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  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,334

    Too good, ruth!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,733

    Loved it.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited February 2024

    I’m concerned about our lovely IllinoisLady, Jackie. She hasn’t been active on the forum since February 8, almost a week ago. She’s usually a daily poster.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861

    I was just thinking that too. Jackie, please report in!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,239

    Jon Stewart's return to The Daily Show has gotten a lot of undeserved backlash. Reviewers are accusing him of both-sides-ism, because he had criticisms of both Trump and Biden. If they actually watched the show, they would have seen that the criticism was hardly equal. And if they were regular viewers back when he was the sole host, they would know he would call out concerning behavior regardless of whether he voted for the target or not.

    It was very clear that he sees another four years of Trump as being much much worse than another four years of Biden. But he highlighted some legitimate points against the Democrats relying on an "anyone but Trump" platform. And because he dared to voice those warnings on media, he drew the ire of those who think any criticism is utterly damning.

    Biden has done a great job for the most part. But left-leaning pundits make themselves look like idiots when they cast him as a perfect candidate who can do no wrong. That's the other side's strategy, and look at how well they come off.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,701

    Hi everyone,

    Definitely been missing for a bit. I'm on my hubby's computer and struggling. It's new and is a Windows 11. Throwing me a bit, but not too bad. This past Fri — a week ago my power supply went. I took my computer in and once that was repaired and the machine would actually turn on again, they found my mother board had decided to dive with the power supply. They expect the part to be in, in a few days — hoping by Wed. this coming week, if not before.

    I'm heavily dependent on my computer and feeling alone and cut off. So in addition to curing that I will have probably well over 2000 emails to wade through despite the many that will go quick.

    Likely will not spend much time on this computer, so Mirianda, let me add my great congratulations. You were a great warrior in your trials and tenacity and courage in standing your ground and fighting for what is right and just for yourself and others who will benefit. Hats off to you. I hope the bubbly was good.

    Thanks for all the kind words and care as to absence. I miss sending quotes and putting in my snarky viewpoints. Hopefully, I'll see you soon.

    If anything causes a delay after the motherboard, I'll let you know.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621

    Jackie, it’s really wonderful to hear from you. I’m glad your absence from the thread was due to technical difficulties rather than health related, even tho computer issues are a pain in the rear! You’ll find an email from me in your inbox! Thanks so much for checking in. I hope your computer is up and running soon. In the meantime, at least the news has some fun stuff about you know who’s 355 million dollar bill for tax fraud! Not that it’ll make any difference to his fan base, just more requests for people to donate to his campaign.

    Miriandra, thanks for explaining about Jon Stewart. I don’t watch him, but saw some headlines about his show and wondered what was going on.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861

    Glad to hear from you, Jackie! I think we have all had absences due to 'technical difficulties'!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,701

    I have been amazed at the recent events of the orange one. His fines/payback will apparently end up much larger since there is interest, some going back years to be paid at the same time. Count me thrilled for New York that he can do no business there (although it seems he may not have all that much left) for three yrs. and his sons can't for two. They had fines as well — good for them. There will be an overseer now so fraudulent business documents/financial statements will end.

    At the same time of huge interest to me is what the SC will decide with the immunity thing that is now in their lap. I still tend to believe they may just give it right back to Judge Chutkan. Even most of the pundits say that there is nothing they are aware of that the SC could add to the Circuit Court's which covered the situation perfectly. Well thought out and written. I hope that is so and that they don't waste much time. The Loon just waste a lot of time and makes fools of his lawyers who present near impossibilities not based in actual law. A huge disgrace if you ask me.

    I had not intended to get back on till my computer came back, but as you can see — it is hard to resist while there is a computer I can use a bit. See you all later.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,701

    Sure wish I had a quote to share, but hopefully soon. In the meantime, I thought I would share something I heard this morning. The talk was that the loon would need bond money quite likely. Likely no one is sure about that. Loon brags that he has $400,000.000.00 but his constant lies could make that not so. That makes it quite scary since this bond money needs to come fast so to speak.

    I've continued to wonder about just recently hearing that the Loon had a locked and or secret room that the FBI searchers knew nothing about so maybe he still has a document or two. It was said that he still receives possibly some sort of information as a 'former' president but it is hard to believe that he would be given much of consequence since his 'sins' about his time in the WH are so well known. In any case, it was brought up that the Loon could have information (if he has enough memory left) that he could hawk to the highest bidder, thereby coming up with bond money or even some of the payment money needed for what he now owes — never mind that there is more than just the last two or three increments.

