Diagnosed today w/ Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 1.

cangold Posts: 35
edited June 2021 in Just Diagnosed

Good evening,

I'm glad I found this forum, this is overwhelming and I'm staying positive. Diagnosed today with Left breast, Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. Minor component of ductal carcinoma in situ. Seeing my Dr. on Monday and will be scheduling surgery ASAP. I'm 65 and healthy and had no symptoms, thankfully I had my annual mammogram 3 weeks ago and they found something. Had biopsy done on Tuesday and results today. Glad the cancer is in the early stages.

I'll be updating this forum when I find out more information.



  • Hi cangold, and welcome aboard. Grade 1 is as good as invasive gets, so that's good news in a backwards way.

  • debal
    debal Posts: 600

    Welcome cangold but sorry you had to join us. Keep us posted

  • OnTarget
    OnTarget Posts: 124

    I'm sorry for your diagnosis! We're here for you!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,843

    Hi Cangold, and welcome to our Breastcancer.org Community! We're so sorry you've joined us for this reason but glad you've found us. Hope you find this to be a place of support, encouragement and information. We have a section for those just diagnosed in our main site that you may find helpful now that all is a bit confusing. It is called Breast Cancer 101 and has been designed for those newly diagnosed and will help you learn more about what to expect now and what to ask your doctors.

    We hope this helps. Please let us know if there's anything at all we can do for you, and keep us posted!

    The Mods

  • rah2464
    rah2464 Posts: 1,192

    Cangold sorry you have received this diagnosis, but glad you have found your way here. This forum was a lifeline for me to begin navigating the facts and emotions dealing with things. I wish you all the best as you move forward. Hugs

  • I found out just this past week that I too was diagnosed with Stage I Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 1. But they had me do an MRI yesterday to make sure there are no other lesions in the left and didn't miss anything in the right so the waiting game begins again and am worried they might find something more. Have a lumpectomy scheduled on my 60th birthday in about 10 days with a sentinal node removed too. I figure nothing says starting off the next decade like getting the tumor removed. Has anyone had the RFID tagging before surgery? Is that procedure painful? Thank you.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,843

    Lola, welcome to the BCO community, although we are sorry that your cancer brought you here. We hope that you get responses and advise from other members soon and you stay active and continue to share your story with all of us. We're here for you!

    There is a thread that you may want to join too, where you can connect with other members going through surgery in February, see here: February 2021 Surgery Group

    Please keep us posted on how you're doing. Thinking of you!

    The Mods

  • Welcome cangold! I hope you've been checking out the IDC forums/threads too... Best with appointment on Monday! I hope you are comfortable with your surgeon and options you discuss... you'll likely be having surgery right around the corner from the sounds of it... Yes, please keep us posted!

  • Hi Lola! Wecome to you too! I just logged on though want to say start your own thread if you haven't yet... And check out the IDC forums and threads. There's a lot of info and support here and you've likely seen that already... Keep up updated....

  • Hi Cangold,

    I wish you well at your appointment Monday...I too was diagnosed on 2/2/21 w/ DCIS grade 3, My appt is on Tuesday with the surgeon. I also had IDC 22 years ago and underwent a lumpectomy, chemo & radiation on the same side. I just joined breastcancer.org the other day and already it has helped me to stay focused on my fight. I hope it does the same for you. I am scared but the support and stories you read here are amazing and inspiring. Please keep us updated. ;0)

  • Hi everyone,

    Thank you so much for your replies and experiences you have shared. I'm feeling pretty positive today and the information on this website is a Godsend. I'm also scheduled to get my 3d MRI next week. I'll let you know my outcome Monday evening after my Dr appt.

  • hi cangold I’m a IDC stage 1 grade 1 breast cancer survivor. We are here for you! Chat anytime. Sending a hug your way.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,442

    Welcome to both of you. Although I do have to say I think it's unnecessary for everyone to start their own thread. This heading seems to exactly express what both ladies are experiencing so I think this is a good place for them to post.

    Do let us know ladies.

  • minus two I’m not sure what yr referring to. I am sorry I was not trying starting a new thread. I was just supporting the gal who started the thread. maybe yr not referring to my post.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,442

    No, I was responding to LivinLife's post advising Lola to start her own thread. Like you, I prefer to jump in and support people where they are posting when they're new - especially when they match what's happening to them. There's so much to learn on existing threads.

