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September 2020 Surgery Group



  • mangosan99
    mangosan99 Member Posts: 38

    Made it through surgery! SNLs, both sides, were clear. Ended up with TE's over the muscle and was able to come home. Surprise! I am just absolutely elated (which I am sure is also the drugs) that this stage of treatment is behind me.

    Super happy to be home; currently managing pain with muscle relaxers and narcotics. Strange thing to me is that I have significantly more pain in left side than right and not aware of any differences in findings/surgery. Weird but happy to have a functioning side/arm.

  • marie914
    marie914 Member Posts: 152

    great news Mangosan!

    I had more pain under arm today but doing good. Incisions look great. Home health nurse has been here today and I took a shower. Moving along.

  • arabiansrock
    arabiansrock Member Posts: 40

    crsharper - my BS highly recommend a sports bra for after surgery or a regular bra that is a "minimizer". she wanted compression. She also wanted individual cups, so no uniboob shape. I just wore my regular bra a Playtex Ultimate Support Wireless. When I googled Minimizer it came up, and I was like "perfect, I already have it". Fwiw, the Playtex is really comfortable and does come in the bigger cups.

  • marie914
    marie914 Member Posts: 152

    4th day after surgery. Feeling pretty good. Some burning pain under the arm but that is expected with the nerves involved. I only had left mastectomy and I can tell how much better it is to have my right arm to do stuff. I see the plastic surgery again today and then breast surgeon with pathology report on Tuesday. I took a shower yesterday and today. Today was better. My husband has been great helping dry me off and bandaging and putting antiseptic cream on my incisions. I have an extender in so it looks a little weird right now but he is wonderful.

    hope mangosan is still doing well after her surgery yesterday

    I’ll have to check whose next on the calendar.

  • marie914
    marie914 Member Posts: 152

    Well I spoke to soon. I was having a wonderful day but I finally felt constipation and more pain once the surgeon removed the one drain. So I had a somewhat painful evening.

  • mangosan99
    mangosan99 Member Posts: 38

    Same here, marie.

    My first night I felt strong and really in control of the pain but last night (second night) was another story. I was given an extended nerve block in the OR so I am guessing that is wearing off. I felt so good yesterday AM that I tried to replace the Percocet with Tylenol but it was too soon. So, I'm back to being drugged up.

    The drains under the arm are a nuisance and burn if I make a wrong move. Then my chest and back feel beat up. Trying to take it much easier today.

  • marie914
    marie914 Member Posts: 152

    Good morning

    I feel good except for constipated. I guess I should have been better with taking colace like it said too. I’m taking magnesium which usually helps me and Metamucil too. Hopefully today is the day. They took one drain out. It didn’t bother me taking it out. The other is by the Alloderm and she wants to keep it in. It bothered me a lot yesterday but today it is fine. It is still draining but not a lot. My chest just feels tight and heavy but not too bad. My arm is moving lots better and not hurting.

    So I’m pretty happy with recovery except for constipation. My one side looks pretty flat. The other side, that is not touched, is bigger you can tell but it is wrapped tight too. They haven’t put a surgical bra on me just wrapped it with ace bandage. Probably because I’m big. Anyhow it seems fine. Bra might be more painful.

    Hope Mangosan does better today. Good luck to all those that are coming up. We haven’t heard from a couple who had surgery before me on September 14 but hopefully no news is good news.

  • ladyc2020
    ladyc2020 Member Posts: 87

    crsharper - hi! I just had my lumpectomy yesterday, and feel great! So relieved. I got bras on amazon - fruit of the loom and another brand. Just search for surgical bra front fastening and order soon as I think mine took 2 weeks to arrive. Best of luck!

  • mangosan99
    mangosan99 Member Posts: 38

    Feels like I have turned a major corner. Today is 3rd day post-op and pain is completely under control, the drains do not feel so foreign, and I can move a little bit better on my own volition. Big event today is my husband washing my hair in the sink. My PS forbids showering until all drains are out. If things continue to progress, I feel out of the woods.

    Hope you are still progressing marie and Ladyc!

  • marie914
    marie914 Member Posts: 152

    I’m glad you are doing well lady cabs Mangosan. I ended up in ER I was so constipated. I came home with remedies that I was kind of doing anyhow. I finally went some this morning but VERY painful. Still have to go more. I thought I would finally start diarrhea but not yet. I have never had constipations problems I usually go everyday

    So anyone taking opioids Be very careful about constipation. It was lots more painful than the surgery for sure. Lots.

