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  • renbird
    renbird Posts: 53
    edited September 2020

    Jelloelloello! (and hello ladies from a newbie

    Thank you so much for this helpful post!

    It made me feel so much better. Thank you for taking the time to write it.

    Scheduled to start T&C chemo on October 8th (four rounds, once every 3 weeks.)

    I’ll stay in this Discussion. Good luck to all! I’m so glad we have each other. : )



  • Katiha
    Katiha Posts: 25
    edited September 2020

    Hello ladies !

    I hope everyone is still doing well and handling chemo times.

    My mom developed itching side effect a week later after first infusion, does anyone know good remedies?

    She said everything is itching- scalp, hands, legs.


  • melbo
    melbo Posts: 266
    edited September 2020

    is it itching like a red rash? Or dry skin itching? I have an allergic reaction to something that shows up as an itchy, red rash (sometimes with hives) in my hands and feet. I treat it with Benadryl (cream and pills) and if it gets out of control, my MO will give me a prescription for steroids.

  • Katiha
    Katiha Posts: 25
    edited September 2020

    Hi Melbo!

    Mom said it’s just itching, no red spots. I hope those meds held you

  • melbo
    melbo Posts: 266
    edited September 2020

    hers is probably different than mine then. It seems it’s always something with chemo and side effects. If it does continue though hopefully you have a nurse line you can call — the first several rounds of chemo I called several times about weird side effects and the nurse line almost always had something that could help with various issues I hesitated to call them at first because chemo is supposed to suck and you’re supposed to have side effects, but now I just call and we see what they can do because while it is going to suck to a certain extent, there is no reason to suffer unnecessarily with side effects that can be treated.

  • July152020
    July152020 Posts: 16
    edited September 2020

    Do you have bone pain? Where exactly?

    My lower back starts to hurt today and I felt it goes up all the way to my neck sometimes. Today would be the last day I have myself zarxio for the first infusion.

  • Szmom4
    Szmom4 Posts: 10
    edited September 2020

    I had bone pain in my thighs and hips. Try and take an Epsom salt bath. It helps draw put the toxins.

  • pabl48
    pabl48 Posts: 24
    edited September 2020

    I had a terrible time with bone pain on Days 4 through 7. I think a big cause is the Nuelasta on pro. I did take the Claritin as well and my pain was pretty rough. Once the bone pain subsided things got better except for the ongoing diarrhea and I also developed thrush. I was disappointed in regards to the thrush since I had been rinsing my mouth continuously with baking soda and salt water. Unfortunately the diarrhea is continuing to linger even with taking 2 Imodium a day. Otherwise feeling pretty good and wish everyone a better experience with their next round

  • radqueen
    radqueen Posts: 310
    edited September 2020

    Greeting from Oct 2019 group, Just letting you know you can do this. Be strong when you can and don't be afraid to reach out to us we have been through this and have made it to the other side.

    Blessings to all

  • July152020
    July152020 Posts: 16
    edited September 2020

    thanks for sharing.

    My pain was like throbbing pain and it goes all the way to the back of my neck. Last night I even felt it around my chest (when I heart was beating faster) when I got up to go to the bathroom. I feel better today but still feel my neck is a little stiff and chest hurt a little when I cough.

    I really wonder if this is normal. I called the nurse Friday and she said some people complain about hip and thigh. She didn’t specifically say back pain is normal, now I am worried.

  • Susiemommy
    Susiemommy Posts: 46
    edited September 2020

    July152020, I had terrible back pain from the Neulasta. It was a surging pain - like my heart was beating in my spine. It woke me up in the middle of the night once, and I thought the same as you, "Is this normal?" I was assured it was and given the green light to treat it with whatever helped: Tylenol, Ibuprofen, CBD oil, percocet...

    Thankfully, I only had Neulasta with the 4 rounds of AC. No weird bone pain on Taxol so far. I hope that gives you a light at the end of the tunnel.

  • July152020
    July152020 Posts: 16
    edited September 2020

    thanks Susiemommy. That’s reassuring to hear. I did feel better the next day. No more pain anywhere anymore. But sometimes I just felt my heart felt weak. It might just be my head.

  • startnew12212
    startnew12212 Posts: 45
    edited September 2020


    Started AC yesterday morning. By afternoon I had a full migraine. Waking up this morning it feels like I have the flu: tired, headache, some body pains. I realize I’m getting incredibly anxious, too, anticipating the onset of the bad symptoms that I hear come at days 3-5. If I feel like this now, I am so worried about what’s to come!

  • SandyHay
    SandyHay Posts: 2
    edited September 2020

    Had my first round of TC today. Don't have my port yet so I got it through I'V. It seemed to go good, but they gave me meds to help before they started the chemo so I'm waiting for them to wear off in the next few day to see how bad I feel. Got my neulasta set to go off tomorrow afternoon, I'm gonna start the Claritin tomorrow to see if it helps with the pain from that. Husband has been a rock star and pre made a bunch of healthy meals for me. Hope everyone is feeling well.

  • July152020
    July152020 Posts: 16
    edited September 2020


    Maybe the headache is caused by the anti nausea pills they gave you.

    I am going to have round 2 Of AC tomorrow and will ask not to take one of the pills which makes me dizzy and see how it goes.

  • Susiemommy
    Susiemommy Posts: 46
    edited September 2020

    StartNew, my first round of AC left me with the worst headache of my life. Light hurt my eyes. I could barely open them. But closing them really didn't help. I think they had given me 3 different anti-nausea medications before the actual chemotherapy drugs. One of them (Aloxi) was the culprit, but I've read that many anti-nausea medications can cause headaches. My doc took that one out, the headaches were minimal, and I still had no problem with nausea. Turns out, several people had complained of the same thing - she said maybe it was that batch. So, ask your doc - hopefully they can address it. Good luck!

