Lots of lumps and an indentation



  • thank you ctmb! I am having an US guided biopsy so glad to hear yours was pretty easy. I have no clue how many spots they’re taking samples from. It just comes down to the fact that I wish the radiologist explained some things to me. Even when I asked, he didn’t give me details. That’s the part driving me crazy for 10 days now

  • Hi taralyn. I'm new here. So when you wrote this you weren't diagnosed yet? I saw the details on the bottom of your post. Thanks. Hope you are doing ok.

  • hi Lucy! Yes this was posted prior to my diagnosis, I am doing well now waiting for my next steps. :)

  • Were you scared to death with your diagnosis? I'm fearing the worst. The inflammatory type. Have you got more treatments and surgeries to do?

  • oh for sure yes, the waiting is always the hardest. I read your post and definitely does not seem inflammatory. Plus IBC is really pretty rare. A ropy texture seems more fibrocystic related, but it’s great you were proactive to get it checked out!! Your mind will be at ease in no time.

    As for me, I had my surgery a couple months ago and just had some complications with my expander getting infected so had an impromptu little surgery last week to switch it with a new one. Hopefully the only surgery left is to exchange for implants down the line. Treatments are still unknown, I’m waiting for some more test results this week!

    Hang in there! Keep us posted :)