    Hopefully today I feel better that way. My surgery site and arm feel good and I haven’t had pain pills for over 24 hours. I’m going to take a shower and Change all the dressings. My surgeon lets me take shower. I have only one drain now.

  • lillyishere
    lillyishere Member Posts: 789

    I came here to wish you all good luck! I had DMX last year at this time. Seems like a distant memory.

    Hugs to you all.

  • mangosan99
    mangosan99 Member Posts: 38

    Lilly, thank you for stopping in with such encouragement.

    I had a weird thought the other day--from now on I have to check the block for "cancer" on my medical history. I don't want to give it that much credit.

    Hope everyone has a great start to this week.

  • mangosan99
    mangosan99 Member Posts: 38

    Thinking about hnsquared today.

    And, wondering how everyone is doing?

    Day 4 post-op and noticing gradual improvement every day. Getting really bored which is a good sign!

  • LizLynne
    LizLynne Member Posts: 4

    Hi ladies! I hope Marie, Mangosan, LadyC and everyone else in this group is healing well and recovering!

    I know I am way late to this Sept group, but I'm scheduled for a BMX & TE's on Sept 30. In 2018, I was diagnosed with DCIS and had a lumpectomy, rads and then went on Aromatase. In July, I was diagnosed with a recurrence - DCIS in two places, in the same breast. I had been hoping to have the DIEP flap recon, but 2 PS's said I did not have enough tissue, so I'm having expanders and then implants. My BS and PS are saying I'll come home the same day, same as many of you have shared. I'll take the advice you all gave and plan to take it easy, keep up with pain meds and take Colace!

    This site is such a godsend, it's so inspiring and reassuring to know that so many others have experienced this journey and came out stronger on the other end!! Well wishes to you allSmile

  • marie914
    marie914 Member Posts: 152

    Good morning!

    Hope everyone’s doing well and welcome lizlynne!

    I never minded coming home right away. It really wasn’t bad and the home nurse comes every day I don’t see a doctor. Recovery has gone really well but I don’t have little kids and my husband has been great! I’m getting around almost normally. I had just the left side mastectomy and I can move my arm fairly well. My only thing is I can’t pick something up from the floor. I get a sharp pain. I told the nurse but she said it’s not my stitches but maybe a nerve that is getting hit by my expander. I’ll ask my doctor today.

    I found the lump with invasive ductal carcinoma IDC stage 2 in my left breast. I had considered lumpectomy but didn’t want radiation. Then when they found another spot in same breast with pre-cancerous cells that would become cancer so they would to do that lumpectomy also. I chose mastectomy just so I wouldn’t have to worry about that breast again and no radiation. During surgery she tried to take one lymph node but three cane out. All were negative for cancer. Margins were clear. So I still think I won’t need radiation or chemo but my final pathology report will be given to me today.

    My recommendation is to rest and take colace. Drink prune juice warm and with a pat of butter if you can. Senna is helpful too for constipation and natural. I think the brand name is Senokot. Take your muscle relaxers if you have an expander. Take your pain meds but be careful with them. I took them 4 times a day the first four days trying to “get ahead of the pain”. I really wasn’t in that much pain so I wish I would have taken Tylenol instead of some of the pain medicine doses.

    Sending prayers and good thoughts to you all

  • ZZZ
    ZZZ Member Posts: 2

    I just found out I have breast cancer don’t no the stage or what kind. Doctor said he did not find anything in my lymph nodes which he said was good. But really scared of what is coming next

  • ZZZ
    ZZZ Member Posts: 2

    Does anyone know the success rate is for all cancers?

  • Colholly
    Colholly Member Posts: 7

    Hi all - I’m booked for a bi lateral mastectomy with expanders on Sunday 27th Sept. It’s great to read all your experiences and gives me a positivity and strength to get through it! Will let you know my experience afterwards..

  • marie914
    marie914 Member Posts: 152

    Zzz. I think there are other threads and forums for people waiting to be diagnosed. We are the September surgery group in the surgery forum and really not sure how to respond to you. I think you would get better support from the other forums.

    Welcome Colholly!

