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Starting chemo February 2020



  • Cricketdog
    Cricketdog Member Posts: 48
    edited February 2020

    Thank you for the warm welcome!

    Texasmama, I think we were prescribed the same pain medicine. I'm so sorry your system didn't like it. I just get very sleepy with the stuff and it definitely killed the pain for me. Advil didn't come close to touching the pain for me. I also used good ol' socks filled with rice and microwaved for 3 minutes. Those little heat packs helped my knees and ankles so much. I'm 6' tall and my friend joked that my long bones are "very long" so maybe the Neulasta affected me even more. LOL. I'm going to try Zyrtec this time and see if it helps more than Claritin. Hope your next round goes smoothly.

    Morigann - hope your thrush heals up soon and that you're not in too much discomfort.

    Butterfly Warrior - great news on the tumor shrinkage. Hope your next treatment is kinder to you.

    Scattered Energy - you look beautiful and your skin is amazing!

    MNSusan - love the shawl! I am cold capping too and had three blankets on me during treatment. The heated chair is the best thing ever. :)

    Hope everyone has an awesome weekend!

  • Maddy83f
    Maddy83f Member Posts: 78
    edited February 2020

    Happy Friday everyone - so great to get so many updates when I logged on.

    I am finally feeling really good on day 11 after my A/C #3 (I am on DD so every other week). The Neulesta knocks me out on days 3 & 4 and it has taken me until now to fully recover. No pain from the Neulesta - just intense exhaustion. I have felt "okay" these past several days but today energy level is much higher. My big "lesson" this cycle is that I need to avoid red meat. I have been trying to focus on protein and until last weekend had stuck to yogurt, oatmeal, eggs and chicken were the proteins that sounded good. Last weekend I had an absolute craving for a cheese burger patty on a tossed salad - it tasted amazing but I paid a price because my stomach just couldn't process it. No nausea - but my stomach felt full of bricks and I couldn't eat for more than 24 hours. Lesson learned.

    My new side effects are:

    1) My fingers can look "pruney" - like they have been in the water for too long. NP told me that this is common SE and that I need to make sure I stay well hydrated and keep skin moisturized.

    2) No matter what time I go to bed I am wide awake by 3:30 - 4:30 in the morning. I have tried different nap/exercise routines to see what works best to make it thru the day and have learned that a nap around 10-10:30 works best (I take a Xanax) and if I can't go for a walk before then, I go for a walk as soon as I wake up - which is usually around 12:30.

    My last A/C is next Tuesday and I start Taxol 2 weeks later - my SE from A/C has been manageable and even though I have heard that Taxol is "easier", I am nervous about the unknown of new SE.

    I hope everyone has a weekend that is relaxing and SE free -

  • Sweettalker52
    Sweettalker52 Member Posts: 58
    edited February 2020

    Maddy - Happy Friday! Glad to hear that you are having good days. Also interested in your exhaustion - So I'm not koo-koo. Me, too. And the waking up at inappropriate early hours, too. Now that you talk about red meat, I will consider cutting it out totally, because my body is not liking it, either. Just getting bored with poultry! LOL Best Wishes everyone!

  • ajminn3
    ajminn3 Member Posts: 284
    edited February 2020

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far! Alas, my hair has begun to shed. I knew I couldn’t escape it. Part of me hopes I can hang on until next weekend because I have a wedding to attend and wanted my hair, but I’m thinking that’s going to end up a messy disaster so I’m guessing the buzz will come sometime this week

  • Maddy83f
    Maddy83f Member Posts: 78
    edited February 2020

    Sweettalker - I can totally relate to being tired of poultry. Except for the "experiment" with the cheeseburger I have been eating the same things since chemo started. After last weekend - I have lost all desire to try anything new. I have enlisted my husband to stop me from eating any red meat if I ever get the craving again.

  • morrigan2575
    morrigan2575 Member Posts: 807
    edited March 2020

    do you find that even if the food tastes good and, you like what you're eating you can't eat a lot?

    I always thought the lack of appetite was just due to the food tasting bad/funny but, even when it tastes fine I can only eat small portions.

  • Maddy83f
    Maddy83f Member Posts: 78
    edited March 2020

    Morrigan - Smaller portions definitely feel better on my stomach. I have found that I have to make sure that when I eat smaller portions that I don't let more than ~3 hours go by without eating something else - even if it is just a banana.

    My final A/C is on Tuesday - and I am dreading Monday night because I really get anxious/emotional the night before each treatment - does anyone else feel that way? I seem to feel better the morning of treatment. Just never like going back and knowing that I will need to go thru the Neulesta side effects. I know I am lucky to not feel the bone pain - but I really don't like the overwhelming fatigue/exhaustion on days 3/4.......

  • hray1993
    hray1993 Member Posts: 220
    edited March 2020

    well ladies, it is done. The hair is gone! This is me and my mom. Couldn’t do this without her. imageimageThis is me a few days ago when I had a short pixie imageand this was my normal every day hair before cancer image

  • Cricketdog
    Cricketdog Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2020

    Morigann, did you find a deodorant that you like? I tried Native some time ago, long before diagnosis and didn’t care for it. I was given Piper Wai in a goodie bag and really like it. It’s a bit pricey but mine has lasted over two months and doesn’t seem close to running out.

