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Starting Chemo May 2019



  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Member Posts: 380

    I'm seriously laughing! Pink is playing right now during my treatment! Have fun, ladies!

  • Alicesneed
    Alicesneed Member Posts: 78

    That's great HappyAnyway! Glad things are going smoothly and PINK is rockin' for you! Keep us posted!

  • VeeBee
    VeeBee Member Posts: 30

    Hope you’re feeling ok happyanyway and today was a success!! Pink is an amazing artist. Give one of her new songs a listen ‘wild hearts can’t be broken’ on her new album hurts 2b human. Just close your eyes sit back and give that song a listen!!

  • JoAnnsLife
    JoAnnsLife Member Posts: 8

    Alicesneed - Best of Luck in starting on the 30th! Will be thinking of you.

    mpv459 - Please keep me posted on your cold capping. Nervous about this whole thing, as well. My poor husband is my i owe him after? Thinking of him going fishing with some buddies for the maybe my present too Happy He truly has been amazing and medical stuff is sooo not his thing.

    VeeBee- happy to hear about the Port. You all are making me feel better with my anxiety.

    Happy - you are becoming my hero! thanks for such spot on updates! We do Got this!!

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Member Posts: 380

    VeeBee, I added that song to my playlist.

    Thank you all for caring. It means a lot to me.

    Tonight I feel well. Took a Zofran before dinner to play it safe. No real nausea. I'm taking it proactively according to the directions that my nurse gave me. I've been drinking so much water to flush out my system. I'm glad I like it!

    My friend that went through this last year said her worst day was two days after chemo, actually the Neulasta was her issue. She said laugh it up today, but don't be surprised if I can't get out of bed on Sunday. We'll see! Either way, I will persevere.

    Best wishes to all!

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Ladies—greetings from your future, when all of this is behind you and you can start to turn your thoughts to. . . well. . . anything other than BC. I was at the cancer center yesterday getting my penultimate Herceptin. A former patient had made up bags of goodies to hand out to those just starting their chemo journey. I tried to say no but they insisted. I’d really like to pass it on, along with a few leftover treats from a gift basket a dear friend sent me a year ago.

    If anyone is interested, please PM me. I can put it in the mail early next week.

    On a separate note, a co-worker of my husband’s gave me her whole bundle of head gear last year. It’s a lot of hats—some really fun!! They weren’t really my style—I did all baseball hats and bandannas—but if anyone would like them, I’d love to pass them on as well.

  • suzygreenburg
    suzygreenburg Member Posts: 3

    I just joined and haven’t had a chance to read everyone’s posts yet, but I am also starting chemo May 6. TC, four rounds three weeks apart.

    I have my chemo education appt Monday.

    TTROTTER1 Member Posts: 8


    I start May 13th on TC I also am scared just praying s/e are minimal.

    TTROTTER1 Member Posts: 8

    Hi, I too have just joined and will be receiving TC as well, how are you dealing with all of this

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    A great healthy water flavorer is a spike of kombucha...

    Saying hi to the May chemo folks... I just finished my entire treatment (I was in Aug '18 Chemo group). I want to highlight a few things that helped me out a lot...

    1. Google the "fasting mimicking diet, Dr Valter Longo, USC" and read about how a brief fast or semi-fast prior to chemo, followed by a well nourished 'recovery' after, can reduce side effects of chemo while boosting the chemo response.

    2. IVs - High dose C or nutritionals and also hydration IVs can really be a good complimentary practice that eases SEs.

    3. Icing hands and feet to prevent neuropathy

    4. Supplements (I followed a plan from a naturopathic/ integrative doctor, Dr Keith Block, which included an exercise plan).

    I did a lot of complimentary practices... alongside every western treatment... there are a lot of things your MO may not mention or suggest but that are protective or helpful, so you have to be your own advocate. Many complimentary practices have more anecdotal evidence rather than double blind trials. Read the evidence, draw conclusions and make informed choices. My MO was out of his comfort zone w me but we got a great result and I think it opened his mind!

  • suzygreenburg
    suzygreenburg Member Posts: 3

    TTROTTER1 - Looks like we both are doing the TC brew. How many rounds do you have? I have 4. I am pretty nervous about how I'll feel. Nervous about losing my hair and worried about how this summer is going to go with me in treatment all summer (I have two children ages 7 and 11). I'm trying my best to stay positive and just take things one day at a time, but with that said, I'm pretty worried. How are you doing?

    TTROTTER1 Member Posts: 8


    I have 4 rounds of it. For the most part I'm ok bc I know I don't have a choice but a lot of anxiety.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    Dear suzygreenburg and TTROTTER1.

    Welcome to the BCO community. We are so glad that you reached out to our members to share your experiences, concerns, questions and feelings. We hope that you will both find helpful information and more to support you along the way. Good luck to you both with chemotherapy. Keep us all posted on how things go. Let us know if you need any assistance in navigating the boards.

    The Mods

  • MarthaMW
    MarthaMW Member Posts: 10

    I will have 6 rounds of TC and start 4/30. I am nervous and scared and feel unprepared.

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Member Posts: 380

    Hi new people. What a fast, crazy ride we are on!