    If you update your profile you can put in your diagnoses and surgeries and it helps for others to see when they read your posts

    So I had my left side mastectomy and expander put in on Monday September 14 so about 9 days out. I’m in my own bed sleeping well. No real pain to speak of. A little tightness sometimes and heaviness from the expander. I saw the breast surgeon yesterday and received my pathology results. The first tumor was 2.3 cm so stage 2 and the second spot was DCIS And some other questionable spots so I feel good with my decision to have a left mastectomy instead of lumpectomies. They ended up taking 8 lymph nodes just because they all cane out when she took the breast She thought she only had 3 and meant to only take 1 but she said sometimes more come out she had warned us. All 8 came out negative for cancer She is doing a MammaPrint on me and I see the oncologist next Thursday February 1 and hopefully the results of that will be in Slight chance I will need chemo but she doesn’t think so. No radiation is needed.

    I see my plastic surgeon this afternoon and think I will have my second drain out. I had my first one out last Friday.

  • mangosan99
    mangosan99 Member Posts: 38

    Welcome Liz and glad to hear Colholly has a surgery date. We should be wrapping up the month and all of our surgeries in about a week.

    marie, sounds like huge progress for you to have path results and possibly being rid of the drains.

    I'm on day 6 post-op (I have to keep count!). Yesterday I made a point to get dressed and walk about a block outside. Today, my focus is on discontinuing the narcotics. Accepting a little bit of discomfort to get out from under the opioids.

    Should get path report any day this week and PS post-op is tomorrow.

    I am still sleeping in a separate bed but up most of the day.

  • marie914
    marie914 Member Posts: 152

    Mangosan. It sounds like we are basically at the same place during our recoveries. I’m just a few days ahead of you. It sounds like it is going great for you. Praying for good pathology report.

  • Kemiller
    Kemiller Member Posts: 12

    i am a week out from my right mastectomy, my first drain was removed today!! I did get my permanent silicone and my nipple looks like it will be saved. My left got a lift, they look great but not what i expected. My husband is doing great tracking my drains, dressing me, and keeping me eating. I am off work for 4 weeks, my plastic surgeon used a mesh system that needs to incorporate into my tissue. My lymphnode was not clear, meeting with oncologists Monday to see what my treatment plan will look like.

  • mangosan99
    mangosan99 Member Posts: 38

    Kemiller, welcome! Glad you found us and you are doing well post-op. Your surgery outcome sounds promising and you sound optimistic about the lymph node situation. Remember that you're really swollen right now so don't judge your boobs too Do you mind me asking what your initial diagnosis was--possible lymph node involvement wasn't a surprise?

    I'm also curious about you saying it looks like your nipple will be spared. I ask that b/c my "suspicious area" was so close to the nipple it looks like the surgeon tried to remove as much tissue as possible--that spot is now very blue/black so I'm not sure if that is severe bruising or the beginning of the end of it :(. I was prepared to lose it if margins were not clear but not due to dying tissue...ugh. I have my first follow-up with the PS today so anxiously awaiting her prognosis.

    marie, I am racing to try to catch up with you! Ha. Day 7 here. Yesterday was really rough as I went cold turkey on the narcotics which were keeping me pain free and in incredibly high spirits. I had no idea how crappy life really felt about! Today I am starting out with a better outlook. I still have soreness, burning, and pulling, especially when motrin/tylenol wears off. But, moved back into my bed with hubby with his encouragement. More progress! Still waiting on path...

    Question for all; anyone post-op suffering from a severe lack of appetite? The thought of food is disgusting to me and that has never been a problem! Wondering if it is a cumulative effect of the antibiotic I have to take until the drains come out (Doxy). Tragic that I gave myself permission to eat whatever I want and now I don't want anything. On par with this crappy cancer journey.

  • marie914
    marie914 Member Posts: 152

    welcome Kemiller!

    mangosan. Sadly my appetite hasn’t suffered. I am hungry a lot. Lol. It is getting better. I had an appendectomy 4 years ago and that time I really didn’t have an appetite either but it returned. I would try to drink protein shakes with or without ice cream 😊

    I’m drain free as of yesterday. I get my first fill next Wednesday. Surgeon said I’m looking good. Really healing well she said. I do have pain in my expander area. Just taking Tylenol for now and muscle relaxers once a day. I just got a new script for them. I hurt if I bend the wrong way. The nurse said it might be the sutures holding my expander in place. 😳.

