Cannabis Basics

I have been using cannabis for the past few years. My main goal in using this is pain relief, de-stressor and for sleep. I have read some stories of using cannabis to cure cancer, but there is simply not enough data for me topursue it's use for that purpose.
Let me start by saying that I live in a legal state, both medical and recreational. My purchases and self experimentation are just that, my own personal experience. Your experiences may be different. If you're wondering why there isn't more scientific based research on weed, it is still completely illegal on the federal level, so not many research dollars available.
Cannabinols are the active ingredients in cannabis. With some variations, the major cannabinols are CBD and THC. CBD is not psychoactive, THC is. Cannabis plants fall into two major categories, Sativa and Indica. Indicas are known to be more sedating. This is the stuff that creates “couch lock". Sativas are thought to be more energizing. It gives more of a giggly high and is less sedating. On top of this there are many hybrids.
In addition to knowing if your weed is Sativa or Indica, different strains within each category will have varying amounts/ratios of CBD to THC. If you live in a legal state, this information should be available on the packaging. Other very important info on the packaging will be percentages of these ingredients. For instance, due to my high tolerance, I generally look for products that are at least 20% THC, 5% CBD , though for sleep I prefer a 1:1 ratio. The higher the CBD level to THC, the less “high" you will feel.
Strains... what can I say except there are hundreds, especially with all of the hybridization and mixing of strains. Here are some favorites:
Sativa- Durban Poison, Jack Herrer, Lemon Haze
Indica- Gorilla Glue, most Kush strains, Zkittlez
I have tried most, but not all, of the available forms cannabis come in. Edibles are great but for me, the time from consumption to onset of effects has been very inconsistent. Some of the edibles such as cookies and candy bars are so delicious that you can wind up eating lots of sugar! Vaping was ok, but gave me a sore throat so I no longer vape.
I prefer capsules or sub-lingual drops and use a 1:1 CBD/THC ratio. This is what I usually take about 90 minutes before bed or even earlier. For immediate effects, I find there is no substitute for smoking a joint.
My only advice for those who are interested in cannabis is to go low (dosage) and slow(wait some time before taking more). If you have access to a legal dispensary, the bud tenders are usually quite knowledgeable and can advise you. In the end, it boiled down to a lot of self experimentation and too many Kiva brand dark chocolate bars 🤣. BTW, if you consume too much THC, i.e. you get too high, CBD can help counteract that.
While not an expert, I have years of personal experience under my belt and am happy to share what I have learned. As with anything that has psychoactive effects please do not drive or do anything that requires an unimpaired state of mind to do. I should add that I only use cannabis at night as I still work full time*. Lastly, if you are not in a legal state or simply choose not to use legal dispensaries there is no way to know what you're getting. In my state, the legal dispensaries are very expensive due to high taxes, but I am willing to pay that because I know what I'm getting (this includes if it is organic, indoor or outdoor grow etc.)
* I'm now retired! 6/4/21
Thanks for doing this! I'm sure many breast cancer patients will benefit from your expertise. We just got medical marijuana in my state, but I've been doing better with my sleeping lately. However.....if my insomnia comes back (and it's possible), what do you recommend for that? (Sleep has been a struggle since my sons were born.)
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Thank you, but I won’t claim expertise. How about someone who has done a lot of experimentation and is happy to share the good, the bad and the ugly 😉?
For sleep, I prefer tinctures that you hold under you tongue for at least a minute before swallowing. Mucous membranes in the mouth, especially under the tongue, really speed up absorption. You can try a 100% CBD oil but beware of cheap or bargain basement prices. High quality CBD products are pricey. Personally, I think at least a little THC makes for a more effective sleep product. Try starting with an 18:1 (CBD:THC) ratio. If you don’t mind feeling a little buzzed as you’re falling asleep, you can start moving toward products where the CBD:THC ratio is more balanced. I use a 1:1 tincture. You can also find capsules with similar ratios. I would also recommend that you follow the dosing guidelines on the packaging and go low and slow until you find your sweet spot. Take car
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If you are dosing for the edibles or tinctures, try 5mg THC to start more if you're a beginner. Then depending on your 'tolerance' level as time goes on, increase or decrease the dosage as needed.
