Radiation April 2019
Rads can cause a little irritation in the throat that makes it a bit hard to swallow... epiglotitis.... could be that.
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I will start radiation on May 14th. Yesterday, a technician pricked me 3x to mark where I will need the rays to go. I had 3 surgeries for my breast cancer - the first was a lumpectomy, the second and third b/c my cancer cells were "scattered." So now my right breast looks kind of mangled. Many women have had plastic surgery to their other breast, but I really don't want MORE surgery! Maybe "falsies?"
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I was also told by the radiation oncologist to get "pure" aloe, as it is good for the sunburn effect. No Noxema or lotions!
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Hi Jag-it is so interesting to hear what others use. I proudly announced
my regime of aloe and they all kindly
but firmly told me thst aloe is detrimental
as it is actually dehydrating! what ?
they went on to say that any
cream, unscented with the
first ingredient “ water” is best.
wow- mixed messages all over...
i will def look in to this0 -
Well, my radiology oncologist was very clear about NOT using anything other than ice and aloe. Mixed messages are so confusing!!
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Rosie, nice mixed CD today! Noelle said "a patient made us a mixed tape" and I go "hey, I know her!! Well I don't know her, but I know who you're talking about!"
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# 5 today, and not surprisingly, so SEs to speak of. I've been using Aquaphor, very thick and greasy, but I FEEL like it's a good thing to use, so I'm sticking with it despite the mess.
My sister and I have taken to calling the radiation treatments "beaming" which adds a bit of whimsy to the whole experience. She'll text, "I'll pick you up at 2:15 for beaming," or "When you're done beaming, we'll go have lunch." Cute little emojis of sunbursts and such punctuate the texts, of course. You gotta get your happiness where you can these days...
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I had X-Rays, the Confirmation, and the first radiation today so it was about 40 minutes,kept my eyes closed, and was not very anxious. I had been worried about partial breast vs. whole breast and when others write about 33 in contrast to my 16 I thought maybe the partial was a mistake. RO, so responsive, assured me there was no compromise to my treatment- they would radiate a large margin around the tumor bed . It was all fine today, technicians very nice, said miaderm in am, aquaphor at night, aloe for itching
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Fritz - Glad you liked it. 🙂
Rad # 17 - Really quick rad today. All of my markers lined up quickly. Saw the RO and he wanted to make sure I keep up with the aloe and Miaderm since my skin is getting a little more pink every day.
After rads I treated myself to the last Avengers movie. Fun stuff
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14 of 33 today. Skin is holding up great with aloe and a CBD cream. Regarding a sore throat mine is really bad! Met with RO today and she said it isn’t a super common SE but with my anatomy the area where they radiate the lymph nodes near collar bone the esophagus gets hit a bit and results in painful throat.
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no sore throat for me. Maybe it's just allergies?
Today was #19!! 6 more to go!!
I saw RO today and she showed me images of what is getting radiated.
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Fritz and Cassie - any fever? Even a low grade one? Sinus problems?
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Santabarbara- so great to hear that you feel fantastic post rad!-very encouraging and I cross my fingers to have the same
mood!..once again, i leave treatment
and still no se’s- ( like Piperk)..i want to
get this over with,actually.
Annie- no fever or sinus issues- does it
feel like a standard cold coming on?
like what you’re used to?
sunocean- omg you are way ahead..i am
jealous..0 -
I'm glad to hear some of you can bring your own music or have good music to listen too. I'm only on the machine about 10 minutes and I think it's faster for those of us who are permanently tattooed ? Anyhow today they had depressing ass music. I was like really? I told the therapists man you guys need to change your mood. This is gonna make patients cry!! The song was some sad love song...I told them put some jazz or pop or something that doesnt remind me of crying !! Lol!!!
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Aquaphor is a mess but because I am working it last a long time. I LOVE MIADERM....first ingredient is water!!! Awesome stuff.
Two more treatments! YAY!!!
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Hi Freebee, I get the indecision... I was the same way. Finished RADS last Friday-15 treatments no boosts. Finally got my RO to tell me if I should have boosts or not and NOT leave it up to me!! I know you’ll figure it out
Cassiecanada & fritzmylove-I too started with a sore throat at about treatment 11. It turned into a dry cough and now I’ve lost my voice ;-( Could be part cold and part RADS SE’s. Not sure?? My skin is now quite burned and starting to have crusty stuff/scabs. YUCK!! I’m ready to be done with all this and get back to life!! Can’t complain- could be much worse.
Sending lots of love to all of you brave ladies!!
