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Post chemo hair styles.



  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Runcrb--I love the pics and timeline. Thanks so much for posting!! I've been cranky lately--about one year PFC, still way more curls than I want, wondering when I can have something closer to my pre-BC hair back, but I'm starting to gather that maybe in about another year my hair will have calmed down. I met with a new PT yesterday (who complimented me on my hair--I'm getting a lot of that!), and a friend of hers started perming her hair because she really liked her chemo curls and "they only lasted for two years!" Maybe by January yours will be even closer to what it was? And the color--did it come back on its own or did you do something?

  • Runrcrb
    Runrcrb Member Posts: 202

    my color came back on its own. I forget how gray it was when it started coming back.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Eenteresting. . . Mine used to be dark blond naturally <probably>, highlighted up to a lighter blond, but it's now pretty dark brown with a very light (white) fringe around the face. Pretty weird.

  • WC3
    WC3 Member Posts: 658


    I have significantly more grey post chemo but some of them are brown at the roots.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Sounds promising, WC3!!

  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323

    Well I have little style. But perpetual chemo curls that keep me very busy. They are so much work. But I do NOT care I have hair.

    This is progression close to 21 months post-final chemo and 3 hair cuts between.

    Blessings ladies. image

  • trishyla
    trishyla Member Posts: 698

    Wow, CBK! You still have some crazy curls. I love them, but I'm not the one who has to take care of them😁

    My curls are almost gone, but there's just enough left to give me some body. I'll be so sad when they're completely gone



  • margun
    margun Member Posts: 385

    Yrishyla and CBN- when you had full hair and when did you colour them after post chemo.

    From your history I see you did not have rads? That was te I y. Docs or it was your choice

    I had Ac and taxol a d I am 4 weeks post chemo. I still have some bone joint low level bone pain on and of. Occasionally I have sensitivity in my liver area as it was during taxol. When your se disappeared after chemo

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    CBK that is a lot to handle!! Is that your natural color? I’m about one year PFC and really hoping the curls relax over the next year.

    Margun I feel like a lot of women think they should wait about six months to put any chemicals on their hair but I’m not sure there’s any harm in doing it sooner. I think the delay is because the new hair can react weirdly to the color.

  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323

    Trishyla- When did you lose the curl? I think mine are relaxing a bit. But just may be length! Hope you are doing well on all other fronts! 💋

    Margun-(edited) I realized I didn’t answer your question well . No rads was MO decision my lymph nodes were clear. I had AC +Taxol 12. I developed neuropathy at number 7 Taxol! It’s improved dramatically but hard to know what is the after effects of my ooph surgery and Arimidex. I didn’t have a lot of bad chemo side effects. It’s the ooph and Arimidex that has not been kind to me! Wishing you healing be patient but proactive as all hell!

    Ingerp. Who knows what my natural color was until chemo blessed me with showing my virgin hair! You see it! No I'm not a natural red head.. only in my mind.

  • trishyla
    trishyla Member Posts: 698


    I never actually lost all of my hair. I think because it grows so very slowly there was always some hair covering my scalp. I cut it to about 1/8th inch after my first AC chemo, and it started growing again at around my fourth Taxol. I had enough to go out in public at about 8 weeks after my final chemo.

    I dyed it purple six weeks after my final chemo as a joke. My breast surgeon (who I adore) was teasing me about wearing my wig even though my hair was growing back. I told her if she didn't cut it out, I'd show up for surgery with purple hair. She said "No, you won't". So I did. I've had it ever since.

    CBK - The curl started fading earlier this year. I had my final infusion chemo February 21, 2017. But I also did Xeloda (Capecitabine) which is an oral chemo and finished January 5th, 2018. So, either one or two years post final chemo. I want my curls back. I love curly hair.

    Ah, well. You get what you get. I'll probably have my poor sad, straight baby fine hair back eventually. 😥


  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    CBK--you rock it!

  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323

    Trishyla- Wow long road for you... but hey no Arimidex for 5 to ten years!! I wish you all the best, thick wavy locks, and any color you love to sport!

    Margun- I colored my hair at 51/2 months PFC, see the photo with shot of back of my head with curls and dark hair with grey. I lost every thread of hair on my hair with my chemo. Bald as bald could be! Be prepped when you first color hair it can repel color. Of course I was going from a complete opposite natural shade to a dyed one!

    Ingerp- You rock... embrace the curl! You cannot fight it. 😅

  • ipenelope
    ipenelope Member Posts: 233

    CBK- I love your curls!! I'm actually looking forward to mine. I know im not normal lol. Im just about 4 months pfc and I think I'm just starting to get some waves.

    I hope all you ladies are doing good and have a great week!!


  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323

    JPenelope. That’s just when my wave started to appear at the 4 month mark! And then it went wild!

    This is just shy of four months PFC..... wishing you thick and lush curls!!


  • margun
    margun Member Posts: 385

    ladies that had Taxol- I am 5 weeks post taxol but still have lower leg and arm occasional bone joint paint and not less than during Taxol. Is this normal

  • sparklegirl2018
    sparklegirl2018 Member Posts: 39

    Margun, I have the same joint and lower arm and leg pains. My last Taxol was 8/1. I have read others say they are just starting to feel normal at 6-8 weeks out. If I am not feeling better by then I will check with my oncologist. There is a weekly taxol thread you might want to check out.