If you're vaping, look for the 1:1 ratio of THC to CBD. You actually shouldn't get buzzed with that ratio, but the other day I vaped 14% CBD with only 9% THC and still got buzzed so I don't know what happened. But like exbrnxgrl said above, CBD takes the buzz out of THC so that's really good to know if you get too much THC and get anxious as a result. You will soon learn enough so that never happens again.
Don't smoke it. You want to avoid combustion for your lung's sake, and it's the reason vaping ejuices or Cannabis is so much less dangerous than smoking tobacco.
For sleep I took 10mg of Incredibles Gummies for a few months and that worked well. Because it's an 'edible,' it kicks in after an hour or two so you can sleep better thru the night. But to get to sleep I vape it, and the more THC the better. They say Sativas are energizing/awakening whereas the Indicas are more relaxing, more apt to cause couch-lock. But... that's not always true. I'm finding that vaping a strong Sativa puts me to sleep very quickly, and the gummies help keep me asleep. Anyway, if none of this works, just take two Benadryls.
There are many ways to 'take' Cannabis and they're making it very easy to do. "Medical" Cannabis in my state is pretty inexpensive. There is a strain called "Shake" that's made up of all the left-overs from all the jars of strains that have been sold and it's composed of probably 5 to 10 different strains (whatever they're selling at the time). One ounce of Shake is $50 and it's a strong mixture of various CBD's and THC. The drawback is not having a 'specific' strain to evaluate, but then does it really make any difference if it works?
Vaping concentrates (oils, budder, etc) works well for a strong dose that hits immediately. But I find the effects of the concentrates don't last as long as vaping the bud (flower). So for me the concentrates are good for putting me to sleep but not for keeping me asleep.
I have not had to use it for pain because I don't have pain. But if I did I'd want to try many strains to find one or more that worked. It's worth a try. If you can get it legally. Currently, folks in various states are putting "street THC" and Vit E into vaporizers and getting into deep trouble, a few even dying. It's just not worth it to buy street weed.
How I wish they'd been able to do research on Cannabis many years ago. We'd sure have a lot more answers today. There is still a stigma about it but that will likely go away as more and more states legalize.
Others please jump in here if you have experience with Cannabis. And thank you exbrnxgrl for starting this thread.
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I appreciate you saying don’t smoke it, but that’s something I’ve had to weigh against the benefits I get from it. Nothing provides almost instant pain relief as smoking. I am pretty adamant about not starting on prescription pain meds so that’s where the trade off comes in. I manage with naproxen during the day.
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Thank you for taking time to share your extensive knowledge, I really appreciate it. I smoked as a kiddo oh so many years ago - and hated it. I’m one of those odd folks who has adverse reactions to being high - incredible paranoia and uncomfortable body buzz, even in small doses. I’ve tried it from time to time over the years hoping for a different outcome, and - because today’s strains are so much more potent than the 70’s - it’s been far worse.
I’ve reall wanted to try CBD but am terrified I’ll end up miserable like before. It sounds like CBD without associated THC is the way to go. Thanks again - you’ve given me some hope!
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CBD is not psychoactive so it cannot make you feel high. However, I would still recommend low and slow should you choose to try it
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I’ll take that advice to heart. 😊 I’m the only person I know who doesn’t enjoy pot. But I’m looking for something to help with anxiety and sleep, and am tired of one-off prescription meds. Everyone talks about low-dosing THC along with CBD, but I’m simply terrified - is that silly?
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Given your experience, I would say that your concerns are not at all silly! As I said, look for a product that is either just CBD or a higher ratio of CBD to THC, like an 18:1. Taken about an hour before bed or so, it should help with sleep and it’s effects will be gone by morning. BTW, if you use a product containing THC with any regularity you may build up a tolerance and find it doesn’t effect you.