    Have a great day! We are moving forward cancer free

  • Bluebac
    Bluebac Member Posts: 1

    I was diagnosed with IDC in my right breast hyperplasia/atypical cells in my left. I had a bilateral mastectomy on Sept.16th. I spent one night in the hospital. I'm 6 days post surgery and taking pain meds only at night to sleep. Constipation is annoying and I've been up walking, drinking, and taking stool softeners. Each day I can do more, but I'm still regularly taking Ibuprofen and Tylenol. I still have both drains in. Pathology showed the lymph nodes were clear but the tumor was 57 mm, so they are discussing radiation. I'm at the point in my recovery where I just want everyday life to go back to normal!

  • Kemiller
    Kemiller Member Posts: 12

    mangosan99 my tumor was moving towards my nipple, and proved to be cancer free during my mastectomy. It looked rough after surgery, and my plastic surgeon encouraged me to keep it warm, tough task when i an still navigating hot flashes. Praying you get to keep yours. Mine looks better every day, but there is no sensation. My lymphnodes were a letdown, in both of my MRIs it apperaed they were clear, and my 6 months of hormone therapy was based on them being clear. Today is another day closer to cancer free. Take care of your healing bodies, we deserve it.

  • mangosan99
    mangosan99 Member Posts: 38

    Kim, thanks so much for sharing. I am so sorry the lymph nodes were a surprise. It seems like I could handle bad news better before surgery--not a good time for surprises. However, we seem to get better at taking the hits and keep rolling. You sound strong. Also appreciate your insight on the nipple. First follow-up with nurse yesterday and she said it is a "watch and wait" situation--that we have to wait for it to "declare itself." She gave me some cream to keep on it 24/7--she called it "magic cream" and I am hoping she is right. Encouraging to hear the goal is to keep it warm; I have been an absolute furnace since surgery.

    Bluebac, welcome; glad you joined us. It sounds like we are all very close on the recovery process. I related to your comment about wanting life to get back to normal. I thought this would be a minor blip in my lifestyle but reality has set in.

    Got a good report on incisions at first follow-up with nurse but no drains removed :( My volume was really low but she wanted to play it safe b/c I'm accumulating some fluid at the lymph node incision. I see the surgeon next Tuesday and am hopeful they will all come out. Very sore and discouraged last night but feeling hopeful this morning.

    Still waiting on pathology--calling today--have mixed feelings about knowing.

    Any tips on sleeping set-up/positions? It seems like I'm sleeping but I fall asleep and wake up so uncomfortable! Does it get better after drains are out?

    Colholly/LizLynne, looking forward to you both getting your surgery underway. We're here for you!

  • marie914
    marie914 Member Posts: 152

    Good Morning!

    Mangosan - I was kind of surprised I got the last drain out 9 days after surgery. She said she wanted to make sure the alloderm was sitting in the fluids but she took it out anyhow. I am sure by Tuesday they will come out. My surgeon said 3 weeks is the maximum she leaves them in. Praying / sending good thoughts for your pathology and for your nipple. For sleeping, I got one of those pillows they sell at airports (I got mine on amazon) and they helped me sleep on the recliner. In bed, I was propped up with three pillows but now I am back down to two which is my normal. I am a side sleeper so it is a little weird but I have been sleeping.

    I had my nipple removed. I don't know if my cancer was that close to it but I think it was but they said with the implant and my saggy boob that the nipple would have been in the wrong place. She saved skin and she even tucked some in she said (??) so she said I have plenty skin for the implant.

    Is your appetite better?

    Kim/Kemiller - sorry about your lymph nodes. I had 8 out (she meant to take one sentinel) and they were all negative. I am not sure if I am hurting there because she took more. Did you get your implant over your pectoral immediately - no expander? I wanted to do it like that but they said I needed under muscle and so an expander. You seem to be doing really well. Stay Strong!

    BlueBac - I want everything to go back to normal right away too, but I guess it is something we will have to live with. But I am making it just one thing in my life and not identifying myself that way. I am more than breast cancer. Constipation is the pits! I got it so bad I ended up in the ER. Warm prune juice and if you want add some butter to it. That is the main suggestion I got from all sorts of professionals and laypeople. You are doing great after only a week. My tumor was 23 mm but so I am stage 2 but just barely. They say I don't need radiation but it depends on my score (Mammaprint) whether I need chemo.

