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Starting Radiation October 2019



  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,311

    Good morning. It is warm and sunny today. Memorial Day was rainy and glum. I have a list of things to do and working it down. Yay.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,086

    mocame: It's really tough now for jobs. What a complete 180 turnaround from where we were in February. So many openings and not enough people. Young people are always hit hard. I hope your children can find something. As I house shop, I find that the inventory is low. People are holding on when otherwise they would sell. I don't want to miss the good interest rates, so hope I can find something soon.

    Glad to hear that you will be opening up to some degree soon. We are still in lockdown until at least sometime in June. I am waiting to get my GI procedure that is scheduled for June 12 but they have not opened up yet for 'non essential' procedures. I called my Gyn office and they said to call back in July.

    My favorite uncle died on Friday and I am feeling bad that I will not go to the funeral. They will have the services in a church with distancing and it's in a State that wasn't so hard hit. I'm in DC and would feel bad if anyone got COVID after my being there--even if I didn't have it or give it to anyone, they might think that I did. I don't want to have to wear a mask for the entire time, even at home with my 80 yo mom.

  • Darlene63
    Darlene63 Member Posts: 15

    it looks like I am in the same boat as you are. I got diagnosed in Feb 2020 had lumpectomy and developed a saroma that was drained and I started arimidex on April 3, 2020 and have been horrible night sweats and day sweats since starting it. Did you have the sweats and do they ever go away? I did 20 treatments of radiation ending on April 22. It was a horrible experience for me. Now I have a dermatitis over the area surrounding my breast. My skin is dark red and itches. Oh I forgot I also developed lymphedema which my radiation oncologist said doesn’t happen any more. I demanded to see a LE specialist and the best part they are women. I am sick and tired of MEN. I am single and don’t date so the last four months more MEN have seen my breast than in my entire life. I have not shared my diagnosis with many people. It is not their business. So it has been really hard. I am sorry to unload on you

  • Darlene63
    Darlene63 Member Posts: 15

    how did your radiation go? I just finished radiation on Friday 5/22/2020. They wanted me to ring a bell. Are you kidding me this was humiliating and degrading showing my breast to a stupid man every day for 20 days. I was soo happly to be done last Friday may 22nd. How long did the dermatitis last? My skin around the breast is red, hot and painful. Oh let’s dont forget the lymphedema that my oncologist says no one gets any more

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 567

    Hello, Darlene63! Did your RO or nurses tell you to try putting Cortizone cream on to help with the itchiness? That helped ease some of the itchiness for me. I saw a dramatic improvement by about 2 weeks after radiation ended. After that, it's been gradual. My skin is pretty pale and I can still see the area where the radiated but it has gradually faded to where if part of my skin was showing, it wasn't a dramatic difference and someone might not be able to tell. My RO's PA told me that however your skin looks a year after radiation, that is the way it will stay from then on. Each person's radiation experience is different and we all handle that experience differently. Some people can't wait to ring the bell, others don't want to. Neither is right or wrong. I didn't think I wanted to ring the bell but when the last day came, I decided I wanted to...And then I couldn't do to staffing issues and I was a little disappointed.

    Kamboka - I hope you find a house soon. Our real estate market just started up last week and I know of 2 people that bought homes since then, so hopefully things are picking up. I'm so sorry your uncle passed away and you can't go. These times are so tough for those that lose loved ones. I hope you can spend time relaxing and remembering the times you spent with your uncle, even if you can't go to the funeral.

    Petite1 - I hope you get lots of things done and enjoy the sunshine!

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,311

    Darlene63. I had radiation dermatitis and used Aquaphor and still use it. My skin is still a shade darker then the other breast. I have lymphedema in my breast. It has not gotten worse. Yay. I am treating with compression bras, special exercises and massage. Your LE specialist should help you with that and design a program for you. LOL I did ring the bell. Once in a while I have the hot flashes from Arimidex, especially now the weather is hot. Drink lots of water.

    Mocame, It has to be tough on the kids. Hopefully things will get better soon, of course they are talking about a new wave. If they are testing more, they will find more.