My older dd provides us with a bit of a cautionary tale. She’s always struggled with insomnia. She’s tried melatonin (there are some edibles that contain melatonin as well as CBD/THC) but it gave her weird dreams. I got her a tincture that was 25:1 and it helped her with sleep as well as some back pain. After she finished the bottle, she went to the dispensary herself and bought a bottle of 1:1. She called me later that night and was surprised at how stoned she was! Well, going from 25:1 to 1:1 is a huge leap and,IMO, any product that 2:1 or 1:1 is indeed going to get you high. So my very own dd did not follow the low and slow rule. Let her story encourage you all to go low and slow unless you know you have a high tolerance. If you do overdo it, just go to sleep or use CBD to bring you down.
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exbrnxgrl, Where do you purchase the CBD/THC capsules for insomnia? I live in PA. My insomnia is worse on the Tamoxifen. My doctor gave me Elavil to try and it did the opposite made me hyper!! Thank you for posting this information.
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Do you live in a legal state? If so, it should be available in your local dispensary. If you do not live in a legal state, I am not sure how you can obtain it 🙁. Many dispensaries have websites with some even offering delivery! Here is the website of one of the dispensaries I often use, to help you see what kind of products are out there:
Totally understand! There is no one thing that works well for everyone. Have you tried products with only CBD? CBD is not psychoactive but can be helpful to many
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Just did a quick google search and found this. Hope it's helpful.
I also looked at the online menu for one of the PA dispensaries and although the product brand names are unfamiliar to me (because of it being illegal federally, brands tend to be local) there were tinctures and capsules available in familiar formulas/ratios.
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I'm in California, so I can get just about anything(i guess?)
My orthopedist told me some of his patient's have had good results with CBD for pain. I've heard that cannabis is tightly regulated in this state. It will have the amount of THC the (label?) says. Anyone know if this goes for CBD in topical lotions?
I'm not sure what form my doctor thought I might want to try with his pseudo recommendation. I was thinking a cream, but now I'm not sure.
He did suggest I stay away from products with THC. So, maybe he didn't mean topical.
Thanks for the above information. It gives me more options.
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exbrnxgrl, Thank you for your help!! I will look into those sites.
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Yes, the dispensaries in CA are well regulated as I imagine they are in any legal state. CBD is non-psychoactive and you can find CBD products in many places that are not dispensaries. I recently saw CBD oil for sale at World Market! That being said, I would recommend going to an actual dispensary if you want to try it. High quality CBD products are pricey but at a dispensary, you will know exactly what you are getting and the bud tenders can advise you. All products sold in legal dispensaries are clearly labeled with respect to CBD and/or THC, provenance etc. CBD is available in all forms as are THC products. The form they come in has little to do with the CBD or THC content.
Personally, topicals did nothing, but many find them helpful. Drops, capsules or tinctures work for me, but I find that THC enhances the effect. You can easily find products with just a bit of THC, such as a 25:1 or 18:1 formulas that won't make you feel stoned or just try straight CBD. I think that your doctor simply doesn't have enough info to have been more specific with you. Remember that there is precious little science based research on cannabis due to it being federally illegal. So, I think your best bet is to find a local dispensary and have the staff help you out. If possible find a dispensary that caters to medical use patients as well as recreational users. I hope this helps
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Thanks for starting this thread. Medical MJ has been a "treatment buddy" for me since my diagnosis. I like the Indica hybrids for all around mood elevation and relaxation, to help me sleep, and to help with pain. One piece of advice I've had from budtenders that has served me well is, if you get too high for comfort, you can eat something. One effect of marijuana is to lower blood sugar, and getting some food in you when you're too buzzed will help with the buzz and the low blood sugar. (Eat something delicious, though, because the sense of taste is elevated, and you might as well enjoy your snack.) Another tip, which is probably very obvious is, when watching television, try to avoid upsetting dramas: nature, art, and history documentaries are generally safe, and sometimes I learn something.