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keywestfan - glad to hear that all went well for you today.
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Sunocean - it is nice to bring in music that you like. It just makes everything go faster. Having to lay there for 20 minutes is about 4 songs, so you know when you’re almost done with rads for the day without looking at a clock.
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did #20 today!!! Yaass! 5 more to go!!! Woo hoo.
Hoping everyone is doing well!!
Keep on lathering up!!! I make sure I'm putting cream at least 4x a day. Sometimes even more !!
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Sunocean --- are you red or pink yet? Do you feel tired at all? I finished #13 of 20 today and am getting a little more redness -- especially under my breast.. Also, I get waves of exhaustion that comes and goes. Mine is hypo fractionated radiation so each dose is stronger, but I won't have as many treatments. I'm ready to be done. My treatment takes only 10 minutes, but the trip there is 30 minutes.
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@jessie I am definitely dark red turning almost purple in some areas but thank goodness it doesnt hurt or burn. Looks worse than it is. I'm hoping it wont too bad. I need 5 more. RO said she can prescribe some silver cream if needed.
Fatigue is not too bad. I've been walking 2 miles every morning and it's been helping with energy.
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Jessie... under the breast is sensitive to cracking.. you can lift the breast by rolling a soft towel or washcloth and putting it under breast, so it can air out underneath and not have skin on skin.
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I found out today that my lymph node biopsy was positive. My surgeon explained that he won't do surgery because the risks of nerve and possibly muscle damage outweigh the benefits of doing the surgery.
I'll be starting 5 weeks of radiation tomorrow afternoon.
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My RO said aloe is dehydrating I should use Aquaphor and/or Calendula, he said any burn specialist would cringe at using aloe. Also said don't use cornstarch as it can cause a fungal infection. Gets so confusing with all the conflicting recommendations. Treatment 12 of 30 today and pink is turning a little red with swelling and tightness. Only using Aquaphor for now, messy but I put a thin layer of gauze over it and wear a black t-shirt.
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Congrats on 20, countdown is on! I am 12 of 30, they told me today my last 5 will be boosts.
Hugs!0 -
Hello Comrades, 14/20 today. Decided to do the boosts, as advised. I met an RO who convinced me it was worth it. I’ve come this far ...
My bullseye is very red - RO said it might break. Gawd, I hope not. Also very itchy scrataround my incisions. Other than that, I am doing reasonable well. Thankfully the boosts will be offside and will give my aero a bit of a break.
Using Miaderm 4x a day. Love the stuff. Unfortunately it’s not available in Canada. Costs a small fortune on Amazon, but well worth it. The relief is immediate.
I so appreciate this Forum. I am sending good energy to you all. Stay strong and keep fighting!
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On my way to #19 of 33, the last 5 will be boosts. I’m just a little pink except on axillary scar which is brown. I put miaderm on immediately, go to gym for just half an hour, come home and apply aloe straight from the fridge. I use miaderm 2 or 3 more times and more aloe if it feels warm. My RO prescribed mometasone cream and corn starch but I haven’t used either yet. I walk 2 or 3 miles a day. I’m full of energy in the morning but after lunch I’m not very active. I’m sure the worst is still to come. The difference in recommendations is confusing.
I’m scheduled for a bone scan next week. Seems like that should wait until after current radiation. Thoughts
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My RO recommended the Aquaphor, so I'm using that. But ItsHandled444's comment about gauze just reminded me of something. During chemo, about 1-2 hours before the appt, I put some lidocaine cream over the port to ease the pain of the needle stick. To make sure the cream didn't get smeared off by clothing, the nurses recommended putting a piece of plastic wrap over it rather than gauze because the gauze would soak up the cream thereby reducing its effectiveness as a pain reliever. In other words, the gauze soaked up the lidocaine cream instead of my skin soaking up the cream which was the intent. Maybe using plastic wrap with the Aquaphor might be an idea??
Also, the radiation tech mentioned cornstarch yesterday for its antiperspirant properties after I complained about the temps in the high 80s causing me to sweat being only allowed to use the natural, non-aluminum containing deodorants which are not antiperspirants. No mention of fungus...
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Way to go Benji!!
Chantalbe, sorry to hear you have the positive lymph node - you may want to ask about proton radiation; it's very exact and the protons can be programmed to release their energy very specifically at the site where the cancer cells are.
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Rad # 19 - Getting that sun burned feeling on my chest. It pinches, it itches, it's warm to the touch. Been lathering up as much as I can. I'm down to my last 9 rads and I want my skin to stay intact until the end.
Hope all of you are having a good day.