I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!
Wouldn't there be an announcement if the 25th amendment had been invoked? Or would it be kept quiet to prevent further violence?
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I hear that some Reps are gonna withdraw their objections re the election.... hope this is so!
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The Universe exhales a big lungful of air----> Donald isn't able to Tweet! Hah-hah-hah-----hobble him!! Worse punishment such a loudmouth as Trump fears the most!
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Pence would only have to stick out his foot and trip Donald to bring him down and once down, I doubt he would be able to regain his footing. Humpty trumpty?
Ruth: I would ask to be on your jury and vote in your favor for justifiable homicide. You'd not have to go to jail.
Badger: sorry you have to listen to that but I am sure he has other redeeeming factors.
Can we agree that Cruz and his crew need to be defeated at the next primary? Hawley needs to learn to shutup because the PA Republicans are the ones that passed the law he is objecting to! What an asshole. He needs to stay in his backwater state and take care of problems within his boundaries. He's not welcome in my state nor our politics.
What a sad day and as Schumer stated, this is the new day in infamy.
I sent an email to both Toomey and Casey stating they need to invoke the 25th AMendment to rid us of this threat to our national security: drumpf. I don't expect to hear from Toomey other than his "canned" response but I know that I will hear more from Casey. Toomey has been an enabler for 4 years and only lately has he disagreed with the great orange one. Shame on him and his allegiance to a party that bears no resemblance to that started by Lincoln. I expect to see Lincoln walk away from his seat in Washington in disgust at the actions of those who profess to embrace his ideals. Makes me sick what I witnessed today.
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Lindsey just very emotionally broke with Trump.
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Ruth, he sounded pretty disgusted...I was thinking he'd cry at any moment.....
More and more I'm believing DT just "staged" this in order to get martial law going--his way. Chaos only he could control....blah blah....
Doesn't he know that we've all seen Matt Damon in those bazillion Jason Bourne movies and can follow the script???
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But I mean, was Lindsay Graham living in a goddamn bubble? His head was so far up his ass he could not see this coming? He didn’t now how his actions and the actions and inactions of other Republican Senators and Representatives fed into the minds of these extremists? I’m a homemaker in a tiny Ohio city and I could see this riot building for weeks now!
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Divine--none so blind as he who will not see...
They saw...they knew...willful blindness....
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House Judiciary Committee sent this today...
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Wow, Trill. Just wow. That is a powerful letter.
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I hope I don't have bad dreams tonight. Like Josh Hawley getting up and saying that he was still going to object for PA because no one else would take up their issues -- something to the effect that their own state legislature wouldn't address that they were allowed to all vote by mail or something like that --- so objecting to the certification for Biden was the only proper place that. Well, call me dumb but I'm still scratching my head over why is someone from Missouri ( though I do know the answer ) attempting to fix anything for PA. Can they not do it themselves -- are they not represented in Congress.
I did not know until today ( one of those things that so easily slip my mind ) that Josh Hawley is the upstart who took Claire McCaskill's seat in the Senate. That was just a short while ago ( less than two yrs ) and he already is eyeing running for Pres. 2024 -- and he is obviously extremely impatient. He is going to front and center himself in a big way -- to be the I guess second coming of Trump. Would he really want to wear a corset, wear shoe lifts and paint his face orange every day !! And I'm thinking he would not look too cool in gold - colored hair. Sigh !!! He needs to resign. Along with many of his comrades.
I'm also wondering about that 25th. Amendment thing. I would like to think Trump has been quieted for now -- whisked off to the funny farm or something. This is what the Reps. get for what they have done. I think this Trump display ( yes he did incite them, and yes he knew exactly what he was doing -- as only someone crazy does. What Trump doesn't know it how far it probably won't get you to behave that way. Doing and insurrection for a tantrum will never cut it. Some of his minions will see him as even bigger and more powerful. They just don't stop and think -- he will never get killed as one of his minions did this afternoon, or sit in a jail cell with them etc. They don't think of that -- that they are the ones sent out to do the dirty work and fools that they are -- they just run right out there. They are going to show the world they are part of something special -- so special they pose for the camera's at the Speaker's desk, or the dais in the well of the chamber, or marching through the halls. They will not be too hard to find and even some of the states they live in will help to make their lives un-enviable. Federal gets first dibs on that.
How amazing in a horrible way. One way or the other though -- Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be certified tonight. I think I will never forget today.
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I would post some of my favorite memes, but I'm having trouble with Facebook.
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A CNN Opinion piece that asks the same thing I did:
It took a violent insurrection for Republicans to realize Donald Trump was dangerous?
(CNN) — Wednesday started with a rump group of House and Senate Republicans preparing to object to the Electoral College results to demonstrate their utter fealty. It ended with many of those same Republicans retreating from their deeply held beliefs about election fraud, tails between their legs.
