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bluewillowskys Member Posts: 268
edited March 2022 in Breast Reconstruction

Has anyone after lumpectomy and radiation been given one of these pump aided breast dome systems to increase tissue and vascularity and skin stretch and increase breast tissue growth? I am very interested in the Brava system but i believe they were discontinued and are gard to find. I went to a surgeon whose name was suggested by a Brava Google search. But saw him today and he didnt seem to be very knowledgeable on it and couldnt say if it would help me. He suggested breast fat grafting about 3 session once every 6 months OR higher risk he could do a small lift with a small implant but wasnt willing to schedule until either surgery until my BMI is around 32. I have been losing weight to prepare for Abdominoplasty, i have 45 to go to my end goal weight. He said doing grafting now isnt smart since im trying to lose weight....i could lise the grafted tissues :/:/:/

my 1st surgeon consulted is willing to do grafting likely 3 session once every 3 months approximately. He has me scheduled for March 12th despite my working towards Abdominoplasty. He doesnt use Brava so he initially was my 2nd choice. He mentioned no BMI requirement and only said need to be stable at goal weight a few months. He made no issue regarding losing any of the grafting do to my working on losing weight.

To like to hear from anyone who has safely used Brava or other system in conjuntion with dr supervision post radiation.


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250
    edited January 2021

    I have no personal experience with these things but have you tried using the search function to see if there is an existing thread on the topic? I do recall a one or two folks posting about it but not many. Wishing you the best

  • bluewillowskys
    bluewillowskys Member Posts: 268
    edited January 2021

    i w8ll try that...i always forget you can do that...


  • kriserts
    kriserts Member Posts: 61
    edited March 2022

    I had fat grafting w/ the Brava. I had a lot of rad damage and it really helped, but I didn't get to finish the amount of surgeries I needed because I had a PE and the doc would not continue on me. I probably did 4 surgeries and needed 5. I ended up with a mound that doesn't match my "good" breast, but it's better than what I started with, the skin is softer, not as tight, etc. It's time intensive and you have to go through a number of surgeries, so not that easy, although I wish I'd been able to have the last surgery. A woman who had this done showed me her breasts and they looked nice. However, I don't think they do Brava anymore, or sell the cups. I don't come here often so if you want to ask more questions send me a PM, but I don't have much more to add.