  • Cricketdog
    Cricketdog Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2020

    Hray- you look stunning!!

  • morrigan2575
    morrigan2575 Member Posts: 807
    edited March 2020

    Hray - you look fantastic in every picture.

    Cricket - My MO said it wasn't necessary to switch to Aluminum Free so I'm going to finish what I have (Dove). I did see a commercial that Dove now has an Aluminum Free line so I'm going to start buying that once this one is finished.

    Maddy - I have to try to remember that. I'm eating smaller portions but, I should add a fruit or something in between.

  • ajminn3
    ajminn3 Member Posts: 284
    edited March 2020

    Hray1993 you're so beautiful! You have the prettiest eyes. I hope to look half as good as you when my hair is gone! I'm glad you have a wonderful and supportive mom, it helps so much during the tough times.

    Maddy83f- My anxiety is ramping up as I approach the next round. I feel so food physically right now and it's hard to know I'll be going back to get "slammed" back down. I also found eating smaller portions more frequently helped me. Similar to Morrigan, I just found I couldn't eat larger portions

  • morrigan2575
    morrigan2575 Member Posts: 807
    edited March 2020

    I didn't have anxiety going in for treatment #2 but, yesterday I was thinking about #3 and started dreading it.

    I just keep trying to think, of the positives to get through it. We'll see if it works. I do know I can ask my MO for something for the anxiety but, I'm trying to avoid it for now

  • Sweettalker52
    Sweettalker52 Member Posts: 58
    edited March 2020

    hray - you are so attractive in every picture. You are rockin' this!

    maddy - you know I'm with you on dreading the Neulasta side effects. When you are so exhausted you should just rest and let it happen, because it means that the medicine is working! Yeah! Happy

  • mheibel
    mheibel Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2020


    I have a similar TCHP treatment plan, 6 rounds to chemo (3 weeks apart), then surgery (not sure if it will be a lumpectomy or mastectomy), then continue with two of the four drugs until February 2021. I'm getting ready for my next treatment scheduled for Thursday. Good luck and I hope you're feeling a little better!

  • morrigan2575
    morrigan2575 Member Posts: 807
    edited March 2020

    Just looked at my Dove Deodorant, it's actually Aluminum and Alcohol free and, I didn't even know it. If anyone is looking for 0% Aluminum deodorant I like the Dove with Cucumber and Aloe.

  • Craftylife61
    Craftylife61 Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2020

    I am at day 13 after my first treatment of CT. I feel good but my taste buds are still off. Is this what others are experiencing or should I blame thrush? I’ve been using the magic mouthwash.

    My next treatment will be March 10. Do I have any chemo buddies out there?

  • Sweettalker52
    Sweettalker52 Member Posts: 58
    edited March 2020

    Hi, craftylife61 - my chemo cocktail is not exactly the same as yours (I am having dose dense TC + Neulasta) but the "T" is the same, and the metallic taste or taste distortion is like yours. I will start Round 3 of 4 next Wednesday. It has been with me now for weeks. The best ways I can minimize it is to use plastic or ceramic silverware, or chopsticks, eat small meals throughout the day, and avoid red meat. So hard to do when the family wants burgers or roast beef. Anyway, you are not alone!

  • morrigan2575
    morrigan2575 Member Posts: 807
    edited March 2020

    "should I blame thrush? I've been using the magic mouthwash"

    I hate Thrush. The Mouth Wash isn't working and I asked for a pill instead they give me lozenges. The Mouth Wash gives me diarrhea and the lozenge made me nauseous.

    At this point I might actually prefer the Thrush.

    I'm going to ask for Diflucan when I see my MO on Wednesday. It worked perfectly last time and no side effects

  • Cricketdog
    Cricketdog Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2020

    Craftylife- I’m doing TC as well and it killed my taste buds. They finally came back around day 12 or 13. I couldn’t really taste anything and water tasted like it was the most disgusting thing ever. Even sweets tasted gross. It did get better. Hang in there!!

  • JLBinPDX
    JLBinPDX Member Posts: 71
    edited March 2020

    hray1993, I just want to say I'm sorry, I've been there, and it's hair that'll grow back. Rock bald! I got one wig that I never wore even one time. I went bald probably half of the time, including in public. Your eyes glow and sparkle like never when you had hair. Plus, rock the great scarfs out there; go for new cool earrings; or just say fuck it all and go makeup-less, bald, and be fine with it. It's early for you, but you'll adjust and be less and less surprised at the bald female that you pass in the mirror. It may be a long journey, but it's a journey that end. I was out of treatment in Oct 2017 and hair really does grow back. And you're going to be stronger for going through what you're encountering. YOU GOT THIS! Not every day will be awful nor will every day be fine, that means that when you feel like shit, the next day might be better and when you feel good, just bask in the present. My best to you.

