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Starting Chemo December 2019



  • margo53
    margo53 Member Posts: 131

    hi eigna.... sorry about your rash... my RO said the radiation continues to do its thing for several months after finished...I finished in April and my radiated breast still looks sunburned... dunno if that will get better.... she told me to continue to put lotion on once a day.... I use Eucerin, but she also recommends Aquaphor and Utterly Smooth..... I cant deal with the consistency of Aquaphor

    Eigna....I just looked at your diagnosis and it is almost identical to mine... I havnt found many who are PR-.. I am... I don’t know if that’s good or bad..

    I also take DIM ( Estrohalt).... and also Letrazole.... I’m not sure how to know if it works.... I showed it to my MO and he had not heard of it, but he googled it on the spot and said it would be ok to take and said he wanted to read more on it.

    How much do the ones in this group take? For those who take it...

    Hope every has a blessed Sunday!❤️

  • Eigna
    Eigna Member Posts: 256

    Thanks Margo for your reply. So far the rash is stable. It hasn’t progressed further. I find my breast is a bit swollen. Tomorrow morning I’m calling the doctor...I need to see the doctor. Hopefully I will be able to get an appointment right away.

    I take tamoxifen cuz I’m premenopausal.

  • Eigna
    Eigna Member Posts: 256

    Margo, well II was able to get in touch with my breast surgeon today via the breast nurse. I sent her a few pics of my breast to her and she sent them to my doctor. Doctor diagnosed me with breast cellulitis and prescribed me antibiotics for 10 days. I hope she is right. Time will tell. I should see some improvement in a couple of days. 🙏🤞.

  • margo53
    margo53 Member Posts: 131

    Oh no! I’m so sorry, I know that is so painful. I had cellulitis in my foot twice after chemo.....went away and came back.... I hope you see improvement in a few days. Keep us posted.

  • maryjv
    maryjv Member Posts: 269

    hello ladies!!! Miss you all very much...have been back at work since May and am getting ready to have DIEP reconstruction next week (it has been cancelled two times already)..I agree...every little ache and pain sends me sideways!! I have had brain MRI, abdominal CT scans and bone scans since chemo ended in March...I also have been in menopause and severe joint pain! Glucosamine and turmeric have helped...I realized this as the severe joint pain has returned since I have the meds on hold for surgery! My hair is curly now and I am also liking the short hair...please stay safe and I hope you feel better soon Eigna 🙏

  • maryjv
    maryjv Member Posts: 269

    image this is my hair now

  • jrnj
    jrnj Member Posts: 408

    Maryjv, you like great!! So cute. My hair is short brown and kinky curly. Looks horrible. Good luck on DIep!! I’m planning diep for January. Keep us updated. I’m getting ovaries out next week. Much easier. The aromason then Arimidex is horrible. I don’t think I’ll be able to keep taking them. Haven’t sleep in days.

  • havefaithtoday
    havefaithtoday Member Posts: 88

    Maryjv, good to hear from you. Your hair looks cute. Mine is frizzy, poofy, curly and coarse. I'm debating getting it cut again, but trying so hard to grow it. Anyone know how many months the chemo curls are supposed to last???

    What did you have those other scans for? Everything ok?

    Hope everyone is well:)

  • Eigna
    Eigna Member Posts: 256

    Hello ladies.

    I’m feeling a bit better. It’s day 4 of antibiotics and I do see a difference. Less redness and swelling. I do feel on the side my skin less smooth like pitted and it is still warm to the touch and that is why I am having a hard time believing that it’s just cellulitis. My mind wonders if it could be something else like IBC. But I need to stay positive and stay in the present. Tuesday I will see my doctor and hopefully it will be okay. 🙏

    Maryjv - nice hair! Mine are about the same length as yours. I still put my wig on at work. Can’t wait to have longer hair.

    Wishing you all a nice weekend! I will keep you posted. Hugs!

  • maryjv
    maryjv Member Posts: 269

    JRNJ-May I ask why the ovary removal? I had tested positive for BARD gene but I don’t think there is a link with ovarian cancer...I am in menopause and would like to possibly have ovary removal and hysterectomy-who did you consult for the removal??? Thanks! Will keep you posted on recovery from DIEP

    Have faith-scans were for bone and joint pain, dizziness and lightheaded ness and vision changes lots of side effects from chemo! Hearing loss...but all is ok!

    Eigna-glad your feeling a little better!!

  • jrnj
    jrnj Member Posts: 408

    Maryjv, I was premenopausal before chemo. With estrogen positive cancer, they recommended ovarian suppression and aromatase inhibitors for me as some studies show they are more effective than Tamoxifen. I chose elective ovary removal so I wouldn't have to have lupron shots for OS. But the body still makes estrogen in the fatty tissue and adreanal glands, so I still have to take AIs. But I'm having a really hard time on them, so may end up on Tamoxifen anyway. So something positive about being triple negative, you don't have to deal with these stupid drugs. I'm a little scared, but I've been on Lupron and AIs since May, so I don't think the side effects can get any worse. If they damage a vessel needed for DIEP, I'm going to be really upset. I'm losing the weight I gained for DIEP because I've lost my appetite. Going to have to hit the ice cream hard again, lol. What day is your surgery? Mine is Tuesday. Good luck!

  • maryjv
    maryjv Member Posts: 269

    JRNJ-surgery is Thursday so let me know how you are doing...plan to be in hospital for 2 days, I have been gaining all the weight I lost...hope they can at least make some Bs 🤣good luck I shall keep you in my thoughts and prayers 🙏

  • Eigna
    Eigna Member Posts: 256

    Good luck to both of you! : Maryjv and Jrjnj ! Hope everything goes well for both of you.