    Kamboka, sorry to hear about your uncle. My brother and I are having Mom's service in June. It is just a service by the gravesite. It will be my brother & his wife, myself and my niece. Husband has to take care of the repairs scheduled on the house and the cat sitter had surgery.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,086

    Darlene63: I happy that you completed your rad treatment. Sorry to hear that you are having some skin problems. I was fortunate and did not have any skin problems until the peel at the very end of my six weeks. It passed quickly and no other problems. My skin did tan and it's still darker than the other side. I finished rads in mid November of last year. I'm on letrozole and had horrible hot flashes the second month on it. My MO ordered me Celexa, an antidepressant that is known to reduce hot flashes. It really helped. Perhaps your MO can talk to you about something like that. I was ready to quit taking the AI before Celexa.

    mocame; I was reading today that this market is not acting like it normally would. The rates are low but also the inventory is low. Some days when I do my searches there are only a couple of new listings. That part is disappointing since that keeps the prices up. I am so exciting about going down to FL to really look. I did hear that the weather was supposed to be rainy. My agent said that I could see between 5-10 houses a day. I only have 2 1/2 days and right now I have 30 house on my list. I have to narrow that down. :)

    petite1: I'm so glad you are finally getting to have your mom's service. June is a nice month so I hope the weather is good. I'm happy I got to spend hours with my unclde when I was at home in February. That is more important to me than attending the funderal. I think he appreciated that more.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,311

    Hi, Ladies. Stiff joints today. Even in my feet. I walked, which helped, but just not feeling good.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,086

    petite1: Do you think it's weather based? Or you haven't been getting enough exercise lately? I hope the walk helped.

    I'm stiff too but it's because I've been obsessed about this househunting and then realize I've been sitting in one position for hours. I'm getting excited about my trip on Friday. I spoike to the realtory and she will pick me up for our visits. I was wondering if she would make me drive separately.

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 567

    Petite1 - I'm sorry you are feeling so stiff. I get that too when I sit too long or depending on what position I sit in. My work chair isn't great plus I have a more sedentary job. I still try to get up and at least stretch or walk around the offices once an hour. But I notice the stiffness the most when I'm there.

    Kamboka - I hope you can find something while you are there. I'll be thinking and praying for you. How long will you be down there? I was thinking about you this weekend. I was hoping you were okay after I heard about all the rioting in your city plus many others.

    Have a great week ladies!

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,311

    Hi, Ladies. I hope you are all safe. Sad times.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,086

    I do live a few blocks from the White House. On Friday, there was a peaceful protest march on the street that my apartment overlooks. On Saturday night, I heard the helicopters circling. On Sunday, there was another march where the folks sat down in the intersection of the street for five minutes to chant. Sunday night it was non stop sirens. Tonight, I'm hearing helicopters. Today, I got six alerts to tell me about the curfew. Crazy. I'm so sad that our lovely historic monuments are being defaced. I believe in peaceful protest--and this city is the king of protests but this is not protesting. This is rioting.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,086

    A large group of protesters just came down my street. I heard that they were throwing rock in building along the street. There was a large show of police cars that was driving them onwards. There were two or three helicopters overhead and hovering. The sound was loud and the wind from the blades had the trees really swaying. I started looking and forgot to get my camera till most of the crowd had gone. There had to be a few hundred. Here is a photo.


  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 567

    Wow! I understand the protests but I don't understand the rioting. Seems like they are hurting themselves in the long run. I heard someone say that we would understand it if we were in their shoes. So I'm trying. It makes me sad at the lack of love and understanding people have for each other. It also shows what one person's terrible actions can effect so many people. I always tell my kids to think and make wise choices. You will always have consequences to those choices. Good choices = Good consequences. Bad choices = bad consequences.

    Kamboka - I pray that you stay safe.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,311

    Kaboka, Wow. That is close. As a boomer, I understand protests, but this is anarchy. I did have a meltdown when I watched the news last night. I have not watched it today. Stay safe.

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 567

    I had sent an email to my MO last week letting her know that the increase in medication has helped my aches but not my hot flashes. One of her nurses got back to me today and my MO is now going to put me on Effexor to see if it will help both my aches and the hot flashes. Kamboka, this isn't what you are taking, right? I'm reading the reviews for it and it sounds scary. Almost numb-like attitude with horrible withdrawal symptoms. She said that I probably will have to be weaned off this medication over time and from what I read, the withdrawal symptoms are the worst part.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,086

    mocame: I have heard that Effexor has helped a lot of women with the hot flashes. My MO gave me Celexa. I've had no adverse reactions that I know about. In fact, it might have helped my mood since I haven't gotten depressed being alone for months with COVID lockdown. Give it a try. If it doesn't work, they can try Celexa or another similar drug. It really did help my flashes.

