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pabl48 Member Posts: 24

Hi, I thought I would see if anyone will be starting in September. I will be doing four rounds every three weeks of TC. Unfortunately this is my second time around with Breast Cancer. Did DMX and 4 rounds of AC 15 years ago and somehow it has come back in my lymph node. I had an ALND in July and am awaiting chemo in September. I am also considering Cold Capping this time as well. Would love to have some ladies to share our experiences with.



  • pabl48
    pabl48 Member Posts: 24
    edited August 2020

    Am I the only doing chemo in Selptemer? Its kind of lonely here! Anyone

  • jelloelloello
    jelloelloello Member Posts: 83
    edited September 2020

    Hi pabl48! I'm from the April group and thought I'd add a post to keep this group active and bumped up to the top. :)

    It's still early... maybe there will be more joining soon! (Oh... that's a weird thing for me to sound hopeful for... obviously, I *don't* wish that there are many people newly diagnosed or having to go through chemotherapy again...)

    But if you aren't able to find a group on the same timeline as you, I'm sure our group would be happy to adopt you! We aren't as active on this forum as much anymore, but we are very active as a private Facebook group with ladies from the April, May, June and July groups, including BC newbies and veterans like you. Feel free to message me if interested.

  • siennamitori
    siennamitori Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2020

    I'll be starting TCHP on September 16. I'm getting a port-a-cath placed next week. I have stage 3 Her2-positive breast cancer and am nervous but eager to get started because it has grown so rapidly.

  • BlueCoconut
    BlueCoconut Member Posts: 12
    edited September 2020

    I started chemo on Sept 13, 2019. Hard to believe it’s been a year. I’m glad to answer questions if anyone wants! I had a rough time but I made it through all 6 rounds.

  • katiefar
    katiefar Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2020

    Hello! Just started chemo yesterday, September 2. Eight rounds of dose-dense AC-T for an ambiguous stage 2/stage 3 ILC. It’s... been a somewhat unpleasant couple of days, though I’m getting a better handle on the use of my “optional” anti-nausea drugs (i.e., they’re not optional for me!). Happy there are a couple of people also starting in September

    WANDERING Member Posts: 197
    edited September 2020

    I had my first round of Taxotere yesterday. So far so good. I was diagnosed 7 years ago. I was on Ibrance and Faslodex the last couple years but they deserted me so my oncologist wanted to put me on chemo to fight the dramatic increase in tumor markers. Also have a severe case of osteonecrosis of the jaw. If you don't know what that is consider yourself lucky. My oral surgeon wants to do a bone graft from my shin but the oncologist wants to get my cancer under control. The oncologist says that is major surgery and that I cannot tolerate it right now. Anyway we need to see how the chemo is able to fight off the cancer before working on the jaw. So far it has been a very painful and unpleasant 2020, COVID notwithstanding. When and if the jaw surgery is done it will be out of state - at least 500 miles from home. Not the kind of traveling I envisioned for my retirement years.

    I am very nervous about the side effects of the chemo. I would say the hair loss is the least of my concerns right now since I have already lost at least half over the years. I have a great lady who cuts my hair and it really looks good when I leave the salon. She is always in a good mood, friendly and has good ideas about what to do with the hair I have left, which I will probably lose in the next few weeks. Oh well. Good news - the nurses told me to eat and not lose weight - yea.

  • Lostpup2424
    Lostpup2424 Member Posts: 4
    edited September 2020

    You are not the only one. I start on September 9th. This is my first experience. I'll be on Herceptin and Taxol. I.m pretty nervous about the first time and potential reactions.

  • Lovemyyorkies
    Lovemyyorkies Member Posts: 43
    edited September 2020

    I started Taxol and Kinjinti September 1. I will be doing weekly Taxol. Worried about neuropathy. Have felt ok so far other than abdominal cramps from constipation. Anyone else experience this? Had my port put in the day before. Great hurdle last night. I was able to finally sleep on my sides.😊 Appreciate the little things. We all have a journey ahead and love the support from theses groups.

    God is Great all the tim

  • ange743
    ange743 Member Posts: 69
    edited September 2020

    Hey all. I am just stopping in from the September 2019 chemo group to tell you all you are amazing and you can do this! My chemo group here was a life saver to me during my darkest hours. I thought at times I would never be able to get through chemo, but I made it, I'm on the other side and though it may seem impossible at times, you will be soon enough as well. Take time for yourself, be patient with yourself, rest when you need to, and know that you will get through this! If you have days where you feel well, do things that bring you joy, even if it's just a sliver of joy some days. This too shall pass. Good luck to you all! 🥰

    WANDERING Member Posts: 197
    edited September 2020

    Lostpup2424: Good luck on Wednesday. I will be starting my second cycle that day also. I have read lots of gruesome things about the side effects. I also read lots about people who have not had many side effects - which includes me. I have been sitting around waiting for the s--- to hit the fan but so far so good. I also read that taxotere has a half life after 84 hours. I have my fingers crossed for me and you also. Keep in touch.

  • Quilter973
    Quilter973 Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2020

    Hi! I'm starting chemo Sept. 9th so I thought I would join this group and have some company along the way! Trying to keep a good attitude about all this but it sure has been a whirlwind so far!

  • pabl48
    pabl48 Member Posts: 24
    edited September 2020

    Hi Ladies,

    I don't feel so lonely now in this group. It is unfortunate they we are here at all. I start my first of 4 rounds of TC this Friday. I am going to Cold Cap as well, I figured I lost my hair 15 years ago with AC so thought I would switch it up and see how it goes. My port is being placed in the am and chemo in the pm not looking forward to this again. I thought this BC was a once and done 15 years ago apparently Cancer thought otherwise. Stupid Cancer!