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Thanks for your post! I hope you will continue to contribute some tips and experiences. I did forget to mention that since I am having some difficulty eating, cannabis helps tamp down my nausea and stimulate my appetite. May I ask why watching upsetting dramas is not recommended?
Since some states now have both legal and recreational use, I think it's important to understand what medical marijuana means, which may vary by state (non-CA residents in legal states, please chime in!). In CA, the products themselves are not different regardless of use. Those who have a medical card do have access to products with higher percentages of THC. For example, when the state was medical only, my favorite chocolate bar 🍫 contained 160 mg of THC (No, I didn't eat the whole bar at once! Each square was 10 mg and that was a “dose".). Since I did not renew my medical card, that same chocolate bar is now available to me in only 100 mg total. Medical card holders can purchase larger quantities in a 24 hour period than recreational users ( rec. users can purchase up to an ounce in 24 hours. That is a lot !!) . The biggest advantage is that taxes are lower for medical users than for recreational users. Not surprisingly, some brand packaging is geared more to medical users i.e. packaging is more serious looking, more like OTC medicines. Other brands are definitely aimed toward rec use.
The marketing aspect is fascinating. I have seen brands come and go, watched packaging evolve, seen promotions geared toward specific demographics etc. It's incredible to watch the birth of products which were illegal not too long ago. Different brands hold promotions quite regularly at my preferred dispensary. They give out non-psychoactive samples of edibles, lighters, stickers, T-shirts etc. Before rec became legal, they were allowed to give out psychoactive samples as all of the customers were medical patients! I kind of miss those days as it was a great way to try before you buy 😊
My main point is that “medical “ is no different from recreational marijuana in legal states. I think this is important to understand because I have run across a few folks who have insisted that mmj is different from recreational weed. There is no difference other than the quantity and percentage of THC contained in a given product. The best comparison I can make is to prescription vs. otc ibuprofen. OTC ibuprofen is available in 200 mg tablets, prescription strength can be much higher ( I have had 800 mg tabs after surgery) but the active ingredient is the same. None of this applies to the illegal stuff, of course.
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As we are all on this learning curve, convoluted by not enough research, differing state laws and federal illegality, please feel free to contribute any informational resources you run across.
Here is a link to the dispensary I use for delivery. If the link doesn't bring you to the “learn" page, just click on learn in the top bar. Good info!
Oops! Sorry, link is limited right now as the “Find your strain” tab is not currently working.
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Thanks exbrnxgrl for helping me fill in some gaps.
Recreational dispensaries have been slow to open where I live. City & county & public interference. There is only 1 recreational dispensary that I know of.
DH has a card, so I sent his to a nearby medical dispensary to get a product I saw on their website. He came home with a different product that they recommended to him. Medical dispensaries will not let me in(no card).
DH says the medical dispensary is cheaper than the recreational dispensary. He says because it's not taxed as high.
Since I'm mainly interested in CBD at this point, my concern was that if I went to GNC or the market I shop at(kinda of like a small & cheaper Whole Foods) & purchased the CBD products, they might not contain much if any CBD. But heck, I bought a $10 small size of CBD lotion at the market to try.
I guess I'm in the very early stages of experimentation.
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I live in the Santa Clara Valley so am fortunate to have quite a few dispensaries nearby and some even do delivery! Your husband is correct. The tax for medical patients is almost 10% less than for recreational customers. The dispensary I use the most serves both med and rec customers. They had a well established medical business so jumped on the rec business once it became legal. They are crazy busy almost all of the time now. I pre-order online and then go to a pick up window. I haven’t seen the main sales floor in ages.
As for CBD, I have only used the stuff from dispensaries. I am willing to pay the price for product safety, consistency, and quality, but that doesn’t mean high quality CBD products aren’t cropping up outside of cannabis dispensaries
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In Oregon, there really is no difference between the products that are used recreationally versus what is used medically. I have a dispensary on my block, two houses down. I pick up "flower" which I smoke in a "bubbler", which is a small water pipe. Usually I only partake in the evening, because it makes me sleepy, even the sativas. I smoke, because it's fast-acting and the dosage is more controllable. It has helped with nausea, pain and sleeplessness. I don't find that it makes me any hungrier than normal, in fact it helped me curb nervous eating that I used to do. I've lost a few extra pounds around the middle since getting my first medical mj card. (I don't bother with the card now.)