    Here is my "protest" updates. Last night some of the businesses on my street had windows knocked out. the helicopters were hovering very low for hours. The Starbucks across the street from me had just opened up this weekend for all day service, Now they are boarded up. A march just came through tonight. It had to have been several thousand people. This group was peaceful. It's the ones who come out at night with one intention to loot that bothers me.



  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 567

    I feel for those businesses that were just hoping to get opened and start making money in order to stay in business. It's so sad.

    I'm glad the Celexa is working for you and I will see how this new medication goes. If not, I will mention Celexa. The nurse said that eventually the hot flashes will go away it's just a matter of when and the timing for each person is different. Then I can wean off this medication. One less pill to take! Yay! I can't wait! :)

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,311

    Kaboka, I am glad Celexa is working. Thank you for the update. I was just thinking, I can turn off the TV when I can't take anymore of it, but you can't get away from it. You are in my thoughts. The protests are not that bad in Jacksonville. They did close the interstate Friday or Saturday. window breaking, looting, etc. The largest group was about 1k. They stayed out of the burbs and concentrated on government buildings and downtown. Strangely, when interviewed, some of the protestors believe that COVID19 was a hoax and the protestors would not be out if it was true.

    mocame, I certainly would celebrate one less pill. I have 3 more doctor appointments this week and 1 next week. After that the trip to Virginia for my mother's memorial service and final resting place.

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 567

    Petite1 - Let us know how your appointments go. That is a lot of appointments for one week! You have quite the busy schedule. I hope your mother's memorial service goes well. This has been a hard time for those who have lost a loved one.

    There are rumors that the looting is going to hit outlets tonight that are less than 10 minutes from my house. Hopefully it's just a rumor but at least one store closed up because of it. I hope the rumors are wrong. I've been waiting impatiently for those stores to open. I live in a more rural area. Here is the view from the front of my house. There is a storm rolling in.


  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 567


  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,086

    mocame; It looks pretty flat where you live. I grew up in TN and there were loads of tornadoes close to us. We were lucky. I do recall seeing one mow down a row of trees and our neighbors house. The sound is unforgetable. Hope you don't have that problem where you live.

    petite1: You do have a lot of appointments. They cancelled my procedure for next week so I only have one video appointment this month with my MO. I am glad you are finally getting to have your memorial service. It's been a long time. I'm hoping this unrest doesn't affect my trip. The mayor extended the curfew but it's at 11 pm. I fly back at 7pm Monday and I need to get home. I think it's supposed to rain the entire time so I guess it's not a vacation.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,311

    mocame, It looks like a peaceful view.

    Kaboka, Hopefully the protesters and anarchist were not so bad, last night.

    I went to the PCP and my BP was 80/40. They insisted on doing several BP checks, including on my bc side. I instantly had pain in my poor surgical breast, which is already swollen from lymphedema. It made me grumpy and my BP went up to 103/65. Now I need to contact my MO. Plus I have a pimple like rash on the same surgical breast. The pcp prescribed an antibiotic. Now, I am heading out to the dentist.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,086

    petite1: Yikes with the low BP. Were you feeling lightheaded? Is that normal for you? I would say the thoughts of going to the dentist caused the problems but usually it makes my BP go way up. :) You now get to add another appointment. I had my PCP order labs for me and I forgot to go that week to get it done. Now this week has been the protest and my lab is at the university campus--I didn't want to deal with the young folks there. Perhaps next week, I'll try to go. I've been having 'almost' leg cramps. I don't think my potassium is low and I take Magnesium so not sure why that is happening.

    It's been quiet on my street today. Last night about a hundred came through but no problems. Today was stressful though. We had our all office call today and our leadership gave tearful testimonies of how they are feeling during this time. It was sad and it brought me down the entire day. I feel like I'm in a good space--even though I'm prone to feeling down. I just can't imagine how other people are tyring to cope during COVID, riots, etc. I heard that the number of presecriptions for antideparessnats had skyrocketed.

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 567

    Petite1 - Wow! That is low! Have you been feeling okay? Was your dentist appointment for a normal cleaning? Our dentists have just been approved this week to start doing regular cleanings. I had an appointment later this month for my regular cleaning but they just called and postponed it until first October!! I may try to get in before that because I'm supposed to go on Prolia injections in September and I want to talk to them about that since you are not supposed to have any major surgery or issues with your teeth when on that drug. I'm so sorry you are still having problems with the lymphedema. Remind me, have you gone to therapy for it?

    Kamboka - I hope you can get your bloodwork done soon. Are the leg cramps from the Letrozole? I know that's a side effect of the Anastrozole that I'm on. I've only had a couple "almost" leg cramps since I've been on it but my MO specifically asked me if I get them or not since I've been on the drug.