    What I like to do is take notes from my MO. He's extremely thorough. I also read and post on this wonderful site. I stay off of of Google.

    I want to know what the potential SE are, but I do not assume that I will have them. Of course, I will be shiny bald. It's cool. I'll rock like it's intentional. I'll give them something to talk about! Don't want to loose my eyebrows or eyelashes, but if I do, I'll manage.

    I had my first AC treatment yesterday. My nurse told me to expect to have a metallic taste in my mouth and to feel as though I have the flu today. Guess what? I don't have either of those. I may tomorrow or the next day, but I am grateful that I feel well today. She also said that the steroids would likely keep me up all night. I slept like a rock. I am still a little sleepy today. Also have a slight headache. Will I have bad days? Yes. I will. I will take things as they come and try not to be consumed by the what ifs.

  • mpv459
    mpv459 Member Posts: 83

    Happy Anyway.... I am right behind you starting AC on Friday May 4...Keep me updated please.. :)

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Member Posts: 380

    mpv459, I'll keep you posted. I've become quite the sharer these days. :)

    I had my daughter remove my Neulasta device for me. My friend recommended that I remove it in the shower because of the really sticky adhesive. I removed the outer cover myself. I applied soap to the adhesive that the device was stuck to. I told her to rip it off fast. It was really neat. Just a tiny little catheter under the device. No pain at all.

    I noticed this evening that my face is red. From what I gather from searching this site, it is likely from the steroid drip that I received yesterday. I don't feel bad. No fever. Just look like I have a sunburn.

  • ipenelope
    ipenelope Member Posts: 233

    Hello everyone,

    Thoughts to everyone just starting or just about to start your chemo. I recently joined the group so don't have a month group...i started my chemo back in Dec 2018 with the AC eow x 4 + 12 weeks of T. My last treatment is this upcoming Thursday!!

    Everyone experiences SE different so yours might be minimal or worse. I agree with the ladies that have commented about lemonade and lemons helping with the change in your taste and water tasting terrible but keeping up on it. I wish i had known the chill idea to decrease neuropathy as I'm sadly dealing with that now... I also wish I had know to take a Claritin before the Nulasta!

    I wish all you ladies the best of luck and you all got this!! Take care of yourselves, let others help you no matter how hard it is, you'll have good days and bad days, and know your not alone!!

  • Alicesneed
    Alicesneed Member Posts: 78

    suzygreenburg - ask to see where you will have your chemo if they don’t show you at class tomorrow. I think it will help lessen the anxiety on the first day.

    One day at a time! We can do this!

  • VeeBee
    VeeBee Member Posts: 30

    HappyAnyway, you are indeed a trooper!!! I hope you are doing well today.

  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    On the bright red face - steroids make me look like I've been on the beach in August.

  • suzygreenburg
    suzygreenburg Member Posts: 3

    Thank you, Alicesneed, I will do that!

  • Alicesneed
    Alicesneed Member Posts: 78

    Up all night from the steroids - I should have bought that living room paint - I could have gotten a lot done last night! Happy

    1st round for me today. Anxious to get it going.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • VeeBee
    VeeBee Member Posts: 30

    Hey Ladies, and Good Morning!!

    Speaking of Steroids, how long are you guys on it for? Do you take it all the time or just before and after Chemo. I hear of people gaining weight on it. I can't imagine gaining if you only take it day before and on day on Chemo. Don't know how it works.

    Thinking of you today Alicesneed, send some updates :) Good Luck Girl and YOU WILL DO THIS!!!

  • VeeBee
    VeeBee Member Posts: 30

    Thinking of you HappyAnyway , how are you doing today?

  • Alicesneed
    Alicesneed Member Posts: 78

    Thanks VeeBee!

    I am on 4mg Dexamethasone Steroid - twice a day for 3 days starting the day before chemo. I've read that the roughest days are days 3-6 and I'm wondering if part of that is the crash from steroids. I will ask the nurse today. I haven't noticed any weight gain - yet. But I do understand it can happen. My face was blushed red this morning - looks like I just came in from the beach and I slept maybe an hour and a half last night. I feel like I could run a marathon this morning!

    I'll keep you posted!

  • VeeBee
    VeeBee Member Posts: 30

    Glad you have lots of energy for such a big day!!

    Weird how this steroid is so different. I too have Dexamethasone 4mg BUT, I take 3 day of Chemo, then 2 tablets once a day on days 2 and 3.

  • VeeBee
    VeeBee Member Posts: 30

    Good Luck today MarthaMW !! Thinking of you today!!! YOU GOT THIS

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Member Posts: 857

    Looks like I'll be joining this group. I'll also do 4 rounds of TC, maybe beginning 5/13. Sort of nervous but in fact, I'd rather do it than not, given my diagnosis.

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Member Posts: 380

    Hello everyone. Hope you are all doing well.

    I just get a steroid drip the day of chemo.

    My down day was Sunday. Primarily upset stomach. Not nausea, the other. I am still tired and getting bored. Forcing myself to eat for energy. Overall, managing well.

    Please keep us posted, everyone. You are all on my mind.