    Well good wishes to us all and lets share any tips on reducing SE we find useful along the way.

  • startnew12212
    startnew12212 Member Posts: 45
    edited September 2020

    Add me to the group. I’ll be starting by the last week in September. Originally I was set for 4 rounds of TC, but just got my Oncotype back (31) and my MO has rushed me back to his office due to the results. I don’t know if this is going to change the drug and cycle length. I’m nervous.
    Glad to have found this group!

  • Lovemyyorkies
    Lovemyyorkies Member Posts: 43
    edited September 2020

    Hi all. Had Taxol #2 the 8 th. So far so good. Started Senekot for constipation. That has been my only side affect. I held frozen water bottles during infusion to hopefully cut down on neuropathy. Will let everyone know how it goes.


  • melmcbee
    melmcbee Member Posts: 371
    edited September 2020

    Hi ladies I am from the August group and just wanted to stop by and say hi. I have tnbc mets so I am doing Abraxane/ tecentriq every week for 3 weeks then I get a week off. Pabl48 what is your treatment? I see you had it 15 years ago. Prayers for everyone.

  • pabl48
    pabl48 Member Posts: 24
    edited September 2020

    my treatment is 4 rounds of TC every3 weeks i am absolutely dreading it

  • startnew12212
    startnew12212 Member Posts: 45
    edited September 2020

    I am, too, pabl

  • Kelly2380
    Kelly2380 Member Posts: 4
    edited September 2020

    Hi ladies,

    I'm joining the September club. I start A/C on 9/24...scared sh*tless. I'm hoping to hear how y'all are doing. It looks like many of you had your first go of chemo this week. ❤️

  • startnew12212
    startnew12212 Member Posts: 45
    edited September 2020

    Hi Kelly

    Due to my Oncotype score I am doing AC-T. I set to start AC myself (9/30). Completely terrified of that stuff. I’ve cried more over that than I have in all since my diagnosis end of June. I hope everything goes okay for you. ❤️

  • startnew12212
    startnew12212 Member Posts: 45
    edited September 2020

    Katiefar, How are you doing with your treatments?

  • pabl48
    pabl48 Member Posts: 24
    edited September 2020

    Survived first round, yesterday. It was a long day with port placement. dr meeting then getting set up,for infusion.

    Had professional Penguin Cold capper along with my husband and fortunately they let both in. Didn't finish capping until 9:15 pm. Hopefully next time the day will be shorter. Waiting for the Neulasta on pro to go off shortly to bed.

    I did AC 15 years ago with my first cancer diagnosis and managed. The Neulasta was the killer for me yet I had friends taking Neulasta and they had no problems. Everyone is so different with how treatment affects them. Just try and stay ahead of pain and said effects don't wait to long to take your meds, better to be proactive.

    1 DOWN 3 TO GO 💪💪💪💪

  • startnew12212
    startnew12212 Member Posts: 45
    edited September 2020

    congrats on getting one down, pabl! How are you feeling?

  • Kelly2380
    Kelly2380 Member Posts: 4
    edited September 2020

    Hey start new! I'll be the guinea pig for us!

    Glad to hear everyone is managing. I'm really scared. Trying to get some deep cleaning done in my house this weekend. I've been cooking every night too. I love to cook. My teenage daughter says my cooking "slaps." I think it's a compliment, but I'm not sure. 😂

    Did anyone else do this nesting thing before starting chemo? I have a great support system, but if I'm going to allow my mother-in-law over to clean for me during chemo, I need to pre-clean. Under normal circumstances, my housekeeping style is best described as: "there's been a disturbance." I have to clean before they can clean. Lol

  • startnew12212
    startnew12212 Member Posts: 45
    edited September 2020

    Hi Kelly! I am totally nesting. I have decorated the house for fall already! Hehe

    You sound in good spirits. That is wonderful!

  • Szmom4
    Szmom4 Member Posts: 10
    edited September 2020

    Hello. I guess I am a part of this group too! I start chemo on Sept 18th. I was diagnosed on 8/12 and just found out my treatment plan. 12 weeks of weekly Carboplatin and Paclitaxel. Then another 2 months of Doxorubicin and Cyclophosphamide every 2 weeks.

    I see you all are having 4-8 treatments and I know everyone is different, but man, I'm scared of how much I have to do!

    I'm glad I found this site and this group. I hope to learn a lot as we go through this new life together.

    LINDALOVESLIFE Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2020
    • So, I received Dx. August 21,2020. Started 1St Chemo,Taxol On 9/10/2020
  • Katiha
    Katiha Member Posts: 25
    edited September 2020

    Posting here for my mom.

    She is checking in to hospital for chemo tomorrow.

    I am terrified for her, I think more thanherself.

  • mtspacekace
    mtspacekace Member Posts: 123
    edited September 2020

    WANDERING: hello fellow Montanan!

    And to all you other ladies: I’m from the July group, and just finished 4/6 of TCHP. I would be more than happy to help answer any questions, or compare notes with y’all!

  • Katiha
    Katiha Member Posts: 25
    edited September 2020

    Hi everyone!

    Mom had her first chemo today. She has taxol +carboplatin.

    Anyone has the same?

    Any info on this and side effects?

    grearly appreciate any input!


  • Lovemyyorkies
    Lovemyyorkies Member Posts: 43
    edited September 2020

    Hi all. I’m headed for 3rd round of Taxol tomorrow. So far doing good. Before my treatments started I cleaned out dressers,closet and everything I could think of. I’m still waiting to see what side affects are going to hit. It’s a long scary road but we can all make it.