I avoid upsetting dramas all the time now, because life has made me a sensitive snowflake, but also, that sort of thing becomes extra upsetting for me when I'm buzzed. OTOH, any documentary with beautiful art and music is extra appealing while under the influence.
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Interesting about Oregon’s laws. In a nutshell, a medical card in CA saves you almost 10% tax wise and allows you to purchase greater quantities daily as well as products that contain more mgs. of THC. I don’t find that it makes me any more emotional but I never did well with sad movies, TV etc. to begin with!
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Thank you for this post. I have been looking into using this for my pain and lack of sleep. Can you share what is the best place to purchase in San Jose, CA (or Bay area for that matter, I can drive). Thanks.
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How does one locate an actual authentic medical dispensary?
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It looks like many with Fibromyalgia use Cannabis for pain. I think micro-dosing is the way they go.
Medical Cannabis = Recreational Cannabis = Medical Cannabis ...they're exactly the same thing...Marijuana. But there are worthy benefits to having a Cannabis Medical Card. Taxes are significantly cheaper on the Med side. All Med products are cheaper. I have tons of BOGO's at my membership dispensary so anything I buy is 50% off. That's significant.
But... Med Dispensaries don't always have the same strains or as many strains as their Rec Dispensary just behind the curtain does. The staff in Med is supposed to be able to give a little advice concerning which strains work best for which health conditions. I've come to believe that there's still too much to know and so these staff can't possibly know very much. But they do try. And they do know a little, such as which strains most of their customers buy for sleep, or for pain, etc. I think as of right now they can be believed to a certain degree, but there's just nothing like.....
....experience...the best teacher. Marijuana has never killed anyone and you can't over-dose to death. But yes, you can over-dose. Just take a little CBD if you have some, or chew a few Peppercorns, or eat something, or lie down and sleep. I laughed out loud at the person that told me that marijuana caused lethal violent acts. I corrected her... because the worst thing that can happen with a Cannabis over-dose is you fall asleep. Ha But again....
An over-dose can cause some discomfort. Dizziness/nausea/imbalance/paranoia/whatever. For a short time. Just ride it out. And after you've done this you're well on your way to never doing it again.
So there's really nothing to fear. Just go slow, starting with 2.5mg, then 5mg, then 10mg... then that's enough unless you want more. As for THC/CBD ratios, again experience will tell you how much THC you can tolerate in with your CBD. If you get "pure" CBD, you're getting at least 0.3mg of THC, which could never make you high, but it might show up in a test?
One of the best sites for comprehensive understanding of Cannabis is "Leafly" so you can go there to learn more than you want to know here....
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fifth year,
My go to dispensary has been Airfield Supply Co. which is close to the San Jose Airport. Here's a link to their site:
I also use Elemental Wellness, also in San Jose, for delivery and a 10% “wisdom" discount if you're over 55. Airfield has raised it's senior discount to age 65, so I no longer get a discount there, but it is a great dispensary. Airfield serves both medical and rec customers. Caliva and Harborside both have decent reputations. Harborside has an Oakland as well as SJ location and I believe that they're both rec and medical.
Shetland pony, What state are you in? I ask because there are differences from state to state. Since I was a medical patient originally, my dispensaries all became dual licensed. They serve medical and rec. customers, so I continued using the same places.
In CA, once recreational sales started, the well established medical dispensaries jumped on that business too, so you often find dual licensed dispensaries. Having a medical card, as you noted, does lower your tax and you can buy more cannabis, sometimes with more mg. of THC per day.
