every two years for follow up. I still have no plans to explant until or unless something new happens

    In any case, I'll be following up on this article. Some of the info sounds misleading unless things have drastically changed.

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923

    Hi MinusTwo!

    I had made up my mind to remove my Allergan 410s long before the recall. But I didn't need anyone to tell me there was something wrong. I had endured pain and multiple disabling symptoms ever since I'd had them in my chest. After I made up my mind, I started to hear about it through other women who were diagnosed with BIA-ALCL, listened to the FDA testimonies, then it became news in mainstream media, which led to the worldwide recall of these implants.

    If there are women out there who still haven't heard about the dangers of these implants, they should be informed. It seems like the word is out and everyone knows, but you never know. Some women are not told about the risk of BIA-ALCL until they go in with issues. Their complaints are usually dismissed as "no big deal." I think it should be up to the individual patients to decide what devices are best for their bodies and their long term health. But we need more information to determine what type of product we are given - an ingredient list, full disclosure, transparency, etc. The FDA is and should be engaged in ongoing efforts to protect patients. That's their job. It's great that you are happy with your implants and that you're so diligent, carry your card in your wallet, and that you get your implants checked, etc. More power to you. But many women lose their cards, change doctors, or their clinic no longer has their records. Not all doctors have notified their patients for whatever reason. Some women have fallen through the cracks. If they have these recalled implants, they have a right to be notified.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Yes BC101 - everyone should have the information to evaluate their own health & position. I just don't think anyone with no symptoms should be panicked into making a hasty decision to explant.

  • lisey
    lisey Member Posts: 300

    Minus, you keep posting saying the same thing... Perhaps every time you jump back in to restate your point, I should to the same about the huge benefits of being flat and getting the F'rs out of ones body?

  • Member Posts: 1,435

    MinusTwo does keep posting the same thing. It's an important reminder that there is no medical reason to remove these implants if they are not causing any problems (a critical proviso, of course). Many people read about the recall and assume that all of these implants have been recalled, whereas in fact the implants that are in our bodies have not been recalled and the vast majority are just fine and are not causing problems. Minus is trying to ensure that women with these implants don't misunderstand and overreact, and don't rush into surgery if it's not needed or wanted. She is posting the current relevant facts about the situation.

    Lisey, your posts on the other hand seem intent on getting us to see the light and go flat, whether we are having any issues with our implants or not. You may have huge benefits from being flat, but for some others, it would be devastating. You are not posting facts but personal opinion, with what appears to be the intent of driving people to have what for most would be an unnecessary and unwanted surgery. Get "the F'rs out of ones body" - how is that not judgemental, rude and insulting to everyone of us who chooses to have implants? Are you so insecure in your decision that you will only feel good about your decision to go flat if you can convince everyone else to do the same? I don't really believe that, but it is how your obsession about this comes across.

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923


    I think you've lost sight of the fact that this is all about CHOICE.

    MinusTwo's concern is that women should not rush to explant based on the recall. I get that. That's a valid concern. Here's another thing to consider when weighing that choice - women who are explanting must realize that removal of these devices will not guarantee you won't get BIA-ALCL in the future. Unfortunately it is a lifetime risk. That is a FACT.

    I also believe women are intelligent enough to make up their own minds after considering the facts. That is, assuming they are given all the facts by the industry and their doctors.

    On the subject of going flat... Yes, Lisey has voiced her opinion on going flat, which is sadly missing in a lot of these discussions. We all need share our opinions, voices and stories here, along with the facts. That is the purpose of a community board, unless I'm mistaken. I disagree that going flat would be "devastating" or "an unnecessary and unwanted surgery." It is simply another option - even after explanting.

    Like many others, I feel that going flat should be on the menu. Many women who choose to explant and go flat soon discover that 'getting them out' is very freeing. Some - like myself - wish they had never implanted to begin with. Others struggle with 'flat denial' by surgeons who do not listen to them, or who lack the skills to do a good job on flat closure. These are all valid concerns and topics for discussion here.