    I had IDC on my left breast and then another spot of hyperplasia/atypical on the same breast. They biopsied second spot and said it was pre-cancerous but after mastectomy pathology they said it was DCIS so it was getting bigger. I'm glad I chose left mastectomy instead of two lumpectomies.

    Colholly - Wishing you good thoughts surgery and you will do great!

    LizLynne - good luck with your surgery! You will do great! I had too much skin and fat for DIEP - not really too much but I am pretty "obese" so they didn't really want to do it until I lost weight. They said more likely to have trouble healing and skin dying. They said they would do it in 2021 if I lost weight.

    LillyisHere - thank you for the good wishes. Did you get your exchange surgery? How long after the expander was placed did you have it? Any other updates on how the fills went, etc.?

    I had left mastectomy and expander put in. They took my nipple

    11 days after surgery and doing pretty well. I feel pretty normal. Last pain pill was a week ago. I take Tylenol and muscle relaxer (usually only one before bed). I have been sleeping in my bed for 4 nights now. Doing pretty good - but I am a side sleeper so kind of sucks.

    I'm not sure but I get random pains in my chest and sharp pains (stretching) when I bend certain ways. I am not sure if it is the sutures holding my expander in place or what. I see my plastic surgeon next Wednesday for my first fill and I will ask her if I am still getting the pains. I can't bend to the ground to pick something up.

    I see the oncologist next Thursday and don't really want chemo or hormones. Chemo is a remote possibility if my tests come back that I have a high chance of it re-occuring. I am afraid she will want to put me on meds since I am ER/PR positive HER2 negative.

  • mangosan99
    mangosan99 Member Posts: 38

    marie, It sounds like you are getting along pretty well. Thanks for the sleeping tip--I'm still working on it. I think my upper middle back ache has to do with how much I exert myself during the day which carries over to my discomfort in bed laying on my back. I'm trying a muscle relaxer and more rest today as last night was miserable. And, yes, my appetite is better--gone from being repulsed by food to being able to eat small amounts. My mom came to see me yesterday and brought some favorite foods and washed my hair. It was such a healing gesture.

    Got a verbal report on path from the nurse so, of course, I forgot to ask some key details but the summary is that I had 1 cm DCIS with clear (but close) margins in the left and 3 clear nodes on right and left. So, I am technically in the 20% of those dx with ADH that are upstaged on final path. Weird that throughout this process I always felt the professionals saw something that the biopsies/MRIs were not definitively showing.

    What I forgot to ask was the grade of the DCIS and the actual margin. She said the proximity to my nipple would be discussed by the BS and PS and a recommendation made and I knew this was a possibility. Seems like there is always a! I am seeing the PS Tuesday so will find out/discuss then. Also referred to a MO to cover my bases but do not foresee any further adjuvant therapy which was my ultimate goal. I feel very fortunate to have found this when I did and happy, so far, with my treatment decisions.

  • Kemiller
    Kemiller Member Posts: 12
    • Happy Sunday morning ladies, the sun is shinning where I am this morning. I am looking forward the getting my last drain out tomorrow morning. I am dreading the appointment with my oncologist to see where my treatment goes now since there was cancer in my lymph node. I was questioned about my straight to permanent implant procedure. The only thing I can explain is during my pre-surgery meeting with my plastic surgeon I expressed my wanted outcome, size, symmetry, and nipple placement. He knew my end goal, and I was willing to have additional surgeries if needed. I went in not knowing how he would proceed, but fully trusted him to make the right decisions for my situation. I was pleasantly surprised when I woke up and found I had not only a permanent implant in place but a successful lift to my cancer free side as well. I don't know how or if my muscle was impacted. Nitro cream was used on my nipple after surgery to help assist in the healing. I am 11 days out from surgery, and ready for a shower!! I am feeling pretty good, and even up to walking some. My mental well being is in constant shifts from joy to making it this far to sadness for what comes next. No one prepared me for the mental challenges that come with cancer. Cancer paired with COVID is a second challenge these groups are a life line, but I would love to meet each of you in person for a good gab session.