I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    News - ho-hum pretty much since much, especially on the week-ends is even more repetitive. Did get a kick out of watching Michael Steele's show this a.m. The Loon was giving a speech (if you can call his rants a speech) where he was talking about our (Democrats only giving him credit for getting about 48%.) He opined that it was 96% or even 100% MAGA.

    M. Steele just erupted over that one. Basically, saying bring it on. That the Loon was overseeing a Rino party and he (the Loon) was the biggest Rino of all. That the Democrats were inclusive and wanting good positive things for everyone etc. Steele had the other two women erupting in smiles and giggles because he himself was at the time quite serious about the major differences and how little standing the Loon actually finally saying — you lost your last election and you're going to lose this one. By Sunday as mentioned earlier I'm usually listening with half an ear, but glad we had MSNBC on. I would have hated to miss the above.

    I also read some news briefs and Palmer's reports that talked about The Loon and his mental (senility-dementia) issues getting far worse while much of the media is not really giving him as much attention for it as they should. I agree they are going to milk that part of their ratings apparently up to the last second. I read a lot of things the Loon is saying but don't see that much in print or on the news. He does sound like he is losing a lot more than what the news programs will own up to.

    I'm sure the fact that he is undergoing (likely to continue) humiliation not being able to raise bond monies and having his lawyers beg for him to be allowed a far lesser bond amt. hasn't been great on his mind. He has spent his whole life pretty much inflating his wealth and making up "figures" to the point of securing a better rating at Forbes, and to be reduced to in any way, having to admit he can't come up with the funds must give him a case of the total vapors.

    Good, I hope it all continues and continues to fry whatever brain cells he has left. I don't think he has near the followers he thinks, but I am VERY tired of those who just keep up the pretense to the nth. degree which are many of those still a prominent part of our government. A pox on all of them.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    I intend to go on with my life by living it, not by buying
    into some notion that I no longer have the potential to
    become still better.  I refuse to take seriously society's
    idea that at the arbitrary age of 65 I am
    suddenly a lamp going out.

    Roger S. Mills

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Ruth your memes are so true. I saw a blurb on tv of the Loon waving at people across from him on the other side of the river opining about how much they loved him. Choke, choke, gag.

    From the sound of this morning's, Morning Joe, the Loon had quite a week-end. Sporting very orange and somewhat un-kempt hair and committing many gaffes. Thinking Obama was still President but later taking credit for giving Veterans healthcare in their local communities. Guess that as much as anything does show his well advancing senility. When has he ever wanted to anything for anyone except himself? That was something Pres. Obama did do. I still refuse and will continue to use the word president in relation to the Loon. To me he never was anything even close to resembling someone who was presidential and willing to do the hard work of caring for ALL, all the time.

    It still seems the media is being laboriously slow at much of any admittance that the Loon is failing on a very repeated basis. It is not a mis-step, but a continuous march going on, but they are holding off thinking to continue to capitalize on fear for as long as they can. I think they are going to end up looking the worst for this behavior. Then again, I haven't had much respect for the media since some of the slightly older crowd like Tom Brokaw and others.

    I have wondered if seeing the changes in the Loon has made a difference in how the SC looks at things. Wondering if that might be why they feel they need to address the immunity question now. Still, the DC panel got the answer right so it just seems a 'just because we can flex our muscles' thing.

    Hopefully that is something to address soon after the next election — fixing the court to be much broader and more even in function.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048

    Here is a little good news:

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Only took 100 hundred years, but oh what the hell, celebrate!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    The best thing about this very minute is your ability to recognize the possibilities in it.  Any fool can count the seeds in an apple.  But only God can count the apples in a seed.  There is something in every problem that holds potential for something better.  Do you want a lifetime of happy right nows?  The little choice this moment to see the beauty in what appears ugly, frustrating, or disgraceful will change everything.    -Barbara Johnson

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Love this meme. However as a cat owner and lover, hate this cat.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Your success and happiness lie in you.  External conditions are the accidents of life, its outer trappings.  The great, enduring realities are love of service.  Joy is the holy fire that keeps our purpose warm and our intelligence aglow.  Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulty.

    Helen Keller

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    I agree with Betrayal on the meme. Glad to see the results of the super Tues. vote. The Loon is in real trouble it would seem. Then again, the whole Reps. party is in chaos and deep messes with trying to prop up their loser.

