Starting Chemo May 2019

Have been trying to find one started for May 2019 with no luck.
Starting 4months of AC+T May 2nd every 2 weeks. Scared out of my mind and not sure where to start. I still feel lost about the whole process. Do you meet with someone before it happens or do you just sit in a chair and they start?
VeeBee - I am nearing the end of my chemo, having started in Oct. 2018. I did meet with an oncologist and NP before I started. Some places have a class before you start. I, too, was scared out of my mind. In fact, when we (DH and I) arrived at the treatment center, my legs would not move. I had to sit in the car and breath just to get up! I am so lucky to have a great center and good nurses and an MO that listens. How many treatments will you have? I also visited the treatment center before I went. This did help some. I hope all goes well for you and your SE's are few. This site is a wonderful. Check in with the group that started in April. Look at Tiffany's Terrific tips on what to take to chemo. That was a big help. Let me know if I can help in anyway.
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Hi VeeBee-Just wanted to say that I will starting my chemo May 6th AC+T also for 8 sessions total. I had a chemo education session with an oncology nurse at the hospital last Friday. Maybe you can check with the facility where you will be having the chemo? I'm having chemo first then surgery, so this is the first step for me. Wishing you the best and hope to see you going forward-:)
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good morning Annie60,
Thanks so much for the tip on Tiffany’s post I will for sure read it. I do fear I will end up running away, just the prep scares me the most. All the nurses and people asking if I’m ok or how I’m doing. I’m scared of my replies. Only diagnosed in February and already the questions from family and friends are driving me a little crazy. I’m not one for attention. I will be having 4 rounds of AC then I think I went blank after my onco told me that lol taxol 4 rounds I believe too. Did you have 6 months of treatments? I hope you are doing well. What SE’s did you have ?
Thanks for replying and info on the chemo session I will definitely look into this. I had a lumpectomy first and fluid built up and starting draining from the incision so have an appointment may 25th to assess it with surgeon. Onco gave me pills in case there was infection there last week. Let’s hope there’s no infection and we can move on otherwise I have to wait for chemo. I wish you the best as well. What stage are you and grade, your signature doesn’t say.
This site is amazing and very helpful so glad to have all you ladies/gents on this team we definitely wanted to be picked last for.
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VeeBee - On April 30th, I will have completed 16 rounds of chemo - 4 A/C and 12 Taxol. I have Herceptin and Perjeta every three weeks and will until next February. Please know that the SE's I have will most likely not be your experience. Everybody is different. Remember to hydrate! That was the hardest thing for me. Water tasted awful. Anything with artificial sweetener tasted bad. I finally made my own lemonade. Sometimes I add a little pineapple juice to the lemonade. Yes, it was a lot of sugar but if you can't drink water, lemon helps. Hydrate before, during and after. Get a notebook and write down your questions. Write down the answers. Take someone with you if you can. It really helps to have an extra pair of ears to take it all in. My brain tended to shut down after so much was thrown at it. Take the meds prescribed even if you don't think you need them. If you get Neulasta, take over the counter Claritin for joint pain. If you have side effects that aren't control with the meds given you, speak up. Don't suffer in silence. Try not to read horror stories about SE's. There will be times you want to quit. We all do. This doesn't make you weak. Your human and this is hard and scary. Keep reaching out to those on this site. There are incredible women and men on these boards that will help in any way they can.
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Hi Vee...I don't yet know what grade I am. Oncologist said I was stage II but that was all. I am ER+/PR+ Her2-. Do they grade after surgery? I guess I need to do some more reading-:)
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hey Daisy, your grade will be present on both pathology reports, well at least mine was. May I ask why your having chemo before surgery? How big is that tumour? Do u personally have copies of them? I asked for copies of everything only because I’ve gone through a few doctors in different cities and wanted to be sure everyone had the info. And I’ve read it’s good to have them anyway.
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I am also beginning in May. 4 AC and 12 Taxol. Will be good to have this group.
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yes agreed! I’m often seeing the 12 rounds taxol treatments paired with AC I’m scheduled for 4 I believe (kinda went numb after he said 4 AC) what makes it 4 or 12 rounds? Do you know? These treatment options and lists are so confusing.
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My first round of chemo is Tuesday 4/30 - so I'm borderline on which group I should be in (April or May) - I will likely jump in and join you here in May since I will probably line more closely with all of you.
Ordering more caps today. Loosing the hair is freaking me out the most right now. But overall just ready to get going so I can get done. The waiting is difficult.
I'm triple positive - my chemo is THC+P - 6 rounds then Herceptin continues for a full year. Port put in two weeks ago and had BMX 6 weeks ago tomorrow.
Hang in there everyone! We can do this!
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I envy your positive attitude Aliceneed!!! You have already gone through much more then I have. I agree on the waiting part, I just want this over and done with too!! Where are you ordering the caps from?
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Got my Welcome to the Cancer Center package in the Mail today!!!! WOW, Thanks!!
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VeeBee - I think I'll order caps off of Amazon. I ordered a more stylish one from Etsy but I just need some basic ones too.
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I tried to post a video on hats and scarfs. I didn't do wigs. Just knew I wouldn't wear them.
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Hi Vee...I didn't get copies of my pathology. I will have to inquire. I read what info was available through the patient portal of my hospital, but I couldn't find any mention of grade. My tumor is around 4 5/8 cm. I'm having chemo first because I have at least one lymph node involved and they are hoping I can get away with less surgically as far as the nodes are concerned. I already know I will go for mastectomy. I'm not shooting for lumpectomy.