    Finally, I generally think, when your whole life has been pretty much a lie in every aspect of your existence, can anyone, even the Loon himself know what the REAL truth of a lot of his life may be. I'll be so glad to get his criminal issues going. I think some of those discoveries will be a huge boost to trying to understand the monster that is Donald Trump.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,701


  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,733

    Karma is a bitch. LOL

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,701

    Love the memes. Sure be glad when I can get my computer back and all my links to good memes to share. In the meantime, the irony of the Loon is magnificent. The ability to be un-constrained or even restrained makes the Loon so transparent — something he and those on his side never seem to "notice".

    I was amazed to finally (on the news), see a pr. of the beautiful gold high-top tennis shoes that the Loon is hawking for the grand total of $499.00 was it. Dh said he also had some perfume but I didn't hear a price on that.

    Again, I have to say that apparently some of the stupidest people in the world are Trumpites. If they are dumb enough to spend their hard-earned money on something so inane and insane, they deserve the kind of life they have which much be p**s poor if they are banking on someone like the loser Loon.

    There seems to be some question on a Go Fund Me page that someone started for the Loon to help him with his legal expenses. I once again am gob-smacked. A number of people have questioned the policy of allowing a GoFund page from the Loon since he is convicted of fraud etc. The venue says apparently that is NOT the policy so they are not going to do anything. I hope there is enough pressure that it will change. That is ridiculous in my view. Also, bottom line is — why is a billionaire begging for money even if it is someone else asking on his behalf. I find the whole thing disgusting and demeaning but then that is the Loon's middle name.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,733

    Ulysses S. Grant's daughter lived in my hometown and he visited there often. Loved his quote.

    Question about the butt ugly trump Chuck Taylor's, do they cure bone spurs? I do think they will clearly the wearers as having more money than brains (as my Mother would say)! So we should be able to easily steer clear from them.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,334

    I find the sneaker offer mind boggling and simply have no words.


    No! These shoes don’t bear the slightest resemblance to Chuck Taylor’s, thank goodness. I think they are definitely aiming for a more modern Nike-esque look, not your classic canvas and cotton.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,733

    Only mentioned Chuck Taylor's due to the fact they are high tops. Sorry I don't know much about Nike's, not my brand or something my children wore.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,701

    Golden shoes to go along with the golden toliets. Whoda' thought. The Loon must be stickled tink. Anyway, I did hear the price again which was actually $399.00 on the shoes and I think $99.00 on the perfume. Apparently the perfume does not have a rich enough gold color to warrant a higher price tag. Or is that the misogyny rearing up a bit.

    The news is somewhat depressing as to many there in the news making it sound like there is a lot of Loon exhaustion. That heathen exhausted me from the get-go. I'm sure there is much truth to that. Who would not be exhausted by the daily on-slaught which has been going on since the escalator. I think by the time there is at least one, if not two trials done by time to vote, people will 'no matter the amt. of exhaustion now' be turning out to turn off any possibility that the orange freak could or would show up in the WH. Even many of the Reps. are silently done with him.

    That always makes me worry though that to make up for not voting for him they go down the rest of the Reps. ticket and say yes to whatever name is there. I'm hoping and praying to not only lose him but to lose a whole boat load or more of the Reps. We don't need the spineless and we don't need the far right and a few of the others just for good measure.

    I also loved that Ulysses S. Grant quote and note that it was 1875. How well it fits today.

  • pingpong1953
    pingpong1953 Member Posts: 277

    Betrayal, Chuck Taylor high-tops were made by Converse. (My BIL used to be a sales rep for Converse. He met quite a few pro athletes on that job!)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,701

    Nothing much changing since yesterday. In fact, some news is becoming rather boring and tiresome. There is something of rather constant conversation about the size of the Loon's debts and how he will get the bond money etc. Would be hard to wait too long as the interest is a daily addition and is huge.

    Of course, the Loon is still sticking to his original story line — that he did nothing wrong, banks got paid, no one was hurt and he had his "disclaimers" in place. Rah, rah, rah. I'm left wondering how many is it that are actually loyal to him and if so why. Are they just too lazy to look for the truth, or too Reps. to ever even think of switching. Perhaps, they are just too stupid. If someone promised me something and I did not REALLY get it, I would start questioning fairly quickly. Many of his followers act as though they have no idea that they are paying for him to have an almost debt-free life, and that they could go under the same bus as so many people have that have deferred to the Loon. These people seem to not care if they grow as individuals in any decent way. I just find that sad and sort of scary. I thought (given that we all seem to have a period or two when we are taking a number of things for granted) everyone had a desire to be BETTER in positive ways. Didn't realize till the Loon how wrong I was.

    Leads to wonder about many of the Reps. Are some of them as well too far gone. Sure seems like it to me. Like Graham, Tuberville, and others, they have gone well over the mark I think where some could have seemed to have something of a decent streak — a red line they wouldn't cross. Humanity seems to have flown somewhere and maybe is now too far away. It is never a good idea to rub shoulders too often with the Loon.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861