    Doesn't mean we don't have to work hard, but I do hope it gets and keeps our side enthused about doing that work. We didn't really watch much about the super Tues. voting till the polls all closed and tallies were coming in well. I think over-all the Democratic side has ended up with a plethora of head-to-head comparisons, and able to show the Loon senile moments to great advantage.

    I'm likely still more concerned about some of the up-coming motions and trial work. I do think in the end it will work out, but more and more I just think the senile Loon will to too far gone to 'appreciate' the events that should happen. Perhaps that is the plan for some — to drag things to the point of the Loon not really getting the pain. To a point, I do understand — losing your mental faculties to dementia/Alsheimer's is a 'sentence' almost in itself — but I have to say that I've really wanted the Loon to feel more of what all the Democrats had to suffer from him, before, during and after his time in the WH.

    No wonder he is getting bad so fast. The one thing that has given him his pride and standing (not that it was there for our side) was his taking bragging rights on being on the Forbes list and being a billionaire. Now he is a 'ahem' billionaire who can't raise bond money —apparently for Carroll or New York. His lawyers have tried bond reductions but that hasn't flown, and it shouldn't. He can try to sell some of his properties, but most won't net him what he needs. Likely others taking the property might bring in more than the Loon could on his own.

    Anyway, I'm glad super Tues. his done although we are going to hear Loon talk a lot more (there was enough already anyway) where the race to the election is concerned. The only thing is — Loon is not very viable and will be getting worse — especially sitting in Bragg's courtroom on trial in a couple weeks.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Posts: 6,621
  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Posts: 6,621
    edited March 2024

    Jackie, I couldn’t bring myself to watch super Tuesday coverage. Ohio primary isn’t till March 19 so I didn’t tune in to any results from last night. One thing I read is how much good Biden is doing for our country, none of it makes any headlines; the media only wants to use a bunch of superlatives to describe Trump’s numbers at the polls. It sickens me.

    I did see that Krysten Sinema will not run for reelection. I’m not sure what that means for Democrats but is it possible to get a true Dem in her seat and not one who’s gonna vacillate between parties?

    I liked this article about her decision as it really blasts her self-serving interests.

    Oh, one more thing that made the news but isn’t really news at all and no surprise that Mitch McConnell says he’s endorsing you-know-who. Where’s the story??? He never stopped endorsing him!


  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Moscow Mitch wreaked so much damage on this country while he was the Repugnican leader that it will take eons to recover from. Not a bipartisan person ever and his version of what his party stands for is destructive to minorities, women, voting rights and many other human rights. I hope he burns in hell for his "Christian conservatism" which is not Christian by any means. I hope he meets John McCain and John kicks his sorry turkey ass.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Posts: 6,621
    edited March 2024

    I read that birth control pills are available without a prescription in over 100 countries.

    WASHINGTON (AP) — The first over-the-counter birth control pill will be available in U.S. stores later this month, allowing American women and teens to purchase contraceptive medication as easily as they buy aspirin.

    Manufacturer Perrigo said Monday it has begun shipping the medication, Opill, to major retailers and pharmacies. A one-month supply will cost about $20 and a three-month supply will cost around $50, according to the company’s suggested retail price. It will also be sold online.

    The launch has been closely watched since last July, when the Food and Drug Administration said the once-a-day Opill could be sold without a prescription. Ireland-based Perrigo noted there will be no age restrictions on sales, similar to other over-the-counter medications.

    Opill is an older class of contraceptive, sometimes called minipills, that contain a single synthetic hormone, progestin, and generally carry fewer side effects than more popular combination estrogen and progestin pills.

    The launch gives U.S. women another birth control option amid the legal and political battles over reproductive health, including the reversal of Roe v. Wade, which has upended abortion access across the U.S. Opill’s approval is unrelated to the ongoing court battles over the abortion pill mifepristone. And anti-abortion groups have generally emphasized that they do not oppose contraceptives to prevent pregnancies.

    Birth control pills are available without a prescription across much of South America, Asia and Africa.

    The drug’s approval came despite some concerns by FDA scientists about the company’s results, including whether women with certain medical conditions would understand that they shouldn’t take the drug.

    Dr. Verda Hicks, president of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, in a statement, said studies have shown that patients, including adolescents, can effectively screen themselves to use the pills.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Love the meme.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Great memes — back later.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Love the RFK speech. What a loss his death was to our future. However, his genes were not passed to his son who is the antithesis of him and who has been dissed by his own siblings as a "crackpot".