Weed maps is a helpful dispensary locator and I agree that leafy is a helpful site. Here's a link to weedmaps:
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Following up on what thisiknow posted, I also have never seen anyone become violent on cannabis. If you consume too much, you generally fall asleep or just sit there, glued to your couch. I consumed too much of an edible (Kiva chocolate bar) several years ago because I just kept eating it like... well, candy! It was about 11 at night and I was walking my dogs. My balance was effected and having two dogs trotting around didn’t help. I just remember telling myself that I needed to put one foot in front of the other and get home. Made it home, went right to bed and was fine in the morning! Edibles can sneak up on you because the effect is far from immediate, hence my cautionary mantra of low and slow.
On the topic of micro dosing, Kiva makes little mints that are 2.5 mg of THC each. An excellent product. I like the Moroccan mint flavor best.
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Thank you, I live not far from Coleman, will try Airfield first
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I was directed to this thread by its publisher exbrnxgrl! Thank you for the invite.
I apologize in advance for this long post.
I am not in anyway an expert or even someone who has the experience to tell anyone how cannabis affects any individual. I just want to put out helpful information for anyone using this drug for it real purpose. I have not used cannabis in well over 15 years. My wife was diagnosed with stage iv breast cancer March of 2018. When she was 3 days out of surgery her pain was so severe she was curled up screaming. I felt so helpless and decide that she was not going to feel this way if I could help it. That started my aggressive research into the cannabis industry. I am an addict to the bone so my first trip to the local dispensary was extremely uncomfortable. The bud tender I talk with gave me some excellent advice and a pack of several different methods for my wife to try. Her pain instantly reduced form a 10 to a 4. I was, for the first time, able to see how beneficial cannabis is.
From then on I have torn apart the cannabis world for information about the medical properties and the methods on how it’s used for the most positive outcome.
I will say this, to start with, anyone who claims cannabis will cure cancer is full of it. No where on the planet has cannabis cured cancer. Science cannot prove it. Not my opinion, it is just where the facts point. So if someone preaches it cures, BS. There are thousands and thousands of people that have had extremely positive results and some are truly miraculous. But they are anecdotal at most. The truth is in the genetic makeup of a specific tumor type that has a reaction to cbd combined thc which causes those tumors and cancerous cells to basically slow down just enough to allow the body’s natural decomposition of the tumor. It is not a cure but a crutch. Once a tumor has broken down the body consumes it. Chemo does the same thing.
Cannabis is naturally a sedative meant to relieve pain. Always has been and always will be. No amount of dissection will change it. some of the benefits I found to be of real importance to anyone with illnesses and diseases such as cancer we all know. Side effects nausea you know the list.
What my true purpose is, is to help people remain ahead of the vicious predators out there preying on desperation. While I have been helping my wife fight this fight, someone came forward with what they claimed to be “A real Cure”. This person found her desperate parents and pitched them his cure. He was slick enough to snag a alot of money before I researched him out of my wife treatment. Hard lesson to learn. please refuse service from anyone claiming that they have a cure.
Also there is a claim out there about thc saturation. If you are on any conventional therapy stay away from the saturation program. The over toxicity of thc can greatly cripple common therapies ability to work. Thc in great quantities can reduce some chemotherapy’s effectiveness. Science has not completely proven this yet but billions of dollars a year are being spent on research to dislodge the imbedded thought that “pot is a drug and drugs are bad”.
I said in a post on another thread about changing strains if you smoke and find your tolerance is high.
On a total different note. Here in Nevada we have Rec/Med. this is great because I can buy without giving up my rights. Anywhere in the country you surrender several constitutional rights in order to obtain a medical marijuana card. Just so you are aware read your state laws about these required sacrifices. To each his own.
changing strains is perfect so that you don’t have to smoke more to get where your comfortable. Comfort is the ultimate goal. When you change strains you are taking in a different make up so you get a different action. It is ok to switch from two to three strains if you like certain types of relief.Again I am sorry for such a long post. I have uncovered some fascinating things and some very ugly truths. I made a promise to my wife that I would check out every little thing that someone says might work and my work is far from done.
We both pray for all of you who are on this journey. Gloves off, bare knuckles from this point forward.