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Just stopping by, I completed chemo in March. I recently ordered a copy of UPLIFT, Secrets from the Sisterhood of Breast Cancer Survivors, from Amazon Smile (used book for $5). I just received it yesterday and wanted to stop by and recommend it. I've only read the forward and the radiation chapter so far. And I wanted to share with you something someone shared with me last year after my diagnosis: "I will never be grateful for cancer. But I am thankful for the lessons I have learned. For those just beginning your journey hold on. Reach out. Be tough. Be weak when needed. And know it gets better." You are in my thoughts and prayers, stay positive and you are strong! Lisa
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Hello to all of you, I finished my chemo last August. I did 12 weekly taxol and 4 FEC (which my doc split them to 8 weekly instead of 4 every 15 days).
Be patient, I know it can be very difficult sometimes, be strong, be there for yourself and choose those you want to share it with. We are here...
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My first chemo treatment is tomorrow. Since I am only having one in April, I thought I would join you here.
I met with my nurse. She explained all of the meds and possible side effects. I will be on neoadjuvant AC every 14 days x 4 cycles, then Taxol weekly x 12 cycles. I will also take Neulasta. My MO told me to take Claritin daily and ginger capsules twice a day. I also have a prescription for Zofran. I was also told to eat ice during the treatment.
I'm a little apprehensive, but want to get started. The sooner the treatment begins, the better for me, at least mentally.
I'll let you know how it goes.
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Hi - I am starting 12 weeks of Taxol along with Herceptin (I believe it is every 3rd week) Starting May 9th and seems so unreal & scared out of my mind. I have been very emotional, but trying to keep it together. I work FT and have a 15 year old daughter. I am going to do the cold capping and my husband will be at every session, so of course, I am feeling bad about that as well. Not a great combo...Chemo & Guilt. Ugh!
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I agree! I want to get this started so it can get over. I am a planner, so knowing this well take the bulk of my next year, makes me have some anxiety. I am happy to find this forum and see actual results and stories.
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I have a 15 year old daughter, too. Also two others, 8 and 18.
I totally relate to the guilt. I'm definitely the planner in our family. Knowing that I will have to step back and be taken care of by them on occasion is surreal. Let's see how well I've taught them!
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I will have my first of 4 AC on May 3. Very nervous but ready to begin and get this over with. I will also be cold capping at least initially to see if I can handle it. Good luck to us all.
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@ HappyAnyway Good Luck today girl!!! I'm thinking of you!!!
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Yesterday I had my appointment with the Surgeon to talk about my Port Install, everything went fine there. I then decided that I would venture out the the Chemo Center!
I have thought about just visiting there first before the actual day of my Chemo to start. I hate walking into the unknown and everyone all over me like moth to a flame.
Emotionally I think this did wonders for me. I asked the Nurse if she had a few minutes to ask some questions. I looked around and started to walk backwards towards the exit sign and swore a
Today and last night I have been thinking about that decision to walk in there in total control and knew I could walk out at any time. I feel comfortable that I did this!! Now i'm ready!!
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VeeBee, I agree about taking control. Knowledge is power. So cliché, but true.
I decided to go to the gym this morning. All I did was walk on the treadmill, but I'm glad I did. For the first ten minutes or so I focused on releasing my nervous energy and fear. I feel pretty confident! Thank you for the well wishes!
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Good luck today HappyAnyway! You've got this!
I'm similar to you and JoAnnsLife - I like to plan - so the waiting has been killing me!
My first treatment is next Tuesday 4/30 - and I'm ready to get it going!
VeeBee - great idea on visiting beforehand! I had planned to do that but didn't write it down and forgot when I was there for chemo class! So I'm just preparing myself mentally for the worst and hoping for the best! Bringing plenty to read and listen to (anyone have any good Netflix suggestions???)
Going to see PINK tomorrow in concert - a good way to get my mind off all of this. Can$er SUCKS but it will not own me!
Good luck to all!
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VeeBee - Way to go!! There is so much of this that we can't control, but you are taking charge of what you can. I am proud of you!!
HappyAnyway - We have the same treatment plan. I will finish the taxol next Tuesday!! Of course, HP will continue until next year.
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Alicesneed ME TOO!!!! Going to Pink Concert that is, in Detroit, I'm coming from Ontario Canada and can't wait!! SEE YOU THERE!!
My first Chemo, I plan on not bringing much as it will be a WorldWind with people talking, and asking questions and Blah Blah. We have a Small center here in Chatham, Ontario and unfortunately ours in under construction so the room we have now is pretty horrible (in the basement of Hospital) the Chemo center here is new to us, we haven't really had one until a few years ago, we always had to travel for the big stuff.
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VeeBee - Awesome! I didn't think I'd get to see her this round due to treatment but once I knew my date (4 days ago) - I booked! So excited!!! SEE YOU THERE!
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Guess where I am?
Port access was so easy and didn't hurt thanks to the lidocaine cream. The steroid cocktail is being administered now. I didn't write down what all she told me is in it. I'm usually better than that!
Next step, AC.
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Already received the Adriamycin . Receiving the Cytoxan now. Will be getting the Neulasta shortly.
My nurse said to expect the metallic taste from the AC and bone (flu like) pain from the Neulasta. She recommended Fiji Water to combat the metallic taste. She also suggested Crystal Light mix packets.
So far, so good! Please don't worry, ladies. We've got this.