  • mnsusan
    mnsusan Member Posts: 139
    edited March 2020

    Good morning everybody. Hray, you’re eyes are amazing. I’m so glad you have the support of your mom. You both rock!

    Today is Day 9 after my first Taxotere, H/P infusion followed by Neulasta Onpro. I had minimal side effects. I had bloodwork done yesterday and saw my onc. Everything looks good except my liver enzymes. They’re nearly twice normal and my onc says they need to be close to normal before the next infusion two weeks from now. Has anyone experienced this?

    Also, my heart rate is consistently high (>130) and I’ve been referred to a cardiologist.

    I knew chemo could effect your heart and organs but I was really hoping it wouldn’t be after my first infusion, especially as it went pretty well.

  • morrigan2575
    morrigan2575 Member Posts: 807
    edited March 2020

    MNSusan - My MO hasn't mentioned anything about my Liver, he just tells me if my Blood Counts are good.

    My Blood Pressure keeps going down, it freaks me out but they say it's still good. I'm normally in the 117-120 / 77-82 range.

    Last week I was 109/75. 🤔 you'd think I'd be worked up since it was my 2nd treatment not, chill.

    Hopefully your Liver Stats recover during the next 2 weeks. The first dose is a loading dose (at least for HP) so hopefully the remaining/lower doses won't have the same impact.

  • Craftylife61
    Craftylife61 Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2020

    Thank you Sweettalker, Morrigan and Cricketdog. I have been using plastic ware. I will ask about Diflucan.

  • hray1993
    hray1993 Member Posts: 220
    edited March 2020

    thank you everyone for the kind words! I like the bald look although it still shocks me when I walk past a mirror and catch a glimpse of myself. Since Sunday I have felt terrible. I’m doing taxol right now and Sunday I felt so run down and just like I had the flu which I know is normal. Monday was the same and I tried to sleep most of the day. And this morning about 5:30 I woke up and had the worst diarrhea and threw up. I’ve had diarrhea consistently for the past 3 Days. And my nose has been running constantly. I have to blow it about every 15 minutes and it feels like there is just tons of mucus sitting at the back of my throat till I blow my nose. My throat is also killing me for the past few days but not sure why. How does everyone know if they have thrush? Has anyone experienced the symptoms I have? What did you do about them? Chemo is really starting to kick my butt. sorry for the TM

  • ajminn3
    ajminn3 Member Posts: 284
    edited March 2020

    hray1993- I had a pretty good run (haha no pun intended...) with diarrhea with my last round. I found taking Imodium helped me keep it a little more under control and didn’t send me into constipation land (sorry for the tmi everyone). I also had a constant drippy nose and sore throat with some mouth sores. I did end up with some antibiotics for a sinus infection (had a lot of sinus pressure and headaches). I did the good old fashioned salt water and baking soda mixed with warm water rinse multiple times a day which seemed to help. As for thrush, I think you may see some white patches on your tongue or throat if you have it? I had a small area on the back of my tongue that went away after doing my rinse for a few days. If it is thrush and super bothersome I think there are mouth washes that can be prescribed as well as an anti fungal medicine like diflucan. Hope that helps

  • morrigan2575
    morrigan2575 Member Posts: 807
    edited March 2020

    Hray - I'm told the runny nose comes from the lack of hair in the nostrils. I did have a sore throat it was killing me and i had a hard time swallowing. That was related to my Thrush. For Thrush you get white bumps/yeasty looking coating on your tongue or just inside the mouth. It's very similar to a UTI/Yeast infection except it's in the mouth (not to be gross).

    Right now my thrush is being managed but, not cleared up. I feel like my mouth is on fire, i can't eat anything hot (not spicy, physically hot) and even Seltzer water sets it off.

  • nimmy1976
    nimmy1976 Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2020

    Has anyone else tried oat milk for mouth burning/reflux? I found it really soothing in the first round so have a half gallon in the fridge all the time now. I realized last time we were so focused on chilling my fingers and toes I forgot to suck on ice chips during taxotere so I'm focusing on that today. Helps that I remembered my cold socks today so I'm not juggling a bunch of leaky Ziploc bags full of ice with my hands and feet.

    Tweaked a few things for round 2 - went down on my Decadron a little, am taking Colace on every Zofran day, Ambien on every Decadron day, Flexeril on every Zarxio day. Made sure I pooped before chemo today - I think some of my problems last round were from getting stopped up on chemo day from that big dose of Zofran I got up front. Bought a bunch of different creams to manage the day 9 rash, will report back on efficacy.

  • morrigan2575
    morrigan2575 Member Posts: 807
    edited March 2020

    never heard of oat milk will look for it at Grocery Store

  • nimmy1976
    nimmy1976 Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2020

    Morrigan I get it at Trader Joe - it's starting to get popular as a dairy alternative so hopefully available more widely. I don't know how much of it is real and how much of it was me picturing my gut getting a nice soothing Aveeno bath but it felt so good going down. The texture is thinner than dairy milk so easier to chug.