    I'm glad things have been quiet in your neighborhood. There was a peaceful march in our closest city yesterday. Only 500 people were expected and it was only supposed to last for 2 hours at one location. 1500 people showed up, it lasted for 4 to 5 hours, and they marched through the city causing major traffic issues but at least it was peaceful. I understand the emotional issues people are struggling with. Between the Covid-19/quarantine and now the riots, it is a lot to handle. I don't suffer from depression but this has gotten me down at times. I do have anxiety issues and that has increased but I think since I am still working at my office, it helps keep a sense of normalcy. The retirement community that I work for has been great for doing special things for their employees during this time. They have been giving us snacks during the week, letting us dress in jeans on Fridays, giving away prizes, and constantly sending us Thank You, supportive, and encouraging messages since this whole thing started. It helps. Because our residents can't go out, I get to delivery groceries to them that they order from the local grocery store. I love doing that because I get to see people that I don't normally see when I'm sitting in my office and they get to see another human being and have someone to talk to, even if it just for a minute or two. It brings a smile to our faces to interact with someone and also to help someone out. A lady I talked to yesterday, said she sewed over 400 masks for the retirement community and others that needed them. We help each other out in the ways that we can to help ease the load and burden on others.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,311

    Good morning, mocame & Kaboka. I did fine at the dentist. Everyone had masks on and patients waited in their cars. It was just my cleaning. They positioned the chair so my feet were higher than my head. She did a great job. I decided to cancel my eye doctor appointment that was scheduled for today. I rescheduled for after the trip to Virginia for mom's service.

    Kaboka, I am glad things calmed down. I had a weird pain in my leg. I guess that could be an almost. I just thought it was the SE.

    mocame, it is getting me down, too. It sound like you live and work in a nice place.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,086

    Ladies, I'm writing to you at 4:30 in the morning after being up since 3:00. The 'almost' cramp turned into a horrific total right leg cramp. It affected my thigh, lower leg and foot. The thigh felt like a knife was cutting me. I couldn't stand up to try to stretch as it felt like I was pushing the knife deeper. I started sweating and got nauseated. I was in so much pain trying to get to the garbage can so I wouldn't throw up in bed. It lasted so very long. BTW, I'm in a hotel in FL. On top of that, I ate a chicken sandwich for a late dinner that is causing indigestion. I'm just hoping that is all and I don't get diarrhea. My lower back has been aggravated d/t the heavy backpack I was carrying today. and I can hardly stand straight. I think the full blown cramp happened because I walked a lot today with the airport and househunting today. I suppose it's like a coma patient waking up and walking all day. This lockdown has limited my daily exercise. I take daily Magnesium so don't think that is a problem. I could be dehydrated since I don't drink much when traveling. I'm trying to down a quart of water now.

    I saw four houses and eliminated all but one. I have 18 more to see between now and Monday afternoon. I do enjoy househunting so I hope I recuperate in the next four hours so I'll be ready to go for our long Saturday. We will try to see 12-14 houses.

    petite1: Glad you got your dental work done. One less thing to worry about. When do you leave for the memorial?

    mocame: When I was a college student, I worked in a nursing home. Thank you for working with our elderly. They have such history and wisdom. It's good that there are activities that can get your mind off all the things we are going through. You mentioned the virus, protests and you need to add cancer treatment. Even though we have finished the first part of treatment, these AI's are no joke. I guess that's why about 30% of people stop taking them before their deadlines.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,311

    Kamboka, The leg cramp sounds terrible. Maybe potassium might help. Is the house hunt rained out? The radar shows rain in the entire state as Cristobal moves through the Gulf. The positive side of this, you will know if the roof leaks.

    mocame, It sounds like we, the 3 of us, have worked in Nursing Homes. I started as an Admissions nurse, then Marketing and Admissions, then Staff Education, and finally Nursing Home Administrator. Also did social services for a short time. I love it. It was my life, family and friends until I retired.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,086

    What a small world with all of us involved in elder care.

    It drizzled for most of the day but wasn't bad enough to require an umbrella. We were able to see 10 houses and drove by two others that either we couldn't get into or had converted to contingent. I saw four that I wanted to keep on our list. Tomorrow we have five lined up. On Monday, we will revisit any that I liked. It's been fun. So far, no more crmaps but I've not hit the bed yet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,311

    Good morning, ladies. It is still raining, but should dry out some today.