It only took a violent seizure of the US Capitol building by violent rioters -- the first time the Capitol had been breached since 1814 during the War of 1812 -- to change their minds.
"I did think that today changed things drastically," Indiana Sen. Mike Braun, one of the 13 senators who had signaled he would object to the results, said in the wake of the storming of the Capitol. "Yeah, whatever point you made before that should suffice. Get this ugly day behind us."
"Obviously the commission we have asked for is not going to happen at this point," said Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford, another previous backer of the Electoral College objection. "I understand that. And we are headed tonight toward the certification of Joe Biden as president of the United States."
Ditto Montana Sen. Steve Daines. And Georgia Sen. Kelly Loeffler. And Washington Rep. Cathy McMorris-Rodgers. And likely many of the other Republicans who started Wednesday so gung-ho on challenging the results.
What the rapid change of heart indicates is that there never -- really -- was much of a principle at stake here for the Republicans who objected to the Electoral College results. It was solely a political calculation -- a way of appealing to Trump (and his base of voters) while not really having to worry about the election being overturned.
Even before the rioters stormed the Capitol, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had sniffed out the ploy. "I will not pretend such a vote would be a harmless protest gesture while relying on others to do the right thing," he said on the Senate floor in a not-so-subtle attack on his colleagues backing Trump's attempts to overturn an election without any proof of wrongdoing.
This was a political stunt. Except that the thousands of Donald Trump backers who, at the urging of the President took their unhappiness into the Capitol itself, didn't know that. They believed that the election really was rigged and stolen. Because Trump and his complicit media told them so -- and the vast majority of Republicans sat on their hands (and held their tongues) for fear of angering the President.
It should not take an open insurrection in the heart of our government for these Republican elected officials to realize that their words (or silence) have an impact that goes well beyond their own narrow political interests. That words matter. And that humoring Trump and his election fantasies have real-world consequences. And, as we saw on Wednesday, dangerous ones.
Republicans who needed to see the Capitol seized by insurrectionists to realize what their actions had wrought should not be applauded or congratulated. The writing has been on the wall for a very long time. They just chose to put their heads in the sand.
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Hawley is misrepresenting the results of the PA election votes and voting process. It was a joint effort by both parties in 2019 to make changes to the rules for mail-in ballots and no objections were made after the primary in June 2020 regarding their use but then were raised after November? Cut me a break, he needs to fact check before he makes allegations (mimics trumps behavior in this regard) and he needs to check his own issues. Does he really live in Missouri? Rumor has it that he actually is a VA resident who uses his sister's residence as his address in MO. Is this even legal?
I hope all trumps are cutoff from twitter because trump will have a work around otherwise, using jr and eric to circumvent his ban.
"Tomorrow is another day" as Scarlet O'Hara would say, so it should be interesting to see what it brings. Hopefully, trump being driven out of town on a rail?
Who are all this privileged white people? I am hoping I do not know any of them and if I did it would be the end of any relationship.
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Meh, I still saw a lot of Lindsey Graham weaseling. "They took it to the courts - and they decided. I don't agree with it, but the courts decided. Oh, don't blame me. It was those mean, old courts who insist on making Biden president. I have to go along with what the courts say." I'm glad he owned up and said it, but it would have been nice if he'd actually taken a stand for the truth.
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For me, its like the elephant is out of the room and now everyone can see what's really going on. I believe that the 25th Amendment will be involked in the next day or. I don't think talk of a conspirarcy works this time since this has played out for everyone in America to see.
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I hope you are right, Cowgirl. I am watching Stephen Colbert live right now.
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The appropriate flag to be carrying when your aim is to destroy the Constitution of the United States and our democratic way of life.
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why are they going to debate penn objection if it doesn't change anything at the end???
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Because some Republicans are still using this ploy to suck up to Trump voters in their potential presidential runs in 2024.
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Can't imagine any trumpkin making it to election day 2024..
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who's next? WI?
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Is anyone else concerned that Trump supporters are only going to get more violent? Many of them continue to believe everything that Trump has been saying, despite what is unfolding before their very eyes.
I attended high school and college in Oklahoma and have many FB friends who still live there. During today's events on Capital Hill, they were constantly posting that the actual violence was being perpetuated by Antifa masquerading as Trump loyalists. They claimed that the actual Trump supporters did nothing but peacefully sing and pray. They said they had friends who were at the protests who had evidence proving these claims. Several people included pictures of the protesters - illegally on the floor of the Congress - and identified them as members of Antifa. (A quick fact-check indicated that at least one of those men has been publicly identified as a QAnon supporter in previous interviews.) These people are completely disconnected from reality yet believe they are being called to do God's work. Heaven only knows what they will do next!
DC is now under a curfew and has temporarily suspended some public services. I live in northern Virginia and some of our cities and counties have already been affected.
I truly fear for the country.
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Jan 20 will be eventful. I wouldn't have an outdoor formal inauguration for fear an attempted assassination would happen. They better be ready!