  • harley07
    harley07 Posts: 404

    Cangold - good luck with the Monday appointment and keep us updated

  • harley07
    harley07 Posts: 404

    Lola - welcome! I had the RFID procedure in October. Mine was basically a stereotactic biopsy in reverse - instead of removing tissue, a RF tag was.placed in the tumor site. They will numb your breast. If you feel any pain, please tell the doctor so they put in more lidocaine. Good luck and keep us updated.

  • Hi everyone,

    This is an update, I'm having a MRI this Wed @ 8am. My Dr referred me to a breast cancer surgeon, then I find out they don't take my medicare insurance. So I found a new surgeon and am penciled in to meet on 2/15. I strongly feel I need the covid19 vaccine, but it's a joke trying to find places in Florida to receive it. I'm signed up with 4 different outlets. Sorry about rambling, I'm stressed today.

    update: 2/11 Seeing my breast cancer surgeon this coming Monday, hopefully surgery the same week.

  • can gold:

    Hope all goes well at the surgeon appt on Monday. Keep us posted. How did the MRI go this week?


  • Ditto Jons girl on MRI... Hope you will check in after the appointment with the new surgeon, cangold.... Hope you're comfortable with them. and COVID vaccines - such terrible roll-outs in so many places - not sure if there's a place doing that really well? Not here in PA either for sure.... Hoping you can relax and enjoy this weekend - I realize it might be difficult too with all the waiting.....

  • Good evening,

    I received the MRI info today and the results are 2 areas of concern on my R breast, plus another area of concern on my L breast. I was numb for a while today, but feeling better this evening with the love of family, friends and you women here on this forum. I'll be meeting w/ the surgeon on Monday, now tho we only have half the picture. Will be getting another ultrasound for the R breast this time Tues morning.. I'll update after I get the results for the ultrasound. Not even worried about the vaccine anymore. Thanks for thinking of me.

  • can gold: thank you for the update. So sorry to hear they found areas of concern. ❤️Sending a hug your way. Hope the ultrasound gives answers on Tuesday. Keep us posted. Waiting for results is awful. We’ve all been there. So we understand. Chat anytime. We are here for you.

  • can gold: thank you for the update. So sorry to hear they found areas of concern. ❤️Sending a hug your way. Hope the ultrasound gives answers on Tuesday. Keep us posted. Waiting for results is awful. We’ve all been there. So we understand. Chat anytime. We are here for you.

  • Thanks for the update and at least you have some concretes even if concerning. The unknown really increases anxiety/worry for most.... Hang in there the rest of the weekend! Yes, please let us know as you learn more about what is going on....

  • Hi, I met w/ my surgeon on Monday, she is totally awesome. Very through & has been specializing in breast cancer surgery since 1993. She stated I'll be on the pill. Had an ultrasound yesterday on R breast and will be doing an ultrasound biopsy on R breast on 2/23 and seeing my surgeon on 2/25 to schedule for surgery. I've been poked for blood yesterday & today and am glad I'll have a few days off without appts. Seeing an oncologist 3/2/21. I finally have an appt for the covid 19 vaccine,which will be this Saturday, very relieved. Thanks for the support and I'll update in the near future.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Posts: 8,178

    Congratulations on your vax appointment!! Where and how did you get it? I’m up by Clearwater. Who is your surgeon? My first time around I did Fl cancer specialist, 2nd time is Pinellas hematology.

  • Last Sunday @ 1:00AM I checked Walmart.com & was able to set up a vaccine appt in Largo.

    Best time to check is in the early morning.

    I'm going to Breast Cancer Imaging for all tests in Clearwater. Sent you a PM, don't know if I can mention Dr on forum.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Posts: 8,178

    Fooey on Walmart. Got to their site. Wants name. Barb. Please enter valid name. Barbara. Please enter valid name. Barbara K. Finally accepted that. Took last name ok. Wanted email. Entered. addy have had 15 years. Please enter valid address. Tried another. Same response. Screw them.

    Good luck in Largo.

  • I hope I have no problems @ Largo

  • I went to my surgeon today, I found out I have another cancer cell in my L Breast DCIS grade 1, my R Breast is fine. Now that i have 2 cancers and third possible cancer in the future, my surgeon as she stated there's alot going on w/ this breast. Since there's 3 areas and completely opposite of each other, she states that removing the cancer cells and tissue would take about half of my breast. She's recommending having a mastectomy. This is a lot to digest and would like your experiences.