    I love seeing all the hair regrowth pictures! Right now I have about 1/2 of fuzzy white hair on the sides and back. Very little hair on top but what is there is white. My daughter said I look like a mad scientist Loopy. I, like many of you, am impatiently waiting for it to grow!! I am still losing my eyelashes, only about 5 left on each side! I use eyeliner on my upper lid to take the place of the eyelashes and that seems to help.

    Good luck everyone with the regrowth! May we all have thick luscious hair soon Medicating

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Member Posts: 857

    SparkleGirl, pardon me if I've already said this to you -- my eyelashes were like yours, just a small number of stragglers on each eye, upper and lower. But now only about 3 weeks later they've returned, and more densely than they've been in years. Still short, but that's okay. And I know they could all fall out again, but now that I see how quickly they've grown back in, that idea doesn't phase me a lot. Also my eyebrows are coming back very nicely.

    And my hair! :) measurable stubble now! I can see it without looking in the magnifier mirror! So exciting.

  • ipenelope
    ipenelope Member Posts: 233

    Margun- it sadly is common to stop have the bone/ joint pain. I actually hurt more in my arms and legs after chemo was over then while going through it... well at least the Taxol.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Minor piece of advice--when my hair started growing back, it was even curlier than it is now, and that was driving me nuts. I kept buzzing it down to about 1/4". I only stopped that when it looked like the curls were starting to relax just a bit. In hindsight, if I'd just let it grow, I'd probably have an inch more now than I do. I'd be that much closer to having some length. So many of us look super cute with the short cuts, but I realized I really did like my <former> longer hair. So if that's your goal, just grit your teeth through whatever's coming.

    Re: brows/lashes--I assume y'all have heard they tend to go through cycles for a while? That normally you lose a lash or two here and there--just like head hair, but chemo resets the follicles so they're all on the same growth cycle. You can expect some thinning at about four-month intervals, but it should get less each time. I definitely noticed it at 4 and 8 months PFC, although now that I think about it, I think now at a year PFC it's pretty much evened out.

  • margun
    margun Member Posts: 385

    Cbk-you have great hair. It is encouraging that within 4 months I can have such hair with my naturAl colour. For now I am close to 6 weeks post chemo and a little hair I have is all white .

    I came from changing bandages ( had bmx 2.5 weeks ago. The sick breast is nearly healed but the prophylactic one has some opening from where a green - yello secretion is coming out. The green is mostly weird, in my ast I saw yellow secretion around a wound but not green one.It is something you or anyone experienced?

  • ipenelope
    ipenelope Member Posts: 233

    Margun- Are you having any increased pain or swelling wth the area?? Usually green drainage is a sign of an infection. I thankfully did not have any issues with drainage from my surgical incisions.

    I hope everyone is having a good week and keep posting hair pics I love seeing them!!


    Sorry for the goofiness was at the MN state fair. My hair's kinda crazy in this pix. Im 4 months pfc today. image

  • margun
    margun Member Posts: 385

    ipenelope-i do not have increased pain or swelling wth the area. Nurse changed bandages and applied polysporine. I hope it goes away.

    I do not know if anyone else experienced green secretion from incision and hoe it was resolved?

  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323


    I think it’s normal to have white fuzz at your point PFC.. you will probably start to show some pigment soon!!!

    But green discharge sounds strange .. are you on an antibiotic like Kephlex?Let us know how you fare.

  • margun
    margun Member Posts: 385

    Sparklegirl and Ipenelop- I hope your bone pain is better. I had my last Taxol on July 26, 7 weeks ago but I still have on and off short lasting bone/joint pain in lower leg and hand. My toe thumb and pinky still have blackish discolouration. What is your situation and any of you discussed it with your Mo. I will see mine in four weeks and last time he told me give it more time. A lot of ladies that finished Taxol with me have not bone pain anymore. I walk but I do not know what to do else to eliminate this se. Soon I have to start with hormon pills and they also may cause joint problems.

  • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Member Posts: 551

    Ipenelope, you look great, look at you!

  • ipenelope
    ipenelope Member Posts: 233

    Margun- my joint pain from chemo subsided within about 6 weeks pfc. I still have some joint pain it seems to be more located where I already have arthritis abs it's just exacerbated, but it's not constantly!! Not sure if it's from the Tamoxifen.

    Do you know which anti-hormone you'll be on??

    Thanks Yndorian!! I'm starting to really see my waves... waiting impatiently lol for the length and chemo curls.

    I hope everyone is doing good and slowly recovering from the hell of chemo and radiation!! Keep up the fight kicking cancer's ass!!🥊🥊


  • WC3
    WC3 Member Posts: 658

    I was wrong about mullets. Apparently they are back in style.

  • margun
    margun Member Posts: 385

    anyone used henna and after how many weeks after chemo? I intend using brown henna , which contains some dye if not it will be orange. There is any harm if I use it after 3 months of chemo?

  • margun
    margun Member Posts: 385

    CBK-in the pictures of you hair progression I see your hair is dark brown or black and then you have photos with red hair. When you started to dye it and what you used to do it. I have been told I must to wait 6 months to dye it. I am post three months not much hair yet but wished to dye them before Christmas to get rid of my wig.