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Posts: 6,621
    edited March 2024

    Yes, such beautiful words from RFK.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    I too love the RFK quote. Both he and his older brother were fine men. I think his brothers two children were all right, but we sadly lost John Kennedys, youngest. Seems like larger families have more chances to have a child that doesn't quite match up to the overall mold and R. Kennedy Jr. has outdone himself there. He truly is a 'crack-pot' and seems oblivious to the fact that he puts his family in such bad light they need to make sure they are not tarred with the same brush. Hats off to them.

    Langston Hughes makes a wonderful point as well. In fact he describes many feelings I think perfectly. We ALL have been waiting for a better, fairer, and more loving and understanding time. We all want justice to REALLY prevail and for our democracy to shed the upheaval and return to the more workable and stable times we once could count on.

    To that end, I hope we can figure out how to deal with the House and Netanyahu at the same time. Even then, there are those who just seem to lay in wait to create the next problem, or battle or dis-agreement. I'd also like to think the media would straighten out, but they have been out of bounds for so long I'm not sure they can ever quite go back to 'doing' it right. It certainly can't hurt though if we are able to get needed wins so we can carry out the re-structures that need to happen so a more positive path can be established. We have been fortunate that our structure held, but there are fissures, and they need work. Here's hoping.

    Also hoping that I'll soon have my computer back so I can start accessing my memes to share with all of you. The part was due in on the 6th. Here's hoping about that as well.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Posts: 6,621
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
    edited March 2024

    Here before I've found a quote, but just have to say — Biden is back. He was pretty eloquent during his speech and really was able to make the Reps. look as small minded and in-efficient as they have been and are. In truth, I think many were likely a bit ashamed, but un-fortunately too many have caved to their orange befuddled god and I do think it is too late for them.

    I loved the part of Pres. Biden's speech where he said you can't be agreeable only when you win. You have to be rational and diplomatic and SANE all the time. You play the game by following the rules. The Loon (predecessor) never did that and frankly, look where he is now. The Reps. can't revive something that never was. I have always said I could not call the Loon by the word president because to me he never even got close to what a real President should be. I feel it more than ever after the contrasting picture that was painted last night.

    During the news this a.m. we were told that Biden had a great windfall of donations. They broke a record at 9 p.m. and then broke that record at 10 p.m. and still again at 11 p.m. At the same time, the Loon's financial numbers are way down. People are not donating because they know the money will go to the Loon's lawyers or maybe even his judgements, but not strictly to the Rep. political arena.

    Definitely a bad signal.

    No point in even talking about the Alabama rebuttal to Pres. Biden. Miss little Sen. but I'm just a little housewife type in my own kitchen just like you was pathetic and in-effective. Dh and I listened as long as we could and finally muted the thing. She adroitly FORGOT to say anything about HER state and IVF or abortion. All about the border and mis-characterized at that. She should hang her head in shame. As someone said, she practiced that speech a bit too long and that is how it came off. Overbaked and burnt around the edges.

    Pres. Biden is back and I hope Reps. realize if they don't find some way to get on board they will be hopefully left totally behind squatting on their own behinds, in the dust by the side of the road — hoist on your petards I think is the phrase.

    Divine — we know who got the toilet paper back for us too.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048

    I thought the speech was excellent also. Biden needs to keep things ramped up from now on!

    I can't wait for the SNL skit on response…….I don't think Senator Katie will get the part she was auditioning for in the high school play. Along with being in the kitchen, I can only assume that she was also barefoot and pregnant!

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Posts: 6,621

    Jackie, your post is eloquently written! Republicans can’t revive that which never was! So true! Trump never even got close to being a president! So true! President Biden making a case for rationality, diplomacy and sanity! Ain’t that the truth!

    I didn’t listen to the rebuttal but on an anti-Duggar Family Reddit forum I belong to, the woman was blasted for her baby voice and compared to a Stepford wife or someone from the Handmaid’s Tale. They really hated everything about her.

    It’s great to hear Biden setting records for donations. May the trend continue and go all the way to getting him reelected!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    How true it is that, if we are cheerful and contented, all nature smiles, the air seems more balmy, the sky clearer, the earth has a brighter green. . . the flowers are more fragrant. . . and the sun, moon and stars all appear more beautiful, and seem to rejoice with us.

    Orison Swett Marden