  • July152020
    July152020 Posts: 16
    edited October 2020

    woah, today is day 14 and my hair just started to fall off.

  • Del13
    Del13 Posts: 180
    edited October 2020

    Hello Ladies,, just dropping in!! I’m from Sept 2019, you will get through this,, I had TCHP, so things that helped me, lots of water, lomital if you are having diarrhea, take 2 at lunch, I was never nauseated, Claritin for the bone pain and suggest you take it every day until you are finished, eat what you can, switch out Tylenol and Advil, if you feel weak and struggle to breath contact you dr ASAP, you could be dehydrated, low potassium, magnesium, or HGB, if fluids are offered do it, please feel free to contact me, I finish my last H/P Oct 13th, it’s been a journey!! You got this!! If you are stressed, can’t sleep, worried, all the what if’s, ask for Ativan,,,,🤗🤗🤗

    The struggle is real, One Day at a Time, and some days it might be One minute at a time!! 🥰

  • Susiemommy
    Susiemommy Posts: 46
    edited October 2020

    July152020, that sounds about right on track. I suggest getting a plan for shaving it yourself or having someone else do it. Once mine started, the process really accelerated quickly. So, if you're just now noticing it...hang on! I had really thick, long hair that came out in huge clumps. It was annoying more than anything else. I did NOT have a plan and was unsure really what to do. I first cut it super short (to the bottom of my chin) thinking that would alleviate some of the problem. But, it persisted. In the age of Covid, none of the hair trimmers I wanted to buy online were available, and I didn't like the idea of going to a salon for THIS. (Lots of people do - this was just my personal hang up on having to make yet another appointment for something related to my cancer.) So, I used my husband's little grooming kit and gave myself a little GI Jane cut at home. So, not ideal, but it worked. It was stressful though for a few days not knowing how I was going to handle it.

  • Lovemyyorkies
    Lovemyyorkies Posts: 43
    edited October 2020

    Hope everyone is doing ok. I had my 5th Taxol Tuesday. I am blessed with little side affects. My face and arm rash are my major problems. Medicine seem to help some but still looks rough. Had diarrhea last week but thankful none this week. Sleeping well. Taste buds are notnormal. Some things taste good others taste like cardboard. Does anyone else have this and does it go away? Thankfully I can still smell so I know it’s not covid symptoms. My tongue is little sore. Using salt and soda mouthwash . Enjoy the full moon tonight😊

  • startnew12212
    startnew12212 Posts: 45
    edited October 2020

    Hi July152020, I am thinking that’s what it was-the zofran in the IV and pill. I’m nixing that next round. I was super sick Monday-Friday until I stopped the zofran.

  • startnew12212
    startnew12212 Posts: 45
    edited October 2020

    Btw, July15, how was your dizziness this next round and what did you change?

  • startnew12212
    startnew12212 Posts: 45
    edited October 2020

    Thank you, susiemommy! Will do! I hope no nausea going that route. Glad it worked for you.

  • July152020
    July152020 Posts: 16
    edited October 2020


    I didn’t feel dizzy this time but I am felt more nausea than last time and I felt more tired than last time too. I took many afternoon naps this round. But my MO already warned me I will feel worse with each round of AC.

    I shaved my head today and I thought I was ready for this but I still felt so sad and cried.

  • pabl48
    pabl48 Posts: 24
    edited October 2020

    Just finished round 2 of Taxotere and Cytoxin. Nuelasta on pro kicked on last night, fingers crossed bone pain is not intense this time. I am taking the Claritin with Pepcid and 4 ibuprofen As I read from another lady on this sight hopefully that will at least cut the pain in half. Still cold capping but definitely starting to shed.

    I am sorry to hear of the side effects some of you ladies are experiencing on AC, I had that treatment 15 years ago and it certainly was not pleasant.

    Take care we can do this

  • Szmom4
    Szmom4 Posts: 10
    edited October 2020

    has round 3 of TC on Thursday. Didn't drink as much water the day of and day after treatment, and i feel it. So sick this weekend. Won't do that again. Hair started hurting Friday and it's definitely in it's last days. It hurts and I can't run my fingers through it without coming away with a lot. Shaving will be this week, I'm sure.

  • Katiha
    Katiha Posts: 25
    edited October 2020


    My mom started round 2 Taxol and Carboplatin today and forgot to drink lots of water prior. Said her mouth really dry today.

    I hope you feel better soon!

    Sending strength to everyone on this board.


  • startnew12212
    startnew12212 Posts: 45
    edited October 2020

    Ladies, I’ve tried so hard to be tough but this is becoming unbearable. It feels like Chemo is literally stripping me to nothing. It is taking everything in my body. I can't digest, illuminate toxins, salivate, I have no natural sleep cycle. I'm in so much pain right now. My bones hurt so badly it feels like someone is scrapping the bone marrow from them. How are you all coping? Am I just having a bad reaction? Is this going to happen every two weeks for the next 4 months because I can’t!

  • startnew12212
    startnew12212 Posts: 45
    edited October 2020

    July15-worse with each round?! I literally can’t! My body does not like this AT ALL!

  • July152020
    July152020 Posts: 16
    edited October 2020


    I was told AC is the worst and it gets worse with each round (only with AC). The way I look at it is I am half done already.

    My body took 1st round surprisingly well but definitely not with 2nd. I had to take zofran and didn't each much first few days. I forced myself to drink some soup yesterday and found pepsi tastes really good. I felt better after eating and drinking.

    I am slightly better today but still tired from time to time.

    I am interested to know what other people's experience too. Any tricks to feel better sooner after each infusion?