    Tomorrow is my doctor appointment after taking 8 days antibiotics for my breast cellulitis. I’m still worried and anxious to see the doctor. Redness and swelling have subsided but the warmth is still present. I’m worried it could be something else like IBC mind goes there all the time. I will push to get a biopsy just so I know. It’s been a difficult past few days for me cuz if it is IBC and I have to go through chemo and radiation I really don’t know how I am going to do it. I know I’m thinking a bit too far but will see tomorrow what the doctor will say. Wish me good luck. 🙏🙏🙏 Sending hugs to all of you!

  • maryjv
    maryjv Member Posts: 269

    Eigna- no IBC!!! You responded well to the antibiotics...but I understand how your mind can go there first...I also do. I hate that for the rest of our lives we will always have to sit and worry and wonder if what we are feeling is cancer. But not today! You don’t have IBC-it’s cellulitis and you are gonna just keep getting better GOD has you we are here with you 🙏❤️please keep us posted

  • Eigna
    Eigna Member Posts: 256

    Thank you Maryjv. I truly needed it to hear this. My kids need me. I need to be here on earth for a long time. 🙏🙏🙏😘

  • jrnj
    jrnj Member Posts: 408

    Maryjv, I'm hoping for Cs, but probably not realistic, lol. Funny I had saggy DDs and hated them, and was always a little shy, but I just want to look like myself, and they've always been big. Dr. originally told me I wasn't a candidate for DIEP, but after an infection, TE removal and radiation planned, he suddenly changed his mind. Hmmm, did he assume I wanted saggy DDs back?

    Eigna, no way! its just an infection. You'll be fine. What is IBC, inflammatory or invasive? What kind did you have?

  • Eigna
    Eigna Member Posts: 256

    JRNJ - IBC is for inflammatory breast cancer. I had IDC ( invasive ductal carcinoma). Good luck for tomorrow. I will be thinking of you. Let us know how your surgery went. I will keep you posted with my news.

  • maryjv
    maryjv Member Posts: 269

    Eigna how did you apt go? Thinking Of you and your mastitis!

    JRNJ-ha!!! Wonder what we will end up with! Did u have nipple sparing? I had to have them removed so surgery in 3 months will be for recreating nipples! Sorry you had so many complications with the expanders...

  • maryjv
    maryjv Member Posts: 269

    Eigna-sorry meant cellulitis

  • Eigna
    Eigna Member Posts: 256

    So doctor told me to continue the antibiotics for another week. And to see her next Tuesday for a follow up. She didn't rule out lymphedema. We will discuss it further after end of antibiotics treatment. She said it is highly unlikely it's IBC because with the antibiotics it would get worse not better. What can I say.

  • maryjv
    maryjv Member Posts: 269

    Eigna- how are you feeling with the findings? I have mild lymphedema on my right hand-working with PT every week and using compression glove and sleeve...feeling better after every session! My muscles are so weak on my cancer side and it’s always something different that is bothering me every week but I enjoy PT and the home exercises..

  • Eigna
    Eigna Member Posts: 256

    Maryjv - I feel kinda relieved with the findings. I just hope my symptoms will go away soon. She reassured me but I’ll believe when I see I’m ok.

    Good luck with your surgery on Thursday !

  • maryjv
    maryjv Member Posts: 269

    Thank you I’m glad you are relieved and praying you will be all better soon

  • Eigna
    Eigna Member Posts: 256

    How are you Maryjv and havefaith with your surgeries ? I hope all went well for you.

  • maryjv
    maryjv Member Posts: 269

    Thanks Eigna-I’m in the hospital but recovering well a little sore and trying to move around more...should be going home tomorrow

  • Eigna
    Eigna Member Posts: 256

    That’s great Maryjv! Hope you have a healing weekend! Take it easy!

  • jrnj
    jrnj Member Posts: 408

    Maryjv, Hope you are feeling OK. You had major surgery. I took Vicodin for about 4 weeks after my bmx/TE placement, and DIEP is supposed to be harder.

    I'm doing pretty good. A little tired, a little sore. More mellow, no headache and much less body pains and inflammation. A little zombie like. Hot and cold flashes have been really bad. Last Lupron was July 20 and last Arimidex was 8/22. They gave me a Celebrex before surgery and I took Vicodin Tue, Wed and Thur. So I think I'll wait 2 weeks to start Arimidex again. I want to see how I feel on nothing. Of course I overdid it this week, went to the beach twice. But relaxing today. Tomorrow is my b-day!

  • Eigna
    Eigna Member Posts: 256

    Hi JRJN , glad to see your post and that you are doing ok after surgery.

    Maryjv - how are you doing?

    Hope havefaith is doing ok too. We haven't heard from her since her surgery.

    Well girls ..wish me good luck. I'm off to see the doctor after 14 days of antibiotics. I'm nervous to see what she will say. Keep you posted. 🤞🤞

  • havefaithtoday
    havefaithtoday Member Posts: 88

    Hi ladies, just checking back in to see how everyone is feeling. I'm hanging in there. Still trying to get back to a new normal. It's so hard right now with everything going on.

    (I didn't have any surgery...maybe I was confused with someone

    Hope you all have a relaxing Labor Day weekend. We are expecting a scorching heat wave here in So California.

  • Eigna
    Eigna Member Posts: 256

    Hi ladies. Sorry havefaith I thought it was you having surgery but it’s JRJN and Maryjv. Hope you find your new normal soon.

    As for me, on Tuesday, doctor changed my meds for something stronger. I have to take them for 2 weeks straight 🙄 and I asked her to do a biopsy for piece of mind which she did on the spot. I got the results today. It’s negative so one less thing to worry. Now if only I can get rid of this infection!!!

    Have a nice long Labour day weekend everyone!